to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey
of the one part, and
of the other part,
HAVING REGARD to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Turkey, signed at Ankara on 12 September 1963, and the Additional Protocol thereto, signed at Brussels on 23 November 1970, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Agreement’, and Decision No 1/80 of the Association Council of 19 September 1980,
CONSIDERING THAT the Community and Turkey wish to strengthen still further their relations in order to take account of the new dimension created by the accession to the European Communities of Spain and Portugal on 1 January 1986 and that Article 56 of the Additional Protocol provides for the possibility of taking the mutual interests of the Community and Turkey as defined by the Agreement into consideration on this occasion;
CONSIDERING THAT certain rules should be foreseen to enable Turkey's traditional export trade to the Community to be maintained,
Jakob Esper LARSEN,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Representative of Denmark,
Chairman of the Permanent Representatives Committee;
Special Adviser in the Directorate-General for External Relations of the Commission of the European Communities;
Pulat TACAR,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Delegate to the European Economic Community, head of the mission of the Republic of Turkey;
Article 1
1. For 1990 and for each successive marketing year, the Community shall decide, on the basis of the statistical review and analysis referred to in paragraph 2, and taking into account factors relevant to the objective of maintaining traditional trade flows in the context of enlargement, whether to adjust the entry price, referred to in Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72, for fresh lemons falling within subheading ex 08.02 C of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in Turkey within a quantitative limit of 12 000 tonnes a year.
2. From 1987 onwards and at the end of each marketing year, the Community shall carry out, on the basis of a statistical review, an analysis of the situation for lemons originating in Turkey and exported to the Community.
For this same product, from 1989 onwards and for each subsequent year, the Community shall draw up, together with Turkey, a forecast of production and deliveries.
3. The possible adjustment provided for in paragraph 1 refers to the sum to be deducted, in respect of customs duty, from the representative prices recorded in the Community for the purpose of calculating the entry price of this product, within the limits set out in Article 152 (2) (c) of the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal.
Article 2
Imports into the Community of fresh table grapes falling within subheading 08.04 A I b) of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in Turkey during the period from 18 to 31 July shall be admitted under the same conditions in respect of the abolition of customs duties as provided for the same product during the period from 15 to 17 July by Article 3 of Decision No 1/80 of the Association Council and paragraph 1 of the Exchange of Letters concluded between the EEC and the Republic of Turkey on 6 February 1981 concerning Article 3 (3) of that Decision.
Article 3
This Protocol shall form an integral part of the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey.
Article 4
1. This protocol shall be ratified, accepted or approved by the Contracting Parties in accordance with their own procedures; the Contracting Parties shall notify each other of the completion of the procedures necessary to that end.
2. This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following that in which the notification provided for in paragraph 1 was given.
Article 5
This Protocol shall be drawn up in duplicate in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.
En fe de lo cual, los plenipotenciarios abajo firmantes suscriben el presente Protocolo.
Til bekræftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmægtigede underskrevet denne Protokol.
Zu Urkund dessen haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmächtigten ihre Unterschriften unter dieses Protokoll gesetzt.
Εις πίστωσιν των ανωτέρω, οι υπογεγραμμένοι πληρεξούσιοι έθεσαν τις υπογραφές τους στο παρόν πρωτόκολλο.
In witness whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Protocol.
En foi de quoi, les plénipotentiaires soussignés ont apposé leurs signatures au bas du présent protocole.
In fede di che, i plenipotenziari sottoscritti hanno, apposto le loro firme in calce al presente protocollo.
Ten blijke waarvan de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder dit Protocol hebben gesteld.
Em fé do que, os plenipotenciarios abaixo assinados apuseram as suas assinaturas no final do presente Protocolo.
Bunun belgesi olarak, aşağıda adları yazılı tam yektili temsilciler bu protokolün altına imzalarını atmışlardır.
Hecho en Bruselas, el ventitrés de julio de mil novecientos ochenta y siete.
Udfærdiget i Bruxelles, den treogtyvende juli nitten hundrede og syvogfirs.
Geschehen zu Brüssel am dreiundzwanzigsten Juli neunzehnhundertsiebenundachtzig.
Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις είκοσι τρεις Ιουλίου χίλια εννιακόσια ογδόντα επτά.
Done at Brussels on the twenty-third day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven.
Fait à Bruxelles, le vingt-trois juillet mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-sept.
Fatto a Bruxelles, addì ventitré luglio millenovecentottantasette.
Gedaan te Brussel, de drieëntwintigste juli negentienhonderd zevenentachtig.
Feito em Bruxelas, em vinte e três de Julho de mil novecentos e oitente e sete.
Brüksel'de, 23 Termuz bin dokuz yüz seksen yedi gününde yapılmıştır.
Por el Consejo de las Comunidades Europeas
For Rådet for De Europæiske Fællesskaber
Für den Rat der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
Για το Συμβούλιο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων
For the Council of the European Communities
Pour le Conseil des Communautés européennes
Per il Consiglio delle Comunità europee
Voor de Raad van de Europese Gemeenschappen
Pelo Conselho das Comunidades Europeias
Avrupa Toplulukları Konseyı adına
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
Por el Gobierno de la República de Turquía
Por regeringen for Republikken Tyrkiet
Für die Regierung der Republik Türkei
Για την κυβέρνηση της Δημοκρατίας της Τουρκίας
For the Government of the Republic of Turkey
Pour le gouvernement de la Republique turque
Per il governo della Repubblica di Turchia
Voor de Regering van de Republiek Turkije
Pelo Governo da República da Turquia
Türkiye Cumhurıyetı Hükümetı adına
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
Joint Declaration by the Contracting Parties on Article 1 of the Supplementary Protocol
The Contracting Parties agree that, should the entry into force of the Supplementary Protocol not coincide with the start of the calendar year or, as the case may be, the seasonal year, the quantitative limits referred to in Article 1 shall be applied on a
pro rata
The Contracting Parties further agree that the charging against quantitative limits of Community imports of products originating in Turkey and subject to such limits under the Supplementary Protocol shall begin on 1 January of each year.
Declaration by the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany on the definition of German nationality
Every German person, within the meaning of the basic constitutional law applying in the Federal Republic of Germany, is considered as a national of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Declaration by the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany on the application of the Supplementary Protocol to Berlin
The Supplementary Protocol shall also apply to Land Berlin provided that no statement to the contrary by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is addressed to the other Contracting Parties within three months of the entry into force of the Protocol.