Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Republic of Lithuania concerning the recognition of regionalisation of African swine fever in the Kingdom of Spain
Official Journal L 051 , 20/02/1998 P. 0241 - 0241
AGREEMENT in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Republic of Lithuania concerning the recognition of regionalisation of African swine fever in the Kingdom of Spain
A. Letter from Lithuania
I have the honour to refer to the discussions concerning trade agreements for certain agricultural products between the Community and Lithuania which have taken place in the framework of the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement.
I hereby confirm that Lithuania accepts to recognise that the territory of the Kingdom of Spain, with the exception of the provinces of Badajoz, Huelva, Sevilla and Cordoba, is free from African swine fever, under the same terms as foreseen in Council Decision 89/21/EEC of 14 December 1988, and the successive Commission Decisions.
Lithuania accepts this derogation without prejudice to all other requirements foreseen by the Lithuanian veterinary legislation.
I should be obliged if you would confirm the agreement of the Community to the contents of this letter.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
For the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
B. Letter from the Community
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date which reads as follows:
'I have the honour to refer to the discussions concerning trade agreements for certain agricultural products between the Community and Lithuania which have taken place in the framework of the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement.
I hereby confirm that Lithuania accepts to recognise that the territory of the Kingdom of Spain, with the exception of the provinces of Badajoz, Huelva, Sevilla and Cordoba, is free from African swine fever, under the same terms as foreseen in Council Decision 89/21/EEC of 14 December 1988, and the successive Commission Decisions.
Lithuania accepts this derogation without prejudice to all other requirements foreseen by the Lithuanian veterinary legislation.
I should be obliged if you would confirm the agreement of the Community to the contents of this letter.`
I have the honour to confirm that the Community is in agreement with the contents of your letter.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
On behalf of the Council of the European Union