Exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Socialist Republic of Romania on trade in sheepmeat and goatmeat
Official Journal L 137 , 23/05/1981 P. 0021 - 0026
Spanish special edition: Chapter 03 Volume 21 P. 0234
Portuguese special edition Chapter 03 Volume 21 P. 0234
EXCHANGE OF LETTERS between the European Economic Community and the Socialist Republic of Romania on trade in sheepmeat and goatmeat
Letter No 1
During the negotiations recently undertaken between our respective delegations for the purpose of drawing up provisions concerning import into the European Economic Community of mutton, lamb and goatmeat, and live sheep and goats other than pure-bred breeding animals from the Socialist Republic of Romania, in connection with implementation by the Community of the common organization of the market in sheepmeat and goatmeat, our delegations agreed as follows: 1. This arrangement covers: - live sheep and goats other than pure-bred breeding animals (subheading 01.04 B of the Common Customs Tariff),
- fresh or chilled mutton, lamb and goatmeat (subheading 02.01 A IV a) of the Common Customs Tariff),
- frozen mutton, lamb, and goatmeat (subheading 02.01 A IV b) of the Common Customs Tariff).
2. Within the terms of this arrangement, the competent authorities of the Socialist Republic of Romania undertake to ensure that exports to the Community of the products referred to in clause 1 shall not exceed the following annual quantities: - 475 tonnes of live animals, expressed in carcase weight bone-in (1),
- 75 tonnes of fresh or chilled meat, expressed in carcase weight bone-in (2).
For this purpose, the appropriate procedures shall be implemented by the competent authorities of the Socialist Republic of Romania.
3. Provided that exports from the Socialist Republic of Romania do not exceed the quantities mentioned in point 2, the Community shall not apply any quantitative restriction nor measure of equivalent effect.
Should the Community have recourse to the safeguard clause, it undertakes that the provisions of this arrangement will not be affected.
4. If imports from the Socialist Republic of Romania exceed the agreed quantities, the Community reserves the right to suspend further imports from that country until the end of the current year.
However, in any event, quantities beyond those agreed for the current year shall be deducted from the quantities agreed for the following year.
(1) 100 kilograms live weight shall correspond to 47 kilograms carcase weight (bone-in equivalent weight). (2) Carcase weight (bone-in equivalent weight). By this term is understood the weight of bone-in meat presented as such as well as boned meat converted by a coefficient into bone-in weight. For this purpose 55 kilograms of boned mutton corresponds to 100 kilograms of bone-in mutton and 60 kilograms of boned lamb corresponds to 100 kilograms of bone-in lamb.