of 5 February 2025
on the broadcasting of the delivery of judgments or Opinions under Article 110a(8) and Article 219(8) of the Rules of Procedure
Having regard to Article 110a(8) and Article 219(8) of its Rules of Procedure,
(1) In order to take account of developments in communication technology, and taking into consideration the need to bring European justice closer to citizens of the Union, the General Court considers it appropriate to broadcast some of its judicial activities on the website of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
(2) The broadcasting, on the website of the Court of Justice of the European Union, of the delivery of judgments or Opinions relating to cases before the General Court would enable citizens of the Union to follow those judicial activities of the General Court remotely.
(3) Articles 110a and 219 of the Rules of Procedure provide for the possibility of broadcasting hearings in direct actions and in references for a preliminary ruling, respectively. Each of those articles provides, in paragraph 8 thereof, that the General Court is to determine the implementing rules and arrangements by way of a decision, which is to be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union
(4) Article 246(5) of the Rules of Procedure provides that the provisions of Article 110a and Article 219 concerning the broadcasting of hearings are to apply only after the entry into force of the decision referred to, respectively, in Article 110a(8) and Article 219(8) of the Rules of Procedure.
(5) At this stage, therefore, it is necessary to lay down the rules and arrangements for implementing the broadcasting of the delivery of judgments or Opinions, without prejudice to a subsequent decision concerning the rules and arrangements for implementing the broadcasting of hearings relating to oral pleadings.
(6) In accordance with Article 49 of the Rules of Procedure, only the text of the judgment or Opinion in the language of the case or, where applicable, in another language authorised pursuant to Article 46(8) of those Rules is authentic.
(7) It is necessary to ensure that personal data are protected when the delivery of a judgment or Opinion is broadcast.
(8) In the light of the fact that information relating to judicial proceedings published on the internet may be referenced and subsequently found using search engines, the attention of the parties and the interested persons referred to in Article 23 of the Statute is drawn to Articles 66, 66a and 201 of the Rules of Procedure,
Article 1
Subject matter and scope
1. This Decision determines the rules and arrangements for implementing the broadcasting, on the website of the Court of Justice of the European Union, of the delivery of judgments or Opinions relating to cases before the General Court.
2. The President of the General Court shall determine, after hearing the President of the Chamber, the judgments the delivery of which is to be broadcast. He shall also determine, after hearing the Advocate General, the Opinions the delivery of which is to be broadcast.
Article 2
Broadcasting arrangements
1. When the delivery of a judgment or Opinion is to be broadcast, the parties and the interested persons referred to in Article 23 of the Statute shall be so informed.
2. The broadcasting of the delivery of judgments and Opinions shall take place live on the website of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
3. The broadcasting may be accompanied by interpretation or subtitles.
Article 3
Technical aspects
1. The broadcasting shall be carried out by the relevant departments of the Court of Justice of the European Union by means of a secure system administered or used by the institution.
2. The broadcasting shall be accessible for all users of the website of the Court of Justice of the European Union, without the need for prior registration.
Article 4
Availability and storage of video recordings
1. Video recordings of the delivery of judgments or Opinions shall remain available on the website of the Court of Justice of the European Union for a period of three months after the date of delivery, unless the President of the General Court decides otherwise.
2. Where the delivery of a judgment or Opinion has been broadcast, the video recording shall be stored on the servers used by the Court of Justice of the European Union.
3. Video recordings stored in accordance with the preceding paragraph may be used by the Court of Justice of the European Union for communication purposes or forwarded, on request, to third parties.
Article 5
Protection of personal data
1. In implementing this Decision, the General Court shall ensure that personal data are protected.
2. Internal control mechanisms concerning the processing of personal data in connection with the judicial functions of the General Court shall apply to measures adopted to implement the broadcasting.
Article 6
Entry into force
This Decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
Done at Luxembourg, 5 February 2025.
ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2025/436/oj
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)