2002/1001/EC: Council Decision of 19 December 2002 on trade in certain steel products between the European Community and Ukraine
Official Journal L 349 , 24/12/2002 P. 0100 - 0102
Council Decision
of 19 December 2002
on trade in certain steel products between the European Community and Ukraine
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 133 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
(1) The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, on the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part(1), provides in its Article 22(1), that trade in some steel products shall be the subject of a specific agreement.
(2) The previous bilateral agreement between the ECSC and the Government of Ukraine on trade for certain steel products expired on 31 December 2001.
(3) The Parties agreed to conclude a new agreement and the negotiations of this new agreement have not yet been completed.
(4) The European Community (EC) has taken over the international obligations of the ECSC since the expiry of the ECSC Treaty, and measures relating to trade in steel products with third countries now fall under the competence of the EC in the field of trade policy.
(5) Quantitative limits for the year 2002 have been fixed by Decision 2001/933/ECSC of the representatives of the Government of the Member States meeting within the Council of 19 December 2001(2).
(6) Pending the signature and the entry into force of the new agreement, quantitative limits for the year 2003 must be established.
(7) The Ukrainian Parliament passed a law imposing a tax of EUR 30/tonne on exports of ferrous scrap, to be applied as of 1 January 2003; this proposed tax will constitute an obstacle to the free trade of ferrous scrap and would seriously limit, if not block, exports of ferrous scrap, thereby penalising the Community steel industry and affecting adversely the Community ferrous scrap market. As a consequence, it is appropriate to reduce the quantitative limits for 2003 by 30 % compared to the quantitative limits set for 2002, pending a satisfactory solution to this issue and the conclusion of the negotiations of the new Agreement,
Article 1
During the period mentioned in Annex I, imports into the European Community of steel products referred to in Annex II originating in Ukraine shall be subject to licensing. Licenses shall be issued only within the limits defined in Article 2.
Article 2
Imports shall be authorised, for each product group and for the whole of the Community, up to the quantitative limits indicated in Annex I.
The period of validity of the import licence is hereby fixed at four months. Unused or partially used import licences may be renewed for two months.
Article 3
Member States shall issue licences according to rules agreed within the Steel Liaison Committee and inform the Commission thereof immediately. The Commission shall keep the Member States regularly informed of the extent to which the quantities have been used up.
The Member States and the Commission shall confer in order to ensure that these quantities are not exceeded.
Article 4
The provisions of the agreement on trade in certain steel products together with any measures to give effect to it, shall as from the date of entry into force of the agreement replace the provisions of this Decision.
Article 5
This Decision shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Done at Brussels, 19 December 2002.
For the Council
The President
L. Espersen
(1) OJ L 49, 19.2.1998, p. 3.
(2) OJ L 345, 29.12.2001, p. 75. Decision amended by Decision 2002/476/ECSC (OJ L 164, 22.6.2002, p. 37).
SA Flat-rolled products
SA1. Coils
7208 10 00
7208 25 00
7208 26 00
7208 27 00
7208 36 00
7208 37 10
7208 37 90
7208 38 10
7208 38 90
7208 39 10
7208 39 90
7211 14 10
7211 19 20
7219 11 00
7219 12 10
7219 12 90
7219 13 10
7219 13 90
7219 14 10
7219 14 90
7225 20 20
7225 30 00
SA2. Heavy Plate
7208 40 10
7208 51 10
7208 51 30
7208 51 50
7208 51 91
7208 51 99
7208 52 10
7208 52 91
7208 52 99
7208 53 10
7211 13 00
7225 40 20
7225 40 50
7225 99 10
SA3. Other flat rolled products
7208 40 90
7208 53 90
7208 54 10
7208 54 90
7208 90 10
7209 15 00
7209 16 10
7209 16 90
7209 17 10
7209 17 90
7209 18 10
7209 18 91
7209 18 99
7209 25 00
7209 26 10
7209 26 90
7209 27 10
7209 27 90
7209 28 10
7209 28 90
7209 90 10
7210 11 10
7210 12 11
7210 12 19
7210 20 10
7210 30 10
7210 41 10
7210 49 10
7210 50 10
7210 61 10
7210 69 10
7210 70 31
7210 70 39
7210 90 31
7210 90 33
7210 90 38
7211 14 90
7211 19 90
7211 23 10
7211 23 51
7211 29 20
7211 90 11
7212 10 10
7212 10 91
7212 20 11
7212 30 11
7212 40 10
7212 40 91
7212 50 31
7212 50 51
7212 60 11
7212 60 91
7219 21 10
7219 21 90
7219 22 10
7219 22 90
7219 23 00
7219 24 00
7219 31 00
7219 32 10
7219 32 90
7219 33 10
7219 33 90
7219 34 10
7219 34 90
7219 35 10
7219 35 90
7225 40 80
SB Longs
SB1. Beams
7207 19 31
7207 20 71
7216 31 11
7216 31 19
7216 31 91
7216 31 99
7216 32 11
7216 32 19
7216 32 91
7216 32 99
7216 33 10
7216 33 90
SB2. Wire rod
7213 10 00
7213 20 00
7213 91 10
7213 91 20
7213 91 41
7213 91 49
7213 91 70
7213 91 90
7213 99 10
7213 99 90
7221 00 10
7221 00 90
7227 10 00
7227 20 00
7227 90 10
7227 90 50
7227 90 95
SB3 Other longs
7207 19 11
7207 19 14
7207 19 16
7207 20 51
7207 20 55
7207 20 57
7214 20 00
7214 30 00
7214 91 10
7214 91 90
7214 99 10
7214 99 31
7214 99 39
7214 99 50
7214 99 61
7214 99 69
7214 99 80
7214 99 90
7215 90 10
7216 10 00
7216 21 00
7216 22 00
7216 40 10
7216 40 90
7216 50 10
7216 50 91
7216 50 99
7216 99 10
7218 99 20
7222 11 11
7222 11 19
7222 11 21
7222 11 29
7222 11 91
7222 11 99
7222 19 10
7222 19 90
7222 30 10
7222 40 10
7222 40 30
7224 90 31
7224 90 39
7228 10 10
7228 10 30
7228 20 11
7228 20 19
7228 20 30
7228 30 20
7228 30 41
7228 30 49
7228 30 61
7228 30 69
7228 30 70
7228 30 89
7228 60 10
7228 70 10
7228 70 31
7228 80 10
7228 80 90
7301 10 00