Commission Decision (EU) 2024/2383 of 6 September 2024 designating the European C... (32024D2383)
    EU - Rechtsakte: 07 Transport policy


    of 6 September 2024

    designating the European Coordinators for the European Transport Corridors, European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) and European Maritime Space (EMS) and laying down the detailed arrangements for the performance of their mission and tasks

    (Text with EEA relevance)

    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
    Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (1), and in particular Article 52(1) thereof,
    (1) European Transport Corridors as instruments to facilitate the coordinated implementation of the core and extended core network are provided for in Chapter V of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 and listed in Article 11(1) of that Regulation.
    (2) Pursuant to Article 52 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, European Coordinators are designated to facilitate the coordinated implementation of the European Transport Corridors, European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) and European Maritime Space (EMS).
    (3) The role of European Coordinators is of major importance for the development of, and cooperation along, the European Transport Corridors.
    (4) In order to ensure the implementation of the European Transport Corridors, the European Coordinators, in agreement with the Member State concerned, should facilitate discussions aimed at the completion of Corridors and identify the sources of financing, both private and public, for complex cross-border projects, missing links and bottleneck sections, as well as for interoperability and inter-modality issues.
    (5) In order to ensure the implementation of the horizontal priorities, the European Coordinators for ERTMS and EMS should, in dialogue with Member States concerned develop a coordinated approach for the development of horizontal priorities with a particular focus on close interaction with the European Transport Corridors as well as core and extended core networks.
    (6) In order to ensure the impartiality and independence of the European Coordinator, the latter should not be a national of a Member State concerned by the European Transport Corridor assigned to him or her.
    (7) In order to develop their tasks, the European Coordinators should be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance to cover the secretarial expenses that cannot be delivered directly by the Commission services and be reimbursed for mission expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    (8) It is appropriate to designate 9 European Coordinators, one for each European Transport Corridor, one for ERTMS, one for EMS, except for the Baltic Sea – Black Sea – Aegean Sea Corridor, because no agreement was found by Member States in the context of consultation on the appropriate candidate and for the Rhine-Danube Corridor, because the proposed Coordinator passed away on 25 July 2024. Coordinators for these two European Transport Corridors should be designated at a later stage.
    (9) In accordance with Article 52(1) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, Member States, third countries, which are part of the European Transport Corridors and of the horizontal priorities, the European Parliament and the Council were consulted. The Member States concerned have expressed their agreement to the designation of the European Coordinators, the European Parliament issued the positive opinion in April 2024 and the Council, in July 2024.
    (10) The posts of Coordinators are currently vacant, it is therefore urgent to appoint them. For this reason, the decision should enter into force on the day following its publication,

    Article 1

    The persons listed in Annex I are designated as European Coordinators for the European Transport Corridors, for the European Rail Traffic Management System and for the European Maritime Space.

    Article 2

    (1)   The mandate of the European Coordinators shall start on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and shall end four years after that date.
    (2)   The mandate of the Coordinators may be renewed. The European Coordinator may, at any time, request the Commission to terminate his or her mandate.

    Article 3

    (1)   Annex II lays down the detailed arrangements for the performance of the European Coordinators’ mission and tasks.
    (2)   The Commissioner responsible for transport shall be authorised to hand over a mandate letter to each European Coordinator set out in Annex II.

    Article 4

    This Decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the
    Official Journal of the European Union
    Done at Brussels, 6 September 2024.
    For the Commission
    The President
    Ursula VON DER LEYEN
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:


    Designating the European Coordinators for the European Transport Corridors, the ERTMS and European Martime Space

    North Sea – Baltic

    Catherine TRAUTMANN (FR)

    Scandinavian – Mediterranean

    Pat COX (IE)


    Carlo SECCHI (IT)

    North Sea – Rhine – Mediterranean



    Mathieu GROSCH (BE)

    Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea

    Anne Elisabet JENSEN (DK)

    Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean

    Marian-Jean MARINESCU (RO)


    Matthias RUETE (DE)

    European Maritime Space

    Gesine MEISSNER (DE)


    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for the North Sea-Baltic European Transport Corridor

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    The corridor approach allows an efficient cooperation between key actors in the management of both cross-border and national projects with a European relevance located on the corridor. The European Transport Corridors encompass all transport modes, aiming for wide-scale efficiency of the European transport system. Therefore, deploying the European Transport Corridors contributes strongly to reaching the Union’s political goals of the sustainable transport transition and strengthening the European economy.
    You have accepted responsibility as the Coordinator for the North Sea – Baltic European Transport Corridor. This corridor stretches from the North Sea ports in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany to Poland. From there, it continues north through Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to Helsinki and Oulu in Finland and Luleå in Sweden. To the south, the corridor extends from Warsaw via Lublin to Kyiv and from Katowice via Lviv to Kyiv and Mariupol in Ukraine. It covers rail, road, airports, ports, multimodal freight terminals, inland waterway and the European Maritime Space links. One of the biggest projects is Rail Baltica, a European standard gauge railway line to be built between Warsaw and Tallinn, connecting Riga and Vilnius.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator aims to advance the overall development of the corridor through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote a competitive and resource efficient transport system. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders within the Corridor Forum as well as support the preparation and implementation of Commission implementing acts referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, on the basis of corridor work plans referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation.
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the North Sea-Baltic European Transport Corridor, in accordance with trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned and, where relevant, in consultation with neighbouring countries, which are part of the North Sea – Baltic European Transport Corridor;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the North Sea-Baltic European Transport Corridor; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — offering support to the Member States, and, where appropriate relevant neighbouring countries, in implementing the work plan;
    — in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, formally establishing and chairing the Corridor Forum, composed of infrastructure management stakeholders. The forum shall meet regularly during your mandate;
    — consulting with the Corridor Forum regarding the work plan and regularly informing the Forum on its implementation;
    — wherever necessary, setting up and chairing a number of working groups reporting to the Corridor Forum, in accordance with Article 53(4) of the Ten-T Regulation;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant capitals, regions, urban nodes, situated on the transport corridor;
    — following up the implementation and coordination of the work plan and the Commission implementing act that is based thereupon as well as other specific implementating acts for cross-border sections where applicable;
    — consulting, whenever appropriate, regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, in particular those which are members of the rail freight governance, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — reporting to the Member States, the Council, the neighbouring countries that are part of the North Sea – Baltic European Transport Corridor, the European Parliament and the Commission, as well as any other entities involved in the development of the North Sea – Baltic European Transport Corridor, on difficulties encountered and proposed solutions;
    — cooperating closely with Member States and the rail freight governance to identify priorities and investment needs for rail freight on the rail freight lines of the North Sea-Baltic European Transport Corridor, taking into account the benefits provided to the trans-European transport network and the overall completion dates as set out in Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, without prejudice to the competence of the rail freight governance under Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2) and the competence of the Member States with respect to management and financing of infrastructure;
    — monitoring the performance of rail freight services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimension, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to help identify priorities and investment needs for the rail passenger lines of the North Sea-Baltic European Transport Corridor;
    — monitoring the performance of rail passenger services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimensions, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to facilitate, where relevant, contacts and coordination between maritime and inland waterways representatives with a view to increasing their synergies;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — cooperating with, and involving neighbouring countries in corridor activities, such as the Corridor Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to the corridor which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you, in advance, that in the implementation of your task, you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.

    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for the Scandinavian – Mediterranean European Transport Corridor

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (3) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    The corridor approach allows an efficient cooperation between key actors in the management of both cross-border and national projects with a European relevance located on the corridor. The European Transport Corridors encompass all transport modes, aiming for wide-scale efficiency of the European transport system. Therefore, deploying the European Transport Corridors contributes strongly to reaching the Union’s political goals of the sustainable transport transition and strengthening the European economy.
    You have accepted responsibility as the Coordinator of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor. This corridor extends from the north of Finland, Sweden, and Norway, through Denmark, Germany, and Austria to the Mediterranean coast of Southern Italy and further on by sea to Malta. Major ports and network nodes are Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo, Gothenburg and Copenhagen in the north, Hamburg, Hannover, Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main, Munich and Innsbruck in the centre and finally Verona, Bologna, Rome, Naples, La Spezia, Ancona, Livorno, Florence, Cagliari (Sardegna), Bari, Palermo (Sicily) as well as Valetta and Marsaxlokk (both Malta) in the sourthern part of the corridor. It comprises rail, road, airports, ports, multimodal freight terminals and European Maritime Space sections (e.g. Lübeck/Rostock to Scandinavia or southern Italy/Sicily to Malta). The key infrastructure projects on this corridor are the Fehmarnbelt fixed link and the Brenner base tunnel.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator aims to advance the overall development of the corridor through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote a competitive and resource efficient transport system. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders within the Corridor Forum as well as support the preparation and implementation of Commission implementing acts referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, on the basis of corridor work plans referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation.
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, in accordance with trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned and, where relevant, in consultation with neighbouring countries, which are part of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — offering support to the Member States, and, where appropriate, relevant neighbouring countries, in implementing the work plan;
    — in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 formally establishing and chairing the Corridor Forum, composed of infrastructure management stakeholders. The forum shall meet regularly during your mandate;
    — consulting with the Corridor Forum regarding the work plan and regularly informing the Forum on its implementation;
    — wherever necessary, setting up and chairing a number of working groups reporting to the Corridor Forum, in accordance with Article 53(4) of the TEN-T Regulation;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant capitals, regions, urban nodes situated on the transport corridor;
    — following up the implementation and coordination of the work plan and the Commission implementing act that is based thereupon as well as other specific implementating acts for cross-border sections where applicable;
    — consulting, whenever appropriate, regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, in particular those which are members of the rail freight governance, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — reporting to the Member States, the Council, the neighbouring countries that are part of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, the European Parliament and the Commission, as well as any other entities involved in the development of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, on difficulties encountered and proposed solutions;
    — cooperating closely with Member States and the rail freight governance to identify priorities and investment needs for rail freight on the rail freight lines of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, taking into account the benefits provided to the trans-European transport network and the overall completion dates as set out in Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, without prejudice to the competence of the rail freight governance under Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council (4) and the competence of the Member States with respect to management and financing of infrastructure;
    — monitoring the performance of rail freight services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimension, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to help identify priorities and investment needs for the rail passenger lines of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor;
    — monitoring the performance of rail passenger services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimensions, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to facilitate, where relevant, contacts and coordination between maritime and inland waterways representatives with a view to increasing their synergies;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — cooperating with, and involving neighbouring countries in corridor activities, such as the Corridor Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to the corridor which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you in advance that in the implementation of your task you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.

    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for the Atlantic European Transport Corridor

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    The corridor approach allows an efficient cooperation between key actors in the management of both cross-border and national projects with a European relevance located on the corridor. The European Transport Corridors encompass all transport modes, aiming for wide-scale efficiency of the European transport system. Therefore, deploying the European Transport Corridors contributes strongly to reaching the Union’s political goals of the sustainable transport transition and strengthening the European economy.
    You have accepted responsibility as the Coordinator for the Atlantic European Transport Corridor. This corridor links the Spanish and Portuguese ports of Algeciras, Sines, Lisbon, Porto, A Coruña and Bilbao through western France and, with a link from Le Havre and Rouen, to Paris and further east to Strasbourg and Mannheim in Germany. It covers rail, road, airports, ports, multimodal freight terminals, urban nodes and the Seine, the Douro, Tagus and Guadalquivir as inland waterways. A main objective is to exploit the maritime potential of the Atlantic façade of the Union through an improved modal integration, enhancing railway interoperability by deployment of ERTMS and the other trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards along the whole corridor and gauge change to International Union of Railways (UIC) standard on the Iberian Peninsula. Amongst the infrastructure projects of major importance are the cross-border sections between Portugal and Spain and between Spain and France.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator aims to advance the overall development of the corridor through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote a competitive and resource efficient transport system. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders within the Corridor Forum as well as support the preparation and implementation of Commission implementing acts referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, on the basis of corridor work plans referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation.
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the Atlantic European Transport Corridor, in accordance with TEN-T standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned, which are part of the Atlantic European Transport Corridor;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the Atlantic European Transport Corridor; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — offering support to the Member States, in implementing the work plan;
    — in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, formally establishing and chairing the Corridor Forum, composed of infrastructure management stakeholders. The forum shall meet regularly during your mandate;
    — consulting with the Corridor Forum regarding the work plan and regularly informing the Forum on its implementation;
    — wherever necessary, setting up and chairing a number of working groups reporting to the Corridor Forum, in accordance with Article 53(4) of the Ten-T Regulation;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant capitals, regions, urban nodes, situated on the transport corridor;
    — following up the implementation and coordination of the work plan and the Commission implementing act that is based thereupon as well as other specific implementating acts for cross-border sections where applicable;
    — consulting, whenever appropriate, regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, in particular those which are members of the rail freight governance, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — reporting to the Member States, the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission, as well as any other entities involved in the development of the Atlantic European Transport Corridor, on difficulties encountered and proposed solutions;
    — cooperating closely with Member States and the rail freight governance to identify priorities and investment needs for rail freight on the rail freight lines of the Atlantic European Transport Corridor, taking into account the benefits provided to the trans-European transport network and the overall completion dates as set out in Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, without prejudice to the competence of the rail freight governance under Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council (6) and the competence of the Member States with respect to management and financing of infrastructure;
    — monitoring the performance of rail freight services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimension, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to help identify priorities and investment needs for the rail passenger lines of the Atlantic European Transport Corridor;
    — monitoring the performance of rail passenger services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimensions, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to facilitate, where relevant, contacts and coordination between maritime and inland waterways representatives with a view to increasing their synergies;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — cooperating with, and involving neighbouring countries in corridor activities, such as the Corridor Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to the corridor which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you in advance that in the implementation of your task you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.

    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for the North Sea – Rhine – Mediterranean European Transport Corridor

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (7) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    The corridor approach allows an efficient cooperation between key actors in the management of both cross-border and national projects with a European relevance located on the corridor. The European Transport Corridors encompass all transport modes, aiming for wide-scale efficiency of the European transport system. Therefore, deploying the European Transport Corridors contributes strongly to reaching the Union’s political goals of the sustainable transport transition and strengthening the European economy.
    You have accepted responsibility as the European Coordinator for the North Sea-Rhine- Mediterranean European Transport Corridor. In the north, the corridor links the Irish ports of Dublin, Cork, and Foynes and provides rail and road links to the border of the United Kingdom. These ports are connected with the continental part of the Union via the European Maritime Space links, which join with the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Vlissingen, Antwerp, Ghent and Zeebrugge in the Netherlands and Belgium. Further south, the corridor runs through Brussels, Liege and Luxembourg, extending to the territory of France (Calais and Le Havre) and reaching ports of Marseille and Fos-sur-Mer via Metz, Paris, Dijon and Lyon. In Germany, the corridor further provides links to the Ruhr area as well as Cologne, Frankfurt and Karlsruhe, continuing to Strasbourg in France, entering Switzerland in Basel, where it splits in two branches via Bern and Chiasso to reach Italy where it continues via Novara and Alessandria and Milan to reach port of Genova at the Mediterranean Sea. It covers rail, road, inland waterways, airports, ports, multimodal freight terminals. The key projects are the Seine-Scheldt inland waterway connection encompassing France and Belgium, and the EuroCap railway project involving France, Belgium and Luxembourg.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator aims to advance the overall development of the corridor through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote a competitive and resource efficient transport system. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders within the Corridor Forum as well as support the preparation and implementation of Commission implementing acts referred to in Article 55 of Regulation EU 2024/1679, on the basis of corridor work plans referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation.
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the North Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, in accordance with trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned and, where relevant, in consultation with neighbouring countries, which are part of the North Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the North Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — offering support to the Member States, and where appropriate relevant neighbouring countries, in implementing the work plan;
    — in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, formally establishing and chairing the Corridor Forum, composed of infrastructure management stakeholders. The forum shall meet regularly during your mandate;
    — consulting with the Corridor Forum regarding the work plan and regularly informing the Forum on its implementation;
    — wherever necessary, setting up and chairing a number of working groups reporting to the Corridor Forum, in accordance with Article 53(4) of the Ten-T Regulation;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant capitals, regions, urban nodes, situated on the transport corridor;
    — following up the implementation and coordination of the work plan and the Commission implementing act that is based thereupon as well as other specific implementating acts for cross-border sections where applicable;
    — consulting, whenever appropriate, regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, in particular those which are members of the rail freight governance, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — reporting to the Member States, the Council, the neighbouring countries that are part of the North Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, the European Parliament and the Commission, as well as any other entities involved in the development of the North Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, on difficulties encountered and proposed solutions;
    — cooperating closely with Member States and the rail freight governance to identify priorities and investment needs for rail freight on the rail freight lines of the North Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, taking into account the benefits provided to the trans-European transport network and the overall completion dates as set out in Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, without prejudice to the competence of the rail freight governance under Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council (8) and the competence of the Member States with respect to management and financing of infrastructure;
    — monitoring the performance of rail freight services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimension, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to help identify priorities and investment needs for the rail passenger lines of the North Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor;
    — monitoring the performance of rail passenger services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimensions, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to facilitate, where relevant, contacts and coordination between maritime and inland waterways representatives with a view to increasing their synergies;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — cooperating with, and involving neighbouring countries in corridor activities, such as the Corridor Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to the corridor which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you in advance that in the implementation of your task you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.

    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (9) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    The corridor approach allows an efficient cooperation between key actors in the management of both cross-border and national projects with a European relevance located on the corridor. The European Transport Corridors encompass all transport modes, aiming for wide-scale efficiency of the European transport system. Therefore, deploying the European Transport Corridors contributes strongly to reaching the Union’s political goals of the sustainable transport transition and strengthening the European economy.
    You have accepted responsibility as the Coordinator for the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor. This corridor links the Spanish ports of Algeciras, Cartagena, Valencia, Castellὀn, Tarragona and Barcelona with Madrid and along the Mediterranean coastline through southern France- Marseille and Nice until Italy, Genoa and La Spezia. It traverses from Marseille towards Lyon across the Alpes and northern Italy via Turin, Milan, Verona, Bologna, Padova, Venice and Trieste. It links also with Ljubljana and a branch via Croatia (Rijeka, Zagreb), to Budapest and to Lviv in Ukraine. It covers rail and road, airports, ports, multimodal freigth terminals and, in Northern Italy, also the Po river inland waterway. The key projects are the gauge change to International Union of Railways (UIC) standard in Spain, the Lyon – Turin base railway tunnel and the overall modernisation of railways infrastructure in the eastern part of the corridor.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator aims to advance the overall development of the corridor through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote a competitive and resource efficient transport system. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders within the Corridor Forum as well as support the preparation and implementation of Commission implementing acts referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, on the basis of corridor work plans referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation.
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, in accordance with trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned and, where relevant, in consultation with neighbouring countries, which are part of the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — offering support to the Member States, and, where appropriate, relevant neighbouring countries in implementing the work plan;
    — in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, formally establishing and chairing the Corridor Forum, composed of infrastructure management stakeholders. The forum shall meet regularly during your mandate;
    — consulting with the Corridor Forum regarding the work plan and regularly informing the Forum on its implementation;
    — wherever necessary, setting up and chairing a number of working groups reporting to the Corridor Forum; in accordance with Article 53(4) of the Ten-T Regulation;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant capitals, regions, urban nodes situated on the transport corridor;
    — following up the implementation and coordination of the work plan and the Commission implementing act that is based thereupon as well as other specific implementating acts for cross-border sections where applicable;
    — consulting, whenever appropriate, regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, in particular those which are members of the rail freight governance, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — reporting to the Member States, the Council, the neighbouring countries that are part of the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, the European Parliament and the Commission, as well as any other entities involved in the development of the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, on difficulties encountered and proposed solutions;
    — cooperating closely with Member States and the rail freight governance to identify priorities and investment needs for rail freight on the rail freight lines of the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, taking into account the benefits provided to the trans-European transport network and the overall completion dates as set out in Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, without prejudice to the competence of the rail freight governance under Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council (10) and the competence of the Member States with respect to management and financing of infrastructure;
    — monitoring the performance of rail freight services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimension, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to help identify priorities and investment needs for the rail passenger lines of the Mediterranean European Transport Corridor;
    — monitoring the performance of rail passenger services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimensions, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to facilitate, where relevant, contacts and coordination between maritime and inland waterways representatives with a view to increasing their synergies;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — cooperating with, and involving neighbouring countries in corridor activities, such as the Corridor Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to the corridor which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you in advance that in the implementation of your task you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.

    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for the Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (11) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    The corridor approach allows an efficient cooperation between key actors in the management of both cross-border and national projects with a European relevance located on the corridor. The European Transport Corridors encompass all transport modes, aiming for wide-scale efficiency of the European transport system. Therefore, deploying the European Transport Corridors contributes strongly to reaching the Union’s political goals of the sustainable transport transition and strengthening the European economy.
    You have accepted responsibility as the Coordinator for the Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor. This corridor extends in the north from the Polish ports of Gdańsk and Gdynia as well as Szczecin and Świnoujście and the city of Biała Podlaska through Kłodzko, Kraków and the Katowice region to Brno in the Czech Republic and Bratislava in Slovakia. It stretches further to Vienna in Austria and Budapest in Hungary and its eastern branch ends in the Slovenian port of Koper and the Croatian ports of Rijeka and Split. The western axis in Italy connects the city of Bologna and provides links to the ports of Trieste, Venice, Ravenna, and Bari. The Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor covers rail, road, airports, ports and multimodal freight terminals. The key projects are Semmering base tunnel in Austria and the high-speed lines in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator aims to advance the overall development of the corridor through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote a competitive and resource efficient transport system. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders within the Corridor Forum as well as support the preparation and implementation of Commission implementing acts referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, on the basis of corridor work plans referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation.
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor, in accordance with trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned, which are part of the Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — offering support to the Member States, in implementing the work plan;
    — in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, formally establishing and chairing the Corridor Forum, composed of infrastructure management stakeholders. The forum shall meet regularly during your mandate;
    — consulting with the Corridor Forum regarding the work plan and regularly informing the Forum on its implementation;
    — wherever necessary, setting up and chairing a number of working groups reporting to the Corridor Forum; in accordance with Article 53(4) of the Ten-T Regulation;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant capitals, regions, urban nodes situated on the transport corridor;
    — following up the implementation and coordination of the work plan and the Commission implementing act that is based thereupon as well as other specific implementating acts for cross-border sections where applicable;
    — consulting, whenever appropriate, regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, in particular those which are members of the rail freight governance, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — reporting to the Member States, the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission, as well as any other entities involved in the development of the Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor, on difficulties encountered and proposed solutions;
    — cooperating closely with Member States and the rail freight governance to identify priorities and investment needs for rail freight on the rail freight lines of the Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor, taking into account the benefits provided to the trans-European transport network and the overall completion dates as set out in Regulation (EU) 2024/1679; without prejudice to the competence of the rail freight governance under Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council (12) and the competence of the Member States with respect to management and financing of infrastructure;
    — monitoring the performance of rail freight services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimension, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to help identify priorities and investment needs for the rail passenger lines of the Baltic Sea – Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor;
    — monitoring the performance of rail passenger services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimensions, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to facilitate, where relevant, contacts and coordination between maritime representatives and inland waterways representatives with a view to increasing their synergies;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — cooperating with, and involving neighbouring countries in corridor activities, such as the Corridor Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to the corridor which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    — Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you in advance that in the implementation of your task you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.

    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for the Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (13) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    The corridor approach allows an efficient cooperation between key actors in the management of both cross-border and national projects with a European relevance located on the corridor. The European Transport Corridors encompass all transport modes, aiming for wide-scale efficiency of the European transport system. Therefore, deploying the European Transport Corridors contributes strongly to reaching the Union’s political goals of the sustainable transport transition and strengthening the European economy.
    You have accepted responsibility as the Coordinator for the Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor. This corridor starts with two parallel branches in Austria (from Salzburg and Linz), heading southeast towards the neighbouring country of Slovenia where both branches converge in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and continue towards the Croatian border passing through Zagreb, before connecting with the bordering Western Balkan countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. The main corridor route continues south-east towards Belgrade, after which it bifurcates towards Pristina and Niš before it converges back in Skopje (North Macedonia). Another northern branch extends to Budapest in Hungary from Serbia. There are a number of western branches providing connections to Adriatic Sea ports, namely Trieste, Koper, Rijeka, Ploče (through Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bar and Durres (through Serbia and Montenegro). The central branch then continues to the south through North Macedonia to connect to the Greek ports of Igoumenitsa, Patra and Pireas. The corridor finally ends in Cyprus (maritime connection). Notably, the corridor also includes an east-west connection, starting from Durres in Albania to Svilengrad (border triangle) via Sofia.
    The Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor mainly comprises of rail, road, airports, sea and inland ports, multimodal freight terminals, as well as a number of identified urban nodes. No inland waterway is included in this corridor. The major exception is Cyprus, where no rail infrastructure is deployed.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator aims to advance the overall development of the corridor through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote a competitive and resource efficient transport system. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders within the Corridor Forum as well as support the preparation and implementation of Commission implementing acts referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, on the basis of corridor work plans referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation.
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, in accordance with trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned and, where relevant, in consultation with neighbouring countries, which are part of the Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — offering support to the Member States, and, where appropriate and relevant, neighbouring countries in implementing the work plan;
    — in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, formally establishing and chairing the Corridor Forum, composed of infrastructure management stakeholders. The forum shall meet regularly during your mandate;
    — consulting with the Corridor Forum regarding the work plan and regularly informing the Forum on its implementation;
    — wherever necessary, setting up and chairing a number of working groups reporting to the Corridor Forum; in accordance with Article 53(4) of the Ten-T Regulation;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant capitals, regions, urban nodes situated on the transport corridor;
    — following up the implementation and coordination of the work plan and the Commission implementing act that is based thereupon as well as other specific implementating acts for cross-border sections where applicable;
    — consulting, whenever appropriate, regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, in particular those which are members of the rail freight governance, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — reporting to the Member States, the Council, the neighbouring countries that are part of the Western Balkans-Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, the European Parliament and the Commission, as well as any other entities involved in the development of the Western Balkans-Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, on difficulties encountered and proposed solutions;
    — cooperating closely with Member States and the rail freight governance to identify priorities and investment needs for rail freight on the rail freight lines of the Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, taking into account the benefits provided to the trans-European transport network and the overall completion dates as set out in Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, without prejudice to the competence of the rail freight governance under Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council (14) and the competence of the Member States with respect to management and financing of infrastructure;
    — monitoring the performance of rail freight services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimension, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to help identify priorities and investment needs for the rail passenger lines of the Western Balkans – Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor;
    — monitoring the performance of rail passenger services, and identifying potential barriers, such as technical, administrative and operational ones, with a particular focus on the cross-border dimensions, and making recommendations in this regard, where relevant;
    — cooperating closely with the Member States concerned in order to facilitate, where relevant, contacts and coordination between maritime and inland waterways representatives with a view to increasing their synergies;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — cooperating with, and involving neighbouring countries in corridor activities, such as the Corridor Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to the corridor which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you in advance that in the implementation of your task you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.

    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for ERTMS

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (15) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    You have accepted responsibility as the Coordinator for rail interoperability, in particular ERTMS on the trans-European transport network. This horizontal priority focuses on the timely deployment of the ERTMS ensuring interoperability across borders to allow for passenger and freight services.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator for ERTMS aims to advance the development and deployment of ERTMS at European level through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote a competitive and resource efficient transport system. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders as well as support the preparation and implementation of the implementing act referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, on the basis of a work plan referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the ERTMS, in accordance with trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the ERTMS; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — providing council to the nine Coordinators responsible for the European Transport Corridors in matters regarding a coherent ERTMS implementation across the entire network;
    — contributing to the development and implementation of a European deployment plan, to be adopted by an implementing act under Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, including possible financing and any risks which might affect implementation;
    — contributing to the development of appropriate methodological approaches to establish the requirements for the implementation of ERTMS in line with the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) relating to the control-command and signalling (CCS) subsystem of the trans-European rail system set out in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1695 (16);
    — regular consultation of all Member States and stakeholders concerned in order to identify all factors relating to the development of ERTMS and the possibilities for funding. This includes the establishment and chairing of a dedicated ERTMS consultative forum, in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 and cooperation with nationally appointed ERTMS representatives involved in the coordination of ERTMS deployment, and whenever necessary, the setting of ad-hoc working groups within that forum;
    — cooperating with the European Union Agency for Railways and Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant Member States, regions and main bottlenecks and nodes;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — consulting whenever appropriate regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, in particular those which are members of the rail freight governance, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — cooperating with and involving neighbouring countries in the activities of the ERTMS consultative Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to ERTMS which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you in advance that in the implementation of your task you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.

    Mandate letter for the European Coordinator for the European Maritime Space

    Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (17) on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network provides for the appointment of European Coordinators responsible for the implementation of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities: the European Maritime Space and the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
    You have accepted responsibility as the Coordinator for the European Maritime Space. This horizontal priority focuses on the deployment of a truly sustainable, smart, seamless and resilient European Maritime Space that can be fully integrated into a door-to-door transport chain on the trans-European transport network.
    The Commission is convinced that your support, on which it is counting enormously, will be crucial for the continued success of the European Transport Corridors and horizontal priorities.


    The work of the European Coordinator for the European Maritime Space aims to advance the overall development and implementation of this horizontal priority at European level through targeted coordination activities, notably in relation to project investment (synchronisation of works, allocation of national and Union funding) and, as appropriate, other specific actions to promote the creation or upgrading of short sea shipping routes and the development of maritime ports and their hinterland connections in order to ensure efficient and sustainable integration with other transport modes. For this purpose, the Coordinator shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States concerned, guide the involvement of relevant stakeholders as well as support the preparation and implementation of the implementing act referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, on the basis of a work plan referred to in Article 54 of that Regulation.
    Your duties, which stem from those laid down in Article 52(5), (6) and (7) of Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 will include:
    — analysing the state of compliance and supporting the coordinated implementation of the European Maritme Space, in accordance with trans-European transport network (TEN-T) standards;
    — in accordance with Article 54(1), and 54(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679, drawing up a work plan, at the latest by 19 July 2026 and every four years thereafter, together with the Member States concerned;
    — submitting an annual status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States concerned on the progress achieved in implementing the European Maritime Space; that annual status report shall focus on the progress made on key priorities and investments, describe the nature of problems encountered in their implementation and suggest solutions;
    — In accordance with Article 55, contributing to the development of an implementing act for the European Maritime Space.
    — supervising the necessary analysis and studies being carried out for each European Transport Corridor and the integration of these studies into a coherent work plan for the European Maritime Space;
    — providing council to the nine Coordinators responsible for the European Transport Corridors in matters regarding European Maritime Space and ensuring a coherent implementation across the entire network;
    — regular consultation of all the Member States and stakeholders concerned in order to identify all factors relating to the development of the European Maritime Space, the possibilities for funding the investments deemed to be necessary and the means of gaining access to such funding. This includes the establishment and chairing of a dedicated consultative European Martime Forum, in accordance with Article 53(2) of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 and whenever necessary, the setting of ad-hoc working groups within that forum;
    — cooperating with the European Maritime Safety Agency;
    — carrying out all necessary missions to the relevant capitals, regions, main ports related to the European Maritime Space;
    — following up on the selection and implementation of projects carried out on the European Maritime Space, in close cooperation with the selected contractor;
    — veryfying whether projects proposed by the Member States, or by neighbouring countries, where applicable, for co-funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), are consistent with the priorities of the work plan;
    — consulting whenever appropriate regional and local authorities, infrastructure managers, transport operators, the supply industry, transport users and relevant stakeholders in relation to the work plan and its implementation;
    — cooperating with and involving neighbouring countries in the activities of the consultative European Maritime Forum or working groups;
    — cooperating with international organisations, for activities related to the European Maritime Space which extend to neighbouring countries that are members of those international organisations.
    Your task as Coordinator will consequently be of a very diverse nature and of great importance to the Union and the overall project in the context of the programming of funding and political dialogue with the Member States to enable the latter to overcome any difficulties in making the various infrastructure projects happen.

    Rules and procedures

    Your task as a European Coordinator will be for a period of 4 years starting on the date of the entry into force of this Decision and may be renewed by mutual agreement.
    The duration of your mandate may be changed at any time by the Commission at its own initiative or at your request. The Commission reserves the right to cancel your mandate at any time.
    During the performance of your tasks you shall not make commitments on behalf of the Commission without its prior written agreement. Accordingly, you shall act impartially, in an independent and confidential manner and apply to the best of your abilities your professional knowledge and skills solely in the interests of the Union.
    You shall avoid any situation giving rise to a conflict of interest regarding the areas in which you are requested to intervene. You shall inform the Commission of any conflict of interest arising during your term of office immediately.
    Furthermore, you shall not use or divulge any document or information which comes to your knowledge in the course of your duties, unless such information is already in the public domain. All the results produced by you shall be the property of the Union, which may use them or publish them as it sees fit.
    During the performance of your task, you shall be granted a monthly flat-rate allowance of 3 000 EUR to cover the costs related to secretarial assistance where it is not directly provided by the Commission services (communication, miscellaneous office furniture, office space), and travel-mission representational related expenses in accordance with the Commission rules.
    The Director for the Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport is your contact person in the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The Commission can assure you in advance that in the implementation of your task you will have the full support of the Director and the members of staff designated to assist you on a day-to-day basis on technical and administrative matters.
    The Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport will organise regular meetings between the European Coordinators to allow information and experience to be shared.
    The Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute concerning the validity, application or interpretation of this contract. This contract is governed by Belgian law.
    (1)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    (2)  Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (
    OJ L 276, 20.10.2010, p. 22
    , ELI:
    (3)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    (4)  Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (
    OJ L 276, 20.10.2010, p. 22
    , ELI:
    (5)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    (6)  Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (
    OJ L 276, 20.10.2010, p. 22
    , ELI:
    (7)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    (8)  Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (
    OJ L 276, 20.10.2010, p. 22
    , ELI:
    (9)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    (10)  Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (
    OJ L 276, 20.10.2010, p. 22
    , ELI:
    (11)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    (12)  Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (
    OJ L 276, 20.10.2010, p. 22
    , ELI:
    (13)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    (14)  Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 concerning a European rail network for competitive freight (
    OJ L 276, 20.10.2010, p. 22
    , ELI:
    (15)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    (16)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1695 of 10 August 2023 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command and signalling subsystems of the rail system in the European Union and repealing Regulation (EU) 2016/919 (
    OJ L 222, 8.9.2023, p. 380
    , ELI:
    (17)  Regulation (EU) 2024/1679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, amending Regulations (EU) 2021/1153 and (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 (
    OJ L, 2024/1679, 28.6.2024, ELI:
    ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)
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