Commission Directive 92/62/EEC of 2 July 1992 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 70/311/EEC relating to steering equipment for motor vehicles and their trailers
Official Journal L 199 , 18/07/1992 P. 0033 - 0047
Finnish special edition: Chapter 7 Volume 4 P. 0087
Swedish special edition: Chapter 7 Volume 4 P. 0087
COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 92/62/EEC of 2 July 1992 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 70/311/EEC relating to steering equipment for motor vehicles and their trailers
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,
Having regard to Council Directive 70/311/EEC of 8 June 1970, on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to steering equipment of motor vehicles and their trailers (1) and in particular Article 3 thereof,
Whereas a comprehensive evaluation of Directive 70/311/EEC has shown that it is possible to improve road safety further by applying practical experience and technological development and taking into account the progress made in the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations, notably in Regulation No 79 and supplements 1 and 2 thereto. These improvements may be obtained by reducing steering control effort, inserting requirements for power-assisted steering equipment using the same energy source as the braking device, introducing a steering test at higher speed for motor vehicles, introducing requirements for auxiliary steering equipment, and introducing a uniform presentation for the information document and the EEC type-approval certificate in order to facilitate computerization of storage and transmission of data by applicants and approval authorities;
Whereas it is also necessary to adapt to technical progress definitions and existing requirements;
Whereas the provisions of this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the directives on the removal of technical barriers to trade in motor vehicles, set up under Article 12 (1) of Directive 70/156 (2),
Article 1
1. Directive 70/311/EEC is modified as follows:
in Article 2 the word 'Annex' is replaced by the word 'Annexes'.
2. The Annex is replaced by the Annexes to this Directive.
Article 2
1. With effect from 1 January 1993 no Member State may on grounds relating to steering equipment:
- refuse, in respect of a type of vehicle, to grant EEC type-approval, or to issue the copy of the certificate provided for in the last indent of Article 10 (1) of Council Directive 70/156/EEC, or to grant national type-approval, or
- prohibit the entry into service of vehicles,
if the steering equipment of this type of vehicle or of these vehicles comply with the provisions of Directive 70/311/EEC, as amended by this Directive.
2. With effect from 1 October 1993 Member States:
- shall no longer issue the copy of the certificate provided for in the last indent of Article 10 (1) of Directive 70/156 in respect of a type of vehicle,
- may refuse to grant national type-approval in respect of a type of vehicle,
of which the steering equipment does not comply with the provisions of Directive 70/311/EEC, as amended by this Directive.
3. With effect from 1 October 1995 Member States may prohibit the entry into service of vehicles of which the steering equipment does not comply with the provisions of Directive 70/311/EEC, as amended by this Directive.
Article 3
1. Member States shall implement the provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 1 January 1993. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.
When Member States adopt these provisions, these shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their official publication. The procedure for such reference shall be adopted by Member States.
2. Member States shall ensure that they communicate to the Commission the wording of any essential provisions of national law that they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
Article 4
This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 2 July 1992. For the Commission
(1) OJ No L 133, 18. 6. 1970, p. 10. (2) OJ No L 42, 23. 2. 1970, p. 1.
Annex I: Definitions, application for EEC type-approval and specifications Annex II: Information document Annex III: Braking performance for vehicles using the same energy source for steering and braking Annes IV: Additional provisions for vehicles with auxiliary steering equipment (ASE) Annex V: Provisions for trailers having purely hydraulic steering transmissions Annex VI: Type-approval certificate
1. D
or electric or mechanical/electric
or pneumatic or mechanical/pneumatic means. In either case, where the mechanical part of the transmission is designed only to give position feedback and is too weak to transmit the total sum of the steering forces, this system shall be considered to be purely hydraulic, respectively purely electric, or purely pneumatic steering transmission; Other hybrid steering transmission means any other combination of the abovementioned steering transmissions. 2. APPLICATION FOR EEC TYPE-APPROVAL 2.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the steering equipment shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer. 2.2. It shall be accompanied by the information required by the information document which is attached as Annex II. 2.3. A vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved shall be submitted to the technical service responsible for conducting approval tests. 3. EEC TYPE-APPROVAL A certificate conforming to the model specified in Annex VI shall be issued by the authority granting an EEC type-approval pursuant to this Directive. 4. CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS 4.1. General provisions 4.1.1. The steering equipment shall ensure easy and safe handling of the vehicle up to its maximum design speed or, in the case of a trailer, up to its technically permitted maximum speed. There must be a tendency to self-centre when tested in accordance with item 5. The vehicle shall meet the requirements of item 5.2 in the case of motor vehicles and of item 5.3 in the case of trailers. If a vehicle is fitted with ASE, it shall also meet the requirements of Annex IV. Trailers equipped with purely hydraulic steering transmissions shall also comply with Annex V. It must be possible to travel along a straight section of the road without unusual steering correction by the driver and without unusual vibration in the steering system at a maximum design speed of the vehicle.
(1) The requirements set out in Annex III may also be checked when Directive 71/320/EEC is implemented.
Steering control effort requirements
Vehicle category Intact With a failure Maximum effort (daN) Time (s) Turning radius (m) Maximum effort (daN) Time (s) Turning radius (m) M1 15 4 12 30 4 20 M2 15 4 12 30 4 20 M3 20 4 12 45 6 20 N1 20 4 12 30 4 20 N2 25 4 12 40 4 20 N3 20 4 12 (1) 45 (2) 6 20
(1) Or full lock if 12 is not attainable.
(2) 50 for rigid vehicles with two or more steered axles excluding self-tracking equipment.
5.3. Provisions for trailers 5.3.1. The trailer must travel without excessive deviation or unusual vibration in its steering equipment when the towing vehicle is travelling in a straight line on a flat and horizontal road at a speed of 80 km/h or the technically permissible maximum speed indicated by the trailer manufacturer if this is less than 80 km/h. 5.3.2. With the towing vehicle and trailer having adopted a steady state turn so that the front outside edge of the towing vehicle is turning alongside a circle of radius 25 m in accordance with item 1.4.6, at a constant speed of 5 km/h, the circle described by the rearmost outer edge of the trailer shall be measured. This manoeuvre shall be repeated under the same conditions but a speed of 25 km/h ± 1 km/h. During these manoeuvres, the rearmost outer edge of the trailer travelling at a speed of 25 km/h ± 1 km/h shall not move outside the circle described at a constant speed of 5 km/h by more than 0,7 m. 5.3.3. No part of the trailer must move more than 0,5 m beyond the tangent to a circle with a radius of 25 m when towed by a vehicle leaving the circular path described in item 5.3.2 along the tangent and travelling at a speed of 25 km/h. This requirement must be met from the point the tangent meets the circle to a point 40 m along the tangent. After that point, the trailer must fulfil the condition specified in item 5.3.1. 5.3.4. The tests described in items 5.3.2 and 5.3.3 shall be conducted with one steering movement to the left and one to the right.
INFORMATION DOCUMENT No ................
pursuant to Annex I to Council Directive 70/156/EEC relating to the EEC type-approval of a vehicle in respect of its steering equipment (Directive 70/311/EEC), as last amended by Directive ................
The following information, if applicable, shall be supplied in triplicate and shall include a list of contents. Drawings, if any, shall be supplied in appropriate scale and in sufficient detail on size A4 or folded to that size. Photographs, if any, shall show sufficient detail. In the case of micro-processor controlled functions supply relevant performance-related information.
0. GENERAL 0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer): 0.2. Type and commercial description(s): 0.3. Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle (b): 0.3.1. Location of that marking: 0.4. Category of vehicle (see Annex II to Directive 70/156/EEC): 0.5. Name and address of manufacturer: 0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s): 1. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE VEHICLE 1.1. Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle: 1.3. Number of axles and wheels (if applicable, number of caterpillars or tracks): 1.3.1. Number and position of axles with double wheels: 1.3.2. Number and position of steered axles: 1.3.3. Powered axles (number, position, interconnection): 2. MASSES AND DIMENSIONS (e) (in kg and mm)
(refer to drawing where applicable) 2.1. Wheel base(s) (fully loaded) (f): 2.3.1. Track of each steered axle (i): 2.4. Range of vehicle dimensions (overall): 2.4.1. For chassis without bodywork: Length (j): Width (k): Front overhang (m): Rear overhang (n): Distance between axles (if multi-axled): 2.4.2. For chassis with bodywork: Length (j): Width (k): Front overhang (m): Rear overhang (n): Distance between axles (if multi-axled): 2.8. Technically permissible maximum laden mass stated by the manufacturer (maximum and minimum for each version) (y): 2.9. Technically permissible maximum mass on each axle and, in the case of a semi-trailer, load on the fifth wheel king pin, stated by the manufacturer: 6. SUSPENSION 6.6.1. Tyre/wheel combination(s):
(for tyres indicate size designation, load index and speed category; for wheels indicate rim sizes and off-sets) Axle 1: Axle 2:
etc. 6.6.3. Tyre pressure(s) as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer: kPa 7. STEERING 7.1. Schematic diagram of steered axle(s) showing steering geometry: 7.2. Transmission and control 7.2.1. Type of steering transmission (specify for front and rear, if applicable): 7.2.2. Linkage to wheels (including other than mechanical means; specified for front and rear, if applicable): 7.2.3. Method of assistance if any: Method and diagram of operation, make(s) and type(s): 7.2.4. Diagram of the steering equipment as a whole, showing the position on the vehicle of the various devices affecting its steering behaviour: 7.2.5. Schematic diagram(s) of the steering control(s): 7.2.6. Range and method of adjustment, if any, of the steering control: 7.3. Maximum steering angle of the wheels 7.3.1. to the right ................ (degrees); number of turns of the steering wheel ................ (or equivalent data) 7.3.2. to the left ................ (degrees); number of turns of the steering wheel ................ (or equivalent data)
(b) If the means of identification of type contains characters not relevant to describe the vehicle, component or separate technical unit types covered by this information document, such characters shall be represented in the documentation by the symbol: '? ' (e.g. ABC??123??).
(e) Where there is one version with a normal cab and another with a sleeper cab, both sets of masses and dimensions are to be stated.
(f) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.4.
(i) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.5.
(j) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.1.
(k) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.2.
(m) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.6.
(n) ISO Standard 612 - 1978, term No 6.7.
(y) For trailers or semi-trailers, and for vehicles coupled with a trailer or a semi-trailer, which exert a significant vertical load on the coupling device or the fifth wheel, this load, divided by standard acceleration of gravity, is included in the maximum technically permissible mass.
1. If an energy source failure occurs, service braking performance on the first brake application shall achieve the values given in the table below.
Category V (km/h) m/s2 Force (daN) M1 80 5,8 50 M2 and M3 60 5,0 70 N1 80 5,0 70 N2 and N3 60 5,0 70
2. After any failure in the steering equipment, or the energy supply, it shall be possible after eight full stroke actuations of the service brake control, to achieve at the ninth application, at least the performance prescribed for the secondary (emergency) braking system (see table below).
In the case where secondary performance requiring the use of stored energy is achieved by a separate control, it shall still be possible after eight full stroke actuations of the service brake control to achieve at the ninth application, the residual performance (see table below).
Secondary and residual efficiency
Category V (km/h) Secondary braking (m/s2) Residual braking (m/s2) M1 80 2,9 1,7 M2 60 2,5 1,5 M3 60 2,5 1,5 N1 70 2,2 1,3 N2 50 2,2 1,3 N3 40 2,2 1,3
3. The tests referred to under points 1 and 2 shall be carried out with the vehicle either laden or unladen, whichever is the less favourable case defined by the testing body responsible for the tests.
1. GENERAL PROVISIONS This Annex does not require vehicles to be fitted with ASE. However, if vehicles are fitted with such a device, they shall comply with the provisions of this Annex. 2. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS 2.1. Transmission 2.1.1. Mechanical steering transmissions Item 4.1.4 of Annex I to this Directive applies. 2.1.2. Hydraulic steering transmissions The hydraulic steering transmission must be protected from exceeding the maximum permitted service pressure T. 2.1.3. Electric steering transmissions The electric steering transmission must be protected from excess energy supply. 2.1.4. Combination of steering transmissions A combination of mechanical, hydraulic and electric transmissions shall comply with the requirements specified in items 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 above. 2.2. Testing requirements for failure 2.2.1. Malfunction or failure of any part of the ASE (except for parts not considered to be susceptible to breakdown as specified in item 4.1.4 of Annex I to this Directive) shall not result in sudden significant change in vehicle behaviour and the requirements of items 5.2.1 to 5.2.4 and 5.2.6 of Annex I to this Directive shall still be met.
Furthermore, it must be possible to control the vehicle without abnormal steering correction. This shall be verified by the following tests: Circular test The vehicle shall be driven into a circle with a transverse acceleration of 5 m/s2 and at a test speed of 80 km/h. The failure shall be introduced when the test speed has been reached.
The test shall include driving in a clockwise direction, and in a counter-clockwise direction. Transient test Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the vehicle manufacturer shall provide the technical services with their test procedures and results for transient behaviour of the vehicle in the case of a failure. 2.3. Warning signals in case of failure 2.3.1. Except for parts of ASE not considered susceptible to breakdown as specified in item 4.1.4 of Annex I of this Directive, the following failure of ASE shall be clearly brought to the attention of the driver: A general cut-off of the ASE electrical or hydraulic control; Failure of the ASE energy supply; A break in the external wiring of the electrical control if fitted. 2.4. Electromagnetic interference 2.4.1. The operation of the ASE must not be adversely affected by electromagnetic fields. Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the vehicle manufacturer shall provide the technical services with their test procedures and results.
1. If vehicles are fitted with purely hydraulic steering transmissions, they shall comply with the provisions of this Annex. 2. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS 2.1. Performance of hydraulic lines and hose assemblies 2.1.1. The hydraulic lines of purely hydraulic transmissions must be capable of withstanding a pressure of at least four times the maximum normal service pressure (T) specified by the manufacturer. Hose assemblies shall comply with the following ISO Standards: 1402 (1984), 6605 (1986) and 7751 (1983). 2.2. In systems dependent on an energy supply 2.2.1. The energy supply must be protected from excess pressure by a pressure limiting valve which operates at the pressure T. 2.3. Protection of steering transmission 2.3.1. The steering transmission must be protected from excess pressure by a pressure limiting valve which operates between 1,5T and 2,2T. 2.4. Tractor/trailer alignment 2.4.1. With the tractor of a tractor/trailer combination travelling in a straight line, the trailer must remain in alignment with the tractor; 2.4.2. In order to maintain steering alignment in accordance with item 2.4.1 above, trailers shall be provided with a means of readjustment, which may be either automatic or manual. 2.5. Steerability with a failure in the steering transmission 2.5.1. The steerability of vehicles with purely hydraulic steering transmissions shall be maintained with a failure in any part of the transmission. Vehicles shall be tested in this (failed) condition and satisfy the requirements of item 5.3 of Annex I to this Directive. In particular the 5 km/h and 25 km/h tests specified at item 5.3.2 shall be conducted with the steering transmission in the intact and failed conditions respectively. 2.6. Electromagnetic interference 2.6.1. The operation of steering equipment must not be adversely affected by electromagnetic fields. Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the vehicle manufacturer shall provide the technical services with his test procedures and results.
(1) Delete where not applicable.
(2) If the means of identification of type contains characters not relevant to describe the vehicle, component or separate technical unit types covered by this information document/type-approval certificate, such characters shall be represented in documentation by the symbol: '?' (e.g. ABC??123??).
(3) As defined in Annex II A to Directive 70/156/EEC.
(maximum format: A4 (210 × 297 mm))
Stamp of administration
Communication concerning the:
- type-approval (1)
- extension of type-approval (1)
- refusal of type-approval (1)
- withdrawal of type-approval (1)
of a type of a vehicle/component/separate technical unit (1) ...................... with regard to Directive 70/311/EEC, as last amended by Directive ......................
Type-approval number:
Reason for extension:
0. General
0.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer):
0.2. Type and commercial description(s):
0.3. Means of identification of type if marked on the vehicle/component/separate technical unit (1) (2):
0.3.1. Location of that marking:
0.4. Category of vehicle (3):
0.5. Name and address of manufacturer:
Name and address of manufacturer responsible for the final stage of construction of the vehicle:
0.8. Address(es) of assembly plant(s):
1. Additional information (where applicable): see Appendix
2. Technical service responsible for carrying out the tests:
3. Date of test report:
4. Number of test report:
5. Remarks (if any): see Appendix
6. Place:
7. Date:
8. Signature:
9. The index to the information package lodged with the approval authority, which may be obtained on request, is attached.
to EEC type-approval certificate No ................
concerning the type-approval of a vehicle with regard to Directive 70/311/EEC
as last amended by Directive ................
Type of steering equipment:
Steering control:
Steering transmission:
Steered wheels:
Energy source:
Braking performance: statement of the component type-approval number granted in accordance with Directive 71/320/EEC and information concerning the state of the vehicle during the tests: either laden or unladen (1).
(e.g. valid for both left-hand drive and right-hand drive vehicles).
(1) Delete as appropriate.'