Exchange of letters concerning the amendment to the Annexes to the Agreement between the European Community and New Zealand on sanitary measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products
Official Journal L 332 , 23/12/1999 P. 0003 - 0039
concerning the amendment to the Annexes to the Agreement between the European Community and New Zealand on sanitary measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products
A. Letter from the competent authority of New Zealand
Dear Mr Coleman,
New Zealand requests the Annexes to the Agreement attached to Council Decision 97/132/EC to be amended as follows:
1. in Part A of Annex II replace "Ministry of Agriculture" by "Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry".
2. in Annex III replace the year "1997" by "1999".
3. replace the texts of Annexes V, VIII (Part B) and X with the texts of Annexes A, B and C, agreed by our respective services and attached hereto.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
For the competent authority of New Zealand
Yes (1) equivalence agreed - model health attestations to be used
Yes (2) equivalence agreed in principle - some specific issue(s) to be resolved - existing certification to be used until issue(s) resolved
Yes (3) equivalence in form of compliance with importing party's requirements - existing certification to be used
(4) refer, miscellaneous certification provisions
NE not evaluated - existing certification to be used in the interim
E still evaluating - under consideration - existing certification to be used in the interim
[] issues targeted for imminent resolution
No not equivalent and/or further evaluation is required. Trade may occur if the exporting party meets the importing party's requirements
AI avian influenza
BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy
C Celsius
Channelling Chapter 10, point 10(b) and (c), of Annex I to Council Directive 92/118/EEC
CSF classical swine fever
EBL enzootic bovine leucosis
EC/NZ European Community/New Zealand
EIA equine infectious anaemia
Equiv equivalent
IBD infectious bursal disease
IBR infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
IRL Ireland
min minute(s)
ND Newcastle disease
None no special conditions
OIE International Office of Epizootic Diseases
PAP processed animal protein
PM post mortem
ScVC Scientific Veterinary Committee
Stds standard(s)
SVD swine vesicular disease
UHT ultra high temperature
UK United Kingdom
I. For New Zealand
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
New Zealand's frontier inspection fees are provided for in the Biosecurity (Costs) Regulations 1993.
The fees prescribed for are as follows:
Documentary checks
Inspection of documents: NZD 28,70 per consignment
Physical checks
(a) Animal product consignment inspections NZD 57,40 per consignment
(b) Live animals
either direct clearance of animal: NZD 28,70 per consignment or veterinary inspection of animal at transitional (quarantine) facility: NZD 96,10 (per hour)
Ministry of Health
Not all health activities can levy fees. In the absence of a set fee the general rule, where safety issues arise, is that the acutal analytical costs are recovered.
For sectors where fees have been determined
1. Food Regulations 1984 NZD 200 for analysis
2. Food (Fees and Charges) Regulations 1997
- Multiple release permit:
Hourly rate (in 15 minute units) plus NZD 0,62/km over 40 km. Hourly rate is NDZ 73,12 in normal working hours, NDZ 109,68 for each hour which is not a normal working hour and is on any day other than on a statutory holiday and NDZ 146,25 for each hour on any day which is a statutory holiday.
- Clearance:
NDZ 33,75 per supplier/item. This reduces to NDZ 22,50 if electronic data transfer is used.
II. For the Community
Inspection fees will be applied on a standard basis to consignments as follows:
Live animals: EUR 5/t
Animal products: EUR 1,5/t
With a minimum of EUR 30 and a maximum of EUR 350 per consignment, except where the real costs are greater than this maximum."
For New Zealand
Group Director - Food Assurance Authority
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
PO Box 2526 Wellington New Zealand Tel. (64) 4 474 4125 Fax (64) 4 474 4240 Group Director - Biosecurity Authority
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
PO Box 2526 Wellington New Zealand Tel. (64) 4 474 4128 Fax (64) 4 498 9888
Other important contacts:
Director - Animal products Tel. (64) 4 474 4179 Fax (64) 4 474 4240 Director - Dairy and Plant Products Tel. (64) 4 474 4191 Fax (64) 4 474 4240 Director - Animal Biosecurity Tel. (64) 4 474 4100 Fax (64) 4 498 9888 Manager, Food and Nutrition, Public Health Group Tel. (64) 4 496 2000 Fax (64) 4 496 2340
For the European Community
The Director Directorate E: Public, Animal and Plant Health
Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection
European Commission
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 86, Room 8/53 Brussels Belgium Tel. (32) 2 295 6838 Fax (32) 2 296 4286"
B. Letter from the Commission
Brussels, 26 October 1999
Dear Dr McKenzie,
I wish to confirm the agreement of the Commission to the proposal set out in the letter dated 18 October 1999 of the competent authority of New Zealand to amend the Annexes to the Agreement attached to Council Decision 97/132/EEC.
We will submit this Exchange of Letters to the competnet authority of the European Community for approval.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.