86/290/EEC: Commission Opinion of 30 May 1986 addressed to the French Government on their draft decree concerning the implementation of various provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 as amended, on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport
Official Journal L 182 , 05/07/1986 P. 0028 - 0028
of 30 May 1986
addressed to the French Government on their draft decree concerning the implementation of various provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 as amended, on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport
1. In accordance with Article 14 (a) (2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 of 25 March 1969, as amended on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport (1), the French Government in the letter of 2 December 1985 from the Permanent Representation to the European Communities consulted the Commission on a draft decree concerning the implementation of various provisions of this Regulation. The proposed decree would exempt the transport operations mentioned in Article 14 (a) 2 (a) and (b), namely vehicles which are constructed and equipped to carry not more than 15 persons including the driver, and vehicles undergoing local road tests for purposes of repair or maintenance, from the provisions of Article 5 of the Regulation which deals with the minimum ages, experience and training of drivers.
2. The Commission considers that the aims of the Regulation will not be jeopardized by these two exemptions but it expects the French authorities responsible to satisfy themselves that the drivers hereby exempted have adequate experience and training before taking such vehicles out on the road.
3. The Commission reserves the right to revise or revoke this opinion in light of any eventual change of the present legal situation in the Community as regards the minimum age, training and experience of these drivers.
Done at Brussels, 30 May 1986.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ No L 77, 29. 3. 1969, p. 49.