96/407/CFSP: Common Position of 25 June 1996 defined by the Council on the basis of Article J.2 of the Treaty on European Union, concerning East Timor
Official Journal L 168 , 06/07/1996 P. 0002 - 0002
COMMON POSITION of 25 June 1996 defined by the Council on the basis of Article J.2 of the Treaty on European Union, concerning East Timor (96/407/CFSP)
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article J.2 thereof,
Article 1
The European Union, referring to its previous declarations on the situation in East Timor, intends to pursue the following aims:
1. to contribute to the achievement by dialogue of a fair, comprehensive and internationally acceptable solution to the question of East Timor, which fully respects the interests and legitimate aspirations of the Timorese people, in accordance with international law;
2. to improve the situation in East Timor regarding respect for human rights in the territory.
Article 2
To pursue the aims referred to Article 1, the European Union:
1. supports the initiatives undertaken in the United Nations framework which may contribute to resolving this question;
2. supports in particular the current talks under the aegis of the United Nations Secretary-General with the aim of achieving the solution referred to in point 1 of Article 1, effective progress towards which continues to be hampered by serious obstacles;
3. encourages the continuation of intra-Timor meetings in the context of this process of dialogue under the auspices of the United Nations;
4. calls upon the Indonesian Government to adopt effective measures leading to a significant improvement in the human rights situation in East Timor, in particular by implementing fully the relevant decisions adopted in this connection by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights;
5. supports all appropriate action with the objective of generally strengthening respect for human rights in East Timor and substantially improving the situation of its people, by means of the resources available to the European Union and aid for action by NGOs.
Article 3
The Council will be responsible for the follow-up concerning this common position.
Article 4
This common position shall apply from the date of its adoption.
Article 5
This common position shall be published in the Official Journal.
Done at Luxembourg, 25 June 1996.
For the Council
The President