Pre-defined options:
A: site under the Birds Directive (SPA)
B: site under the Habitats Directive (pSCI, SCI or SAC)
C: site under both the Birds and the Habitats Directives (having identical borders)
Stable unique code
Name of the site in Latin alphabet
Site name non-Latin alphabet (optional)
Name of the site in non-Latin alphabet
Name of the organisation
Free text and language tag
Contact point in the organisation (optional)
Part of the organisation responsible for the compilation of data in the SDF
Free text and language tag
Functional mailbox email address
Functional Email address of functional mailbox, not personal
Website with contact information
Website containing the official contact information of the organisation
Site classification/proposal/designation dates
Date site first classified as SPA
SPA classification act
URI (URL or DOI) to national classification act or free text reference and language tag
Date site first proposed as SCI
Date site designated as SAC
SAC designation act
URI (URL or DOI) to national designation act or free text reference and language tag
Explanations (optional)
Free text and language tag; explanations can be given, e.g. for classification or designation dates of sites that are composed of originally separate SPAs and/or SCIs
Site area and location
Area of the site in hectares
Reason for area difference with spatial dataset (if any)
Pre-defined options:
Other - the spatial representation does not correspond to the area size in field 2.1.1 for other reasons. Give explanation in field 2.1.3
Reason for area difference - explanations
Free text field and language tag. It must be filled if ‘Other’ is indicated in field 2.1.2.
Administrative region (optional)
Administrative region code
Code from NUTS code-list (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
Administrative region name
Name from NUTS code-list (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
Biogeographical and marine regions
Code-list for biogeographical and marine regions (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
For sites located across two or more regions, give the percentage coverage in each of these regions
Ecological information
Habitat types of Annex I of Council Directive 92/43/EEC present on the site
Essential information (habitat type)
Fill in according to code-list for Annex I habitat types (see Natura2000 reference portal)
Indicate if the habitat type is a priority form of 6210 , 7130 or 9430
Pre-defined options:
the habitat is no longer present in the site
the habitat type is not present and was not present at the time of designation but it’s re-establishment is planned.
Only the fields 3.1.1 (Habitat code), 3.1.2 (Priority form), 3.1.6 (Method used), 3.1.7 (Period of last data collection), 3.1.13 (Conservation objectives), 3.1.16 (Update date) need to be filled. The field 3.1.4 (Cover) must be 0 (zero). The other fields of the section 3.1 should be left blank.
Cover of the habitat type in hectares
Number of caves (habitat type codes 8310 and 8330 )
Method used for cover
Pre-defined options:
complete survey or a statistically robust estimate;
based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data;
based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data.
Period of last data collection
Start date and end date of the period (month and year); if such information is unknown indicate ‘survey older than 2022’.
Site assessment (habitat type)
Indicate if habitat type occurrence is non-significant; For significant occurrences all fields of the section 3.1.b must be filled whereas for non-significant occurrences only the fields 3.1.8 (Significance) and 3.1.16 (Update date) of section 3.1.b have to be filled.
Pre-defined options:
A: excellent representativity
B: good representativity
C: significant representativity
Pre-defined options:
Relative surface explanations (optional)
Free text and language tag
Degree of conservation
Degree of conservation – categorised
Pre-defined options:
A: excellent degree of conservation (nearly all of the habitat area in good condition)
B: good degree of conservation (most of the habitat area in good condition)
C: reduced degree of conservation (most of the habitat area in not good condition)
X: unknown degree of conservation (most or all of the habitat area in unknown condition)
Degree of conservation – area
Give the area in hectares for each of the categories:
Not-good condition: …[ha]
Unknown condition: …[ha]
Degree of conservation – method used
Complete survey or statistically robust estimate in hectares (for example taken from mapping in management plans)
Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data (expert judgement)
Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data (based on partial mapping data)
Insufficient or no data available
Conservation objectives
Pre-defined options:
Maintain the habitat type’s surface area and its good condition
Enlarge the area of the habitat type
Improve the habitat type condition
Re-establish the habitat type
Conservation objectives - explanations
Free text and language tag
Pre-defined options:
Year and month
Species referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and species listed in Annex II to Directive 92/43/EEC present on the site
Essential information (species)
Code-list (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
Code-list (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
Species name from the relevant code-list on the reference portal that corresponds to the code used in 3.2.2
Sensitivity of species data
Indicate in case of sensitive species data
Pre-defined options:
the species is no longer present in the site
the species is not present and was not present at the time of designation but it’s re-establishment is planned.
Following fields need to be filled: 3.2.1 to 3.2.5, 3.2.9 (method used), 3.2.10 (period of last data collection) and 3.2.16 (conservation objectives). The field population size minimum and maximum need both to be 0 (zero). The other fields of the section 3.2 should be left blank.
Pre-defined options:
Population size and unit
Give minimum and maximum population size
Code-list (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
Pre-defined options:
Method used for population size
Pre-defined options:
Complete survey or a statistically robust estimate
Based mainly on expert opinion with very limited data
Based mainly on extrapolation from a limited amount of data
Insufficient or no data available
Period of last data collection
Start date and end date of the period (year and month) or if such information is unknown indicate ‘survey older than 2022’
Site assessment (species)
Indicate if occurrence of the species is non-significant. For significant occurrences of species all fields of the section 3.2.b must be filled in whereas for non-significant occurrences of species only the fields 3.2.11 (Significance) and 3.2.20 (Update date) of section 3.2.b have to be filled.
Species meeting ornithological criteria for SPA classification
Indicate if the bird species met the ornithological criteria used to justify SPA classification.
Pre-defined options:
Population – explanations (optional)
Free text and language tag
Degree of conservation
Degree of conservation - categorised
Pre-defined options:
A: excellent degree of conservation (nearly all of the habitat occupied by the species has sufficient quality)
B: good degree of conservation (most of the habitat occupied by the species has sufficient quality)
C: reduced degree of conservation (most of the habitat occupied by the species has non-sufficient quality)
X: unknown degree of conservation (most or all of the habitat occupied by the species has unknown quality)
Degree of conservation – occupied area (optional)
Give the area of the habitat occupied by the species in percentages for each of the categories:
Non-sufficient quality: …%
Unknown habitat quality: …%
Degree of conservation – occupied percentage classes
Estimated area of the habitat occupied by the species with sufficient quality
☐ 0-25 % ☐ 26-50% ☐ 51-75% ☐76-100%
Estimated area of the habitat occupied by the species with non-sufficient quality
☐ 0-25 % ☐ 26-50% ☐ 51-75% ☐ 76-100%
Estimated area of the habitat occupied by the species for which the quality is unknown
☐ 0-25 % ☐ 26-50% ☐ 51-75% ☐ 76-100%
Conservation objectives
Pre-defined options:
Maintain the extent and good quality of the habitat of the species and the population size
Enlarge area of the habitat of the species
Re-establish habitat for the species
Improve the quality of the habitat of the species (considering also disturbance and mortality factors)
Increase the population size
Reduce pressure on the population (e.g. reduce mortality or disturbance)
Re-establish the population at the site
Conservation objectives - explanations
Free text and language tag
Pre-defined options:
A: population (almost) isolated,
B: population not isolated, but on margins of area of distribution,
C: population not isolated within extended distribution range
Pre-defined options:
Year and month
Other important species of flora and fauna (optional)
If the species belongs to one of the species groups on the code-list available on the Natura 2000 reference portal use the respective code from this list; otherwise leave the field empty (blank).
If the species is on the code-lists on the Natura 2000 reference portal that are used in field 3.2.2, please use that code, otherwise leave this field empty.
If relevant, insert the scientific name as used in the code lists on the Natura 2000 reference portal that are used in field 3.2.2.
Sensitivity of species data
Indicate in case of sensitive species data
Indicate if the species is no-longer present in the site
Population size and unit
Minimum and maximum population size
Code-list (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
Pre-defined options:
Pre-defined options:
Species of Annex II of the Habitats Directive in a SPA
Species of Annex IV of the Habitats Directive
Species of Annex V of the Habitats Directive
Bird species of Annex I of the Birds Directive in a pSCI, SCI, SAC
Migratory bird species in a pSCI, SCI, SAC
Prohibited species of Annex I of the Technical Measures Regulation under the common fisheries policy (EU Regulation 2019/1241) which are not already protected by the Annexes of the Habitats Directive
Species listed in National Red Lists
Species listed in EU Red Lists
Species listed in Global Red Lists
Species listed/protected under international Conventions such as the Bern convention and the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals or the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD)
Typical species of Annex I habitat types
Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) / Forest Genetic Resources (FGR)
Invasive alien species of Union concern as referred to in the EU Regulation 1143/2014 on invasive alien species (IAS)
Free text and language tag
Quality and importance of the site
Free text and language tag
Pressures on the site
Code-list (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
Pre-defined options:
Location inside/outside
Pre-defined options:
Inside Natura 2000 site
Outside Natura 2000 site
Inside and outside Natura 2000 site
Pressure further detailed
Free text and language tag
Year and month
Free text and language tag
Year and month
Body responsible for the site management
Name of the organisation
Free text and language tag
Contact point in the organisation (optional)
Part of the organisation responsible for the management of the site
Free text and language tag
Functional mailbox email address
Functional mailbox email address, not personal
Website with contact information
Website containing the official contact information of the organisation
Existence of management plans(s)
Pre-defined options:
Yes (if yes fill in 5.2.2)
No, site only partially covered (fill in 5.2.2)
No, because a management plan is not necessary (fill in 5.2.3)
No, other reason (fill in 5.2.3)
Reference and validity of the management plan(s)
Link to the plan (URI) and
Validity: start date (year and month) and duration: number of months / or not defined
Further explanations
Free text and language tag; To be filled if management plan does not exist and is also not in preparation
Conservation measures
Detailed information on measures
Pre-defined options:
Necessary conservation measures are included in the management plan(s) to which the link is provided in section 5.2.2 (yes/no)
Necessary conservation measures are described in the following document(s):
Title and link (URI) and/or
Further explanations on detailed conservation measures (free text and language tag)
Status of conservation measures
Two questions with pre-defined options:
Are the necessary measures established?
not established
For fully or partly established measures only:
Are the established measures implemented?
all implemented and/or all on-going
only partly implemented and/or partly on-going
one-off measures not implemented and/or no recurrent measures on-going
Management effectiveness
Two questions with pre-defined options:
Is the effectiveness of the conservation measures periodically assessed? [yes/no]
Are the conservation measures delivering the set conservation objectives? [yes/no/not yet/ unknown because not assessed]
Geospatial representation of the site
INSPIRE identifier of the spatial object (see Natura 2000 reference portal)
The namespace as defined by the national INSPIRE implementation
The local identifier must be unique within the namespace
Version identifier (optional)
The identifier of the particular version of the spatial object