94/779/CFSP: Common Position of 28 November 1994 defined by the Council on the basis of Article J.2 of the Treaty on European Union on the objectives and priorities of the European Union towards Ukraine
Official Journal L 313 , 06/12/1994 P. 0001 - 0002
COMMON POSITION of 28 November 1994 defined by the Council on the basis of Article J.2 of the Treaty on European Union on the objectives and priorities of the European Union towards Ukraine (94/779/CFSP)
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article J.2 thereof,
Recalling that the Commission is fully associated with the work on this common position, as provided for by Article J.9 of the aforementioned Treaty,
Noting, pursuant to Article C, the responsibility of the Council and the Commission to ensure the consistency in the European Union's external activities as a whole, each in accordance with its respective powers,
Taking account of the measures and programmes that the Community has undertaken with regard to Ukraine,
Referring to the conclusions of the Council on 4 and 31 October 1994,
A. The European Union shall pursue the following objectives and priorities in its relations with Ukraine:
1. To develop a strong political relationship with Ukraine and increase cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union. The European Union will continue to support the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.
2. To support democratic development in Ukraine, through offering advice on legislation and practical assistance in establishing democratic institutions, and through contacts between Ukrainian and European officials, parliamentarians and non-governmental organizations at different levels.
3. To support economic stabilization and reform based on the agreement with the IMF and support from the IFIS, considering that the establishment of a market economy is a prerequisite for economic development and would enhance political and social stability. The early entry into force of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement is important in this context.
To support the integration of Ukraine into the world economic order.
4. To continue to provide assistance for the process of nuclear disarmament, while attaching, in the context of its cooperation with Ukraine, the greatest importance to the implementation of Ukraine's obligations regarding nuclear disarmament and accession to the Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapons State at the earliest possible time, which would free the way for the full implementation of the Start I and Start II agreements and while valuing the progress made so far in nuclear disarmament.
To promote Ukraine's cooperation as a neighbouring country in the Stability Pact, support the active membership in NACC and the rapid development of a Partnership for Peace programme, and encourage the development of dialogue and cooperation with the WEU.
To support also CSCE efforts to offer assistance in resolving tensions in the Crimea, within the context of Ukrainian territorial integrity and sovereignty.
To promote good neighbourly relations between Ukraine and its neighbours.
5. To promote early implementation of the EU/G7 action plan on nuclear safety and reform of the energy sector, which, in particular, would lead to the closure of Chernobyl.
B. Member States shall ensure that their national policies conform to this common position.
THE COUNCIL NOTES that the Commission will direct its action towards achieving the objectives and priorities of this common position by appropriate Community measures.
THE COUNCIL WILL UNDERTAKE the necessary measures to promote the abovementioned objectives and priorities, where appropriate on the basis of Commission proposals.
C. This common position shall be published in the Official Journal.
Done at Brussels, 28 November 1994.
For the Council
The President