Council Joint Action 2007/185/CFSP of 19 March 2007 on support for OPCW activitie... (32007E0185)
Council Joint Action 2007/185/CFSP of 19 March 2007 on support for OPCW activities in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
- of 19 March 2007
- on support for OPCW activities in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Article 1
- Article 2
- Article 3
- Article 4
- Article 5
- Article 6
- EU support for OPCW activitiesin the framework of the implementation ofthe EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
- 1. Objective and description
- 2. Projects description
- 2.1. Project 1: Universality of the CWC
- Project purpose
- Project results/activities
- Project description
- 2.2. Project 2: National Implementation of the CWC
- 2.2.1.
- Establishment and effective functioning of national authorities, the enactment of national implementation measures and the adoption of any administrative measures required in accordance with obligations under Article VII of the CWC, and submission of accurate Article VI declarations
- Project description
- 2.2.2.
- Allocation of financial grants to national authorities to support capacity-building efforts for necessary national activities for the implementation of the CWC
- Project description
- Clearance mechanism
- Selection criteria
- 2.2.3.
- Participation of national authorities and customs authorities in one or more technical meetings in The Hague or elsewhere, on the transfer provisions of the CWC
- Project description
- 2.2.4.
- Outreach to make Parliamentarians aware of the CWC requirements for States Parties to adopt comprehensive national implementing legislation
- Project purpose
- Project description
- 2.3. Project 3: International cooperation in the field of chemical activities
- Analytical skills development course
- Project purpose
- Project results/activities
- Project description
- 2.4. Project 4: Assistance and protection against chemical weapons
- Project purpose
- Project results
- 2.4.1.
- Technical visits to States Parties for inspection of offers of assistance
- Project description
- 2.4.2.
- National capacity building of North African States Parties against chemical weapons
- Project description
- 2.5. Project 5: Support for full national implementation of the CWC by the States Parties through the updating of the scheduled chemicals database for verification purposes
- 2.5.1.
- Update of the scheduled chemicals database for verification purposes
- Project objective
- Project results
- 2.6. Project 6: OPCW Industry and Protection Forum
- Project objective
- Project purpose
- Project results
- Project partners, audiences/stakeholders as well as participants and beneficiaries
- 2.7. Project 7: To provide financial support to visiting groups from the OPCW to chemical weapons destruction facilities
- Project purpose
- Project results
- Project description
- 3. Duration
- 4. Beneficiaries
- 5. Implementing entity
- 6. Third Parties participants
- 7. Estimated required resources
- 8. Financial reference amount to cover the total cost of the projects