Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Communit... (22008A0805(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 11 External relations


Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan amending the EC-Jordan Association Agreement

Official Journal L 207 , 05/08/2008 P. 0016 - 0017
in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan amending the EC-Jordan Association Agreement
A. Letter from the European Community
I have the honour of referring to the information provided by your authorities after the adoption of Council Decision 2006/67/EC of 20 December 2005 on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and amending the EC-Jordan Association Agreement as well as replacing Annexes I, II, III and IV and Protocols 1 and 2 to that Agreement, as regards discrepancies in reference to certain Jordanian customs nomenclatures codes.
In order to refer to the timing foreseen for the revision of the concessions applicable to processed agricultural products, a new paragraph 5a is inserted in Article 11a of the Association Agreement:
"5a. From 1 January 2009 the Community and Jordan shall assess the situation with a view to determining the liberalisation measures to be applied by the Community and Jordan with effect from 1 January 2010."
In order to confirm that the new reciprocal liberalisation measures introduced by the Agreement approved by Decision 2006/67/EC only relate to agricultural and processed agricultural products and not to fisheries products, Article 16 of the Association Agreement is replaced by the following:
"Article 16
1. Agricultural products other than fish and fisheries products covered by Chapter 3, headings 1604 and 1605, and subheadings 051191, 230120 and ex190220 (stuffed pasta containing more than 20 % by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates) originating in Jordan shall benefit on import into the Community from the provisions set out in Protocol 1.
2. Agricultural products other than fish and fisheries products covered by Chapter 3, headings 1604 and 1605, and sub-headings 051191, 230120 and ex190220 (stuffed pasta containing more than 20 % by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates) originating in the Community shall benefit on import into Jordan from the provisions set out in Protocol 2."
In order to correct the abovementioned discrepancies in reference to certain Jordanian customs nomenclature codes, Annex III and the Annex to Protocol 2 to the Association Agreement are amended as follows:
1. in Annex III:
(a) in list A, codes 210690300, 210690400 and 210690600 are deleted;
(b) in list B, codes 1301100000, 130120100, 130120900, 130190100, 130190900, 130211100, 130211200, 130239100, 130239900, 190211100, 190211900, 190590210 and 210690900 are deleted;
(c) in list D, code 350190000 is deleted;
(d) in list E, codes 190300000, 200520100 and 210690990 are deleted;
(e) in list F, code 190539000 is replaced by code 190532000;
(f) in list G, the text shall read as follows: "List of processed agricultural products for which customs duties shall not be abolished.";
2. in the Annex to Protocol 2:
(a) under category A, one iteration of code 130110100 is deleted;
(b) under category B, code 130213000 is deleted;
(c) under category E, one iteration of code 130110900 is deleted.
This Agreement shall be applicable retroactively from 1 January 2006.
I should be obliged if you would confirm that your Government is in agreement with the above.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Съставено в Брюксел на
Hecho en Bruselas, el
V Bruselu dne
Udfærdiget i Bruxelles, den
Geschehen zu Brüssel am
Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις
Done at Brussels,
Fait à Bruxelles, le
Fatto a Bruxelles, addì
Priimta Briuselyje,
Kelt Brüsszelben,
Gedaan te Brussel,
Sporządzono w Brukseli, dnia
Feito em Bruxelas,
Adoptat la Bruxelles,
V Bruseli
V Bruslju,
Tehty Brysselissä
Utfärdat i Bryssel den
За Европейската общност
Por la Comunidad Europea
Za Evropské společenství
For Det Europæiske Fællesskab
Für die Europäische Gemeinschaft
Euroopa Ühenduse nimel
Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα
For the European Community
Pour la Communauté européenne
Per la Comunità europea
Eiropas Kopienas vārdā —
Europos bendrijos vardu
Az Európai Közösség részéről
Voor de Europese Gemeenschap
W imieniu Wspólnoty Europejskiej
Pela Comunidade Europeia
Pentru Comunitatea Europeană
Za Európske spoločenstvo
Za Evropsko skupnost
Euroopan yhteisön puolesta
För Europeiska gemenskapen
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B. Letter from the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today’s date, worded as follows:
"I have the honour of referring to the information provided by your authorities after the adoption of Council Decision 2006/67/EC of 20 December 2005 on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and amending the EC-Jordan Association Agreement as well as replacing Annexes I, II, III and IV and Protocols 1 and 2 to that Agreement, as regards discrepancies in reference to certain Jordanian customs nomenclatures codes.
In order to refer to the timing foreseen for the revision of the concessions applicable to processed agricultural products, a new paragraph 5a is inserted in Article 11a of the Association Agreement:
"5a. From 1 January 2009 the Community and Jordan shall assess the situation with a view to determining the liberalisation measures to be applied by the Community and Jordan with effect from 1 January 2010."
In order to confirm that the new reciprocal liberalisation measures introduced by the Agreement approved by Decision 2006/67/EC only relate to agricultural and processed agricultural products and not to fisheries products, Article 16 of the Association Agreement is replaced by the following:
"Article 16
1. Agricultural products other than fish and fisheries products covered by Chapter 3, headings 1604 and 1605, and sub-headings 051191, 230120 and ex190220 (stuffed pasta containing more than 20 % by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates) originating in Jordan shall benefit on import into the Community from the provisions set out in Protocol 1.
2. Agricultural products other than fish and fisheries products covered by Chapter 3, headings 1604 and 1605, and subheadings 051191, 230120 and ex190220 (stuffed pasta containing more than 20 % by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates) originating in the Community shall benefit on import into Jordan from the provisions set out in Protocol 2."
In order to correct the abovementioned discrepancies in reference to certain Jordanian customs nomenclature codes, Annex III and the Annex to Protocol 2 to the Association Agreement are amended as follows:
1. in Annex III:
(a) in list A, codes 210690300, 210690400 and 210690600 are deleted;
(b) in list B, codes 1301100000, 130120100, 130120900, 130190100, 130190900, 130211100, 130211200, 130239100, 130239900, 190211100, 190211900, 190590210 and 210690900 are deleted;
(c) in list D, code 350190000 is deleted;
(d) in list E, codes 190300000, 200520100 and 210690990 are deleted;
(e) in list F, code 190539000 is replaced by code 190532000;
(f) in list G, the text shall read as follows: "List of processed agricultural products for which customs duties shall not be abolished.";
2. in the Annex to Protocol 2:
(a) under category A, one iteration of code 130110100 is deleted;
(b) under category B, code 130213000 is deleted;
(c) under category E, one iteration of code 130110900 is deleted.
This Agreement shall be applicable retroactively from 1 January 2006.
I should be obliged if you would confirm that your Government is in agreement with the above."
I am able to inform you that my Government is in agreement with the contents of your letter.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Done at Brussels,
Съставено в Брюксел на
Hecho en Bruselas, el
V Bruselu dne
Udfærdiget i Bruxelles, den
Geschehen zu Brüssel am
Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις
Fait à Bruxelles, le
Fatto a Bruxelles, addì
Priimta Briuselyje,
Kelt Brüsszelben,
Gedaan te Brussel,
Sporządzono w Brukseli, dnia
Feito em Bruxelas,
Adoptat la Bruxelles,
V Bruseli
V Bruslju,
Tehty Brysselissä
Utfärdat i Bryssel den
For the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
За правителството на Хашемитското кралство Йордания
En nombre del Gobierno del Reino Hachemita de Jordania
Za vládu Jordánského hášimovského království
På regeringen for Det Hashemitiske Kongerige Jordans vegne
Im Namen der Regierung des Haschemitischen Königreichs Jordanien
Jordaania Hašimiidi Kunungriigi valitsuse nimel
Για την κυβέρνηση του Χασμετικού Βασιλείου της Ιορδανίας
Pour le gouvernement du Royaume hachémite de Jordanie
Per il Regno hashemita di Giordania
Jordanijos Hašimitų Karalystěs Vyriausybės vardu
Jordānijas Hāšīmītu Karalistes valdības vārdā —
A Jordán Hasimita Királyság kormánya részéről
Voor het Hasjemitisch Koninkrijk Jordanië
W imieniu Rządu Haszymidzkiego Królestwa Jordanii
Pelo Reino Hachemita da Jordânia
Pentru Guvernul Regatului Hașemit al Jordaniei
Za vládu Jordánskeho hášimovského kráľovstva
Za Vlado Hašemitiske kraljevine Jordanije
Jordanian hašemitiisen kuningaskunnan hallituksen puolesta
På Hashemitiska konungariket Jordaniens regerings vägnar
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