76/604/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 14 July 1976 to the Member States on the use of straw
Official Journal L 195 , 21/07/1976 P. 0015 - 0015
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 14 July 1976 to the Member States on the use of straw (76/604/EEC)
For several weeks now many regions of the Community have been affected by a serious drought which has greatly reduced the production of fodder. As a result, the market is in short supply, fodder prices have risen considerably and certain stock-rearing areas of the Community are having difficulty in obtaining supplies. These difficulties seem likely to increase in the next few months.
In cereal-growing areas, straw is normally burnt or ploughed-in after harvest. This straw can, however, be substituted for fodder in animal feed. In view of the shortage described above, it appears desirable to feed straw to animals in order to make good the short-fall in fodder production at least in part. It should, moreover, be noted that the burning of straw could in the prevailing dry conditions cause many outbreaks of fire.
The Commission therefore recommends that the Member States take all necessary steps to promote the use of straw as animal feed, in particular by prohibiting the burning or ploughing-in of straw.
Done at Brussels, 14 July 1976.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission