Decision of the European Systemic Risk Board of 14 November 2018 on a coordin... (32019Y0129(01))
Decision of the European Systemic Risk Board of 14 November 2018 on a coordination framework for consultation by a supervisory authority with the European Systemic Risk Board on an extension of the period under Article 138(4) of Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Solvency II) (ESRB/2018/7)
- of 14 November 2018
- on a coordination framework for consultation by a supervisory authority with the European Systemic Risk Board on an extension of the period under Article 138(4) of Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Solvency II)
- (ESRB/2018/7)
- Article 1
- Subject matter and scope
- Article 2
- Definitions
- Article 3
- Procedure to prepare and approve a response to a request for consultation
- Article 4
- Information to be provided by a requesting authority
- Article 5
- Assessment team
- Article 6
- Confidentiality of the response to a request for consultation
- Article 7
- Entry into force
- Information to be provided by a requesting authority
- I.
- Information relating to the requesting authority
- II.
- Precise content of the request – scope of the request of consultation
- III.
- Information related to each undertaking within the scope of the request
- III.1.
- Basic information
- III.2.
- Financial information
- III.3.
- Information on the position of each affected undertaking in the national insurance market
- IV.
- Information supporting the extension of the recovery period of each affected undertaking
- V.
- Information on the expected economic implications of not extending the recovery period of each affected undertaking