Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 of 28 June 2019 supplementing Regu... (32019R2035)
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 of 28 June 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for establishments keeping terrestrial animals and hatcheries, and the traceability of certain kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs (Text with EEA relevance)
- of 28 June 2019
- supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for establishments keeping terrestrial animals and hatcheries, and the traceability of certain kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs
- (Text with EEA relevance)
- Article 1
- Subject matter and scope
- Article 2
- Definitions
- Article 3
- Registration obligations of transporters of kept dogs, cats and ferrets, and poultry
- Article 4
- Derogations from the requirement to apply to the competent authority for approval for operators of establishments for assembly operations of certain equine animals and of hatcheries of captive birds
- Article 5
- Requirements for granting approval of establishments for assembly operations of ungulates
- Article 6
- Requirements for granting approval of establishments for assembly operations of poultry
- Article 7
- Requirements for granting approval of hatcheries
- Article 8
- Requirements for granting approval of establishments keeping poultry
- Article 9
- Obligation on operators of certain type of establishments keeping terrestrial animals to apply to the competent authority for approval
- Article 10
- Requirements for granting approval of assembly centres of dogs, cats and ferrets
- Article 11
- Requirements for granting approval of animal shelters of dogs, cats and ferrets
- Article 12
- Requirements for granting approval of control posts
- Article 13
- Requirements for granting approval of environmentally isolated production establishments for bumble bees
- Article 14
- Requirements for granting approval of quarantine establishments for kept terrestrial animals other than primates
- Article 15
- Obligations on operators of quarantine establishments for kept terrestrial animals other than primates
- Article 16
- Requirements for granting approval of status of confined establishments for terrestrial animals
- Article 17
- Obligations on operators of confined establishments for terrestrial animals
- Article 18
- Information obligation of the competent authority as regards registers of establishments of kept terrestrial animals and hatcheries
- Article 19
- Information obligation of the competent authority as regards registers of transporters of kept ungulates, dogs, cats and ferrets, and poultry
- Article 20
- Information obligation of the competent authority as regards registers of operators conducting assembly operations for kept ungulates and poultry independently of an establishment
- Article 21
- Information obligation of the competent authority as regards registers of approved establishments
- Article 22
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of all establishments keeping terrestrial animals
- Article 23
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of establishments keeping bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine animals
- Article 24
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of establishments keeping equine animals
- Article 25
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of establishments keeping poultry and captive birds
- Article 26
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of establishments keeping dogs, cats and ferrets
- Article 27
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of establishments keeping honeybees
- Article 28
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of travelling circuses and animal acts
- Article 29
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of animal shelters for dogs, cats and ferrets
- Article 30
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of control posts
- Article 31
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of quarantine establishments for kept terrestrial animals other than primates
- Article 32
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of confined establishments
- Article 33
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of hatcheries
- Article 34
- Record-keeping obligations of registered transporters of kept terrestrial animals
- Article 35
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of establishments of assembly operations of kept ungulates and poultry
- Article 36
- Record-keeping obligations of operators conducting assembly operations of kept ungulates and poultry independently of an establishment
- Article 37
- Record-keeping obligations of operators of assembly centres of dogs, cats and ferrets
- Article 38
- Obligations on operators keeping bovine animals as regards the means and methods of identification of kept bovine animals, their application and use
- Article 39
- Exemptions granted by the competent authority for operators of confined establishments and for operators to identify bovine animals kept for cultural, historical, recreational, scientific or sporting purposes
- Article 40
- Special provisions for the identification of bovine animals of breeds reared specifically for traditional cultural and sporting events
- Article 41
- Replacement of the conventional ear tag for kept bovine animals as referred to in Article 38(1)
- Article 42
- Rules for information in computer database of kept bovine animals
- Article 43
- Rules on the exchange of electronic data between computer databases of Member States in respect of bovine animals
- Article 44
- Identification document of kept bovine animals
- Article 45
- Obligations on operators of kept ovine and caprine animals as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use
- Article 46
- Derogations from the requirements laid down in Article 45 as regards the means and methods of identification of kept ovine and caprine animals, their application and use
- Article 47
- Exemptions from the requirements of Article 45(2) for operators of confined establishments and those keeping animals for cultural, recreational or scientific purposes
- Article 48
- Derogation by the Member States from the requirements of Article 45(2) and obligations of the Member States regarding the means of identification
- Article 49
- Rules for information in computer database of kept ovine and caprine animals
- Article 50
- Movement document of kept ovine and caprine animals to be moved within the territory of a Member State
- Article 51
- Derogation from certain requirements of Article 50 for movement document of kept ovine and caprine animals intended to be assembled within the territory of a Member State
- Article 52
- Obligations on operators keeping porcine animals as regards the means and methods of identification of kept porcine animals, their application and use
- Article 53
- Derogations from the requirements of Article 52 as regards the means and methods of identification of kept porcine animals of the supply chain
- Article 54
- Exemptions granted by the competent authority for operators of confined establishments and for operators to identify porcine animals kept for cultural, recreational or scientific purposes
- Article 55
- Member States obligations as regards the means and methods of identification of kept porcine animals, their application and use
- Article 56
- Rules for information in computer database of kept porcine animals
- Article 57
- Movement documents of kept porcine animals to be moved within its Member State territory
- Article 58
- Obligations on operators keeping equine animals as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use
- Article 59
- Member States obligations for means and methods of identification of kept equine animals, their application and use
- Article 60
- Derogations for the identification of kept equine animals living under semi-wild conditions
- Article 61
- Derogations for the identification of kept equine animals moved to a slaughterhouse or accompanied by a temporary identification document
- Article 62
- Authorisation of alternative methods of identification of kept equine animals
- Article 63
- Obligation on operators using the alternative methods of identification
- Article 64
- Rules for information in computer database of kept equine animals
- Article 65
- Single lifetime identification document of kept equine animals
- Article 66
- Obligations on operators of kept equine animals as regards the single lifetime identification documents
- Article 67
- Obligations on the competent authority as regards the issue of duplicate and replacement single lifetime identification documents
- Article 68
- Obligations on the competent authority as regards the issue of new single lifetime documents for registered equine animal
- Article 69
- Obligations on the competent authority as regards the concerning duplicate, replacement and new identification documents
- Article 70
- Obligations on operators keeping dogs, cats and ferrets as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use
- Article 71
- Identification document of kept dog, cats and ferrets
- Article 72
- Traceability requirements for other than non-commercial movements of pet animals
- Article 73
- Obligations on operators keeping camelid and cervid animals as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use
- Article 74
- Exemption for operators keeping reindeer
- Article 75
- Member States’ obligations for the means of identification of kept camelid and cervid animals
- Article 76
- Obligations on operators keeping psittacidae as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use
- Article 77
- Obligations on competent authority as regards the movement document of kept terrestrial animals in travelling circuses and animal acts
- Article 78
- Obligations on the competent authority as regards the identification document of kept terrestrial animals in travelling circuses and animal acts
- Article 79
- Obligations on the competent authority as regards the identification document of kept birds in travelling circuses and animal acts
- Article 80
- Obligation on operators as regards the traceability of hatching eggs
- Article 81
- Obligations on operators as regards the means and methods of identification of kept bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, cervid or camelid animals after their entry into the Union
- Article 82
- Member States’ obligations as regards the means and methods of identification of kept bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, cervid or camelid animals after their entry into Union
- Article 83
- Obligations on operators as regards the means and methods of identification of kept animals of the equine species after their entry into Union
- Article 84
- Repeal
- Article 85
- Transitional measures related to the repeal of Regulation (EC) No 1739/2005
- Article 86
- Transitional measures related to the repeal of Regulation (EU) 2015/262
- Article 87
- Transitional measures regarding identification of kept terrestrial animals
- Article 88
- Transitional measures regarding the information in the registers kept by competent authorities
- Article 89
- Entry into force and application
- PART 1
- PART 2
- PART 3
- PART 4
- PART 5
- PART 6
- PART 7
- PART 8
- PART 9
- PART 1
- PART 2
- PART 3