in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Iceland concerning fisheries
Oporto, 2 May 1992.
The signature of the Agreement on the European Economic Area has given Iceland and the Community the opportunity to examine appropriate means to reinforce their cooperation in the fisheries sector.
In this connection they have decided to conclude an Agreement on fisheries and the marine environment.
Under this Agreement Iceland will allocate to the Community fishing possibilities in the Icelandic Economic Zone corresponding to 3 000 tonnes of redfish equivalents. This will in 1993 consist of a quota for a directed fishery for redfish and of by-catches (no cod allowed) in exchange for a quota of 30 000 tonnes of capelin from the Community to be allocated under its Agreement on fisheries with the Government of Denmark and the local Government of Greenland. The composition of the quota in subsequent years may be altered by agreement in the light of further scientific research into the grenadier stocks.
The quota allocated to the Community shall be fished in areas of the Icelandic economic zone defined by straight lines connecting the following coordinates:
1. |
63o12'N |
23o05'W |
SW to |
62o00'N 26o00'W |
2. |
62o58'N |
22o25'W |
3. |
63o06'N |
21o30'W |
4. |
63o03'N |
21o00'W |
from there, 180osW |
1. |
63o10'N |
17o00'W |
from there, 180o |
2. |
63o36'N |
14o30'W |
3. |
63o53'N |
13o30'W |
4. |
63o50'N |
13o10'W |
5. |
63o40'N |
13o10'W |
6. |
62o58'N |
11o15'W |
If the areas delimitated in I and II prove not to be adequate for economical fishing activities as foreseen above, the Parties shall agree on necessary adjustments of these areas.
The quota allocated to Iceland may be fished within the Greenland fisheries zone or in the Icelandic economic zone.
In order for either Party to allocate to the other Party fishing possibilities in its fishery zone, the Fisheries Agreement between Iceland and the Community shall be concluded as soon as possible and well before 31 December 1992. The Agreement shall also contain provisions regarding the conditions under which the fishing possibilities may be utilized. These would include the issuing of a limited number of fishing permits to trawlers, other than factory trawlers, for a defined period of the year (July to December), notification on arrival in and departure from the fisheries zone of the other Party, observation of all conservation measures applicable to vessels of the other Party, including the obligation, when required by the Party in whose zone the fishing takes place, to have an inspector on board at the vessel's expense while within the fisheries zone of the other Party.
I propose that further negotiations be based on the draft which has already been established between the Parties (Annex).
I should be grateful if you would confirm the agreement of the European Economic Community to the undertaking set out above.
Please accept, Sirs, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Les ruego acepten, señores, el testimonio de mi mayor consideración.
Modtag, mine herrer, forsikringen om min mest udmærkede højagtelse.
Genehmigen Sie, sehr geehrte Herren, den Ausdruck meiner ausgezeichnetsten Hochachtung.
Παρακαλώ δεχθείτε, Κύριοι, τη διαβεβαίωση της υψίστης εκτιμήσεώς μου.
Veuillez agréer, Messieurs, l'assurance de ma très haute considération.
Vogliano accettare, Signori, l'espressione della mia profonda stima.
Gelieve, mijne heren, de verzekering van mijn zeer bijzondere hoogachting te aanvaarden.
Queiram aceitar, Excelentíssimos Senhores, a expressão da minha mais elevada consideração.
For the Government of the Republic of Iceland
Por el Gobierno de la República de Islandia
For regeringen for Republikken Island
Für die Regierung der Republik Island
Για την κυβέρνηση της Δημοκρατίας της Ισλανδίας
Pour le gouvernement de la république d'Islande
Per il governo della Repubblica d'Islanda
Voor de Regering van de Republiek IJsland
Pelo Governo da República da Islândia
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
Oporto, 2 May 1992.
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date which reads as follows:
‘The signature of the Agreement on the European Economic Area has given Iceland and the Community the opportunity to examine appropriate means to reinforce their cooperation in the fisheries sector.
In this connection they have decided to conclude an Agreement on fisheries and the marine environment.
Under this Agreement Iceland will allocate to the Community fishing possibilities in the Icelandic economic zone corresponding to 3 000 tonnes of redfish equivalents. This will in 1993 consist of a quota for a directed fishery for redfish and of by-catches (no cod allowed) in exchange for a quota of 30 000 tonnes of capelin from the Community to be allocated under its Agreement on fisheries with the Government of Denmark and the local Government of Greenland. The composition of the quota in subsequent years may be altered by agreement in the light of further scientific research into the grenadier stocks.
The quota allocated to the Community shall be fished in areas of the Icelandic economic zone defined by straight lines connecting the following coordinates:
1. |
63o12'N |
23o05'W |
SW to |
62o00'N 26o00'W |
2. |
62o58'N |
22o25'W |
3. |
63o06'N |
21o30'W |
4. |
63o03'N |
21o00'W |
from there, 180osW |
1. |
63o10'N |
17o00'W |
from there, 180o |
2. |
63o36'N |
14o30'W |
3. |
63o53'N |
13o30'W |
4. |
63o50'N |
13o10'W |
5. |
63o40'N |
13o10'W |
6. |
62o58'N |
11o15'W |
If the areas delimitated in I and II prove not to be adequate for economical fishing activities as foreseen above, the Parties shall agree on necessary adjustments of these areas.
The quota allocated to Iceland may be fished within the Greenland fisheries zone or in the Icelandic economic zone.
In order for either Party to allocate to the other Party fishing possibilities in its fishery zone, the Fisheries Agreement between Iceland and the Community shall be concluded as soon as possible and well before 31 December 1992. The Agreement shall also contain provisions regarding the conditions under which the fishing possibilities may be utilized. These would include the issuing of a limited number of fishing permits to trawlers, other than factory trawlers, for a defined period of the year (July to December), notification on arrival in and departure from the fisheries zone of the other Party, observation of all conservation measures applicable to vessels of the other Party, including the obligation, when required by the Party in whose zone the fishing takes place, to have an inspector on board at the vessel's expense while within the fisheries zone of the other Party.
I propose that further negotiations be based on the draft which has already been established between the Parties (Annex).
I should be grateful if you would confirm the agreement of the European Economic Community to the undertaking set out above.’
I have the honour to confirm that the European Economic Community is in agreement with the contents of your letter.
Le ruego acepte, señor, el testimonio de nuestra mayor consideración.
Modtag, hr., forsikringen om vor mest udmærkede højagtelse.
Genehmigen Sie, sehr geehrter Herr, den Ausdruck unserer ausgezeichnetsten Hochachtung.
Παρακαλώ δεχθείτε, Κύριε, τη διαβεβαίωση της υψίστης εκτιμήσεως μας.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of our highest consideration.
Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l'assurance de notre très haute considération.
Voglia accettare, Signore, l'espressione della nostra profonda stima.
Gelieve, mijnheer, de verzekering van onze zeer bijzondere hoogachting te aanvaarden.
Queira aceitar, Excelentíssimo Senhor, a expressão da nossa mais elevada consideração.
En nombre del Consejo de las Comunidades Europeas
På vegne af Rådet for De Europæiske Fællesskaber
Im Namen des Rates der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
Εξ ονόματος του Συμβουλίου των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων
On behalf of the Council of the European Communities
Au nom du Conseil des Communautés européennes
A nome del Consiglio delle Comunità europee
Namens de Raad van de Europese Gemeenschappen
Em nome do Conselho das Comunidades Europeias
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]