78/63/EEC: Commission Opinion of 14 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark on its communication relating to the provisions made for the implementation of Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels
Official Journal L 020 , 25/01/1978 P. 0031 - 0031
COMMISSION OPINION of 14 December 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark on its communication relating to the provisions made for the implementation of Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels (78/63/EEC)
1. In a letter of 29 June 1977 from the Office of its Permanent Representation, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, in accordance with Article 6 of Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 on reciprocal recognition of navigability licences for inland waterway vessels (1), informed the Commission that there was no need in Denmark to amend legislation or adopt regulations or administrative measures other than those provided for under point 86 "Navigability licences for vessels or navigation on the Community's inland waterways" of the "Skibstilsynets Meddelelser" No 314 of 28 December 1976 indicating that a licence may be requested from the State navigation inspection directorate. The power to issue licences of this type is set out in the Danish law on the inspection of navigation.
2. The Commission notes: - that the communication from the Danish Government refers to Council Directive 76/135/EEC of 20 January 1976 and mentions certain of its provisions, in particular, as regards the scope and the issue of the navigability licences;
- that it designates the approved licensing body.
3. However, the Commission must draw the Danish Government's attention to the fact that the draft order does not provide for the recognition of navigability licences issued by another Member State as stipulated in Article 3 (1) of the Directive.
The Commission accordingly requests the Danish Government to supplement the Danish regulation No 314 on this point.
Done at Brussels, 14 December 1977.
For the Commission
Richard BURKE
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ No L 21, 29.1.1976, p. 10.