Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 4/94 of 8 February 1994 amending Proto... (21994D0330(04))
EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations


No 4/94

of 8 February 1994

amending Protocol 30 to the EEA Agreement, on cooperation in the field of statistics

Having regard to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, as adjusted by the Protocol Adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, and in particular Article 98 thereof,
Whereas in order to ensure the feasibility, consistency and comparability of all the statistical information required, Protocol 30 to the Agreement provides for participation by the EFTA States in Community actions in the field of statistics;
Whereas the financial and administrative provisions of Protocol 30 should be updated to provide for a joint EEA Statistical Programme;
Whereas the EEA Statistical Programme should be based on the European Communities' Framework Programme for priority actions in the field of statistical information 1993 to 1997 and should include those programme elements which are necessary for describing and monitoring all relevant economic, social and environmental aspects of the EEA;
Whereas the specific actions of the EEA Statistical Programme should be carried out with particular attention to minimising the burden on respondents in answering statistical questionnaires, to the cost of data gathering and with strict adherence to the principle of statistical confidentiality,

Article 1

Protocol 30 to the Agreement shall be amended as set out in Articles 2 to 7 hereof.

Article 2

Paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:
The EFTA States shall, from 1 January 1994, participate within the framework of plans for priority actions in the field of statistical information. In particular, an EEA Statistical Programme shall be established as a subset of the EC Statistical Programme set up under the Council Decision to which reference is made in paragraph 9. The EEA Statistical Programme shall be the framework within which all the EEA statistical activities are carried out. The elements of the EEA Statistical Programme are listed in the Appendix.
Each year, the Conference to which reference is made in paragraph 1 shall draw up the guidelines for the implementation of the EEA Statistical Programme in the following year. These guidelines shall be established in parallel with the annual guidelines for implementing the Community Statistical Programme according to Article 3 of the Council Decision referred to in paragraph 9.
The Conference shall, as necessary, propose the EEA Joint Committee items to be added or deleted from the list contained in the Appendix.’

Article 3

The following shall be added as a new paragraph 3:
The EFTA States shall participate fully in the EC Committees which assist the EC Commission in the management or development of the actions referred to in paragraph 2 in so far as the subjects dealt with are covered by the Agreement.’.

Article 4

Former paragraphs 3, 4 and 6 shall be combined to become three subparagraphs of a new paragraph 4.

Article 5

Paragraph 5 shall be replaced by the following:
From 1 January 1994, the EFTA States shall contribute financially to actions included in the EEA Statistical Programme in accordance with Article 82 (1) (a) of the Agreement and the financial regulations thereto.
The EFTA States shall defray the additional cost incurred by Eurostat for storing, processing and disseminating data from their countries according to the provisions of the Agreement. The amounts involved shall be fixed periodically by the EEA Joint Committee.
The EFTA States shall contribute financially to the Community's overhead costs other than those incurred for storing, disseminating or processing data in accordance with Article 82 (1) (b) of the Agreement.’

Article 6

The following shall be added as new paragraphs 6, 7, 8 and 9:
The EFTA States shall be included in the statistical activities covered by the EEA Statistical Programme to the same extent as EC Member States in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
Responsibility for implementing the specific statistical actions in the EFTA States shall lie with the national statistical authorities; implementing procedures shall take account of the organization of each EFTA State's official statistics.
Where implementation measures for EC Member States, based on Article 4 (c) of the Council Decision referred to in paragraph 9, imply the transmission of available data or other available information concerning activities covered by the EEA Statistical Programme to the Commission, they shall also apply to EFTA States in accordance with paragraph 4.
At the request of the EEA Joint Committee, and at all events in the third year of cooperation and again at the end of the period covered by the EEA Statistical Programme, the Conference to which reference is made in paragraph 1 shall examine the progress made. In particular, it shall assess whether the objectives, priorities and actions planned during the period have been achieved and shall submit a report for the approval of the EEA Joint Committee.
The following Community act is the object of this Protocol:
393 D 0464:
Council Decision 93/464/EEC of 22 July 1993 on the framework programme for priority actions in the field of statistical information 1993 to 1997 (
OJ No L 219, 28. 8. 1993, p. 1

Article 7

An Appendix shall be added as set out in the Annex hereto.

Article 8

This Decision shall enter into force on 1 May 1994, provided that all the notifications required under Article 103 (1) of the Agreement have been made to the EEA Joint Committee.

Article 9

This Decision shall be published in the EEA Section of, and in the EEA Supplement to, the
Official Journal of the European Communities
Done at Brussels, 8 February 1994
By the EEA Joint Committee
The President



List of programme elements of the EEA statistical programme

Standardization and new EDP methods
Architecture of the European statistical information system
NSI network
General digests
Gross national product
European system of integrated economic accounts (ESA)
Current methodological questions in national accounts
Development of balance sheets
Green national accounts
National accounts aggregates
Quarterly national accounts
Accounts of general government
Accounts of other institutional sectors
Accounts of branch — structural database
Input-output tables
Capital stocks
Methodology of purchasing power parities
Price surveys of capital goods
Methodology and harmonization of consumer price indices
Production of consumer price indices
Surveys of final consumption prices
Coordination of monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics
Ecu and EMS Statistics
General government financial balance sheets
Financial accounts
Financial balance sheets
Financial and monetary indicators — short term indicators
Financial and monetary indicators — structural indicators
Balance of payments methodology
EFTA collection system for balance of payments data
Short-term on statistics on the balance of payments
Statistics on international movements of capital
Statistics on international trade in serviceds and geographical breakdown of the current-account balance
Nomenclature of economic activities
Classification of products by activities (CPA)
Nomenclature server
Functional and derived classifications
Coordination of statistics and accounts — general
Coordination of statistics and accounts — macro-economic
Coordination of statistics and accounts — micro-macro
Relations with the Member States
Institutional matters and statistical systems
Analysis of external trade
Statistics relating to the trading of goods EC/EFTA and EEA with third countries: methodology Nomenclature of goods for extra EEA and intra-EEA trade
Country nomenclature
Foreign trade statistics — production
Foreign trade statistics — dissemination
Statistical confidentiality
Methodology of energy statistics
Surveys on energy consumption
Survey on the combined production of electricity and heat
Structure, balance sheets and input-output tables
Renewable energy source
Energy prices
Special actions in support of the new Community policies
Raw materials (balance sheets and recovery of raw materials)
Adaptation of industrial statistics to the needs of the Single Market after 1992
Links with business
Industrial statistics: methodology
Industrial statistics: analysis
Annual European survey of business — industry
Industrial short-term indicators
Special and priority actions
Production and dissemination of iron and steel statistics
Statistics on research and development (R&FD) and innovation
Statistical research
Statistical techniques for measuring and processing data (registers, panels, measures of competitiveness and cohesion)
Services — methodology, methodological coordination of statistics on enterprises
Services: production and dissemination
Services products
Services — short term trends
Financial services including insurance
Business services
Communications and audio-visual services
Services for individuals and institutions
Public sector companies and government: micro-economics aspects of the public sector
Distributive trade
Tourism: methodology
Tourism: production and dissemination
Horeca and travel agencies
Transport — methodology
Transport — production and dissemination
Inland transport of goods
Sea transport
Air transport
Passenger transport
Activities of transport enterprises
European statistics on road traffic accidents
Community labour force survey (LFS)
The labour force, employment and unemployment
Working time and volume of work
Definitions and methods for employment statistics
Current demographic statistics
EEA census programme
Migration and migrants
Demographic projections in EEA
European forum for population studies
Social protection — Esspros financial flows (receipts and expenditure) and numbers of beneficiaries
Social protection: analysis of functions
Social protection: micro-economic studies
Poverty indicators
Household panel
Harmonization of family budget surveys
Household incomes
Statistics on household living conditions
Social and regional databank
Social statistgics observatory
General time budget survey
Social situation of “target groups” and “target situations”
Vocational training
Definitions and methods of education and training statistics
European statistics on accidents at work
European statistics on home and leisure accidents (Ehlass)
Harmonization of data on occupational diseases
Short-term wage indicators
Harmonized statistics of earnings in industry and services
Survey on labour costs
Survey on the structure of wages
Regional accounts
Social statistics at regional level
Agricultural statistics at regional level
Other regional statistics (transport, energy, environment, R&D, etc...)
Nuts nomenclature
Regio data bank and publications
Local data
Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings
Forestry statistics
Community typology of agricultural holdings
Economic accounts for agriculture (EAA)
Agricultural land use
Agricultural land use — cereals
Crop products — cereal production
Crop products — cereal balance sheets
Production and balance sheets — fishery products
Publication of environment statistics
Water statistics
Atmospheric emission statistics
Waste statistics
Collection of economic information on the environment (Seriee)
Environmental expenditure stratistics industry and services
Statistics of government expenditure
Household expenditure statistics
Statistics concerning econoic and financial instruments of environmental policy
Transport, tourism and the environment
Enterprises and the environment, eco-industries
Energy and the environment
Agriculture, forestry and the environment
Material flows of selected products and substanced that are harmful to the environment of health
Frameworks, accounts and indicators
Development of official Community and EEA environment statistics
Spatialo statistics
Envstat Database’