Protocol on cooperation between the European Commission and the European Economi... (32024Y02206)
Protocol on cooperation between the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee
- Protocol on cooperation between the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee
- Preamble
- I.
- Institutional and administrative relations
- Commission Work Programme
- Meetings and exchange of information
- Joint cooperation initiatives
- II.
- Consultative function of the European Economic and Social Committee
- Optional consultation and own-initiative opinions
- Exploratory opinions
- Transmission of Commission documents and structure of Committee opinions
- Follow-up to opinions
- Better Regulation Agenda
- III.
- The European Economic and Social Committee and organised civil society
- Civil society organisations and networks
- European Semester
- Network of national Economic and Social Councils
- External dimension and cooperation with civil society outside the Union
- IV.
- Communicating Europe in partnership
- V.
- Implementation of the Protocol
- Political declaration accompanying the protocol on cooperation between the European Commission and the European Economic And Social Committee