Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2111 of 9 December 2019 in support of SEESAC disarma... (32019D2111)
Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2111 of 9 December 2019 in support of SEESAC disarmament and arms control activities in South-East Europe reducing the threat of illicit small arms and light weapons and their ammunition
- of 9 December 2019
- in support of SEESAC disarmament and arms control activities in South-East Europe reducing the threat of illicit small arms and light weapons and their ammunition
- Article 1
- Article 2
- Article 3
- Article 4
- Article 5
- Project in support of reducing the threat of illicit small arms and light weapons and their ammunition in South-East Europe
- 1.
- Introduction and objectives
- 2.
- Selection of implementing agency and coordination with other relevant funding initiatives
- 3.
- Project description
- 3.1.
- Facilitation of regional cooperation and support for evidence
- ‐
- based policy
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- making on SALW control, thus further contributing to the reduction of the threat of illicit proliferation of SALW
- Objective
- Description
- 3.2.
- Further support to capacity building of law enforcement and border authorities in preventing and countering illicit arms and explosives trafficking
- Objective
- Description
- 3.3.
- Improvement of capacities for physical security and stockpile management (PSSM) through infrastructure security upgrades, surplus reduction and training
- Objective
- Description
- 4.
- Beneficiaries
- 5.
- Union visibility
- 6.
- Duration
- 7.
- General set
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- up
- 8.
- Partners