2012/652/EU: Decision No 2/2012 of the EU-Lebanon Association Council of 17 Septe... (22012D0652)
EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations


of 17 September 2012

setting up subcommittees of the Association Committee


Having regard to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Lebanon of the other part (1) (‘the Agreement’),
(1) A free trade area is to be established between the European Union and the Republic of Lebanon by 1 March 2015 at the latest.
(2) The relations of the European Union with the southern Mediterranean countries are becoming increasingly complex as a result of the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements and the continuation of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.
(3) Subcommittees of the association committees of the other associated countries have been set up in order to monitor the implementation of the partnership priorities and the approximation of legislation.
(4) There is a need to integrate the environment in sectoral policies, the objective being sustainable development.
(5) Article 80 of the Agreement provides for the setting up of the working groups or bodies necessary for the implementation of the Agreement.
(6) Subcommittees of the Association Committee should be therefore set up and their rules of procedures should be adopted,

Article 1

The subcommittees of the EU-Lebanon Association Committee listed in Annex I are hereby set up and their rules of procedure set out in Annex II are hereby adopted.
They shall work under the authority of the Association Committee, to which they shall report after each of their meetings. The subcommittees shall have no decision-making power.
The Association Committee shall take any other action needed to ensure that they operate properly and inform the Association Council accordingly.
The Association Council may decide to set up further subcommittees or to abolish existing subcommittees.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.
Done at Brussels, 17 September 2012.
For the EU-Lebanon Association Council
The Chairman
OJ L 143, 30.5.2006, p. 2



(1) Human rights, democracy and governance
(2) Economic and financial matters
(3) Industry, trade and services
(4) Internal market
(5) Social and migration policies
(6) Justice, freedom and security
(7) Agriculture and fisheries
(8) Transport, energy and environment
(9) Customs cooperation and taxation
(10) Research, innovation, information society, education and culture





1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each party shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Strengthening democracy, governance and the rule of law, including the independence of the judiciary and access to justice.
(b) Ratifying and implementing the principal international conventions on human rights and fundamental freedoms and the protocols to those conventions. Implementation of reporting obligations and review of reservations.
(c) National administrative and institutional capacity.
(d) Cooperation on foreign policy and crisis management issues, including in international organisations.
(e) Regional cooperation (including coordination of regional issues arising from other subcommittees).
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice, subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge, in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Macroeconomic policies.
(b) Structural economic policies.
(c) Financial services (macroeconomic aspects) and capital markets.
(d) Capital movement and payments.
(e) Public finance management, including public internal financial control.
(f) Pensions and social security (economic aspects).
(g) Statistics.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the ENP Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Enterprise policy and industrial cooperation.
(b) Implementation of the trade provisions of the Association Agreement and ENP Action Plan.
(c) Bilateral trade issues.
(d) Services and investment.
(e) Preparation of trade agreements on technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment.
(f) Cooperation on e-commerce issues.
(g) Tourism.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Legislative and administrative cooperation on technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment.
(b) Competition policy.
(c) Public procurement.
(d) Intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights.
(e) Services (policy and regulatory issues).
(f) Right of establishment, company law.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Fight against discrimination, including disability issues.
(b) Public health.
(c) Equal opportunities.
(d) Movement of workers.
(e) Migration policies.
(f) Labour policy.
(g) Social protection.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Migration issues.
(b) Asylum.
(c) Specific actions to combat terrorism in the field of justice, liberty and security.
(d) Fight against organised crime, including trafficking of human beings.
(e) Drugs.
(f) Money laundering, financial and economic crime.
(g) Police and judicial cooperation.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Agricultural and processed agricultural products, including trade.
(b) Sanitary and phyto-sanitary issues.
(c) Agricultural policies and rural development, regional cooperation.
(d) Fishery products, including trade.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Transport.
(b) Energy.
(c) Environment.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Customs procedures, customs nomenclature, customs valuation.
(b) Rules of origin.
(c) Tariff regimes.
(d) Customs cooperation.
(e) Taxation.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.




1.   Composition and chair

The subcommittee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and its Member States and representatives of the Government of Lebanon. It shall be chaired alternately by the two parties. Each side shall appoint its own chairperson.

2.   Role

The subcommittee shall be a forum for discussion, consultation and assessment, and shall work under the authority and guidance of the Association Committee, to which it shall report after each meeting. The subcommittee does not have any decision-making power but may submit proposals to the Association Committee.

3.   Subject matter

The subcommittee shall discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement and the related European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan in the areas listed below, among others, and shall assess progress on the objectives and actions identified and agreed upon in the Action Plan. Where relevant, cooperation in public administration matters shall be discussed. The subcommittee shall examine any problems that may arise in the areas listed below and shall suggest possible steps to be undertaken:
(a) Research, science and technological innovation.
(b) Education, training and youth.
(c) Cultural cooperation.
(d) Information society.
(e) Audiovisual policies.
(f) Civil society cooperation.
The above list is not exhaustive and other subjects may be added by the Association Committee.
The subcommittee may discuss matters relating to one, several or all of the above areas.

4.   Secretariat

A representative of the European Commission and a representative of the Government of Lebanon shall act jointly as permanent secretaries of the subcommittee.
All communications concerning the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the secretaries. The secretaries shall be responsible for the preparation of the subcommittee meetings, including dates and agendas.

5.   Meetings

The subcommittee shall meet whenever circumstances require, and in principle at least once a year. A meeting may be convened at the request of the chairperson of either party, channelled through its secretary, who shall pass on the request to the other party. Upon receipt of a request for a subcommittee meeting, the secretary of the other party shall reply within 15 working days. Where possible, and with the agreement of both parties, a number of subcommittee meetings may be grouped over several days.
In cases of particular urgency, subcommittee meetings may be convened at shorter notice subject to the agreement of both parties. All requests to convene meetings shall be in writing.
Each meeting of the subcommittee shall be held at a time and place agreed by both parties.
The meetings shall be convened by the secretary in charge in agreement with the chair. Before each meeting, the chair shall be informed of the intended composition of the delegation of each party.
If both parties agree, the subcommittee may invite experts to its meetings to provide the specific information desired.

6.   Agenda of the meetings

All requests for items to be included in the subcommittee agenda shall be forwarded to the secretaries.
A provisional agenda shall be drawn up by the chair for each meeting. It shall be forwarded by the secretary in charge to his or her counterpart not later than 10 days before the beginning of the meeting.
The provisional agenda shall include those items in respect of which requests for inclusion in the agenda have been received by the secretaries not later than 15 days before the beginning of the meeting. Supporting documentation shall be supplied to both parties at least seven days ahead of the meeting. To take account of urgent matters, these time limits may be shortened provided both parties agree.
The agenda shall be adopted by the subcommittee at the beginning of each meeting.

7.   Minutes

Minutes shall be taken and agreed by both secretaries after each meeting. A copy of the minutes, including the subcommittee’s proposals and recommendations, shall be forwarded by the secretaries of the subcommittee to the secretaries and chair of the Association Committee.

8.   Publicity

Unless otherwise decided, the meetings of the subcommittee shall not be public and the relevant minutes shall be confidential.