of 5 November 2024
authorising the opening of negotiations with the Republic of Singapore for an Agreement on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Singapore in Union programmes and on the association of the Republic of Singapore to Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Articles 186 and 212, in conjunction with Article 218(3) and (4) thereof,
Having regard to the recommendation from the European Commission,
(1) Negotiations should be opened with a view to concluding an agreement on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Singapore in Union programmes and on the association of the Republic of Singapore to Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027).
(2) The Republic of Singapore fulfils the criteria for association to Horizon Europe laid down in point (d) of Article 16(1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/695 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1),
Article 1
1. The Commission is hereby authorised to open negotiations with the Republic of Singapore for an agreement on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Singapore in Union programmes and on the association of the Republic of Singapore to Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027).
2. The negotiations shall be conducted on the basis of the negotiating directives of the Council set out in the addendum to this Decision.
Article 2
The negotiations shall be conducted in consultation with the Asia-Oceania Working Party, for matters related to the general conditions for the participation of the Republic of Singapore in Union programmes, and with the Working Party on Research, for matters related to the specific conditions for the participation of the Republic of Singapore in the Horizon Europe Programme.
Article 3
This Decision is addressed to the Commission.
Done at Brussels, 5 November 2024
For the Council
The President
(1) Regulation (EU) 2021/695 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 April 2021 establishing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, laying down its rules for participation and dissemination, and repealing Regulations (EU) No 1290/2013 and (EU) No 1291/2013 (
OJ L 170, 12.5.2021, p. 1
ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2024/2971/oj
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)