of 12 July 2021
supplementing Regulation (EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe, amending and repealing Decision No 466/2014/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Regulation (EU) 2017/1601 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 480/2009
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 June 2021 establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe and amending and repealing Decision No 466/2014/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Regulation (EU) 2017/1601 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 480/2009 (1), and in particular Article 4(7) thereof,
(1) Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2021/947 sets out the areas of cooperation for geographic programmes.
(2) Geographic programmes should be further developed through additional provisions supplementing Regulation (EU) 2021/947.
(3) Based on the areas of cooperation listed in Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2021/947, specific objectives and priority areas of cooperation should be set out for Neighbourhood South, Neighbourhood East, West Africa, East and Central Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, North and South East Asia, the Pacific, the Americas, the Caribbean.
(4) Indicative financial allocations should be set out for the West Africa, East and Central Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean sub-regions, on the basis of the programming principles for geographic programmes set out in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2021/947. Thematic targets should be set out for the geographic regions listed in Regulation (EU) 2021/947,
Article 1
The specific objectives and priority areas of cooperation, based on the areas of cooperation listed in Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2021/947 for Neighbourhood South, Neighbourhood East, West Africa, East and Central Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, North and South East Asia, the Pacific, the Americas, the Caribbean, are set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2
The indicative financial allocations for West Africa, East and Central Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean sub-regions shall be:
(a) West Africa EUR 11 672 000 000;
(b) East and Central Africa EUR 11 381 000 000;
(c) Southern Africa and Indian Ocean EUR 6 128 000 000.
Article 3
The thematic targets for the geographic programmes shall be:
(a) at least 15 % for human rights, democracy and good governance;
(b) at least 45 % for inclusive and sustainable growth for human development.
Article 4
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 12 July 2021.
For the Commission
The President
OJ L 209, 14.6.2021, p. 1
The specific objectives and priority areas of cooperation per sub-region, based on the areas of cooperation listed in Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council, are the following:
Supporting human development, good governance and the rule of law and gender equality.
(a) Promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms; promoting equality and empowerment of women, democracy, the rule of law, good governance, judicial reform and the fight against corruption;
(b) Strengthening public institutions and governance systems; enhancing transparency and accountability; supporting social cohesion; promoting the involvement of civil society and space for civic and non-state actors and independent media; supporting the fight against disinformation;
(c) Enhancing access and quality of education; promoting digital literacy and skills; empowering young people; strengthening healthcare systems;
(d) Supporting transparent and effective management of public finances, domestic revenue mobilisation and economic governance.
Strengthening resilience, building prosperity and seizing the digital transformation
(a) Supporting entrepreneurship and private sector development; improving access to finance and the digitalisation of business; promoting decent employment;
(b) Supporting trade and investment, sustainable value chains, connectivity, economic integration and diversification;
(c) Supporting the development of modern and equitable health and social protection systems and promoting decent employment; supporting the resilience of the population through the development of accessible public services;
(d) Supporting the deployment and operationalisation of infrastructure to ensure accessible, affordable, inclusive, and secure digital connectivity as well as the development of modern data management and protection systems; supporting improved digital governance, the development of e-services and interoperability frameworks and platforms.
Supporting a green transition, strengthening climate resilience, energy transition and security, and protecting the environment
(a) Enhancing climate change adaptation and mitigation capacity; helping to promote climate-proof investments and sustainable finance policies to shift towards green growth;
(b) Supporting the transition to low-emissions, resource efficient and circular economic models and promote the development of sustainable production and value chains; developing and strengthening sustainable green and blue economy; fostering energy transition and promoting energy security;
(c) Promoting resource efficiency, the fight against pollution, biodiversity conservation and restoration and the transition to sustainable food systems, as well as promoting sustainable, multi-functional managed ecosystems in the context of climate adaptation and resilience.
Cooperating on peace and security
(a) Supporting and promoting peace, conflict prevention and reconciliation efforts;
(b) Stepping-up cooperation on counter-terrorism, terrorist financing and anti-money laundering, prevention, the fight against radicalisation and violent extremism, the fight against organised crime, law enforcement and addressing cybersecurity, cybercrime and hybrid threats;
(c) Supporting disaster preparedness and risk management;
(d) Enhancing maritime security.
Enhancing cooperation on all aspects of migration, mobility and forced displacement
(a) Enhancing cooperation on all aspects of migration and forced displacement; strengthening local and international partnerships on migration and forced displacement along key migratory routes;
(b) Strengthening all aspects of migration and asylum governance; enhancing border management; strengthening the fight against smuggling of migrants and trafficking of human beings and fostering cooperation on safe, dignified and sustainable returns, readmission and reintegration of migrants; as well as addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement;
(c) Supporting a comprehensive approach to legal migration, while respecting competences of the Member States, and mobility;
(d) Contributing to the provision of international protection and support to refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons, host communities, and to countries hosting significant refugee or displaced populations.
Enhancing regional, sub-regional and interregional cooperation
(a) Supporting the Union for the Mediterranean;
(b) Increasing cooperation with international, regional and sub-regional actors and organisations;
(c) Increasing cooperation between North and Sub-Saharan Africa in selected areas.
Investing in resilient, sustainable and integrated economies and sustainable connectivity
(a) Increasing trade between partner countries and with the EU; promoting further integration in EU value chains; promoting decent employment; promoting the development of sustainable production and value chains;
(b) Improving the business climate; strengthening the start-up ecosystem and increasing/diversifying access to finance for SMEs;
(c) Strengthening sustainable road and maritime transport; promoting smart and sustainable urban mobility;
(d) Promoting quality education at all levels; strengthening research and technology transfer capacity; enhancing skills to improve employability.
Investing in democracy, good governance, peace and security, the rule of law and justice
(a) Supporting democracy, peace and good governance, human rights, freedom of expression and association, media freedom and independence; promoting an independent, accountable and efficient justice system; stepping-up cooperation in countering hybrid threats and disinformation, ensuring cyber security and combating cyber crimes;
(b) Supporting public administration reform and e-governance; promoting online public services; fighting corruption;
(c) Supporting balanced territorial development and decentralisation reform processes;
(d) Supporting peace building, dispute and conflict prevention and resolution through peaceful efforts and methods, as well as setting up and/or implementing early warning systems; enhancing regional security, maritime safety and security; strengthening security by combating organised crime and promoting integrated border management.
Investing in sustainable energy, decarbonisation, climate mitigation and adaptation and environmental resilience
(a) Investing in energy connectivity and stronger cross-border and inter-regional grid connections, while supporting energy efficiency, resilience and security and promoting the increased use of sustainable energy;
(b) Improving air quality, promoting the fight against pollution, greening urban areas and improving waste management, while strengthening biodiversity, supporting transitions towards sustainable food systems and modernising water supply and sanitation;
(c) Promoting a low-emission, resource efficient and circular economy; strengthening climate policies; developing and strengthening blue economy; increasing green investments;
(d) Investing in health resilience and upgrading health systems, as well as supporting disaster preparedness and risk management, including mitigating chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear associated risks.
Investing in resilient digital transformation
(a) Supporting the development of digital infrastructure and e-services, through improved digital governance and improved interoperability frameworks and platforms;
(b) Strengthening digital skills; stimulating digital innovation and high performance digital start-ups;
(c) Promoting cross-border e-commerce and digital corridors between partner countries and the EU;
(d) Strengthening cyber resilience.
Investing in resilient, inclusive, gender-equal and diverse societies
(a) Strengthening capacity and empowering civil society organisations at regional and local levels, including youth organisations;
(b) Protecting human rights; promoting gender equality in all policy areas;
(c) Increasing citizens’ engagement, particularly among young people, with democracy and economic reforms; promoting environmental and digital awareness.
Promoting stabilisation, security, democratic transition, good governance and human rights
(a) Promoting stabilisation, peace and security on land and at sea through democratic transition, good governance, the fight against impunity and security sector reform; stepping-up cooperation on counter-terrorism, prevention and fight against radicalisation and violent extremism; promoting dialogue, conflict prevention, reconciliation and state building;
(b) Supporting democratic governance and the rule of law, transparency and the fight against corruption; promoting oversight and accountability as well as an independent, accountable and efficient justice system;
(c) Strengthening State and local authority institutions and their effective presence throughout the territory and civil society;
(d) Promoting the principle of equality and non-discrimination; promoting the respect for human rights and international humanitarian law.
Supporting inclusive and sustainable growth, promoting decent jobs and harnessing the digital transformation
(a) Promoting private sector development; improving the business environment, the investment climate and the digitalisation of business as well as the transparency and effectiveness of public finances; digital governance and the development of e-services;
(b) Supporting sustainable infrastructure and connectivity, economic integration, trade and the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement; strengthening local and regional value chains;
(c) Supporting skills development and the creation of decent employment, as well as research and innovation; promoting the development of sustainable production and value chains;
(d) Strengthening the green and digital economy.
Enhancing cooperation on all aspects of migration, mobility and forced displacement and addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement
(a) Strengthening local and international partnerships on migration and forced displacement along key migratory routes;
(b) Strengthening migration governance and management and fostering cooperation on safe, dignified and sustainable returns, readmission and reintegration of migrants;
(c) Supporting a comprehensive approach to legal migration, while respecting competences of the Member States, and mobility;
(d) Protecting vulnerable migrants, refugees and internally displaced people; strengthening the fight against smuggling of migrants and trafficking of human beings; ensuring protection of and respect for the human rights of migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced persons; providing international protection and support to refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons, host communities, and to countries hosting significant refugee or displaced population.
Protecting the environment, biodiversity and fighting climate change
(a) Promoting access to sustainable energy and energy efficiency; promoting access to climate resilient and safe water supply and sanitation services;
(b) Supporting measures on climate change mitigation and adaptation and disaster preparedness and risk reduction;
(c) Promoting an integrated landscape approach for smart and resilient agriculture/food and nutrition security, sustainable management of natural resources, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture and climate change adaptation/mitigation;
(d) Promoting environmental protection, preservation of biodiversity and the circular economy, as well as sustainable, multi-functional managed ecosystems in the context of climate adaptation and resilience.
Promoting human development and gender equality
(a) Supporting greater access to and improved quality of resilient health services and nutrition;
(b) Supporting greater access to and improved quality of education at different levels; promoting digital literacy and skills;
(c) Promoting social inclusion, social protection and social security schemes;
(d) Supporting measures to strengthen gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women and girls in all policy areas.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Encouraging regional integration, connectivity and cooperation;
(b) Promoting policy dialogue with regional economic communities;
(c) Promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation, twinning, exchange and leadership programmes.
Protecting the environment, biodiversity and fighting climate change
(a) Promoting the sustainable management of natural resources, environmental protection and the preservation of biodiversity within a landscape and seascape approach;
(b) Supporting measures on climate change mitigation and adaptation and disaster preparedness and risk management;
(c) Promoting access to renewable energies and energy efficiency, as well as promoting sustainable, multi-functional managed ecosystems in the context of climate adaptation and resilience; promoting access to climate resilient and safe water supply and sanitation services;
(d) Supporting sustainable food security.
Promoting stabilisation, security, democracy and democratic transitions, good governance and human rights
(a) Promoting peace and security, stability, democracy, peaceful democratic transitions, the rule of law, security sector reform, reconciliation and conflict prevention; stepping-up cooperation on counter-terrorism, prevention and fight against radicalisation and violent extremism;
(b) Supporting democratic governance, transparency and oversight, and the fight against corruption; promoting an independent, accountable and efficient justice system;
(c) Promoting respect for human rights and the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
Supporting inclusive and sustainable growth, promoting decent jobs and harnessing the digital transformation
(a) Promoting private sector development; improving the business environment and the digitalisation of business as well as the investment climate; digital governance and the development of e-services;
(b) Supporting economic integration and trade, including sustainable infrastructure and connectivity;
(c) Supporting skills development and the creation of decent employment, as well as research and innovation;
(d) Strengthening the green and digital economy.
Promoting human development and gender equality
(a) Supporting greater access to and improved quality of resilient health and social protection services and nutrition;
(b) Supporting greater access to and quality of education at different levels; promoting digital literacy and skills;
(c) Promoting social inclusion and fighting inequalities;
(d) Supporting measures to strengthen gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women and girls in all policy areas.
Enhancing cooperation on all aspects of migration, mobility and forced displacement and addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement
(a) Strengthening local and international partnerships on different aspects of migration and forced displacement;
(b) Strengthening migration governance and management and fostering cooperation on safe, dignified and sustainable returns, readmission and reintegration of migrants;
(c) Supporting a comprehensive approach to legal migration, while respecting competences of the Member States, and mobility;
(d) Protecting vulnerable migrants, refugees and internally displaced people; strengthening the fight against smuggling of migrants and trafficking of human beings; ensuring protection of and respect for the human rights of migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced persons; contributing to the provision of international protection and support to refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons, host communities, and to countries hosting significant refugee or displaced population.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Encouraging regional economic integration, connectivity and cooperation and the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement;
(b) Promoting policy dialogue with regional economic communities;
(c) Promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation, twinning, exchange and leadership programmes.
Supporting inclusive and sustainable growth, promoting decent jobs and harnessing the digital transformation
(a) Promoting private sector development; improving the business environment, the investment climate, the digitalisation of business and transparency of public finances; digital governance and the development of e-services;
(b) Supporting sustainable infrastructure and connectivity, economic integration and trade;
(c) Supporting skills development and decent employment, as well as research and innovation;
(d) Strengthening the green and digital economy.
Promoting good governance, peace, democracy and human rights
(a) Promoting peace and security on land and at sea, stability, democracy, the rule of law; security sector reform, conflict prevention, reconciliation and the fight against international trafficking;
(b) Supporting democratic governance, transparency and oversight, and the fight against corruption; improving civil registration;
(c) Promoting respect for human rights and the principles of equality and non-discrimination;
(d) Supporting justice; strengthening and empowering local authorities and civil society.
Protecting the environment and biodiversity and fighting climate change
(a) Supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster preparedness and risk reduction;
(b) Promoting access to sustainable energy and energy efficiency; promoting access to climate resilient and safe water supply and sanitation services;
(c) Supporting food security, smart and resilient agriculture, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture;
(d) Promoting the sustainable management of natural resources, environmental protection, preservation of biodiversity and the circular economy; promoting sustainable, multi-functional managed ecosystems in the context of climate adaptation and resilience.
Promoting human development and gender equality
(a) Supporting better access to and improved quality of resilient health services and nutrition;
(b) Improving access to and improved quality of education at different levels; promoting digital literacy and skills;
(c) Promoting social inclusion and social protection schemes;
(d) Supporting measures to strengthen gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women and girls in all policy areas.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Encouraging regional economic integration and cooperation, and the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement; supporting wider Indian Ocean cooperation;
(b) Promoting policy dialogue with regional economic communities;
(c) Promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation, twinning, exchange and leadership programmes.
Supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and harnessing the digital transformation
(a) Supporting entrepreneurship, decent employment and employability, improving the business environment, the digitalisation of business and investment climate;
(b) Promoting economic diversification, development of food value chains and economic infrastructure and non-petroleum trade; promoting the development of sustainable production and value chains;
(c) Supporting resilience of local communities and preservation of cultural heritage;
(d) Supporting the deployment and operationalisation of infrastructure to ensure accessible, affordable, inclusive, and secure digital connectivity; supporting improved digital governance, the development of e-services and interoperability frameworks and platforms.
Protecting the environment, biodiversity and fighting climate change
(a) Contributing to partners’ efforts to pursue their international commitments on climate change, the fight against pollution, management of ecosystems and conservation of biodiversity; increasing their resilience to climate and other natural hazards-related risks;
(b) Building capacity to mainstream environmental sustainability and climate change objectives in development processes, notably in the areas of economy, sustainable energy, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture;
(c) Strengthening cooperation on building scientific, technical, human and institutional capacity for climate and environmental management;
(d) Supporting measures on climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Promoting human development, social inclusion and health
(a) Improving quality and equality of education systems; promoting digital literacy and skills;
(b) Supporting social protection reforms and improved access to basic services for vulnerable groups; promoting coordination in response to health crises;
(c) Promoting respect for the principle of non-discrimination; supporting the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief;
(d) Supporting the strengthening of health systems, greater access to and improved quality and resilience of health services.
Promoting human rights, good governance, inclusive citizenship and peaceful, just societies, as well as enhancing cooperation on migration and mobility
(a) Supporting macroeconomic management, public finance management systems and accountability of public institutions; fostering inclusiveness in governance and decision-making processes; strengthening the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms; fighting against discrimination and reinforcing civil society;
(b) Promoting gender equality and respect, protection and the full enjoyment of human rights by women and girls and their empowerment, including economic, labour and social rights;
(c) Enhancing cooperation on all aspects of migration, forced displacement, and border management and strengthening the fight against smuggling of migrants; strengthening all aspects of migration and asylum governance, cooperation on safe, dignified and sustainable returns, readmission and reintegration and addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement;
(d) Supporting a comprehensive approach to legal migration and mobility; contributing to the provision of support to refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons, host communities, and to countries hosting refugee or displaced populations.
Supporting peace, security and conflict prevention
(a) Supporting peace building efforts, mediation dialogue and reconciliation; setting up early warning systems; supporting conflict prevention and settlement;
(b) Supporting security sector reform and the fight against organised crime;
(c) Preventing and countering radicalisation leading to violent extremism and terrorism, and protecting individuals from such threats;
(d) Enhancing regional security, maritime safety and security; mitigating chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear associated risks.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Encouraging good neighbourly relations, cooperation and inclusive and constructive dialogue;
(b) Promoting triangular cooperation with bilateral and regional development agencies and financing institutions;
(c) Engaging with stakeholders in industrialised and more advanced developing countries and through public diplomacy.
Promoting peace, stability, good governance, human rights and human development, and tackling irregular migration and forced displacement
(a) Contributing to peace, the prevention or inclusive political settlement of conflict, and stability by building the resilience of states, societies, communities and individuals; supporting social dialogue;
(b) Strengthening and promoting democracy and inclusive democratic processes; supporting effective and accountable institutions and the fight against corruption, drugs trafficking and organised crime; strengthening the rule of law and an independent judiciary;
(c) Supporting human rights and fundamental freedoms, the role of civil society in all aspects of political and reform processes and public life, and supporting the strengthening and resilience of public services in the fields of health and education; supporting measures to strengthen gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women and girls in all policy areas;
(d) Tackling the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement; facilitating orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility; enhancing migration governance and management and strengthening border protection, cooperation on safe, dignified and sustainable returns, readmission and reintegration and legal migration.
Protecting the environment, biodiversity and fighting climate change
(a) Promoting integrated and sustainable, participatory and conflict-sensitive management of water resources and transboundary water cooperation;
(b) Supporting measures on climate change adaptation and mitigation;
(c) Promoting the conservation, sustainable management and use of healthy ecosystems and agro-food systems; halting biodiversity loss; supporting partner countries’ efforts in disaster preparedness and risk reduction, as well as promoting access to and increasing cooperation on sustainable energy;
(d) Developing and strengthening sustainable green economy and the circular economy.
Supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent employment and harnessing the digital transformation
(a) Supporting the growth of resilient and sustainable economies; supporting regulatory cooperation and standardisation; supporting the deployment and operationalisation of infrastructure to ensure accessible, affordable, inclusive, and secure digital connectivity;
(b) Supporting enhanced productivity and decent employment through economic formalisation, together with support for the application of international labour standards;
(c) Supporting enhanced technical vocational education and training opportunities; promoting digital literacy and skills;
(d) Facilitating cross-border and intra-regional trade and enhanced regional integration, as a vector for peace in the whole region.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Encouraging regional integration and cooperation in support of shared prosperity and security;
(b) Supporting economic, cultural and public diplomacy to engage with the population, civil society organisations, municipalities and local communities, the private sector, media, academia and think tanks;
(c) Promoting and supporting a unified regional approach to the integration of Afghanistan into Central Asia.
Promoting good governance, human development and gender equality, and tackling irregular migration and forced displacement
(a) Strengthening and promoting democracy, the rule of law, an independent, accountable and efficient justice system, governance and oversight, and human rights; empowering a thriving civil society and enabling civil registrations; supporting measures to strengthen gender equality and promoting the empowerment of women and girls in all policy areas;
(b) Strengthening public institutions at the national and sub-national levels, public services for health, nutrition, education and social protection; supporting decentralisation;
(c) Addressing health threats; developing safe, efficient and affordable vaccines, medicines and treatments against poverty-related and neglected diseases; improving responses to health challenges;
(d) Tackling the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement; facilitating orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility; enhancing migration governance and management and strengthening border protection, cooperation on safe, dignified and sustainable returns, readmission and reintegration and legal migration.
Protecting the environment and fighting climate change
(a) Supporting mitigation and adaptation to climate change; strengthening capacity for environmental management;
(b) Developing and strengthening sustainable green and blue economy and the fight against pollution;
(c) Promoting the phasing-out of fossil fuels and access to sustainable energy services; improving ocean governance;
(d) Supporting better governance and capacity building for the sustainable management of natural resources, as well as promoting sustainable, multi-functional managed ecosystems in the context of climate adaptation and resilience to natural hazard-related disasters.
Supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent employment and harnessing the digital transformation
(a) Supporting entrepreneurship, the digitalisation of business, the development of skills and the application of international labour standards; strengthening sustainable social protection systems;
(b) Improving the business environment and investment climate; facilitating trade; improving regional multi-modal transport networks and services; supporting sustainable infrastructure and connectivity;
(c) Fostering universal access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy; promoting a low-emission, climate-resilient, resource-efficient and circular economy;
(d) Supporting regulatory cooperation and standardisation; supporting the deployment and operationalisation of infrastructure to ensure accessible, affordable, inclusive, and secure digital connectivity.
Promoting peace, security and stability, and preventing conflict
(a) Supporting conflict prevention, early warning; peacebuilding, crisis management, stabilisation, reconciliation and post-conflict reconstruction and enhancing maritime security;
(b) Tackling discrimination and inequalities; promoting systematic participation by women and young people;
(c) Preventing all forms of sexual and gender-based violence;
(d) Preventing and countering radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Enhancing country ownership, partnerships and constructive dialogue, also with civil society;
(b) Promoting multilateralism, regional integration and enhanced connectivity;
(c) Engaging with stakeholders in more advanced developing countries and through public diplomacy.
Promoting good governance, human development and gender equality
(a) Strengthening and promoting democracy and inclusive democratic processes, human rights and fundamental freedoms, the rule of law, independent judiciary, governance and oversight, and the fight against corruption;
(b) Supporting, strengthening and empowering a thriving civil society; promoting an open and enabling space for civil society and citizens’ engagement in political life;
(c) Fighting against inequalities and discrimination; promoting human development and the full enjoyment of human rights by women and girls, young people and children, and persons with disabilities;
(d) Supporting the strengthening of health systems, greater access to and improved quality and resilience of health services; Tackling health threats; developing safe, efficient and affordable vaccines, medicines and treatments against poverty-related and neglected diseases; improving responses to health challenges.
Supporting peace, stability, security and conflict prevention
(a) Supporting conflict prevention, early warning and peacebuilding through mediation and dialogue, crisis management, and stabilisation, reconciliation and post-conflict reconstruction and enhancing maritime security;
(b) Supporting local, national, regional and international initiatives contributing to stability, security and peace; promoting transboundary cooperation on shared natural resources.
Protecting the environment and fighting climate change
(a) Strengthening scientific, human and institutional capacity for climate and environmental management; strengthening regional, national and local climate and environmental governance;
(b) Supporting measures on climate change mitigation and adaptation and disaster risk reduction;
(c) Promoting access to sustainable energy and the phasing-out of environmentally harmful fossil fuel subsidies; developing and strengthening sustainable green and blue economy, the fight against pollution, the circular economy and sustainable urbanisation; improving ocean governance;
(d) Promoting forestation and forest law enforcement, governance and trade; supporting ocean governance.
Supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and harnessing the digital transformation
(a) Improving the business environment and investment climate; supporting the digitalisation of business and creating an enabling regulatory environment for economic development;
(b) Supporting regional integration, trade, investment and connectivity; supporting the deployment and operationalisation of infrastructure to ensure accessible, affordable, inclusive, and secure digital connectivity; supporting improved digital governance, the development of e-services and interoperability frameworks and platforms;
(c) Supporting sustainable agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and food security; promoting sustainable management of natural resources as well as environmental and social resilience and healthy ecosystems;
(d) Supporting sustainable economic diversification, local value-added in supply chains, sustainable trade and private sector development; promoting the development of sustainable production and value chains.
Addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement and facilitating orderly, safe and legal migration and mobility
(a) Promoting conditions for facilitating legal migration and well-managed mobility and people-to-people contacts;
(b) Ensuring protection of and respect for the human rights of migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced persons; supporting development-oriented solutions for them, as well as safe, dignified and sustainable returns, readmission and reintegration;
(c) Reducing vulnerabilities in the context of migration, including those caused by human trafficking and smuggling.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Deepening political, economic, social and cultural dialogue between the Union and partner countries; supporting implementation of bilateral and international commitments;
(b) Building partnerships with the private sector to create jobs and improve livelihoods;
(c) Engaging with stakeholders in industrialised and more advanced developing countries and through public diplomacy.
Protecting the environment, biodiversity and fighting climate change
(a) Developing and strengthening sustainable green and blue economy, the circular economy and the fight against pollution; promoting sustainable energy access;
(b) Supporting partners’ efforts to pursue their commitments on climate change, disaster preparedness and risk reduction, ecosystems and biodiversity conservation, as well as ocean governance;
(c) Promoting environmentally sustainable agriculture practices; enhancing mitigation and adaptation to climate change; promoting environmental and social resilience and healthy ecosystems;
(d) Supporting sustainable economic diversification, competitiveness, local value-added in supply chains, sustainable trade, and private sector development.
Supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent employment
(a) Supporting sustainable entrepreneurship, decent employment and employability; improving the business environment and investment climate; creating opportunities; supporting the digital economy and digital connectivity;
(b) Improving the business environment and investment climate; creating an enabling regulatory environment for economic development; supporting companies’ expansion and job creation;
(c) Boosting and diversifying sustainable and inclusive agricultural food value chains; promoting food security and economic diversification, value addition, regional integration, competitiveness and fair trade; supporting sustainable, low-emission innovations that are resilient to climate change; supporting sustainable infrastructure;
(d) Supporting and promoting sustainable fisheries management and sustainable aquaculture.
Promoting good governance, peace and security, rule of law and human rights, including gender equality
(a) Strengthening and promoting peace, respect for human rights, democracy and inclusive democratic processes, the rule of law, independent judiciary, conflict prevention, peace-building and reconciliation, governance and oversight, sound public financial management, and the fight against corruption;
(b) Fighting against discrimination; promoting the principle of equality and non-discrimination;
(c) Building resilience of states, societies, communities and individuals to political, economic, environmental, food, demographic and societal pressures and shocks, natural and man-made disasters and health crises, including pandemics;
(d) Supporting, strengthening and empowering a thriving civil society; promoting an open and enabling space for civil society and citizens’ engagement in political life and in scrutinising decisions; supporting and promoting the participation of all in political processes and public life.
Promoting human development
(a) Increasing efforts to adopt policies and generate appropriate investment to promote, protect and fulfil the rights of women and girls, young people and children;
(b) Supporting sustainable agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture to increase food security; creating economic opportunities and decent jobs;
(c) Supporting universal access to safe and sufficient drinking water sanitation, hygiene and sustainable and integrated water management;
(d) Supporting the strengthening of health systems, greater access to and improved quality and resilience of health services.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Deepening political, economic, social, and cultural dialogue; supporting implementation of bilateral and international commitments; supporting wider Pacific cooperation;
(b) Engaging with stakeholders in industrialised and more advanced developing countries and through public diplomacy.
Protecting the environment, biodiversity and fighting climate change
(a) Supporting partners’ efforts on climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk reduction;
(b) Promoting the conservation, sustainable management and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity; protecting wildlife and halting biodiversity loss;
(c) Promoting sustainable management of land use, land-use change, and forestry; combating forest degradation and promoting forest law enforcement, governance and trade, as well as strengthening ocean governance;
(d) Promoting resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production in the transition to a circular economy, zero-pollution and green energy transition with a focus on energy efficiency: supporting the modernisation of water and sanitation supply systems.
Digital transformation and innovation
(a) Supporting standardisation and policy cooperation addressing cybersecurity, data protection, artificial intelligence and other regulatory issues linked to digital transformation; promoting inclusive digital education, literacy and skills; strengthening digital rights;
(b) Developing and promoting accessible, affordable, inclusive, and secure digital connectivity; enhancing knowledge and data exchange; strengthening bi-regional scientific cooperation;
(c) Fostering the digital economy, including digital entrepreneurship; promoting cooperation in the areas of science, technology transfer and research, digitalisation, and innovation; supporting the development and broad use of digitally-enabled products, digital administration and e-services;
(d) Supporting collaborative platforms to foster EU digital investments and exchanges.
Supporting sustainable and inclusive economic recovery
(a) Boosting sustainable and inclusive value chains, promoting food security and economic diversification as well as smart specialisation, value addition, regional integration and connectivity, competitiveness, fair and equitable trade and innovation;
(b) Supporting the regional integration agenda and trade policies for sustainable development and the implementation of trade agreements; promoting and strengthening multilateralism and compliance with international rules and standards;
(c) Improving the business environment and investment climate with an enabling regulatory environment for economic development;
(d) Strengthening social and environmental sustainability, economic empowerment of women, young people and vulnerable groups, corporate social responsibility and responsible business conduct; respecting and promoting human rights standards and principles throughout the entire value chain; supporting shared value addition and fair trading conditions.
Supporting good governance, peace and security, and tackling irregular migration and forced displacement
(a) Strengthening and promoting peace, conflict prevention, democracy, the rule of law, independent judiciary, the fight against corruption, governance and oversight, including transparent, accountable, effective and inclusive institutions at all levels;
(b) Tackling irregular migration and forced displacement; reducing vulnerabilities in the context of migration, including measures to protect victims of exploitation and abuse; stepping-up cooperation on integrated border management;
(c) Supporting development-oriented solutions for forcibly displaced persons, internally displaced persons and their host communities;
(d) Fighting against any form of violence, organised crime, human trafficking, drugs trafficking, smuggling and money laundering.
Promoting social cohesion, fighting inequalities and promoting human development
(a) Supporting the adoption and effective implementation of public policies to reduce inequalities, and an integrated approach to governance and social policies;
(b) Improving the access of all to basic needs and services; supporting the strengthening of education systems;
(c) Promoting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of vulnerable groups and advancing gender equality; strengthening capacity for gender-responsive policymaking;
(d) Deepening dialogue with partner countries, regional and international organisations, the private sector and civil society organisations on social cohesion and the fight against inequalities;
(e) Supporting the strengthening of health systems, greater access to and improved quality and resilience of health services.
Strengthening partnerships
(a) Engaging with stakeholders in industrialised and more advanced developing countries and through public diplomacy;
(b) Enhancing regional, sub-regional and interregional cooperation.
Strengthening climate and disaster resilience, including the green transition
(a) Supporting climate adaptation and mitigation, disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction;
(b) Promoting environmental protection and management, as well as promoting sustainable, multi-functional managed ecosystems in the context of climate adaptation and resilience;
(c) Strengthening sustainable food systems;
(d) Supporting the green energy transition, the circular economy, the fight against pollution and building of resilience.
Promoting sustainable growth and jobs
(a) Supporting economic diversification and smart specialisation; supporting the digital economy and digital connectivity;
(b) Focusing on new drivers for growth, including the green/blue/circular economy, sustainable tourism and digital transformation; promoting the development of sustainable production and value chains;
(c) Supporting access to finance, social inclusion, private sector development, business-to-business commerce, vocational education and skills development.
Supporting regional integration, trade and transnational cooperation
(a) Supporting economic integration and the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement;
(b) Supporting institution building and cultural exchanges, including with the countries and territories of the wider Caribbean basin.
Strengthening governance, peace, security and human development
(a) Strengthening governance, peace, democracy, civil society, the fight against inequalities, and citizens’ security;
(b) Fighting illegal trafficking, illegal finance and organised crime; strengthening border management, crime diversion and prevention;
(c) Supporting social cohesion measures and protection frameworks, including greater access to and improved quality and resilience of health care services;
(d) Promoting international standards of governance and public finance.
Supporting human rights and gender equality
(a) Promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms;
(b) Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women.