Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2071 of 27 September 2023 establishi... (32023R2071)
EU - Rechtsakte: 05 Freedom of movement for workers and social policy


of 27 September 2023

establishing a template for the structured survey on end recipients of food and/or basic material assistance under the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2021/1057 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2021/1057 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 on the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) (1) (‘ESF+ Regulation’), and in particular Article 23(4) thereof,
After consulting the Committee for the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+),
(1) The ESF+ Regulation requires the managing authorities to report twice to the Commission the results of a structured survey of the end recipients regarding the support received from the ESF+ under the specific objective set out in point (m) of Article 4(1) of the ESF+ Regulation and also focusing on their living conditions and the nature of their material deprivation, carried out during the previous year. The first such reporting shall take place by 30 June 2025 and the second by 30 June 2028.
(2) This structured survey on end recipients is one of the instruments to be used to evaluate the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). In order to ensure the survey yields high-quality results and makes a useful contribution to the evaluation of the ESF+, it is necessary to establish a template that enables the aggregation of data at European Union level,

Article 1

The structured survey on end recipients referred to in Article 23(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1057 shall be carried out in accordance with the template set out in the Annexes.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 27 September 2023.
For the Commission
The President
OJ L 231, 30.6.2021, p. 21




Interviewer’s organisation:
[name of the entity for which the interviewer is working]
[post code from where the survey is carried out]
Beneficiary delivering support:
[name of the organisation from which the end recipient received assistance]
[type of organisation]
[activity of the organisation: health, education, social protection, food, advisory, psychological support, housing support, other]
[date of the survey in format dd/mm/yyyy]
[time of the survey in format hh:mm]


Questions to the beneficiary providing food or basic material assistance (goods) to end recipients


What food/goods were distributed to whom? (reply to all)

Food distribution to children under 18 years


Food distribution to the homeless


Food distribution to women


Food distribution to single parents


Food distribution to persons 65 years of age and above


Food distribution to persons with disabilities


Food distribution to third-country nationals, persons with a foreign background or a minority


Food distribution to others


(and if yes, specify target group)

Goods distributed to children under 18 years


Goods distributed to the homeless


Goods distributed to women


Goods distributed to single parents


Goods distributed to persons 65 years of age and above


Goods distributed to persons with disabilities


Goods distributed to third-country nationals, persons with a foreign background or a minority


Goods distributed to others


(and if yes, specify target group)


How often do you distribute assistance (food/goods)?



Twice a week




Twice a month




Other (specify)



Estimate the total number of persons that will have received food/goods co-financed by the ESF+ in the whole present calendar year (1) from your organisation



If you also provide assistance (food/goods) to end recipients, which is not co-financed by the ESF+, what is distributed and to whom? (reply to all)

Food distribution to children under 18 years


Food distribution to the homeless


Food distribution to women


Food distribution to single parents


Food distribution to persons 65 years of age and above


Food distribution to persons with disabilities


Food distribution to third-country nationals, persons with a foreign background or a minority


Food distribution to others


(and if yes, specify target group)

Goods distributed to children under 18 years


Goods distributed to the homeless


Goods distributed to women


Goods distributed to single parents


Goods distributed to persons 65 years of age and above


Goods distributed to persons with disabilities


Goods distributed to third-country nationals, persons with a foreign background or a minority


Goods distributed to others


(and if yes, specify target group)

Do not know it as it is not traceable


Not applicable as we only provide support co-financed by the ESF+



How do you distribute food/goods to end recipients? (several answers possible)

End recipients come to the distribution point to collect this assistance


Home delivery



(please specify)

Not applicable as distribution goes to other organisations who redistribute food/goods directly to end recipients



What advice/guidance (called ‘accompanying measures’) is offered to end recipients in addition to food/goods distribution funded by ESF+? (several answers are possible)

Advice on food preparation/storage and nutrition (cooking workshops, recipes)


Health advice


Redirection to competent services (e.g. social services, administrations, etc.)


Individual coaching and workshops


Psychological and therapeutic support


Advice on job search


Advice on managing a household budget


Other support (to be specified)

[Text box to be filled in]

None (not applicable)



Estimate the number of end recipients that will have benefitted from advice/guidance (accompanying measures) during the whole present calendar year (2)



What conditions must end-recipients satisfy to receive food/goods and advice co-financed by the ESF+?

[Text box]


In your opinion, are the administrative requirements to manage the ESF+ support addressing material deprivation:

‘Very easy to comply with’


‘Easy to comply with’


‘Neutral’ (neither easy nor hard to comply)


‘Hard to comply with’


‘Very hard to comply with’



If your answer was ‘hard’ or ‘very hard to comply with’, can you please describe what is not easy to comply with?

[Text box]


What are the main benefits of providing food/goods directly in comparison to vouchers/cards?

And what are the main challenges of providing food/goods directly in comparison to vouchers/cards?

[Text box]


Do you have any other comments concerning ESF+ support to the most deprived, the collaboration between Managing Authorities and Beneficiaries or suggested solutions for difficulties/challenges encountered?

[Text box]


Questions for the end recipient of food or basic material assistance (goods) provided with ESF+ support

The interviewer should explain briefly the purpose of the survey before proceeding with the questions (to know more about the respondent’s personal situation and views about the support received). The end recipient of ESF+ direct support should be informed that the survey is anonymous and that the results of this interview will be used solely for the purpose of this survey. The survey should respect the privacy of end recipients.


Which is your gender?




I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question






What age are you?




65 or above

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question







Please tell me whether you live …?



In a couple without children


Alone with children


In a couple with children


Other, specify:

[Text box to be filled in]

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



How did you find out that the ESF+ support you receive was available? (several answers are possible)

Through social services/non-profit organisations


Through advertisement in the press, flyers, brochures, postcards


Through internet/social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube)


Through family or friends


Other, specify:

[Text box to be filled in]

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



Please tell me which of the following you received in the present calendar year? (several boxes can be selected)



I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question











Please tell me whether the food/goods provided was useful to you or to the people living with you?




I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question






If ‘No’ or ‘Partially’, could you tell me why?

Insufficient quantity of food/goods


Insufficient frequency of food/goods distribution


Unavailability of the food/goods I was looking for


Poor quality of food/goods


Other type of assistance required (please specify)

[Text box to be filled in]

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



If you received food funded by ESF+, please tell me what food products received are most useful? (several boxes can be selected)

Fresh vegetables and fruits








Other dairy products (butter, yogurt, cheese…)


Basic products (flour, oil, sugar, pasta, rice...)


Canned food (vegetables, fruits, meat…) or prepared meals (soups, frozen meals...)


Desserts, cookies, breakfast cereals


Tea or coffee


Baby food (powdered milk, …)


Other food

[Text box to be filled in]

None (not applicable as I did not receive food)



If you received goods funded by ESF+, please tell me which goods are most useful? (several boxes can be selected)

Clothes and equipment for babies


Clothes and equipment for children


Clothes and equipment for adults


Sleeping bags/blankets


Kitchen equipment


Household linen and cleaning products


Hygiene articles


Other goods

[Text box to be filled in]

None (not applicable as I did not receive goods)



Who are the food/goods that you received intended for? (several boxes can be selected)


Other adults who live with me

Children who live with me

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question






How often have you been receiving food in the present calendar year?

Every day

Once a week

Once a month

Other frequency

It is the first time I receive assistance

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question




[specify frequency]




How often have you been receiving goods in the present calendar year?

Every day

Once a week

Once a month

Other frequency

It is the first time I receive assistance

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question




[specify frequency]




Do you know when you will need the same assistance again?


Next week

Next month

Other (period)

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question




[specify period]



If you faced any difficulties in receiving food/goods, please tell me which kind of difficulties were they? (several answers possible)

I had delays due to additional procedures or documents to be provided


I had to travel a long distance


I was ashamed, I don’t like to ask for help


I had difficulties in accessing information


I had technical difficulties (no mobile phone or PC, access to websites…)


I lack knowledge of the language


Other (to be specified)

[Text box to be filled in]

None (not applicable as I did not face any difficulty)


I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



If a year ago, you could afford to purchase the food/goods you just received, please tell me why this is no longer the case? (several answers possible)

A drop in income (please specify e.g. job loss, partial unemployment)

Increase in my costs

(please specify e.g. due to higher cost of living)

Another reason (specify)

Not applicable as I could also not afford it last year

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question







What kind of advice or guidance do you receive (several answers possible)?

Advice on food preparation/storage and nutrition (cooking workshops, recipes)


Health advice


Redirection to competent services (e.g. social services, administrations, etc.)


Individual coaching and workshops


Psychological and therapeutic support


Advice on job search


Advice on managing a household budget


Other (to be specified)

[Text box to be filled in]

Not applicable as I did not receive any advice or guidance


I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



How useful did you find the advice or guidance received?

Very useful

Somewhat useful

Not very useful

Not useful at all

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question or not applicable







If the advice or guidance was not useful, could you please explain why?

[Text box]


Are you and/or other members of your household receiving assistance (food, goods or advice) from other organisations?



I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question





Please tell me if… (select a response for all sub-questions please)




I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question


you have any income from work?





you get any other income or benefits?





any members of your household(4) have any income from work?





any members of your household get any other income or benefits?





you have the nationality of the country in which you are now?





you have the nationality of another EU country?





you are an asylum seeker or a refugee or beneficiary of temporary protection(5)?





you have any disability?





Where do you live now?

I live in a home that I own


I rent an apartment or house


I am hosted by family, friends or other people


I live in a home for the elderly


I live in accommodation for single mothers or single fathers


I live in a university residence or a young workers’ hostel


I live in accommodation for asylum seekers


I live in a caravan or mobile home


I live in the street (squat, slum, tent...)


I live in a refugee camp


Other (to be specified)

[Text box to be filled in]

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



Do you have anything else you would like to say about the support you received?

[Text box]

(1)  For the survey due in 2025 present calendar year refers to the calendar year 2024. For the survey due in 2028 present calendar year refers to the calendar year 2027.
(2)  See footnote for question A3.
(3)  In case the end recipient is a child, the responses should be obtained from parent(s) or from an authorised representative.
(4)  A group of people, often a family, who live together.
(5)  To displaced persons from non-EU countries who are unable to return to their country of origin EUR-Lex - 32001L0055 - EN - EUR-Lex (




Interviewer’s organisation:
[name of the entity for which the interviewer is working]
[post code from where the survey is carried out]
Beneficiary delivering support:
[name of the organisation from which the end recipient received assistance]
[type of organisation]
[activity of the organisation: health, education, social protection, food, advisory, psychological support, housing support, other]
[date of the survey in format dd/mm/yyyy]


Questions to the beneficiary delivering support indirectly through e.g. vouchers/cards


What type of assistance and population is addressed through the scheme? (reply to all)

Food addressed to children under 18 years


Food addressed to the homeless


Food distribution to women


Food distribution to single parents


Food distribution to persons 65 years of age and above


Food distribution to persons with disabilities


Food distribution to third-country nationals, persons with a foreign background or a minority


Food addressed to other target groups


(and if yes, specify target group)

Goods addressed to children under 18 years


Goods addressed to the homeless


Goods distributed to women


Goods distributed to single parents


Goods distributed to persons 65 years of age and above


Goods distributed to persons with disabilities


Goods distributed to third-country nationals, persons with a foreign background or a minority


Goods addressed to others


(and if yes, specify target group)


What does the voucher or card enable end recipients to buy? (several answers are possible)



Basic material assistance products (such as hygiene products)


Educational or audiovisual material/equipment


Other items sold in supermarkets with some exceptions (alcohol, tobacco, etc.)

(please specify the item)


(please specify)


Estimate the total number of persons that will have been assisted through vouchers or cards co-financed by the ESF+ during the whole present calendar year (1) by your organisation



If you also provide assistance (food/goods) to end recipients, which is not co-financed by the ESF+, what is provided and to whom? (reply to all)

Food distribution to children under 18 years


Food distribution to the homeless


Food distribution to women


Food distribution to single parents


Food distribution to persons 65 years of age and above


Food distribution to persons with disabilities


Food distribution to third-country nationals, persons with a foreign background or a minority


Food distribution to others


(and if yes, specify target group)

Goods distributed to children under 18 years


Goods distributed to the homeless


Goods distributed to women


Goods distributed to single parents


Goods distributed to persons 65 years of age and above


Goods distributed to persons with disabilities


Goods distributed to third-country nationals, persons with a foreign background or a minority


Goods distributed to others


(and if yes, specify target group)

Do not know it as it is not traceable


Not applicable as we only provide support co-financed by the ESF+



What advice (called ‘accompanying measures’) is offered to voucher/card recipients? (several answers are possible)

Advice on food preparation/storage and nutrition (cooking workshops, recipes)


Health advice


Redirection to competent services (e.g. social services, administrations, etc.)


Individual coaching and workshops


Psychological and therapeutic support


Advice on job search


Advice on managing a household budget


Other support (to be specified)

[Text box to be filled in]

None (not applicable)



Estimate the number of voucher/card recipients that benefitted from advice/guidance funded by ESF+ (accompanying measures) during the present calendar year (2)



What conditions must end recipients satisfy to receive vouchers or cards and advice co-financed by the ESF+?

[Text box]


Estimate how much money in euros will have been made available to an end recipient through ESF+ vouchers/cards for obtaining food/goods in the whole present calendar year (3)

{amount in EUR}

[Text box if a clarification is needed]


In your opinion, are the administrative requirements to manage the voucher/card scheme:

‘Very easy to comply with’


‘Easy to comply with’


‘Neutral’ (neither easy nor hard to comply)


‘Hard to comply with’


‘Very hard to comply with’



If your answer was ‘hard’ or ‘very hard to comply with’, can you please explain what requirement is not easy to comply with?

[Text box]


What are the main benefits of vouchers/cards in comparison to providing food/goods directly?

And what are the main challenges of vouchers/cards in comparison to providing food/goods directly?

[Text box]


Do you have any other comments concerning the scheme for distribution of vouchers/cards to the most deprived, the collaboration between Managing Authorities and Beneficiaries or suggested solutions for difficulties/challenges encountered?

[Text box]


Questions for the end recipient of ESF+ support

The interviewer should explain briefly the purpose of the survey before proceeding with the questions (to know more about the respondent’s personal situation and views about the support received). The end recipient of ESF+ indirect support should be informed that the survey is anonymous and that the results of this interview will be used solely for the purpose of this survey. The survey should respect the privacy of end recipients.


Which is your gender?




I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question






What age are you?




65 or above

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question







Please tell me whether you live …?



In a couple without children


Alone with children


In a couple with children


Other, specify:

[Text box to be filled in]

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



How did you find out that the ESF+ support you receive was available? (several answers are possible)

Through social services/non-profit organisations


Through advertisement in the press, flyers, brochures, postcards


Through internet/social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube)


Through family or friends


Other, specify:

[Text box to be filled in]

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



Please tell me which of the following you received through vouchers/cards in the present calendar year? (several boxes can be selected)



I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question











Please tell me whether the assistance received through vouchers or cards was useful to you or to the people living with you?




I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question






If the above answer was ‘No’ or ‘Partially’, could you tell me why?

[Text box]


If you received food through vouchers/cards funded by ESF+, please tell me what food products are most useful? (several boxes can be selected)

Fresh vegetables and fruits








Other dairy products (butter, yogurt, cheese…)


Basic products (flour, oil, sugar, pasta, rice...)


Canned food (vegetables, fruits, meat…) or prepared meals (soups, frozen meals...)


Desserts, cookies, breakfast cereals


Tea or coffee


Baby food (powdered milk, …)


Other food

[Text box to be filled in]

None (not applicable as I did not receive food)



If you received goods through vouchers/cards funded by ESF+, please tell me which goods are most useful? (several boxes can be selected)

Clothes and equipment for babies


Clothes and equipment for children


Clothes and equipment for adults


Sleeping bags/blankets


Kitchen equipment


Household linen and cleaning products


Hygiene articles


Other goods

[Text box to be filled in]

None (not applicable as I did not receive goods)



Who are the food/goods that you received through vouchers/cards intended for?


Other adults who live with me

Children who live with me

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question






If you faced any difficulties in receiving vouchers/cards, please tell me which kind of difficulties were they? (several answers possible)

I had delays due to additional procedures or documents to be provided


I had to travel a long distance


I was ashamed, I don’t like to ask for help


I had difficulties in accessing information


I had technical difficulties (no mobile phone or PC, access to websites …)


Lack knowledge of the language


Other (to be specified)

[Text box to be filled in]

None (not applicable as I did not face any difficulty)


I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



If a year ago you could afford to purchase the food/goods you just received through vouchers/cards, please tell me why this is no longer the case? (several answers possible)

A drop in income (please specify e.g. job loss, partial unemployment)

Increase in my costs (please specify e.g. due to higher cost of living)

Another reason (specify)

Not applicable as I could also not afford it last year

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question







What kind of advice or guidance did you receive? (several answers possible)

Advice on food preparation/storage and nutrition (cooking workshops, recipes)


Health advice


Redirection to competent services (e.g. social services, administrations, etc.)


Individual coaching and workshops


Psychological and therapeutic support


Advice on job search


Advice on managing a household budget


Other (to be specified)

[Text box to be filled in]

Not applicable as I did not receive any advice or guidance


I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



How useful did you find the advice or guidance received?

Very useful

Somewhat useful

Not very useful

Not useful at all

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question or not applicable







If the advice or guidance was not useful, could you please explain why?

[Text box]


Are you and/or other members of your household receiving assistance (food, goods or advice) from other organisations?



I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question





Please tell me if… (select a response for all sub-questions please)




I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question


you have any income from work?





you get any other income or benefits?





any members of your household(5) have any income from work?





any members of your household get any other income or benefits?





you have the nationality of the country in which you are now?





you have the nationality of another EU country?





you are an asylum seeker or a refugee or beneficiary of temporary protection(6)?





you have any disability?





Where do you live now?

I live in a home that I own


I rent an apartment or house


I am hosted by family, friends or other people


I live in a home for elderly


I live in accommodation for single mothers or single fathers


I live in a university residence or a young workers’ hostel


I live in accommodation for asylum seekers


I live in a caravan or mobile home


I live in the street (squat, slum, tent...)


I live in a refugee camp


Other (to be specified)

[Text box to be filled in]

I do not wish to answer/know/understand the question



Do you have anything else you would like to say about the support you received?

[Text box]

(1)  For the survey due in 2025 present calendar year refers to the calendar year 2024, in which the survey is conducted. For the survey due in 2028 present calendar year refers to the calendar year 2027.
(2)  See footnote for question A3.
(3)  See footnote for question A3.
(4)  In case the end recipient is a child, the responses should be obtained from parent(s) or from an authorised representative.
(5)  A group of people, often a family, who live together.
(6)  To displaced persons from non-EU countries who are unable to return to their country of origin EUR-Lex - 32001L0055 - EN - EUR-Lex (