Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3210 of 18 December 2024 laying down... (32024R3210)
EU - Rechtsakte: 15 Environment, consumers and health protection


of 18 December 2024

laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2023/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the CBAM registry

(Text with EEA relevance)

Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2023/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 May 2023 establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism (1), and in particular Article 14(6) thereof,
(1) Regulation (EU) 2023/956 requires the Commission to establish, at Union level, a standardised and secure electronic database for CBAM certificates management, CBAM declarations, applications to become authorised CBAM declarants, a registration of operators and of installations in third countries (‘operators’), and for providing access, case handling while ensuring the confidentiality of information. The Commission already gained experience in setting up a registry for CBAM purposes when it implemented the CBAM Transitional Registry under the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1773 (2).
(2) In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2023/956, the Commission is to adopt implementing rules for the functioning of the CBAM registry.
(3) The CBAM registry should be the system for the filing and management of the CBAM declarations, including checks, indicative assessments, and review procedures. The CBAM registry should contain data on authorised CBAM declarants, applicants filing a request to be granted the status of authorised CBAM declarant (‘applicants’), operators, and accredited CBAM verifiers. The information about the operators shall be contained in a separate section of the CBAM registry. The CBAM registry should also include the IT infrastructure required to allow for the analytical tasks inherent in CBAM risk-analysis functions that the Commission is to perform.
(4) To ensure an accurate assessment of the reporting obligations, to provide customs authorities with access to CBAM data for the purposes of the verification of CBAM formalities during customs clearance, and to support the risk analysis and circumvention monitoring, including investigation in accordance with Articles 15, 19 and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956, the CBAM registry should be interoperable with existing customs systems and should in particular exchange the data gathered by means of surveillance in accordance with Article 56(5) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (3). The CBAM registry should therefore use standardised data exchanges with existing customs systems.
(5) In order to ensure an effective and uniform reporting system, technical arrangements for the functioning of the CBAM registry should be laid down. Such arrangements include arrangements for the development of the CBAM registry, interfaces, data protection, updating of data, limitation of data processing, system ownership and security, as well as testing and deployment, maintenance and potential modifications. Such arrangements should be compatible with the principle of data protection by design and by default, provided for in Article 27 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council (4) and Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5), as well as with security of processing provided for in Article 33 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 and Article 32 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
(6) In order to secure the access to the CBAM registry, the Uniform User Management and Digital Signature (UUM&DS) system, as referred to in Article 16 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070 (6), should be used for managing the authentication and access verification process for applicants, authorised CBAM declarants, as well as the representatives of the competent authorities. For technical purposes, the applicants to become authorised CBAM declarants, the authorised CBAM declarants, or the persons for whom the status of authorised CBAM declarants was revoked, should be allowed to delegate access to a person acting on their behalf while at the same time remaining responsible for the performance of the obligations laid down in Regulation (EU) 2023/956.
(7) For the purpose of identifying applicants and authorised CBAM declarants with their Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) numbers, the CBAM registry should be interoperable and exchange relevant data with the EORI system, as referred to in Article 30 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070. That interoperability should also ensure an accurate assessment of the CBAM obligations and support the performance of risk analysis, review, and circumvention monitoring.
(8) For the purpose of retrieving the information on Customs Import Declarations for the goods listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2023/956 and the information regarding those goods, and in order to conduct checks of the CBAM declarations and compliance with CBAM obligations for the purpose of risk analysis, review and circumvention monitoring referred to Articles 15, 19 and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956, the CBAM registry should be interconnected with the Surveillance system, developed through the UCC Surveillance 3 (SURV3), as referred to in Article 99 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070. That information should include the cases referred to in Article 2(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/956.
(9) For the purpose of verifying that goods are only imported by an authorised CBAM declarant, and for verifying that the obligations were fulfilled for the goods or processed products referred to in Article 2(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/956, the CBAM registry should be interconnected with the EU Single Window Environment, established in accordance with Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2399 of the European Parliament and of the Council (7).
(10) For checking and reporting purposes, together with risk analysis and circumvention monitoring, and reviews, in accordance with Articles 15, 19 and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956, the national customs systems should provide the required information on imports and re-exports, as referred to in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2879 (8). Where the national customs systems cannot provide the information through an automatic exchange the CBAM registry should enable the communication of the information directly in the CBAM registry. That information should include information on the import of goods listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2023/956, the information on goods placed under inward processing, information on the release for free circulation of processed products with CBAM goods as input, and the information regarding the goods or processed products referred to in Article 2(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/956.
(11) For identifying imported goods listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2023/956 the classification of those goods in the Combined Nomenclature (‘CN’) set out in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 (9) should be used.
(12) For the purpose of exchanging risk information and risk analysis results between customs and the competent authorities and the Commission the CBAM registry should be interconnected with the Customs Risk Management System (CRMS2) as referred to in Article 36 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 (10) and Article 69 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070.
(13) In order to ensure the continuity of the system at all times, it is important to provide for alternative solutions to be implemented in the event of a temporary failure of the CBAM registry. To that effect, the Commission should lay down a CBAM business continuity plan.
(14) The competent authorities and the Commission process personal data registered on the CBAM Registry in line with their tasks as specified in Regulation (EU) 2023/956 and as such, for the management of the CBAM registry, of the declarations and of the CBAM certificates, they act as data controllers in the meaning of Article 26 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Article 28 of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. Personal data should be kept in a form which permits the identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which personal data are processed. In this regard, the data retention period for the CBAM registry shall be limited to 7 years from the registration in the CBAM registry to enable the analysis of the functioning of CBAM and in particular the analysis of the conclusions drawn from the review of the CBAM declarations.
(15) This Regulation concerns the provision of a public service to facilitate cross-border access and management of CBAM regulated information and will abide by the requirements of the Interoperable Europe Act Regulation (EU) 2024/903 of the European Parliament and of the Council (11).
(16) IT development and procurement strategy choices will be subject to pre-approval by the European Commission Information Technology and Cybersecurity Board.
(17) In order to allow for its timely application, this Regulation should enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
(18) The European Data Protection Supervisor was consulted in accordance with Article 42(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 and delivered an opinion on 27 November 2024.
(19) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the CBAM Committee,



Article 1

Subject matter

This Regulation lays down the rules concerning the infrastructure and specific processes and procedures of the CBAM registry.

Article 2


For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) ‘national component’ means a component of the electronic systems developed at national level, which is available in the Member State that created it;
(2) ‘trans-European system’ means a collection of collaborating systems with responsibilities distributed across the national administrations and the Commission, and developed in cooperation with the Commission;
(3) ‘applicant’ means an importer, or indirect customs representative, who applies for the status of authorised CBAM declarant.




CBAM registry

Article 3

Functions of the CBAM registry

1.   The CBAM registry shall be a standardised and secure electronic database containing data elements of CBAM accounts, CBAM declarations, of applications with a view to obtain the status of CBAM declarants, of the registration of operators, of the verification reports issued by accredited verifiers, and providing access, case handling and confidentiality.
2.   The CBAM registry shall enable communication, notification, registration, checks and information exchanges between the Commission, the competent authorities, customs authorities and authorised CBAM declarants, applicants, persons for whom the status of authorised CBAM declarants was revoked, and operators.
3.   The CBAM registry shall allow for the analytical tasks inherent in CBAM risk-analysis functions that the Commission shall perform.
4.   The Commission shall be the system owner of the CBAM registry.

Article 4

Structure of the CBAM registry

1.   The CBAM registry shall consist of the following components:
(a) the CBAM Declarants Portal (CBAM DP);
(b) the CBAM National Competent Authorities Portal (CBAM NCA);
(c) the CBAM European Commission Portal (CBAM COM);
(d) the CBAM Operators Portal (CBAM Operator).
2.   The competent authority of the Member State of establishment of the authorised CBAM declarant, and the competent authority in charge of a person other than an authorised CBAM declarant introducing goods into the customs territory of the Union in the cases pursuant to Article 26(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2023/956, shall communicate the decisions on penalties to the Commission via the CBAM registry.

Article 5

Interoperability with customs systems

1.   The CBAM registry shall be interoperable with the following systems:
(a) the Uniform User Management and Digital Signature (UUM&DS) system for users’ registration and access management referred to in Article 16 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070 for the Member States, the Commission, the authorised CBAM declarants, the applicants and persons holding a revoked authorisation;
(b) the Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) system referred to in Article 30 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070 enabling that the EORI data laid out in Annex I to this Regulation is cross-checked;
(c) the Surveillance system, developed through the UCC Surveillance 3 (SURV3) referred to in Article 99 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070;
(d) the Integrated Tariff of the European Union (TARIC) referred to in Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87;
(e) the Customs Risk Management System as referred to in Article 36 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 and as referred to in Article 69 of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070.
2.   The CBAM registry shall allow digital cooperation via the EU Single Window Environment for Customs referred to in Article 3 Regulation (EU) 2022/2399.

Article 6

Contact points for the electronic systems

The Commission and competent authorities shall designate contact points for each of the components and systems referred to in Articles 4 and 5 for exchanging information to ensure a coordinated development, operation, and maintenance of those components. The competent authorities may use existing contact points.
The Commission and Member States shall communicate the details of the contact points to each other and shall inform each other immediately of any changes to those details.

Article 7

Terms of collaboration in the CBAM registry

The Commission shall propose the terms of collaboration, service level agreements and a security plan, which shall be subject to the agreement with the competent authorities. The Commission shall operate the CBAM registry in compliance with the terms of collaboration.


Access management and portals

Article 8

CBAM User Access Management

1.   The authentication and access verification of the authorised CBAM declarants, applicants, and persons for whom the status of authorised CBAM declarants was revoked, for the purposes of access to the components of the CBAM registry, shall be performed using the UUM&DS system.
2.   The Commission shall provide the authentication services allowing the users of the CBAM registry to securely access the registry.
3.   The Commission shall use UUM&DS to authorise and grant access to the CBAM registry to its staff.
4.   The competent authority of a Member State shall use UUM&DS to authorise and grant access to the CBAM registry to its staff, to authorised CBAM declarants, to applicants, and to persons for whom the status of authorised CBAM declarant was revoked, that are established in that Member State.
5.   The competent authority of a Member State may use an identification and access management system set up in that Member State (national Customs eIDAS system) to provide the necessary credentials to access the CBAM registry.
6.   The applicant, the authorised CBAM declarant, or persons for whom the status of authorised CBAM declarants was revoked, may delegate access to the CBAM registry to persons acting on their behalf. Delegators shall remain responsible for performing their obligations laid down in Regulation (EU) 2023/956.

Article 9

CBAM Declarants Portal

1.   The CBAM Declarants Portal shall be the unique entry point to the CBAM registry for authorised CBAM declarants and for applicants. The portal shall be available on the internet.
2.   The CBAM Declarants Portal shall be used for the following actions:
(a) applications for the status of authorised CBAM declarant and for the revocation of that status;
(b) submissions of the CBAM declarations;
(c) notifications and communication related to CBAM obligations, including CBAM declaration management.
3.   Access to the CBAM Declarants Portal shall be managed in accordance with Article 8.

Article 10

CBAM Operators Portal

1.   The CBAM Operators Portal shall be the unique entry point to the CBAM registry for operators. The portal shall be accessible from the internet.
2.   The CBAM Operators Portal shall be used by operators in accordance with Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956 for the following actions:
(a) registering the information on that operator and on its installations;
(b) registering the information on the goods produced by an installation;
(c) registering the emission data and verification reports;
(d) receiving notifications and communication related to their registration and use of information in the CBAM registry.
3.   An operator shall submit a request to the Commission to be assigned a profile to obtain access the CBAM Operators Portal. That request shall be accompanied by supporting documents demonstrating the operator’s legal registration or proof of activity in the third country of establishment, including name, address, contact information, and national corporate or activity registration number. That request shall be accompanied by evidence demonstrating that the person submitting the request is authorised to act on behalf of the operator and by documents proving that person’s identity. Where the supporting documents are sufficient to attest to the accuracy of the information contained therein, the Commission shall assign the requested profile to the requesting operator.
4.   The operator shall use the EU Access central service operated by the Commission to request the access the CBAM registry.

Article 11

CBAM National Competent Authorities Portal

1.   The CBAM National Competent Authorities Portal shall be the unique entry point to the CBAM registry for the competent authorities. The portal shall be accessible from the internet.
2.   The CBAM National Competent Authorities Portal shall be used to carry out the tasks laid down in Regulation (EU) 2023/956, which shall include notifications and communication.
3.   The CBAM registry shall allow the transfer of necessary data to and from the registry to allow the competent authorities to fulfil their obligations.
4.   Access to the CBAM Competent Authorities Portal shall be managed in accordance with Article 8.

Article 12

CBAM European Commission Portal

1.   The CBAM European Commission Portal shall be the unique entry point to the CBAM registry for the Commission.
2.   The CBAM European Commission Portal shall be used by the Commission to perform the tasks laid down in Regulation (EU) 2023/956.
3.   Access to the CBAM European Commission Portal shall be managed in accordance with Article 8.

Article 13

Member States’ identity and access management systems

Member States shall set up a new UUM&DS identity and access management system or use their own existing customs UUM&DS for the following functions:
(a) secure registration and storage of identification data of authorised CBAM declarants, applicants and other persons having access to the CBAM registry;
(b) secure exchange of signed and encrypted identification data of authorised CBAM declarants, applicants and other persons having access to the CBAM registry.


Functioning of the CBAM registry

Article 14

Development, testing, deployment and management of the CBAM registry

1.   The CBAM registry’s components shall be developed, tested, deployed and managed by the Commission, and may be tested by Member States.
2.   The Commission shall design and maintain the common specifications of the interfaces listed in Articles 4, 5 and 11 in close cooperation with Member States.
3.   Where appropriate, the Commission shall define common technical specifications in close cooperation with, and subject to review by, the competent authorities, with a view to deploying them in due time. The Commission and Member States shall collaborate with CBAM declarants, applicants and other stakeholders.
4.   In collaboration with the competent authorities, the Commission shall conduct testing and validation of the interoperability between the CBAM registry and the systems as referred to in Article 5 to ensure that data is cross-checked accurately, efficiently and confidentially.

Article 15

Maintenance of the CBAM registry and changes thereto

1.   The Commission shall perform the maintenance of the CBAM registry.
2.   The Commission shall update the components of the CBAM registry to correct malfunctions, and may add new functionalities or alter existing ones.
3.   The Commission shall inform the competent authorities, the authorised CBAM declarants and the operators in advance of changes and updates to the components of the CBAM registry.

Article 16

Temporary failure of the CBAM registry

1.   In the event of a temporary failure of the CBAM registry, CBAM declarants and applicants shall submit the information required to comply with their obligations in relation to CBAM obligations under Regulation (EU) 2023/956 by the means specified in the CBAM business continuity plan.
2.   The Commission shall inform the competent authorities about any major unavailability of the CBAM registry which will impact the availability levels defined in the Service Level Agreements referred to in Article 7.
3.   The Commission shall inform the authorised CBAM declarants and operators on requirements, major updates and long-lasting unavailability of the CBAM registry in accordance with the CBAM business continuity plan.

Article 17

Training and support on the use and functioning of the CBAM registry

1.   The Commission shall support the competent authorities in the use and functioning of the components of the CBAM registry by providing training and communication material.
2.   The competent authorities shall provide the national service desk support to authorised CBAM declarants and applicants.



Article 18

Personal data protection

The personal data registered in the CBAM registry, and the components of electronic systems developed at national level, shall be processed by the competent authorities and the Commission for the following purposes:
(a) authentication purposes and access management;
(b) application processing and management;
(c) submission and management of CBAM declarations;
(d) monitoring, checks and review of CBAM declarations;
(e) operator and verifier management;
(f) CBAM certificates management;
(g) communication and notifications;
(h) for ensuring compliance;
(i) functioning of the IT infrastructure, including interoperability with national systems and trans-European decentralised systems under this Regulation;
(j) statistics and review of the functioning of Regulation (EU) 2023/956;
(k) risk analysis and circumvention monitoring;
(l) verification that the importation of goods and the re-export of goods, in the cases provided for in Article 2(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/956 is performed by an authorised CBAM declarant.

Article 19

Specific role of the Commission and the competent authorities

1.   The Commission shall be the controller for:
(a) the processing of personal data for the access management for the Commission Portal in accordance with Article 12 of this Regulation;
(b) the processing of personal data registered in the CBAM Operators Portal;
(c) the use, validation and retrieving of EORI or other data for the purpose of the risk analysis and circumvention monitoring as provided for in Articles 15, and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956.
2.   The competent authority shall be the controller for:
(a) the personal data processing to take decisions on the granting and revocation of authorisations of CBAM declarants in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2023/956;
(b) the personal data processing to take decisions regarding penalties in accordance with Article 26 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956;
(c) the processing of personal data for the access management of declarants established within their Member State in accordance with Articles 8, 11 and 13 of this Regulation;
(d) the processing of personal data of accredited verifiers.
3.   The competent authority and the Commission shall be joint controllers for:
(a) management of the CBAM registry;
(b) the personal data processing for the management of CBAM declarations in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2023/956;
(c) the personal data processing for the CBAM certificates management in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2023/956.

Article 20

Responsibility of the controllers towards data subjects

Where a controller receives a data subject request that does not fall under its responsibility in accordance with Article 19, it shall forward that request promptly and at the latest within 3 working days from the receipt to the responsible controller.

Article 21

Limitation of data access, data processing and confidentiality

1.   All information held in the CBAM registry shall be considered confidential.
The authorised CBAM declarants and applicants may access their personal data registered in the CBAM registry after their registration in the registry.
2.   The operators may access their personal data registered in the CBAM registry after their registration in the CBAM registry. In accordance with Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956, authorised CBAM declarants may access personal data registered by operators in the CBAM registry or otherwise process those data, where authorisation in that respect was granted by the operators.
3.   The Commission and the competent authorities may access and otherwise process the personal data and other data from Customs Import Declarations for goods not listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2023/956 in accordance with Articles 15, 19 and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956.
The Commission and the competent authorities may access and otherwise process the data from the EORI system, in accordance with Articles 15, 19 and 27 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956.

Article 22

System security

1.   The Commission shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures for the system security following consultations with competent authorities.
2.   The competent authorities shall implement appropriate organisational measures for the system security.
3.   The technical measures and organisational measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be designed to:
(a) ensure the security, integrity, confidentiality, availability and continuity of the personal data processed;
(b) protect against any unauthorised or unlawful processing, alteration, loss, use, disclosure of, or access to any personal data in their possession;
(c) restrict disclosure or access to personal data to anyone other than the intended recipients in accordance with this Regulation and Regulation (EU) 2023/956.
4.   The Commission and the competent authorities shall notify each other and provide assistance in case of critical security incidents activating the CBAM business continuity plan when such incidents imply a personal data breach in the meaning of Article 4(12) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Article 3(16) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
5.   The Commission shall conduct regular assessments of the components of the CBAM registry and shall analyse the security and integrity of those components and the confidentiality of the data processed within those components.

Article 23

Data retention period

1.   When processing personal data for the purposes listed in Article 18, the competent authorities and the Commission shall retain the data only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose, and for a maximum of 7 years from the registering of the personal data in the CBAM registry.
2.   Notwithstanding paragraph 1, where an appeal has been lodged or where court proceedings have begun involving data stored in the CBAM registry, those data shall be retained until the appeal procedure or court proceedings are terminated and shall only be used for the purpose of the appeal procedure or court proceedings.



Article 24

Entry into force and application

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
It shall apply from 31 December 2024.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 18 December 2024.
For the Commission
The President
OJ L 130, 16.5.2023, p. 52
, ELI:
(2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1773 of 17 August 2023 laying down the rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2023/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards reporting obligations for the purposes of the carbon border adjustment mechanism during the transitional period (
OJ L 228, 15.9.2023, p. 94
, ELI:
(3)  Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013 laying down the Union Customs Code (
OJ L 269, 10.10.2013, p. 1
, ELI:
(4)  Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (
OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39
, ELI:
(5)  Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (
OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1
, ELI:
(6)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1070 of 1 June 2023 on technical arrangements for developing, maintaining and employing electronic systems for the exchange and storage of information under Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council (
OJ L 143, 2.6.2023, p. 65
, ELI:
(7)  Regulation (EU) 2022/2399 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022 establishing the European Union Single Window Environment for Customs and amending Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 (
OJ L 317, 9.12.2022, p. 1
, ELI:
(8)  Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2879 of 15 December 2023 establishing the work programme relating to the development and deployment of the electronic systems provided for in the Union Customs Code (
OJ L, 2023/2879, 22.12.2023, ELI:
(9)  Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (TARIC) (
OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1
, ELI:
(10)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 of 24 November 2015 laying down detailed rules for implementing certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the Union Customs Code (
OJ L 343, 29.12.2015, p. 558
, ELI:
(11)  Regulation (EU) 2024/903 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 March 2024 laying down measures for a high level of public sector interoperability across the Union (Interoperable Europe Act) (
OJ L, 2024/903, 22.3.2024, ELI:


Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) data


Customer Identification

EORI country + EORI national number

EORI country

EORI start date

EORI expiry date

Customs Customer Information

EORI short name

EORI full name

EORI language

EORI establishment date

EORI person type

EORI economic activity

List of EORI establishment addresses

Establishment addresses

EORI address

EORI language

EORI name

Establishment in Union

Facility address

EORI address start date

EORI address end date

VAT or TIN numbers

‘VAT’ or ‘TIN’

EORI legal status

EORI legal status language

EORI legal status

EORI legal status begin date & end date

Contact list


EORI contact address

EORI contact language

EORI contact full name

EORI contact name

Publication agreement flag

Address fields description

Street and number



Country code

List of communication details

Communication type

ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)