Commission Implementing Decision of 24 January 2019 on the publication in the... (32019D0131(02))
EU - Rechtsakte: 15 Environment, consumers and health protection


of 24 January 2019

on the publication in the

Official Journal of the European Union

of an application for amendment of a specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

(Costers del Segre (PDO))

(2019/C 38/06)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (1), and in particular Article 97(3) thereof,
(1) Spain has sent an application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Costers del Segre’ in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.
(2) The Commission has examined the application and concluded that the conditions laid down in Articles 93 to 96, Article 97(1), and Articles 100, 101 and 102 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 have been met.
(3) In order to allow for the presentation of statements of opposition in accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Costers del Segre’ should be published in the
Official Journal of the European Union

Sole Article

The application for amendment of the specification for the name ‘Costers del Segre’ (PDO), in accordance with Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, is contained in the Annex to this Decision.
In accordance with Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the publication of this Decision confers the right to oppose the amendment of the specification referred to in the first paragraph of this Article within two months of the date of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
Done at Brussels, 24 January 2019.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671




Date of application: 4.11.2014



Rules Applicable to the Amendment

Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 — Non-minor amendment


Description and reasons for the amendment


Removal of the maximum alcoholic strength

Deletion of the total and actual alcoholic strengths for the ‘wine’ category (whites, rosés and reds) from point 2.1 of the Product Specification and point 4 of the Single Document.
This is due to a slight increase in strength over recent years caused by the changing climate.
EU legislation allows total alcoholic strength to exceed 15 % by volume as long as it is not artificially increased. There is no obligation to limit alcoholic strength at this value so we have chosen to dispense with this rule.
Of course, if the wines were to exceed this threshold, this would never be due to the alcoholic strength being artificially increased.


Removal of restrictions on planting density

Deletion of the maximum and minimum planting densities from point 3.1 of the Product Specification, also amending point 5.a of the Single Document.
Due to climate change and new growing techniques, growers need to be able to plant vines at different densities from those currently established, using different planting patterns to guarantee the distinctive features of PDO ‘Costers del Segre’.


Enlargement of the demarcated geographical area

Amendment of point 4 of the Product Specification and point 6 of the Single Document through the addition of the following:
Cadastral polygon 5 (parcels 399, 400, 401 and 402) in the municipality of Cubells (Artesa de Segre sub-area)
Cadastral polygon 4 (parcel 178) in the municipality of Albagés (Garrigues sub-area)
Cadastral polygon 6 (parcels 317, 318, 319, 320 and 597) in the municipality of Juncosa (Garrigues sub-area)
Cadastral polygons 1 (parcel 27) and 3 (parcels 97 and 222) in the municipality of Llardecans (Garrigues sub-area)
Cadastral polygons 1 (parcels 509 and 556), 3 (parcels 37, 190, 191, 219, 222, 226, 233, 248, 315 and 318), 12 (parcels 146, 151, 161, 163 and 175), 13 (parcels 17, 93, 127 and 204) and 17 (parcel 212) in the municipality of Conca de Dalt (Pallars sub-area)
Cadastral polygon 4 (parcels 24, 25, 26, 29, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 50 and 65) in the municipality of Pobla de Segur (Pallars sub-area)
Cadastral polygons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the municipality of Llimiana (Pallars sub-area)
Cadastral polygon 3 (parcels 17, 28, 29, 37, 300 and 301) in the municipality of Rialp (Pallars sub-area)
Cadastral polygon 3 (parcels 294 and 430) in the municipality of Salàs de Pallars (Pallars sub-area)
Cadastral polygons 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the municipality of Talarn (Pallars sub-area)
Cadastral polygons 1 (parcels 162 and 181) and 2 (parcel 143) in the municipality of Almacelles (Raimat sub-area)
Cadastral polygon 5 (parcel 280) in the municipality of Almacelles (Segrià sub-area)
Cadastral polygons 1 and 2 in the municipality of Lleida (Segrià sub-area)
Cadastral polygons 11 (parcels 6, 7, 8 and 9005) and 12 (parcel 9006) in the municipality of Torrefarrera (Segrià sub-area)
Cadastral polygon 6 (parcels 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48) in the municipality of Vilagrassa (Valls del Riu Corb sub-area)
Following requests to have the production area extended submitted by a number of interested parties, the PDO’s management board compiled reports on the agronomic, soil, climate and environmental conditions of the parcels in question in order to check whether the new areas covered by the requested enlargement fit the profile of the PDO area, and if so, to confirm their exact location within the relevant sub-area. The explanations for each case are as follows:
The parcels in Cubells are adjacent to parcels that are already in the PDO’s demarcated area and have the same climate and soil conditions as the sub-area in question. Products from these parcels can therefore be covered by the PDO without affecting the quality and characteristics of the wines.
The parcel in Albagés is adjacent to 11 other parcels in cadastral polygon 4 that are currently included in the demarcated area for PDO ‘Costers del Segre’.
The parcels in Juncosa are adjacent to parcels that are already in the PDO’s demarcated area and have the same climate and soil conditions as the sub-area in question. Products from these parcels can therefore be covered by the PDO without affecting the quality and characteristics of the wines.
The parcels in Llardecans have the same soil and climate conditions as the rest of the Garrigues sub-area. The distinctive quality and characteristics of PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ wines are therefore guaranteed.
Conca de Dalt offers wine quality and characteristics that are no different from the link found in the rest of the Pallars sub-area.
Pobla de Segur offers wine quality and characteristics that are no different from the link found in the rest of the Pallars sub-area.
10, 13 and 14. The changes affecting the municipalities of Llimiana, Talarn, Lleida and Torrefarrera are not geographical changes but rather adjustments to the wording to make it clearer and more objective. The change for Torrefarrera is due to re-zoning issues: the parcel codes have changed and need to be updated through this amendment.
The parcels in Rialp are adjacent to parcels that are already in the PDO’s demarcated area and have the same climate and soil conditions as the sub-area in question. Products from these parcels can therefore be covered by the PDO without affecting the quality and characteristics of the wines.
Salàs de Pallars offers wine quality and characteristics that are no different from the link found in the rest of the Pallars sub-area.
Adding the parcel in Almacelles has no impact on product quality as it is adjacent to parcels currently included in the demarcated area for PDO ‘Costers del Segre’.
The parcels in Vilagrassa are adjacent to parcels that are already in the PDO’s demarcated area and have the same climate and soil conditions as the sub-area in question. Products from these parcels can therefore be covered by the PDO without affecting the quality and characteristics of the wines.


Addition of new varieties

Amendment of point 6 of the Product Specification and point 7 of the Single Document to include the following new grape varieties: Godello, Chenin Blanc, Verdejo and Viognier (white) and Cabernet Franc, Garnacha Tintorera, Malbec and Petit Verdot (red).
A number of wineries that make the wines covered by this PDO have requested or expressed an interest in the inclusion of these varieties (authorised for this Autonomous Community), deeming them to be suitable for this purpose. Based on these requests, and the fact that all of these varieties yielded excellent results in studies and tests performed to check their suitability, taking into account soil and climate conditions, it has been decided to include them.
Due to natural factors in the area, the white varieties Chenin Blanc and Viognier are perfect for making PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ wines, preserving the distinctive flavours and aromas of each variety and enhancing the characteristics of the white wines while retaining the traits and flavours that are typical of the region.
PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ red wines are characterised by a strong aroma, balanced taste and tannic features. They are flavourful, full and structured on the palate. Tests on Cabernet Franc, Garnacha Tintorera and Petit Verdot show that the use of these varieties would enhance those characteristics.
Verdejo is an early-shooting and early-ripening white variety that, thanks to the area’s natural influences, is well-suited to long-spur pruning. As for growing conditions, this variety gives very good wines when planted in low density with high yields. The wines present the variety’s characteristic flavours and aromas, with medium to high alcoholic strength and acidity. The use of this variety would enhance the characteristic features of PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ white wines, retaining the character and flavours that are typical of the region.
Godello is an early-shooting and early-ripening white variety that, thanks to the area’s natural influences, is perfectly suited for these wines, which preserve the variety’s characteristic aromas and flavours. The wines have an alcoholic strength of 12-13, medium or high acidity (5,5-6,5) and medium aromatic potential.
In short, wines made from the Godello variety retain the character and flavours typical of the area without affecting the quality of the wines.
PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ red wines are characterised by a strong aroma, balanced taste and tannic features. They are flavourful, full and structured on the palate. Tests on Malbec show that the use of this variety would enhance those characteristics. The studies conducted show that Malbec is a very high-yielding variety with plenty of potential to produce quality wine without diminishing the area’s typical character and flavours.


Link improvements

Improvement of the wording of point 7.3 of the Product Specification and point 8 of the Single Document.
The wording has been improved for each of the types of wine covered by the PDO.
Neither enlarging the demarcated area nor including new varieties has any impact on the quality of the product or the characteristics of the wine, so these changes have not affected the wording of the link. The link itself is not altered by adding area and varieties precisely because the new areas and varieties are consistent with the essential nature of the PDO, and thus comply with the link. If the new additions did not match the link to the PDO, they could not be made.


Elimination of the requirement that bottling take place in the demarcated area

Revision of point 8.3 of the Product Specification and the point 9 of the Single Document, removing the requirement that bottling take place within the defined area.
The bottling of PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ products does not need to take place within the growing and winemaking area.
We will therefore add the following passage to the Product Specification:
‘Products covered by the “Costers del Segre” PDO must be packaged in a way that guarantees their essential nature, characteristics and quality. They must never be transported in a way that could impair the quality of the end product. If products are to be packaged outside the production area, the PDO management body must be notified in advance so it can supervise the packaging and guarantee product quality’.


Improvements to guarantee markings

Revision of point 8.5 of the Product Specification and point 9 of the Single Document, replacing the single stamp and numbering system with the following options: a guarantee seal, numbered label, numbered secondary label or computerised control system.
The aim behind this amendment is that the type of guarantee seal should reflect actual practice and ensure that PDO products are traceable. The new system is based on encoded electronic controls, which allow the PDO organisation to monitor the volumes made, bottled and marketed, guaranteeing that the product can be traced. The PDO organisation’s own personnel will carry out periodic on-site winery inspections.




Costers del Segre


Geographical indication type

PDO — Protected Designation of Origin


Categories of grapevine products

Liqueur wine
Quality sparkling wine
Semi-sparkling wine


Description of the wine(s)

Wine — whites and rosés


Translucent, yellowish or greenish tone, sometimes with hints of orange or brown
The wines must comply with the following ranges/values:
Absorbance at 420 nm greater than or equal to 0,05, less than or equal to 1,4 and greater than the absorbance at 520 nm
Absorbance at 520 nm less than or equal to 0,4
Absorbance at 620 nm less than or equal to 0,1
Colour intensity greater than or equal to 0,05 and less than or equal to 2
Turbidity less than 30 NTU
Varietal aromas of fruit and/or vegetables, flowers and spices with possible tertiary aromas and no defects
Well-balanced in flavours and in the mouth, without any defects and with a long finish, lingering for more than five seconds


Translucent, with pinkish, reddish and/or bluish tones
The wines must comply with the following ranges/values:
Absorbance at 420 nm greater than or equal to 0,1 and less than or equal to 2,5
Absorbance at 520 nm greater than or equal to 0,1 and less than or equal to 3
Colour intensity greater than or equal to 0,1 and less than or equal to 5,7
Turbidity less than 30 NTU
Varietal aromas of fruit and/or vegetables, flowers and spices with possible tertiary aromas and no defects
Well-balanced in flavours and in the mouth, without any defects and with a long finish, lingering for more than five seconds
wines, the maximum volatile acidity permitted is 15 meq/l
Maximum sulphur dioxide is 250 mg/l if the sugar content is > 5 g/l
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume):


Minimum total acidity:

4,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre):


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre):


Wine — reds

Limpid, with tones ranging from red and/or violet to brown or brick-coloured for
The wines must comply with the following ranges/values:
Absorbance at 420 nm greater than or equal to 0,1
Absorbance at 520 nm greater than or equal to 0,1
Colour intensity greater than or equal to 3
Turbidity less than 80 NTU
No defects, varietal aromas of fruit and/or vegetables, flowers and spices with possible tertiary aromas
Well-balanced in flavours and in the mouth, without any defects and with a long finish, lingering for more than five seconds
wines, the maximum volatile acidity can increase by 1 meq/l for every degree of alcohol above 11 % vol. and every year of ageing, up to a maximum of 20 meq/l
Maximum sulphur dioxide is 200 mg/l if the sugar content is > 5 g/l
General analytical characteristics

Minimum actual alcoholic strength (% vol.):


Minimum total acidity:

4,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre):


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre):


Liqueur wine

Made using white varieties — yellowish and/or greenish tone, sometimes with hints of orange or aged gold; made using red varieties — ranging from red and/or violet to possibly orange, brown or copper tones.
The wines must comply with the following ranges/values:
Absorbance at 420 nm greater than or equal to 0,1 and less than or equal to 20
Absorbance at 520 nm greater than or equal to 0,1 and less than or equal to 20
Absorbance at 620 nm greater than or equal to 0,1 and less than or equal to 10
Colour intensity less than or equal to 50
Turbidity less than 80 NTU
No defects, varietal aromas of fruit and/or vegetables, flowers and spices with possible tertiary aromas
Well-balanced in flavours and in the mouth, without any defects
Maximum sulphur dioxide is 200 mg/l if the sugar content is > 5 g/
General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (% vol.):


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (% vol.):


Minimum total acidity:

3,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre):


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre):


Quality sparkling wine

Translucent, yellowish and/or greenish tone (sometimes hints of orange or aged gold) and a persistent presence of a string of bubbles
The wines must comply with the following ranges/values:
Absorbance at 420 nm greater than or equal to 0,05 and less than or equal to 1,4
Absorbance at 520 nm less than or equal to 2
Absorbance at 620 nm less than or equal to 1
Colour intensity greater than or equal to 0,05 and less than or equal to 2
Turbidity less than 30 NTU
No defects, aroma of fresh fruit and/or vegetables and/or flowers, sometimes with the presence of tertiary aromas due to in-bottle ageing
Well-balanced in flavours and in the mouth, without any defects and with a long finish, lingering for more than five seconds
General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (% vol.):


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (% vol.):


Minimum total acidity:

3,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre):


Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre):


Semi-sparkling wine

Carbon dioxide gas seen in the form of bubbles but no foam; colour matching the absorbance ranges described in the preceding sections for each type of wine (white, red, rosé)
Varietal aromas of fruit and/or flowers and no defects
Carbon dioxide content perceptible on the palate, well-balanced in flavours and in the mouth, without any defects and with a long finish, lingering for more than five seconds
Sulphur dioxide content equal to that of white, rosé and red wines
General analytical characteristics

Maximum total alcoholic strength (% vol.):


Minimum actual alcoholic strength (% vol.):


Minimum total acidity:

3,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid

Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre):



Wine-making practices


Essential oenological practices

Specific oenological practice
Appropriate pressure is applied to extract the must or wine and separate it from the grape skins, so that no more than 75 litres of wine are obtained from every 100 kg of grapes harvested.


Maximum yields

16 000 kg of grapes per hectare
120 hectolitres per hectare


Demarcated area

The ‘Costers del Segre’ PDO area is made up of seven sub-areas:
The Artesa de Segre sub-area, comprising the following municipalities:
— Algerri
— Alòs de Balaguer
— Artesa de Segre
— Balaguer
— Castelló de Farfanya
— Foradada
— Menàrguens
— District of Montclar within the municipality of Agramunt
— Cadastral polygons 5 (parcels 399, 400, 401 and 402) and 7 (parcel 90) in the municipality of Cubells
— Cadastral polygon 5 (parcels 1 and 22) in the municipality of Os de Balaguer
The Urgell sub-area, comprising the following municipalities:
— Penelles
— Preixens
— Cadastral polygons 2 (parcel 7), 3 (parcel 75), 4 (parcel 25) and 13 (parcel 93) in the municipality of Ivars d’Urgell
The Garrigues sub-area, comprising the following municipalities:
— Albi
— Arbeca
— Bellaguarda
— Cervià de les Garrigues
— Espluga Calba
— Fulleda
— Floresta
— Pobla de Cérvoles
— Omellons
— Tarrés
— Vinaixa
— Vilosell
— Cadastral polygons 5 (parcel 487), 12 (parcels 14, 15, 16, 33, 34 and 37) and 13 (parcels 3, 4 and 5) in the municipality of Juneda
— Cadastral polygons 9 (parcels 30 and 96), 21 (parcels 114, 165 and 167) and 22 (parcels 118, 119 and 120) in the municipality of Borges Blanques
— Cadastral polygon 4 (parcels 178, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192 and 193) in the municipality of Albagés
— Cadastral polygons 2 (parcels 57, 66, 499 and 9002) and 6 (parcels 317, 318, 319, 320 and 597) in the municipality of Juncosa
— Cadastral polygons 1 (parcel 27) and 3 (parcels 97 and 222) in the municipality of Llardecans
The Pallars sub-area, comprising the following municipalities:
— Tremp (former municipal boundaries), as well as Gurb, Palau de Noguera, Puigcercós, Suterranya and Vilamitjana (districts of Tremp)
— Cadastral polygons 1 (parcels 509 and 556), 3 (parcels 37, 190, 191, 219, 222, 226, 233, 248, 315 and 318), 12 (parcels 146, 151, 161, 163 and 175), 13 (parcels 17, 93, 127 and 204) and 17 (parcel 212) in the municipality of Conca de Dalt
— Annexed districts of Cellers and Guàrdia de Tremp in the municipality of Castell de Mur
— Annexed districts of Sant Cristòfol de la Vall, Sant Martí de Barcedana and Sant Miquel de la Vall in the municipality of Gavet de la Conca
— Annexed districts of Conques, Figuerola d’Orcau, Orcau-Basturs and Sant Romà d’Abella in the municipality of Isona i Conca Dellà
— Cadastral polygon 4 (parcels 24, 25, 26, 29, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 50 and 65) in the municipality of Pobla de Segur
— Cadastral polygons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the municipality of Llimiana
— Cadastral polygon 3 (parcels 28, 37, 300 and 301) in the municipality of Rialp
— Cadastral polygon 3 (parcels 294 and 430) in the municipality of Salàs de Pallars
— Cadastral polygons 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the municipality of Talarn
— Cadastral polygons 3 (parcels 201, 202, 203, 220, 223, 225, 325 and 330) and 2 (parcels 273 and 276) in the municipality of Sort
The Raimat sub-area, comprising the following municipalities:
— The ward of Raimat in the municipality of Lleida
— Cadastral polygons 1 (parcels 162 and 181) and 2 (parcel 143) in the municipality of Almacelles
The Segrià sub-area, comprising the following municipalities:
— Cadastral polygons 6 (parcels 9017, 9022, and 9005) and 15 (parcels 3, 57, 9001, 9003, 9004, 9007 and 2027) in the municipality of Alcarràs
— Alfarràs
— Cadastral polygon 5 (parcels 25, 180, 181, 193 and 280) in the municipality of Almacelles
— Almenar
— Gimenells i el Pla de la Font
— Cadastral polygons 1, 2, 7 (parcels 230, 231, 232, 307, 309, 310 and 311) and 8 (parcel 337) in the municipality of Lleida
— Cadastral polygons 11 (parcels 6, 7, 8 and 9005) and 12 (parcel 9006) in the municipality of Torrefarrera
The Valls del Riu Corb sub-area, comprising the following municipalities:
— Ametlla
— Belianes
— Ciutadilla
— Granyanella
— Granyena de Segarra
— Guimerà
— Maldà
— Montoliu de Segarra
— Montornès de Segarra
— Nalec
— Omells de Na Gaia
— Preixana
— San Martí de Riucorb
— Tàrrega
— Vallbona de les Monges
— Vallfogona de Riucorb
— Verdú
— Cadastral polygon 4 (parcel 92) and 6 (parcels 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48) in the municipality of Vilagrassa
None of the parcels forming the geographical area for PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ will be excluded in the event of re-zoning, expropriation or changes to municipal boundaries performed in accordance with the legislation in force on the subject of local government.


Main wine grapes



Description of the link(s)


The specific and well-defined characteristics of PDO ‘Costers del Segre’, such as its geographical location of origin and the distance to the Mediterranean Sea and the Pyrenees, create a continental climate with major seasonal and daily fluctuations in temperature and growth cycle periods that are specific to the area, resulting in characteristic harvests.
The area’s natural factors allow traditional varieties to be preserved and non-indigenous varieties — introduced following the arrival of phylloxera — to be perfected. There is therefore a great diversity in the grape varieties, meaning that the products can have very diverse varietal compositions.
As for human factors, there is a tradition of wine-growing in the area, as attested by historical references in the form of documentation and physical structures, and an enthusiasm for ground-breaking new techniques.
Night-time temperatures during the ripening process are exceptionally low — commonly around 15 C throughout the ripening process, dropping to 2-10 C in the later stages throughout the PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ area. This produces wines with high acidity and intense flavours that stand apart from those produced in other regions. The primary aromas of white wines are infused with fruity scents when they are from sub-areas with gentle slopes and floral scents in the hillier sub-areas. For red wines, the natural influence is reflected in the actual alcoholic strength, fragrances and flavours. All of these factors preserve the characteristic quality conferred on the wines by the cold night-time temperatures. It is impossible to produce wines with these characteristics in other regions.

Quality sparkling wine

Sparkling wine has been made using traditional methods at certain wineries since the beginning of last century.
The primary aromas of the white wines used to produce these sparkling wines are infused with fruity scents when they are from sub-areas with gentle slopes, and floral scents when they are from hillier sub-areas.
The significant daily fluctuation in temperature during the ripening cycle produces wines with distinctive characteristics, higher levels of acidity and intense floral aromas. These factors, combined with the human factor — the continued use of traditional production methods — and the natural factor — the preservation of indigenous varieties and adaptation of foreign varieties — help shape the specific quality sparkling wines of this PDO.

Liqueur wine

Production of PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ liqueur wines:
The higher daytime temperatures combined with the low rainfall in the autumn allow the harvest to be delayed, resulting in a crop that is very rich in sugars. Thanks to these very special climatic characteristics, there is a tradition of producing liqueur wines using late-harvested partially raisined grapes. The soil type allows the varieties used for these wines to be harvested in optimum condition, without becoming over-ripened.

Semi-sparkling wine

The elevated acidity and intense floral aromas of PDO ‘Costers del Segre’ semi-sparkling wines are down to the huge fluctuation in temperature during the grape ripening process, which can often exceed 15 C.


Essential further conditions

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Additional provisions relating to labelling

Description of the condition:

A single-use identification method must be used to label the packaging used to market products covered by this PDO. This can be either a guarantee seal, a numbered label, a numbered secondary label or an electronic control system for the PDO (assigned at the winery’s request). No matter which system is chosen, traceability must be guaranteed through a procedure established by the managing body.

Legal framework:

In national legislation

Type of further condition:

Packaging within the demarcated area

Description of the condition:

The wines do not have to be bottled within the demarcated geographical area.

Link to the product specification