of 21 May 2024
on a European Union Diplomatic Academy
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 28(1) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
(1) In 2021, the European Parliament proposed a pilot project entitled ‘Towards the creation of a European Diplomatic Academy.’ That initiative, with the aim of supporting the development of a common diplomatic culture based on a European Union perspective and, thereby, ultimately strengthening the Union’s role as an effective foreign policy actor, was funded under the general budget of the Union for 2022. The first pilot phase was launched and run with the support of the College of Europe over the academic year 2022/23. The implementation of the second pilot phase, over the academic year 2023/24, has also been awarded to the College of Europe.
(2) The success of the first phase of the European Diplomatic Academy Pilot Programme and the launching of a second phase underline the importance of providing training to national diplomats on Union issues and working methods by means of a dedicated structure. The European Union Diplomatic Academy (EUDA) should ultimately contribute to the creation of a critical mass of European diplomats who possess a deeper understanding of the Union’s principles, objectives, values, interests and global role, and who are able to perform effectively, whether posted in Brussels, in Union Delegations or within their national structures, when dealing with Union matters and addressing its strategic challenges.
(3) The College of Europe is a renowned institute with long-standing experience in education and training in the field of the Union’s external action, and is best-suited to successfully conduct the EUDA’s comprehensive and intensive residential training programme. Through its successful implementation of the first phase of the European Diplomatic Academy Pilot Programme, and considering that it has also been awarded the implementation of the second phase, the College of Europe has demonstrated that it offers the high-level academic excellence and expertise from practitioners necessary to develop a European diplomatic standard of excellence among officials from Member States and Union institutions, and to achieve the EUDA’s objectives,
Article 1
The European Union Diplomatic Academy (EUDA) shall ensure the provision of education and training in the field of the Union’s external action, in particular the common foreign and security policy (CFSP), in order to develop and promote a common understanding of the Union’s role in the world as well as to disseminate best practices in relation to the conduct of the Union’s diplomacy, while promoting the spirit of a ‘European diplomatic corps’.
Article 2
The EUDA shall have the following objectives:
(a) strengthening the Union’s role as an effective foreign policy actor through the provision of academic and practical training on policies, procedures and diplomatic practices in the field of the Union’s external action, in particular the CFSP, to Member States’ diplomats and Union institutions’ staff members working in the field of external relations; and
(b) promoting a common European diplomatic culture within the Union in line with the values, principles, objectives and interests of the Union’s external action as laid down in the Treaties.
Article 3
1. The EUDA shall organise and conduct education and training activities in a residential format, in line with the mission and objectives set out in Articles 1 and 2, drawing on the expertise of, and cooperating with, education and training institutes and diplomatic academies.
2. The EUDA education and training activities shall include, in particular:
(a) modules on relevant policy subjects in the field of the Union’s external action, in particular the CFSP, as well as on the Union’s role as a global actor and multilateral relations;
(b) practical training on relevant diplomatic skills, including on negotiation, communication, leadership, decision-making and other processes, political reporting and protocol, by means of an approach to contextual learning in an interactive environment;
(c) knowledge transfer and the sharing of experiences by practitioners, academics and researchers in the field of diplomacy and of the Union’s external action; and
(d) study visits to Union institutions, Member States’ representations, international and other relevant organisations.
3. A training period within the European External Action Service (EEAS) shall be offered as part of the training programme.
Article 4
1. The EUDA shall work under the overall responsibility of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (the ‘High Representative’).
2. A Steering Committee shall provide guidance on the EUDA education and training activities.
Article 5
The grant beneficiary
The EUDA shall be supported by the College of Europe, as grant beneficiary, in the implementation of the education and training activities referred to in Article 3 during the period covering the 4 academic years from 2024-2025 to 2027-2028.
Article 6
The Head of the EUDA
1. The Head of the EUDA (‘the Head’) shall:
(a) be responsible for the overall management of the EUDA;
(b) present the draft training programme to the Steering Committee for its approval and oversee the implementation of the EUDA education and training activities;
(c) ensure the regular production of evaluation reports concerning the training programme and its components and submit those reports to the Steering Committee;
(d) advise and support the work of the Steering Committee, and inform it of all other relevant activities regarding the training programme;
(e) inform the Steering Committee of the budget proposal for the EUDA, and on the implementation of the budget; and
(f) work in close consultation with the Commission and maintain contacts with the relevant authorities in the other Union institutions and in Member States.
2. The Head shall be appointed by the High Representative in accordance with the rules applicable to the filling of senior management posts at the EEAS, and shall direct the administrative department of the EEAS dedicated to the EUDA under the authority of the Secretary-General of the EEAS.
Article 7
Training programme
1. The specific activities to be implemented under this Decision during any academic year shall be defined in a training programme.
2. The training programme shall be consistent with the objectives and activities defined in Articles 2 and 3, and draw on the expertise of, and include cooperation with, education and training institutes and diplomatic academies in Member States.
3. The training programme shall define the tasks to be implemented by the College of Europe, including:
(a) the development of curricula and the provision of the education and training activities referred to in Article 3; and
(b) the provision of appropriate training facilities, full boarding and suitable living facilities for participants during the programme, as well as the provision of adequate lodging to the participants during their assignment to the EEAS’ departments pursuant to Article 3(3).
4. The training programme shall define the responsibilities of the College of Europe staff in charge of the programme’s execution, including the Director of the EUDA who shall be responsible for the:
(a) implementation of the education and training activities of the training programme, including the design of the courses and the monitoring of the programme;
(b) systematic reporting of all EUDA education and training activities to the Head and to the Steering Committee;
(c) collaboration with the Head on the implementation of the training programme if and where necessary; and
(d) representation of the EUDA in matters concerning its training programme.
5. Following the training programme’s approval by the Steering Committee, the Commission shall include the training programme in the grant agreement referred to in Article 11(4) as the description of the action.
Article 8
Steering Committee
1. The Steering Committee shall be composed of one representative appointed by each Member State. The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission shall each appoint a representative to participate in the Steering Committee.
2. The Steering Committee shall be chaired by the Head. It shall be convened by its Chair or at the request of a Member State.
3. The Head, the Director of the EUDA, and the representatives from the Union institutions may participate in the meetings of the Steering Committee without the right to vote.
4. The tasks of the Steering Committee shall be to:
(a) approve and keep under regular review the training programme of the EUDA, as well as other education and training activities where appropriate;
(b) review the training programme evaluation reports required under Article 6(1), point (c), and make recommendations with regard to EUDA activities;
(c) evaluate the performance of the grant beneficiary every year on the basis of the training programme evaluation reports, as well as the information provided on the budget implementation pursuant to Article 6(1), point (e), to ensure that the implementation of the EUDA training programme meets the required standards, as jointly defined by the EEAS and the Steering Committee; and
(d) decide on measures for cooperation with other relevant actors, as referred to in Article 10.
5. The Steering Committee shall approve the eligibility and selection criteria of the participants, as referred to in Article 12(2), point (a).
6. The Steering Committee shall approve its Rules of Procedure.
7. The Steering Committee shall act by unanimity. However, it shall act by simple majority with regard to the adoption of its Rules of Procedure and other procedural matters.
Article 9
Cooperation with Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
The EUDA shall closely cooperate with the Commission and establish close links with other Union institutions and with relevant Union bodies, offices and agencies, in particular with the European Union Institute for Security Studies and the European Security and Defence College.
Article 10
Cooperation with international organisations and other relevant actors
The EUDA shall cooperate with and draw on the expertise of international organisations and other relevant actors, such as education and training institutes and diplomatic academies in Member States and third States.
Article 11
Financial arrangements
1. The financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure of the training programme during the period from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 shall be EUR 1 720 432,62.
2. The financial reference amount intended to cover the implementation of the training programme for subsequent periods shall be decided by the Council.
3. The expenditure financed by the reference amount set out in paragraph 1 shall be managed in accordance with the rules and procedures applicable to the general budget of the Union.
4. The Commission shall supervise the proper management of the expenditure financed by the reference amount referred to in paragraph 1. For that purpose, it shall conclude a grant agreement with the College of Europe.
Article 12
Participation in EUDA
1. The EUDA shall be open to participation for members of the Member States’ diplomatic services, the EEAS as well as Union institutions’ staff members working in the field of external relations.
2. The EEAS shall:
(a) propose, subject to approval by the Steering Committee, the eligibility and selection criteria of the participants, aiming to secure the highest standards of ability, efficiency and integrity;
(b) launch a call for candidates on an annual basis; and
(c) select participants from among the candidates proposed by the Member States and by the Union institutions.
3. A certificate of attendance shall be awarded to participants who have completed the EUDA training programme.
Article 13
The Council shall review this Decision by 31 December 2026. To that end, the High Representative shall present, on the basis of an independent and external evaluation, a report on the EUDA and on the performance of the College of Europe in implementing the education and training activities of the EUDA, by 31 August 2026.
Article 14
Entry into force
This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.
Done at Brussels, 21 May 2024.
For the Council
The President
ELI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dec/2024/1472/oj
ISSN 1977-0677 (electronic edition)