in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and the Central African Republic on the status in the Central African Republic of the European Union CSDP Military Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM RCA)
Letter from the European Union
Brussels, 25 March 2015
H.E. Ms Catherine SAMBA-PANZA
Chef de l'Etat de la transition
Central African Republic
Your Excellency,
On 19 January 2015, the Council of the European Union adopted Decision (CFSP) 2015/78 establishing the CSDP Military Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM RCA).
As announced in my letter of 15 January 2015, to which you kindly replied on 16 January 2015, it is now necessary to determine the status of EUMAM RCA and its personnel by way of an international agreement between your country and the European Union.
As you will recall, on 16 April 2008 the Central African Republic entered into an Agreement on the status of the European Union-led forces in Chad and in the Central African Republic (EUFOR Tchad/RCA) in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1778 (2007).
The provisions of that Agreement, which ceased to be in force when the last EUFOR RCA troops left, are nevertheless ideally suited to the needs of EUMAM RCA, which will be deployed in the Central African Republic.
I therefore suggest, similarly to how we proceeded in March 2014 in the context of EUFOR RCA, that all provisions of that Agreement (Articles 1 to 19) be made to apply to EUMAM RCA, on the understanding that:
— each mention of EUFOR in the abovementioned articles will be considered as referring to EUMAM RCA,
— each reference to the EU Force Commander will be considered as referring to the Mission Commander of EUMAM RCA,
— the means of transport referred to in Article 1(3)(a), Article 3(2) and Article 4(3) will be considered as including not only the means of transport belonging to the national contingents making up EUMAM RCA, but also those hired or chartered by EUMAM RCA,
— the reference to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1778 (2007) of 25 September 2007 in Article 1(3)(b) shall be considered as a reference both to our Exchange of Letters of 15 and 16 January 2015 and to the aforementioned EU Council Decision of 19 January 2015.
I should be grateful if you would let me know whether you accept these suggestions. If you do accept, this letter, with your reply hereto, will constitute a legally binding international agreement between the Central African Republic and the European Union on the status of EUMAM RCA, which will enter into force on the date on which your letter of reply is received.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.
For the European Union
Letter from the Central African Republic
Bangui, 14 April 2015
High Representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy
Dear High Representative,
Thank you for your letter dated 25 March 2015 regarding EUMAM RCA, which reads as follows:
‘On 19 January 2015 the Council of the European Union adopted Decision (CFSP) 2015/78 establishing the CSDP Military Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM RCA).
As announced in my letter of 15 January 2015, to which you kindly replied on 16 January 2015, it is now necessary to determine the status of EUMAM RCA and its personnel by way of an international agreement between your country and the European Union.
As you will recall, on 16 April 2008 the Central African Republic entered into an Agreement on the status of the European Union-led forces in Chad and in the Central African Republic (EUFOR Tchad/RCA) in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1778 (2007).
The provisions of that Agreement, which ceased to be in force when the last EUFOR RCA troops left, are nevertheless ideally suited to the needs of EUMAM RCA, which will be deployed in the Central African Republic.
I therefore suggest, similarly to how we proceeded in March 2014 in the context of EUFOR RCA, that all provisions of that Agreement (Articles 1 to 19) be made to apply to EUMAM RCA, on the understanding that:
— each mention of EUFOR in the abovementioned articles will be considered as referring to EUMAM RCA,
— each reference to the EU Force Commander will be considered as referring to the Mission Commander of EUMAM RCA,
— the means of transport referred to in Article 1(3)(a), Article 3(2) and Article 4(3) will be considered as including not only the means of transport belonging to the national contingents making up EUMAM RCA, but also those hired or chartered by EUMAM RCA,
— the reference to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1778 (2007) of 25 September 2007 in Article 1(3)(b) shall be considered as a reference both to our Exchange of Letters of 15 and 16 January 2015 and to the aforementioned EU Council Decision of 19 January 2015.
I should be grateful if you would let me know whether you accept these suggestions. If you do accept, this letter, and your reply hereto, will constitute a legally binding international agreement between the Central African Republic and the European Union on the status of EUMAM RCA, which will enter into force on the date on which your letter of reply is received.’
I am pleased to inform you that I accept the terms suggested in your letter.
Please accept, Madam High Representative, the assurance of my highest consideration.
For the Central African Republic