on the provisional application of the Agreement establishing an International Science and Technology Center
The European Atomic Energy Community and the European Community, acting as one party, the United States of America, Japan, and the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Signatory Parties’,
Recognizing the importance of the Agreement establishing an International Science and Technology Center, signed in Moscow on 27 November 1992, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Agreement’,
Article I
1. The Agreement shall be provisionally applied in accordance with its terms by the Signatory Parties from the date of the last notification of the Signatory Parties of the completion of internal procedures necessary for entry into force of this Protocol.
2. The Agreement shall be applied provisionally until its entry into force in accordance with Article XVIII thereof.
Article II
The Agreement shall be subject to review by the Parties two years after the beginning of provisional application of the Agreement notwithstanding the provisions of Article XV (A) of the Agreement.
Article III
Any of the Parties may withdraw from this Protocol six months from the date on which written notification is provided to the other Parties.
Article IV
1. Any State desiring to become a Party to the Agreement in accordance with Article XIII thereof, after fulfilling the conditions set forth in that Article, and after completing its internal procedures that will be necessary for accession to the Agreement, shall notify the Signatory Parties of its intention to provisionally apply the Agreement in accordance with this Protocol.
2. The provisional application by that State shall begin from the date of notification referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Done in Moscow on 27 December 1993, in the English and Russian languages, each text being equally authentic.
The European Atomic Energy Community and the European Community
The United States of America
The Russian Federation