Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Canada on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations
Official Journal L 169 , 29/06/2007 P. 0055 - 0057
between the European Community and the Government of Canada on the conclusion of GATT Article XXIV:6 Negotiations
FOLLOWING the initiation of negotiations between the European Communities and the Government of Canada under Article XXIV:6 and Article XXVIII of GATT 1994 for the modification of concessions in the schedules of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic in the course of their accession to the European Community (EC), and following the EC's notification of 19 January 2004 to the WTO pursuant to Article XXIV:6 of GATT 1994,
hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Parties",
1. The EC shall incorporate in its schedule, valid for the customs territory of the European Communities of 25 (EC 25), the concessions that were included in its previous Schedule CLX of the European Communities of 15 (EC 15).
2. In addition, the EC shall incorporate in its schedule, valid for the customs territory of EC 25, the concessions contained in the Annex to this Agreement.
3. The EC shall reduce its tariffs and adjust tariff rate quotas as indicated in the Annex no later than 1 August 2007.
4. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of Canada's notification of the completion of its appropriate domestic procedures, following the signing of the Agreement by the Parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorised, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Brussels, this twenty-fifth day of June 2007, in two original copies, in the English and French languages, each version being equally authentic.
For the European Community
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For the Government of Canada
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- a country allocated (Canada) tariff rate quota of 4624 tonnes of pork (tariff item numbers 02031211, 02031219, 02031911, 02031913, 02031915, ex02031955, 02031959, 02032211, 02032219, 02032911, 02032913, 02032915, ex02032955 and 02032959), in quota rate 233-434 EUR/t,
- add 35 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for cuts of domestic swine (tariff item numbers 02031211, 02031219, 02031911, 02031913, 02031915, ex02031955, 02031959, 02032211, 02032219, 02032911, 02032913, 02032915, ex02032955 and 02032959), in quota rate 233-434 EUR/t,
- add 1265 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for frozen boneless hams and loins (ex02031955 and ex02032955), in quota rate 250 EUR/t,
- add 49 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for "chicken carcass fresh, chilled or frozen" (tariff item numbers 02071110, 02071130, 02071190, 02071210, 02071290), in quota rate 131-162 EUR/t,
- add 4070 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for "chicken cuts, fresh, chilled or frozen" (tariff item numbers 02071310, 02071320, 02071330, 02071340, 02071350, 02071360, 02071370, 02071420, 02071430, 02071440, 02071460), in quota rate 93-512 EUR/t,
- add 1605 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for "cuts of fowls", (tariff item number 02071410), in quota rate 795 EUR/t,
- add 201 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for "turkey meat, fresh, chilled or frozen" (tariff item numbers 02072410, 02072490, 02072510, 02072590, 02072610, 02072620, 02072630, 02072640, 02072650, 02072660, 02072670, 02072680, 02072730, 02072740, 02072750, 02072760, 02072770), in quota rate 93-425 EUR/t,
- add 2485 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for "turkey cuts, frozen" (tariff item numbers 02072710, 02072720, 02072780), in quota rate 0 %,
- add 537 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for skimmed milk powder (tariff item number 04021019), in quota rate 475 EUR/t,
- open a tariff rate quota 20000 HLT (erga omnes) for wine (tariff item numbers 22042965, 22042975), in quota rate 8,0 EUR/hlt,
- open a tariff rate quota 40000 HLT (erga omnes) for wine (tariff item numbers 22042179, 22042180), in quota rate 10,0 EUR/hlt,
- open a tariff rate quota 13810 HLT (erga omnes) for wine (tariff item number 22059010), in quota rate 7,0 EUR/hlt,
- open a tariff rate quota 2838 tonnes (erga omnes) for preserved pineapples, citrus fruit, pears, apricots, cherries, peaches and strawberries (tariff item numbers 20082011, 20082019, 20082031, 20082039, 20082071, 20083011, 20083019, 20083031, 20083039, 20083079, 20084011, 20084019, 20084021, 20084029, 20084031, 20084039, 20085011, 20085019, 20085031, 20085039, 20085051, 20085059, 20085071, 20086011, 20086019, 20086031, 20086039, 20086060, 20087011, 20087019, 20087031, 20087039, 20087051, 20087059, 20088011, 20088019, 20088031, 20088039, 20088070), in quota rate 20 %,
- add 6215 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for barley (tariff item number 100300), in quota rate 16 EUR/t,
- expansion of 853 tonnes of Canada's existing country allocation in the EC tariff rate quota for soft wheat (tariff item number 10019099), in quota rate 12 EUR/t,
- open a tariff rate quota 242074 tonnes (erga omnes) for maize (tariff item numbers 10059000, 10051090), in quota rate 0 %,
- open a tariff rate quota 2058 tonnes (erga omnes) for dog and cat food (tariff item numbers 23091013, 23091015, 23091019, 23091033, 23091039, 23091051, 23091053, 23091059, 23091070), in quota rate 7 %,
- add 2700 tonnes (erga omnes) in EC tariff rate quota for preparations of a kind used in animal feeding (tariff item numbers 23099031, 23099041, 23099051, 23099095, 23099099), in quota rate 7 %.