Exchange of letters between the European Communities and the World Health Org... (21982A0428(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations


Exchange of letters between the European Communities and the World Health Organization (WHO) laying down the procedure for cooperation between the two organizations - Memorandum defining the arrangements for cooperation between the World Health Organization and the European Communities

Official Journal L 300 , 28/10/1982 P. 0020 - 0022
Spanish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 16 P. 0021
Portuguese special edition Chapter 11 Volume 16 P. 0021
Finnish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 10 P. 0142
Swedish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 10 P. 0142
EXCHANGE OF LETTERS between the European Communities and the World Health Organization (WHO) laying down the procedure for cooperation between the two organizations (82/725/ECSC, EEC, Euratom)
Brussels, 28 April 1982
Dear Dr Mahler,
In the course of the conversations that took place recently between the representatives of our two organizations, it became clear that there was a need to increase cooperation and strengthen the existing machinery for consultation.
I have the honour to propose that we establish, through the medium of an exchange of letters, closer contact and more effective working relationships between the European Communities and the World Health Organization.
For a number of years there has been very active cooperation between the Regional Committee for Europe in Copenhagen and the Commission which has been most advantageous to both parties. That cooperation was established in an exchange of letters dated 29 May and 19 June 1972 which we hereby confirm.
Our two organizations have common interests in a number of fields related to health, not only at regional, but also as world level, notably as regards the world health development programme, medical research, public health, the establishment of health criteria and standards, in particular in the field of the general and working environments, all evidence of the need to extend cooperation on a more global level.
For this reason, I feel the time has come to establish the principal methods of cooperation which could be established between our two organizations. These procedures are set out in the memorandum appended to this letter.
By strengthening and developing such cooperation, we will avoid unnecessary duplication of our activities and help to achieve more efficiently the objectives of social progress and health promotion of our two organizations.
I should like to propose that this letter and its appendix, and the answer you will send me, be regarded as constituting the arrangement establishing relations between the European Communities and the World Health Organization, which will enter into force on the date of your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Member of the Commission
Mr H. Mahler, MD, Director-General of the World Health Organization, CH- 1211 Geneva 27.
MEMORANDUM defining the arrangements for cooperation between the World Health Organization and the European Communities
1. Both Parties shall consult each other regularly on matters of common interest for the purpose of achieving their objectives in the field of health and with a view to establishing more effective coordination in the development and execution of relevant programmes being carried out by either organization.
2. The Commission of the European Communities shall invite, where appropriate, representatives of the World Health Organization to participate as observer at its meetings with respect to items on the agenda in which the World Health Organization and the European Communities have a common interest.
3. The World Health Organization shall invite a representative of the European Communities to participate as observer in sessions of the World Health Assembly, the Executive Board and the Regional Committee for Europe and, where appropriate, in the work of their committees, with respect to items on their agenda in which the European Communities and the World Health Organization have a common interest.
4. Both Parties shall also make the necessary arrangements for ensuring reciprocal participation at other appropriate meetings convened under their respective auspices.
5. Both Parties shall encourage and facilitate reciprocal exchange of pertinent information and documentation on matters with a common interest within their respective field of responsibility, with a view to increasing the efficiency of their respective efforts in those fields.
6. The World Health Organization, through its Director-General, shall lend to the Commission of the European Communities any technical support which may be requested for the purpose of studying matters of common interest.
The procedures for the reimbursement by the Commission of expenditure incurred by the World Health Organization shall be determined by common agreement in each case.
7. Both Parties shall make the necessary arrangements within their power in order to ensure the effective implementation of these provisions and, in particular: (a) shall make appropriate arrangements to ensure close collaboration and liaison between the officials of the two institutions in fields of common interest;
(b) shall, through their respective representatives, review the progress made in establishing effective cooperation between the two organizations.
Geneva, 2 June 1982
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter of 28 April 1982 and the memorandum appended thereto defining the arrangements for cooperation between the World Health Organization and the European Communities.
I have the honour to inform you that the Organization is in full agreement with the proposals contained in those documents and I look forward to the extension of our cooperation and the establishment of more effective working relations between the two organizations.
Therefore, in accordance with your suggestion, your letter of 28 April and its attached memorandum, together with this reply, shall constitute the arrangement establishing relations between the European Communities and the World Health Organization, an arrangement which enters into force as from today's date.
Yours very truly,
Mr Ivor Richard, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, B-1049 Brussels.
Brussels, 9 June 1982
Dear Dr Mahler,
Thank you for your letter of 2 June 1982 in which you confirm that the proposals concerning future relationships between the European Communities and the World Health Organization are acceptable to you.
I look forward to continuing further cooperation between our two organizations.
Yours sincerely,
Member of the Commission
Mr H. Mahler, MD, Director-General of the World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27.