Ancillary Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the ... (22011A1029(02))
EU - Rechtsakte: 07 Transport policy


Ancillary Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the first part, Iceland, of the second part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the third part, on the application of the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America, of the first part, the European Union and its Member States, of the second part, Iceland, of the third part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the fourth part

Official Journal L 283 , 29/10/2011 P. 0016 - 0024
Representatives of the United States of America, the European Union and its Member States, Iceland, and the Kingdom of Norway confirmed that the text of the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America, of the first part, the European Union and its Member States, of the second part, Iceland, of the third part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the fourth part ("the Agreement"), is to be authenticated in other languages, as provided either, before signature of the Agreement, by Exchanges of Letters or, after signature of the Agreement, by decision of the Joint Committee.
This Joint Declaration is an integral part of the Agreement.
For the United States of America
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For the European Union and its Member States
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For Iceland
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For the Kingdom of Norway
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Specific provisions with respect to Iceland and Norway
The provisions of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol, modified as follows, shall apply to all Parties to this Agreement. The provisions of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol, shall apply to Iceland and Norway as though they were Member States of the European Union, so that Iceland and Norway shall have all of the rights and obligations of Member States under that agreement, subject to the following:
1. Paragraph 9 of Article 1 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol, shall read as follows:
" "Territory" means, for the United States, the land areas (mainland and islands), internal waters and territorial sea under its sovereignty or jurisdiction, and, for the European Union and its Member States, the land areas (mainland and islands), internal waters and territorial sea in which the Agreement on the European Economic Area is applied and under the conditions laid down in that agreement and any successor instrument, with the exception of the land areas and internal waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Principality of Liechtenstein; application of this Agreement to Gibraltar airport is understood to be without prejudice to the respective legal positions of the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom with regard to the dispute over sovereignty over the territory in which the airport is situated, and to the continuing suspension of Gibraltar Airport from European Union aviation measures existing as at 18 September 2006 as between Member States, in accordance with the Ministerial statement on Gibraltar Airport agreed in Córdoba on 18 September 2006; and".
2. Articles 23 to 26 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol, shall not apply to Iceland and Norway.
3. Articles 9 and 10 of the Protocol shall not apply to Iceland and Norway.
4. The following shall be added to Section 1 of Annex 1 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol:
"w. Iceland: Air Transport Agreement, signed at Washington June 14, 1995; amended March 1, 2002 by exchange of notes; amended August 14, 2006 and March 9, 2007 by exchange of notes.
x. The Kingdom of Norway: Agreement relating to Air Transport Services effected by exchange of notes at Washington, October 6, 1945; amended August 6, 1954 by exchange of notes; amended June 16, 1995 by exchange of notes.".
5. The text of Section 2 of Annex 1 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol, shall read as follows:
"Notwithstanding Section 1 of this Annex, for areas that are not encompassed within the definition of "territory" in Article 1 of this Agreement, the agreements in paragraphs (e) (Denmark-United States), (g) (France-United States), (v) (United Kingdom-United States), and (x) (Norway-United States) of that section shall continue to apply, according to their terms.".
6. The text of Section 3 of Annex 1 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol, shall read as follows:
"Notwithstanding Article 3 of this Agreement, U.S. airlines shall not have the right to provide all-cargo services, that are not part of a service that serves the United States, to or from points in the Member States, except to or from points in the Czech Republic, the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, the Slovak Republic, Iceland, and the Kingdom of Norway.".
7. The following sentence shall be added at the end of Article 3 of Annex 2 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol:
"For Iceland and Norway, this includes, but is not limited to, Articles 53, 54, and 55 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area and the European Union Regulations implementing Articles 101, 102 and 105 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union as incorporated into the Agreement on the European Economic Area, as well as any amendments thereto.".
8. Paragraph 4 of Article 21 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol, shall apply to Iceland and Norway to the extent that the relevant laws and regulations of the European Union are incorporated into the Agreement on the European Economic Area, in accordance with any adaptations thereby stipulated. The rights provided for in subparagraphs 4(a) and 4(b) of Article 21 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol, shall only be available to Iceland or Norway if, with respect to the imposition of noise-based operating restrictions, Iceland or Norway, respectively, is subject, under the relevant laws and regulations of the European Union as incorporated into the Agreement on the European Economic Area, to oversight that is comparable to that provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 21 of the Air Transport Agreement, as amended by the Protocol.
Ancillary Agreement
between the European Union and its Member States, of the first part, Iceland, of the second part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the third part, on the application of the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America, of the first part, the European Union and its Member States, of the second part, Iceland, of the third part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the fourth part
being parties to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and being Member States of the European Union (hereinafter, "the Member States"),
of the first part;
of the second part;
THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY (hereinafter, "Norway"),
of the third part;
NOTING that the European Commission has negotiated, on behalf of the European Union and of the Member States, an Agreement on Air Transport with the United States of America in accordance with the Council Decision authorising the Commission to open negotiations,
NOTING that the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America and the European Community and its Member States (hereinafter, "the Air Transport Agreement") was initialled on 2 March 2007, signed at Brussels on 25 April 2007 and at Washington, D.C. on 30 April 2007 and provisionally applied from 30 March 2008,
NOTING that the Air Transport Agreement was amended by the Protocol to amend the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union and its Member States (hereinafter, "the Protocol"), initialled on 25 March 2010, and signed at Luxembourg on 24 June 2010,
NOTING that Iceland and Norway, being fully integrated members of the single European Aviation Market through the Agreement on the European Economic Area, have adhered to the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol through an Agreement between the United States of America, of the first part, the European Union and its Member States, of the second part, Iceland, of the third part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the fourth part (hereinafter "the Agreement"), of even date, which incorporates the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol,
RECOGNISING that it is necessary to lay down procedural arrangements for deciding, if appropriate, how to take measures pursuant to Article 21, paragraph 5 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol,
RECOGNISING that it is furthermore necessary to lay down procedural arrangements for the participation of Iceland and Norway in the Joint Committee set up under Article 18 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol and in the arbitration procedures provided for in Article 19 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol. These procedural arrangements should ensure the necessary cooperation, flow of information and consultation before Joint Committee meetings, as well as the implementation of certain provisions of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol, including those concerning security, safety, the granting and revocation of traffic rights and government support,
Article 1
Should the European Union and its Member States decide to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Article 3 of the Agreement or to discontinue its provisional application, or to withdraw notices to that effect, the Commission shall, before giving notice through diplomatic channels to the United States of America, immediately notify Iceland and Norway thereof. Iceland and/or Norway shall likewise immediately notify the Commission of any such decision.
Article 2
Suspension of Traffic Rights
A decision not to allow airlines of the other Party to operate additional frequencies or enter new markets under the Agreement and give notice thereof to the United States of America, or to agree to lift any such decision, taken in accordance with Article 21, paragraph 5 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol, shall be adopted by the Council, on behalf of the European Union and of the Member States, acting unanimously in accordance with the relevant Treaty provisions, and by Iceland and Norway. The President of the Council, acting on behalf of the European Union and of the Member States, Iceland and Norway shall then give notice to the United States of America of any such decision.
Article 3
Joint Committee
1. The European Union, the Member States, Iceland and Norway shall be represented in the Joint Committee established under Article 18 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol by representatives of the Commission, the Member States, Iceland and Norway.
2. The position of the European Union, the Member States, Iceland and Norway within the Joint Committee shall be presented by the Commission, except in areas within the EU that fall exclusively within Member States’ competence, in which case it shall be presented by the Presidency of the Council or by the Commission, Iceland and Norway as appropriate.
3. The position to be taken by Iceland and Norway within the Joint Committee as regards matters that fall within Articles 14 or 20 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol, or matters that do not require the adoption of a decision having legal effects shall be adopted by the Commission in agreement with Iceland and Norway.
4. For other Joint Committee decisions concerning matters that fall within regulations and directives that are incorporated in the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the position to be taken by Iceland and Norway shall be adopted by Iceland and Norway on a proposal from the Commission.
5. For other Joint Committee decisions concerning matters that fall outside regulations and directives that are incorporated in the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the position to be taken by Iceland and Norway, shall be adopted by Iceland and Norway in agreement with the Commission.
6. The Commission shall take adequate measures to ensure full participation of Iceland and Norway in any coordination, consultation or decision shaping meetings with the Member States and access to the relevant information in preparation to Joint Committee meetings to be held.
Article 4
1. The Commission shall represent the European Union, the Member States, Iceland and Norway in arbitration proceedings under Article 19 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol.
2. The Commission shall, as appropriate, take measures to ensure the involvement of Iceland and Norway in the preparation and coordination of arbitration proceedings.
3. If the Council decides to suspend benefits in accordance with Article 19, paragraph 7 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol that decision shall be notified to Iceland and Norway. Iceland and/or Norway shall likewise inform the Commission of any such decision made.
4. Any other appropriate action to be taken under Article 19 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol on matters which within the EU fall within the Union competence shall be decided upon by the Commission, with assistance of a Special Committee of representatives of the Member States appointed by the Council, of Iceland and of Norway.
Article 5
Exchange of Information
1. Iceland and Norway shall promptly inform the Commission of any decision to refuse, revoke, suspend or limit the authorisations of an airline of the United States of America that they have adopted under Article 4 or 5 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol. The Commission shall likewise promptly inform Iceland and Norway of any such decision taken by Member States.
2. Iceland and Norway shall inform the Commission immediately of any requests or notifications made or received by them under Article 8 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol. The Commission shall likewise immediately inform Iceland and Norway of any such requests or notifications made or received by Member States.
3. Iceland and Norway shall inform the Commission immediately of any requests or notifications made or received by them under Article 9 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol. The Commission shall likewise immediately inform Iceland and Norway of any such requests or notifications made or received by Member States.
Article 6
Government subsidies and support
1. Should Iceland or Norway believe that a subsidy or support being considered or provided by a governmental entity in the territory of the United States of America will have the adverse competitive effects referred to in Article 14, paragraph 2 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol, it shall bring the matter to the attention of the Commission. Should a Member State have brought a similar matter to the attention of the Commission, the Commission shall likewise bring the matter to the attention of Iceland and Norway.
2. The Commission, Iceland and Norway may approach such entity or request a meeting of the Joint Committee established under Article 18 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol.
3. The Commission, Iceland and Norway shall inform each other immediately when they are contacted by the United States of America under Article 14, paragraph 3 of the Air Transport Agreement as amended by the Protocol.
Article 7
Termination or cessation of provisional application
1. A Party may, at any time, give notice in writing through diplomatic channels to the other Parties of its decision to terminate this Ancillary Agreement or to end its provisional application. This Ancillary Agreement shall terminate or shall cease to be provisionally applied at midnight GMT six months following the date of the written notification of termination or of cessation of provisional application, unless the notice is withdrawn by agreement of the Parties before the end of this period.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, if the Agreement is terminated or its provisional application is ended, this Ancillary Agreement shall simultaneously terminate or cease to be provisionally applied.
Article 8
Provisional application
Pending entry into force pursuant to Article 9, the Parties agree to provisionally apply this Ancillary Agreement, to the extent permitted under applicable domestic law, from the later of the date of the signature of this Ancillary Agreement or of the date specified in Article 5 of the Agreement.
Article 9
Entry into force
This Ancillary Agreement shall enter into force either (a) one month after the date of the latest note in exchange of diplomatic notes between the Parties confirming that all necessary procedures for entry into force of this Ancillary Agreement have been completed, or (b) on the date of entry into force of the Agreement, whichever is the later.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorised to that effect, have signed this Ancillary Agreement.
Done at Luxembourg and Oslo, in triplicate, on the 16th and 21st of June 2011 respectively, in the Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish languages, all texts being authentic.
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Euroopa Liidu nimel
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For the European Union
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Za Evropsko unijo
Euroopan unionin puolesta
För Europeiska unionen
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Fyrir Ísland
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For Kongeriket Norge
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Voor het Koninkrijk België
Pour le Royaume de Belgique
Für das Königreich Belgien
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Diese Unterschrift bindet zugleich die Wallonische Region, die Flämische Region und die Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt.
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Za Českou republiku
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Για την Ελληνική Δημοκρατία
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Για την Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
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Latvijas Republikas vārdā –
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Lietuvos Respublikos vardu
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Pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
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A Magyar Köztársaság részéről
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Għal Malta
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Voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
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Für die Republik Österreich
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W imieniu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
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Pela República Portuguesa
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Pentru România
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Za Republiko Slovenijo
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Za Slovenskú republiku
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Suomen tasavallan puolesta
För Republiken Finland
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För Konungariket Sverige
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For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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