Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on ... (22006A0324(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 03 Agriculture


Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on trade in wine

Official Journal L 087 , 24/03/2006 P. 0002 - 0074
between the European Community and the United States of America on trade in wine
The EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, hereafter "the Community", and
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereafter "the United States", hereafter referred to jointly as "the Parties",
RECOGNISING that the Parties desire to establish closer links in the wine sector,
DETERMINED to foster the development of trade in wine within the framework of increased mutual understanding,
RESOLVED to provide a harmonious environment for addressing wine trade issues between the Parties,
Article 1
The objectives of this Agreement are:
(a) to facilitate trade in wine between the Parties and to improve cooperation in the development and enhance the transparency of regulations affecting such trade;
(b) to lay the foundation, as the first phase, for broad agreement on trade in wine between the Parties;
(c) to provide a framework for continued negotiations in the wine sector.
Article 2
For the purposes of this Agreement:
(a) "wine-making practice" means a process, treatment, technique or material used to produce wine;
(b) "COLA" means a Certificate of Label Approval or a Certificate of Exemption from Label Approval that results from an approved Application for and Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval, as required under US federal laws and regulations and issued by the US Government that includes a set of all labels approved to be firmly affixed to a bottle of wine;
(c) "originating" when used in conjunction with the name of one of the Parties in respect of wine imported into the territory of the other Party means the wine has been produced in accordance with either Party's laws, regulations and requirements from grapes wholly obtained in the territory of the Party concerned;
(d) "WTO Agreement" means the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation, done on 15 April 1994.
Article 3
Scope and Coverage
1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "wine" shall cover beverages obtained exclusively from the total or partial alcoholic fermentation of fresh grapes, whether or not crushed, or of grape must, with the possible addition of any constituent parts of fresh grapes authorised in the producing Party, in accordance with wine-making practices authorised under the regulatory mechanisms of the Party in whose territory the wine is produced, which:
(a) contains an actual alcohol content of not less than 7 percent (7 %) and not more than 22 percent (22 %) by volume;
(b) contains no artificial coloring, flavoring or added water beyond technical necessity.
2. Measures taken by either Party for the protection of human health and safety are outside the scope of this Agreement.
Article 4
Present wine-making practices and specifications
1. Each Party recognises that the laws, regulations and requirements of the other Party relating to wine making fulfil the objectives of its own laws, regulations and requirements, in that they authorise wine-making practices that do not change the character of wine arising from its origin in the grapes in a manner inconsistent with good wine-making practices. These practices include such practices that address the reasonable technological or practical need to enhance the keeping or other qualities or stability of the wine and that achieve the winemaker's desired effect, including with respect to not creating an erroneous impression about the product's character and composition.
2. Within the scope of this Agreement as defined in Article 3, neither Party shall restrict, on the basis of either wine-making practices or product specifications, the importation, marketing or sale of wine originating in the territory of the other Party that is produced using wine-making practices that are authorised under laws, regulations and requirements of the other Party listed in Annex I and published or communicated to it by that other Party.
Article 5
New wine-making practices and specifications
1. If a Party proposes to authorise for commercial use in its territory a new wine-making practice or modify an existing wine-making practice authorised under the laws, regulations and requirements listed in Annex I, and it intends to propose the inclusion of the practice among those authorised in the Annex I documents, it shall provide public notice and specific notice to the other Party and provide a reasonable opportunity for comment and to have those comments considered.
2. If the new wine-making practice or modification referred to in paragraph 1 is authorised, the authorising Party shall notify the other Party in writing of that authorisation within 60 days.
3. A Party may, within 90 days of receiving the notification provided for in paragraph 2, object in writing to the authorised wine-making practice, on the grounds that it is inconsistent with the objectives referred to in Article 4(1) or the criteria set out in Article 3(1), and request consultations pursuant to Article 11 concerning this wine-making practice.
4. The Parties shall amend Annex I, as provided for in Article 11, as necessary to cover any new wine-making practice or modification that has not been subject to objections pursuant to paragraph 3 or for which the Parties have reached a mutually agreed solution following consultations provided for in paragraph 3. With respect to new wine-making practices or modifications to existing practices that are proposed after 14 September 2005, but before the date of application of Article 4, as provided for in Article 17(2), either Party may specify that the modification to Annex I shall not be effective until the date of application of Article 4.
Article 6
Use of certain terms on wine labels with respect to wines sold in the United States
1. With respect to wine that is sold in the territory of the United States, the United States shall seek to change the legal status of the terms in Annex II to restrict the use of the terms on wine labels solely to wine originating in the Community. Labels for such wines may use the terms in Annex II in a manner consistent with the US wine labelling regulations in force as of 14 September 2005.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply with respect to any person or its successor in interest using a term listed in Annex II on a label of a wine not originating in the Community, where such use has occurred in the United States before 13 December 2005, or the date of signature of this Agreement, whichever is later; provided that the term may only be used on labels for wine bearing the brand name, or the brand name and the fanciful name, if any, for which the applicable COLA was issued prior to the later date referred to in this paragraph and the term is presented on the label in accordance with the regulations in effect on 14 September 2005.
3. The United States shall notify the Community in writing of the date that the change in legal status referred to in paragraph 1 has come into effect.
4. The United States shall take measures to ensure that any wine not labelled in conformity with this Article is not placed on or is withdrawn from the market until it is labelled in conformity with this Article.
Article 7
Names of origin
1. The United States shall provide that certain names may be used as names of origin for wine only to designate wines of the origin indicated by such a name, and shall include, among such names, those listed in Annex IV, Part A, names of quality wines produced in specified regions and names of table wines with geographical indications, and Part B, names of Member States.
2. The Community shall provide that the names of viticultural significance listed in Annex V may be used as names of origin for wine only to designate wines of the origin indicated by such name.
3. Each Party's competent authorities shall take measures to ensure that any wine not labelled in conformity with this Article is not placed on or is withdrawn from the market until it is labelled in conformity with this Article.
4. In addition to the obligations of paragraphs 1 and 3, the United States shall maintain the status of the names listed in Title 27 US Code of Federal Regulations, Section 12.31, set forth in Annex IV, Part C, as nongeneric names of geographic significance that are recognised as distinctive designations of a specific wine of a particular place or region in the Community, distinguishable from all other wines, in accordance with Title 27 US Code of Federal Regulations, Section 4.24(c)(1) and (3) and Section 12.31, as amended.
Article 8
Wine labelling
1. Each Party shall provide that labels of wine sold in its territory shall not contain false or misleading information in particular as to character, composition or origin.
2. Each Party shall provide that, subject to paragraph 1, wine may be labelled with optional particulars or additional information in accordance with the Protocol on Wine Labelling (hereinafter "the Protocol").
3. Neither Party shall require that processes, treatments or techniques used in wine making be identified on the label.
4. The United States shall permit the names listed in Annex II to be used as a class or type designation on wines originating in the Community.
Article 9
Wine certification and other marketing conditions
1. The Community shall permit wine originating in the United States to be imported into, marketed and sold in the Community if it is accompanied by a certification document, the format and required information for which are specified in Annex III(a).
2. The Community shall permit the information on the document referenced in paragraph 1, excluding the producer's signature, to be pre-printed. The Community shall permit the document to be submitted electronically to the competent authorities of its Member States provided they have enabled the necessary technology.
3. The United States shall ensure that decisions to approve or disapprove a COLA are consistent with published criteria and subject to review. The format and required information for the COLA application form are referenced in Annex III(b).
4. The United States shall permit the information on the application form referenced in paragraph 3, excluding the applicant's signature, to be pre-printed and transmitted electronically.
5. Each Party may modify its respective form, referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3, in accordance with its internal procedures, in which case the Party concerned shall give due notice to the other Party. The Parties shall amend Annex III, as necessary, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 11.
6. This Agreement does not require certification that the practices and procedures used to produce wine in the Community constitute proper cellar treatment within the meaning of Section 2002 of US Public Law 108-429.
Article 10
Future Negotiations
1. The Parties shall begin negotiations within 90 days of the date of entry into force of this Agreement with a view toward concluding one or more agreements that further facilitate trade in wine between the Parties.
2. The Parties shall make best efforts to conclude such agreement or agreements and to bring it or them into force no later than two years from entry into force of this Agreement.
3. With a view to facilitating the negotiations, the Parties may establish one or more specific dialogues between officials to address issues of concern in bilateral trade in wine.
Article 11
Management of the Agreement and Cooperation
1. The Parties shall maintain contact on all matters relating to bilateral trade in wine and the implementation and the functioning of this Agreement. In particular, each Party shall, if requested, cooperate in assisting the other Party to make available to the other Party's producers information concerning specific limits on contaminants and residues in effect in the territory of the first Party.
2. Each Party shall notify the other Party in a timely manner of proposed amendments to its labelling rules and, except for minor amendments that do not affect labelling for the wine of the other Party, allow for a reasonable period of time for the other Party to comment.
3. Either Party may notify the other Party in writing of:
(a) a request for a meeting or consultations between representatives of the Parties to discuss any matter relating to the implementation of the Agreement, including consultations with respect to new wine-making practices foreseen under Article 5;
(b) a proposal for amendment to the Annexes or the Protocol, including its appendices;
(c) legislative measures, administrative measures and judicial decisions concerning the application of this Agreement;
(d) information or suggestions intended to optimise the operation of the Agreement;
(e) recommendations and proposals on issues of mutual interest to the Parties.
4. A Party shall respond within a reasonable period, which shall not exceed 60 days from receipt, to a notification under paragraph 3(a), (b), (d) or (e). However, following a request for consultations under paragraph 3(a), the Parties shall meet within 30 days unless the Parties agree otherwise.
5. An amendment to an Annex or the Protocol, including its appendices, to this Agreement shall take effect on the first day of the month following receipt of a written response, pursuant to a notification by one Party under paragraph 3(b), of the amended text of the Annex or the Protocol, including its appendices, concerned, confirming the other Party's agreement with the amended text or on a particular date that the Parties shall specify.
6. Each Party shall provide all notices, requests, responses, proposals, recommendations and other communications under this Agreement to the contact point for the other Party in Annex VI. Each Party shall notify changes in its contact point in a timely manner.
7. (a) Each Party and interested persons of that Party may:
(i) address inquiries regarding matters arising from Titles I, II and III of the Agreement, including the Protocol;
(ii) present information concerning actions that may be inconsistent with the obligations of those Titles
to the contact point of the other Party as identified in Annex VI.
(b) Each Party shall, through its contact point:
(i) ensure that action is taken to examine the matter and to respond to the inquiry and information presented in a timely manner;
(ii) facilitate follow-up communications between the other Party or interested persons of that Party and the appropriate enforcement or other appropriate authorities.
Article 12
Relationship to other instruments and laws
1. Nothing in this Agreement shall:
(a) affect the rights and obligations of the Parties under the WTO Agreement;
(b) oblige the Parties to take any measures concerning intellectual property rights that would not otherwise be taken under the Parties' respective intellectual property laws, regulations and procedures, consistent with subparagraph (a).
2. Nothing in this Agreement prevents a Party from taking measures, as appropriate, to allow the use of homonymous names of origin where consumers will not be misled or to allow a person to use, in the course of trade, that person's name or the name of that person's predecessor in business in a manner that does not mislead the consumer.
3. This Agreement is without prejudice to the rights of free speech in the United States under the First Amendment of the US Constitution and in the Community.
4. Articles 6 and 7 shall not be construed in and of themselves as defining intellectual property or as obligating the Parties to confer or recognise any intellectual property rights. Consequently, the names listed in Annex IV are not necessarily considered, nor excluded from being considered, geographical indications under US law, and the names listed in Annex V are not necessarily considered, nor excluded from being considered, geographical indications under Community law. Furthermore, the terms listed in Annex II are neither considered, nor excluded from being considered in the future, geographical indications of the Community under US law.
Article 13
1. The Parties shall take all necessary measures to give effect to this Agreement.
2. In the territory of the Community, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, importation and marketing shall be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations applying in the territory of the Community.
Article 14
Either Party may withdraw from this Agreement at any time by providing written notification to the other Party. Withdrawal shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the other Party, unless the notification specifies a later date or the notification is rescinded prior to the specified date.
Article 15
Annexes and Protocol
The Annexes and the Protocol, including its appendices, to this Agreement form an integral part hereof.
Article 16
Authentic languages
This Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish languages, each of these versions being equally authentic. In the event of inconsistencies of interpretation, the English text shall be determinative.
Article 17
Final Provisions
1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature.
2. However, the provisions of Article 4 and Article 9 shall only apply from the first day of the second month following receipt by the Community of the written notice referred to in Article 6(3).
The provisions of all other articles shall apply from the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
Hecho en Londres el diez de marzo de dos mil seis.
V Londýně dne desátého března dva tisíce šest.
Udfærdiget i London den tiende marts to tusind og seks.
Geschehen zu London am zehnten März des Jahres zweitausendsechs.
Londonis, kahe tuhande kuuenda aasta kümnendal märtsil.
Έγινε στο Λονδίνο στις δέκα Μαρτίου δύο χιλιάδες έξι.
Done at London on the tenth day of March in the year two thousand and six.
Fait à Londres le dix mars deux mille six.
Fatto a Londra, addi' dieci marzo duemilasei.
Londonā, divi tūkstoši sestā gada desmitajā martā.
Priimta du tūkstančiai šeštųjų metų kovo dešimtą dieną Londone.
Kelt Londonban, a kétezer-hatodik év március havának tizedik napján.
Magħmul f'Londra fl-għaxar jum ta' Marzu tas-sena elfejn u sitta.
Gedaan te Londen, op de tiende dag van maart in het jaar tweeduizend zes.
Sporządzono w Londynie dnia dziesiątego marca dwa tysiące szóstego roku.
Feito em Londres, aos dez de Março de dois mil e seis.
V Londýne desiateho marca dvetisícšesť.
V Londonu, desetega marca dva tisoč šest.
Tehty Lontoossa kymmenentenä päivänä maaliskuuta vuonna kaksituhattakuusi.
Utfärdat i London den tionde mars år tjugohundrasex.
Por la Comunidad Europea
Za Evropské společenství
For Det Europæiske Fællesskab
Für die Europäische Gemeinschaft
Euroopa Ühenduse nimel
Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα
For the European Community
Pour la Communauté européenne
Per la Comunità europea
Eiropas Kopienas vārdā
Europos bendrijos vardu
az Európai Közösség részéről
Għall-Komunità Ewropea
Voor de Europese Gemeenschap
W imieniu Wspólnoty Europejskiej
Pela Comunidade Europeia
Za Európske spoločenstvo
Za Evropsko skupnost
Euroopan yhteisön puolesta
På Europeiska gemenskapens vägnar
+++++ TIFF +++++
+++++ TIFF +++++
Por los Estados Unidos de América
Za Spojené státy americké
For Amerikas Forenede Stater
Für die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
Ameerika Ühendriikide nimel
Για τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής
For the United States of America
Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Per gli Stati Uniti d'America
Amerikas Savienoto Valstu vārdā
Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų vardu
az Amerikai Egyesült Államok részéről
Għall-Istati Uniti ta'l-Amerika
Voor de Verenigde Staten van Amerika
W imieniu Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki
Pelos Estados Unidos da América
Za Spojené štáty americké
Za Združene države Amerike
Amerikan yhdysvaltojen puolesta
På Amerikas förenta staters vägnar
+++++ TIFF +++++
(a) United States
1. The provisions listed in paragraph 2 concern wine-making practices authorised under the laws, regulations and requirements of the United States, as referred to in Articles 3 and 4, authorised on or before 14 September 2005. The Community shall permit the importation in limited quantities of wine made from non vitis vinifera grapes produced according to traditional methods and identified as kosher wine originating in the United States.
2. US laws, regulations and requirements.
26 USC. Part III – Cellar Treatment and Classification of Wine
26 USC. 5381 Natural wine
26 USC. 5382 Cellar treatment of natural wine
26 USC. 5383 Amelioration and sweetening limitations for natural grape wines
26 USC. 5385 Specially sweetened natural wines
26 USC. 5351 Bonded wine cellar
26 USC. Part II – Operations
26 USC. 5361 Bonded wine cellar operations
26 USC. 5363 Taxpaid wine bottling house operations
26 USC. 5373 Wine spirits
27 CFR Part 24 Wine
Subpart B Definitions
Subpart F Production Practices
Subpart G Production of Effervescent Wine
Subpart K Spirits
24.225 General
24.233 Addition of spirits to wine
24.234 Other use of spirits
24.237 Spirits added to juice or concentrated fruit juice
Subpart L Storage, Treatment and Finishing of Wine
27 CFR Part 4 Labelling and Advertising of Wine
Subpart B Definitions
Subpart C Standards of Identity for Wine
4.21 The standards of identity
4.22 Blends, cellar treatment, alteration of class or type
(b) Community
1. The provisions listed in paragraph 2 concern wine-making practices authorised under the laws, regulations and requirements of the Community, as referred to in Articles 3 and 4, authorised on or before 14 September 2005. Wine treated with Aleppo pine resin designated as Retsina shall not be regarded by the United States as containing a flavoring within the meaning of Article 3(1).
2. Community laws, regulations and requirements:
Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 (OJ L 179, 14.7.1999, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1428/2004 (OJ L 263, 10.8.2004, p. 7)), Annex IV and V
Annex IV List of Authorised Oenological Practices and Processes
Annex V Limits and Conditions for Certain Oenological Practices
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1622/2000 (OJ L 194, 31.7.2000, p. 1), Title II, III, and IV
Title II (on page 5) Oenological Practices and Processes
Title II (on page 8) Oenological Practices
Title III Experimental Use of New Oenological Practices
Title IV Final Provisions
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1622/2000, | Annexes IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, VIIIa, IX X, XI, XII, XIIa, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, and XVII |
Annex IV | Restrictions on the use of certain substances |
Annex V | Requirements and purity criteria for polyvinylpolypyrrolidone |
Annex VI | Requirements for calcium tartrate |
Annex VII | Requirements for beta-glucanase |
Annex VIII | Lactic bacteria |
Annex VIIIa | Requirements for lysozyme |
Annex IX | Determination of the loss of organic matter from ion exchange resins |
Annex X | Requirements for electrodialysis treatment |
Annex XI | Requirements for urease |
Annex XII | Derogations regarding sulphur dioxide content |
Annex XIIa | Increase in the maximum total sulphur-dioxide content where the weather conditions make this necessary |
Annex XIII | Volatile acid content |
Annex XIV | Enrichment where weather conditions have been exceptionally unfavourable |
Annex XV | Cases where acidification and enrichment of one and the same product are authorised |
Annex XVI | Dates before which enrichment, acidification and deacidification operations may be carried out in cases of exceptionally bad weather conditions |
Annex XVII | Characteristics of wine distillate or dried-grape distillate which may be added to liqueur wines and certain quality liqueur wines. |
Burgundy, Chablis, Champagne, Chianti, Claret, Haut Sauterne, Hock, Madeira, Malaga, Marsala, Moselle, Port, Retsina, Rhine, Sauterne, Sherry and Tokay.
(a) Community
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Notes for drawing up the certification document
1. Exporter:
Full name and address in the United States.
2. Serial number:
A serial number which identifies the consignment in the records of the exporter (for example, the invoice number).
3. Importer:
Full name and address in the Community.
4. Competent authority at place of dispatch:
Competent authority at place of dispatch: the name and address of the US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau's local office that is responsible for verifying the information referred to in the certification document at the winery/place of production.
5. Custom stamp:
Custom stamp (leave blank, for EC use only)
6. Date wine clears EC customs:
Date of dispatch (leave blank, for EC use only)
7. Means of transport and transport details:
Only refer to transport used for delivery to EC port of entry:
- Specify mode of transport (ship, air, etc.)
- State name and address of the person responsible for transport (if different from exporter)
- State name of ship or number of flight, etc.
8. Place of delivery:
If the goods are not to be delivered to the address given for the consignee (under box 3: importer), state actual place of delivery in the EC.
9. Description of the product:
State the following:
- Type of product (e.g. "Imported wine"),
- Sale designation (e.g. as appears on label, such as name of producer and viticultural area; brandname; etc.),
- Name of the country of origin (e.g. "USA"),
- Name of the geographical designation, provided the wine qualifies for such a designation (e.g. name of AVA, state, county),
- Actual alcohol strength by volume,
- and colour of the product (state "red", "rosé", "pink" or "white" only).
10. Quantity:
State the (a) type (bulk or bottle), (b) volume, (c) quantity of the containers of the wine.
11. Certificates:
Provide Federal permit number for the winery.
Note that the signatory warrants the veracity and accuracy of this statement.
12. Record of control. For use by the competent authority:
(leave blank, for EC use only)
13. Signatory's company, Federal permit number and telephone number:
State the name of the wine producer (person or company), federal permit number and telephone number, and where available, other contact details.
14. Name of signatory:
e.g. name of the wine producer, or the officer in the producers' company authorised to sign the certificate.
15. Place and date:
Place and date the document is signed.
16. Signature:
Original signature, in ink, of the person indicated in box 14.
(b) United States
The COLA application form is that entitled "Application for and certification/exemption of label/bottle approval", produced by the US Department of Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, TTB Form 5100.31, dated May 2005, or the most current version as posted on
In Austria
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions |
Burgenland |
Carnuntum |
Donauland |
Kamptal |
Kärnten |
Kremstal |
Mittelburgenland |
Neusiedlersee |
Neusiedlersee-Hügelland |
Niederösterreich |
Oberösterreich |
Salzburg |
Steiermark |
Südburgenland |
Süd-Oststeiermark |
Südsteiermark |
Thermenregion |
Tirol |
Traisental |
Vorarlberg |
Wachau |
Weinviertel |
Weststeiermark |
Wien |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
Bergland |
Steirerland |
Weinland |
Wien |
In Belgium
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions |
Côtes de Sambre et Meuse |
Hagelandse Wijn |
Haspengouwse Wijn |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
Vin de pays des jardins de Wallonie |
In Cyprus
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
In Greek | In English |
Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region) | Sub-regions (whether or not preceeded by the name of the specified region) | Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region) | Sub-regions (whether or not preceeded by the name of the specified region) |
Κουμανδαρία | | Commandaria | |
Κρασοχώρια Λεμεσού | Αφάμης or Λαόνα | Krasohoria Lemesou | Afames or Laona |
Λαόνα Ακάμα | | Laona Akama | |
Πιτσιλιά | | Pitsilia | |
Βουνί Παναγιάς – Αμπελίτης | | Vouni Panayia – Ambelitis | |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
In Greek | In English |
Λάρνακα | Larnaka |
Λευκωσία | Lefkosia |
Λεμεσός | Lemesos |
Πάφος | Pafos |
In Czech Republic
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region) | Sub-regions 1.(must be used in conjunction with the corresponding specified region)2.(followed or not by either the name of a wine-growing commune and/or the name of a vineyard estate) |
čechy | litoměřická |
| mělnická |
Morava | mikulovská |
| slovácká |
| velkopavlovická |
| znojemská |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
české zemské víno |
moravské zemské víno |
In France
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions |
Ajaccio |
Alsace Grand Cru, followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Anjou Côteaux de la Loire |
Anjou Val de Loire |
Anjou Villages Brissac |
Arbois |
Arbois Pupillin |
Auxey-Duresses or Auxey-Duresses Côte de Beaune or Auxey-Duresses Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Bandol |
Banyuls |
Béarn or Béarn Bellocq |
Beaumes-de-Venise, whether or not preceeded by "Muscat de" |
Bellet or Vin de Bellet |
Bergerac |
Bienvenues Bâtard-Montrachet |
Blagny or Blagny Côte de Beaune or Blagny Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Blanc Fumé de Pouilly |
Blanquette de Limoux |
Blaye |
Bonnezeaux |
Bordeaux Côtes de Francs |
Bordeaux Haut-Benauge |
Bourg |
Bourgeais |
Bourgueil |
Bouzeron |
Buzet |
Cabardès |
Cabernet d'Anjou |
Cabernet de Saumur |
Cadillac |
Cahors |
Canon-Fronsac |
Cap Corse, preceeded by "Muscat de" |
Cassis |
Cérons |
Chablis Grand Cru, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Chablis (*), whether or not followed by a the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Chambertin Clos de Bèze |
Champagne (*) |
Chapelle-Chambertin |
Charlemagne |
Chassagne-Montrachet Côte de Beaune or Chassagne-Montrachet Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Château Châlon |
Château Grillet |
Châteaumeillant |
Châtillon-en-Diois |
Cheverny |
Chinon |
Chorey-lès-Beaune or Chorey-lès-Beaune Côte de Beaune or Chorey-lès-Beaune Côte de Beaune Villages |
Clairette de Bellegarde |
Clairette de Die |
Clairette du Languedoc, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Clos de Tart |
Clos des Lambrays |
Clos Saint-Denis |
Collioure |
Condrieu |
Corbières, whether or not followed by Boutenac |
Cornas |
Costières de Nîmes |
Côte Roannaise |
Coteaux Champenois, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence |
Coteaux d'Ancenis, whether or not followed by the name of a vine variety |
Coteaux de Die |
Coteaux de l'Aubance |
Coteaux de Pierrevert |
Coteaux de Saumur |
Coteaux du Giennois |
Coteaux du Languedoc Picpoul de Pinet |
Coteaux du Languedoc, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Coteaux du Layon Chaume |
Coteaux du Layon, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Coteaux du Loir |
Coteaux du Lyonnais |
Coteaux du Quercy |
Coteaux du Tricastin |
Coteaux du Vendômois |
Coteaux Varois |
Côtes Canon-Fronsac |
Côtes d'Auvergne, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Côtes de Beaune, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Côtes de Bergerac |
Côtes de Blaye |
Côtes de Bordeaux Saint-Macaire |
Côtes de Bourg |
Côtes de Brulhois |
Côtes de Castillon |
Côtes de Duras |
Côtes de la Malepère |
Côtes de Millau |
Côtes de Montravel |
Côtes de Provence, whether or not followed by Sainte Victoire |
Côtes de Saint-Mont |
Côtes de Toul |
Côtes du Frontonnais, whether or not followed by Fronton or Villaudric |
Côtes du Jura |
Côtes du Lubéron |
Côtes du Marmandais |
Côtes du Rhône Villages, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Côtes du Roussillon |
Côtes du Roussillon Villages, whether or not followed by Caramany or Latour de France or Les Aspres or Lesquerde or Tautavel |
Côtes du Ventoux |
Côtes du Vivarais |
Cour-Cheverny |
Crémant de Bordeaux |
Crémant de Bourgogne |
Crémant de Die |
Crémant de Limoux |
Crémant de Loire |
Crémant du Jura |
Crépy |
Criots Bâtard-Montrachet |
Crozes Ermitage |
Crozes-Hermitage |
Entre-Deux-Mers Haut-Benauge |
Ermitage |
Faugères |
Fiefs Vendéens, whether or not followed by Mareuil or Brem or Vix or Pissotte |
Fitou |
Fixin |
Floc de Gascogne |
Fronsac |
Frontignan |
Gaillac |
Gaillac Premières Côtes |
Gigondas |
Givry |
Grand Roussillon |
Graves de Vayres |
Griotte-Chambertin |
Gros Plant du Pays Nantais |
Haut Poitou |
Haut-Montravel |
Irancy |
Irouléguy |
Jasnières |
Juliénas |
Jurançon |
L'Etoile |
La Grande Rue |
Ladoix or Ladoix Côte de Beaune or Ladoix Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Lalande de Pomerol |
Languedoc, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Latricières-Chambertin |
Les-Baux-de-Provence |
Limoux |
Lirac |
Listrac-Médoc |
Loupiac |
Lunel, whether or not preceeded by "Muscat de" |
Lussac Saint-Émilion |
Mâcon, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Mâcon-Villages |
Macvin du Jura |
Madiran |
Maranges Côte de Beaune or Maranges Côtes de Beaune-Villages |
Maranges, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Marcillac |
Marsannay |
Maury |
Mazis-Chambertin |
Mazoyères-Chambertin |
Menetou Salon, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Meursault Côte de Beaune or Meursault Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Minervois |
Minervois-la-Livinière |
Mireval |
Monbazillac |
Montagne Saint-Émilion |
Montagny |
Monthélie or Monthélie Côte de Beaune or Monthélie Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Montlouis |
Montravel |
Morey-Saint-Denis |
Moselle (*) |
Moulis |
Moulis-en-Médoc |
Muscadet Coteaux de la Loire |
Muscadet Côtes de Grandlieu |
Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine |
Néac |
Orléans |
Orléans-Cléry |
Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh |
Palette |
Patrimonio |
Pécharmant |
Pernand-Vergelesses or Pernand-Vergelesses Côte de Beaune or Pernand-Vergelesses Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Pessac-Léognan |
Petit Chablis, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Pineau des Charentes |
Pinot-Chardonnay-Mâcon |
Pouilly-sur-Loire |
Pouilly-Loché |
Pouilly-Vinzelles |
Premières Côtes de Blaye |
Premières Côtes de Bordeaux, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Puisseguin Saint-Émilion |
Puligny-Montrachet Côte de Beaune or Puligny-Montrachet Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Quarts-de-Chaume |
Quincy |
Rasteau |
Rasteau Rancio |
Régnié |
Reuilly |
Rivesaltes, whether or not preceeded by "Muscat de" |
Rivesaltes Rancio |
Romanée (La) |
Rosé des Riceys |
Rosette |
Roussette de Savoie, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Roussette du Bugey, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Ruchottes-Chambertin |
Rully |
Saint-Aubin or Saint-Aubin Côte de Beaune or Saint-Aubin Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Saint-Bris |
Saint-Chinian |
Sainte-Croix-du-Mont |
Sainte-Foy Bordeaux |
Saint-Emilion Grand Cru |
Saint-Georges Saint-Émilion |
Saint-Jean-de-Minervois, whether or not preceeded by "Muscat de" |
Saint-Joseph |
Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil |
Saint-Péray |
Saint-Pourçain |
Saint-Romain or Saint-Romain Côte de Beaune or Saint-Romain Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Saint-Véran |
Santenay Côte de Beaune or Santenay Côte de Beaune-Villages |
Saumur Champigny |
Saussignac |
Sauternes |
Savennières |
Savennières-Coulée-de-Serrant |
Savennières-Roche-aux-Moines |
Seyssel |
Thouarsais |
Touraine Amboise |
Touraine Azay-le-Rideau |
Touraine Mesland |
Touraine Noble Joue |
Tursan |
Vacqueyras |
Valençay |
Vin d'Entraygues et du Fel |
Vin d'Estaing |
Vin de Corse, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Vin de Lavilledieu |
Vin de Savoie or Vin de Savoie-Ayze, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Vin du Bugey, whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit |
Vin Fin de la Côte de Nuits |
Viré Clessé |
Volnay Santenots |
Vougeot |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
Vin de pays de l'Agenais |
Vin de pays d'Aigues |
Vin de pays de l'Ain |
Vin de pays de l'Allier |
Vin de pays d'Allobrogie |
Vin de pays des Alpes de Haute-Provence |
Vin de pays des Alpes Maritimes |
Vin de pays de l'Ardèche |
Vin de pays d'Argens |
Vin de pays de l'Ariège |
Vin de pays de l'Aude |
Vin de pays de l'Aveyron |
Vin de pays des Balmes dauphinoises |
Vin de pays de la Bénovie |
Vin de pays du Bérange |
Vin de pays de Bessan |
Vin de pays de Bigorre |
Vin de pays des Bouches du Rhône |
Vin de pays du Bourbonnais |
Vin de pays du Calvados |
Vin de pays de Cassan |
Vin de pays Cathare |
Vin de pays de Caux |
Vin de pays de Cessenon |
Vin de pays des Cévennes |
Vin de pays des Cévennes Mont Bouquet |
Vin de pays Charentais, whether or not followed by Ile de Ré or Ile d'Oléron or Saint-Sornin |
Vin de pays de la Charente |
Vin de pays des Charentes-Maritimes |
Vin de pays du Cher |
Vin de pays de la Cité de Carcassonne |
Vin de pays des Collines de la Moure |
Vin de pays des Collines rhodaniennes |
Vin de pays du Comté de Grignan |
Vin de pays du Comté tolosan |
Vin de pays des Comtés rhodaniens |
Vin de pays de la Corrèze |
Vin de pays de la Côte Vermeille |
Vin de pays des coteaux charitois |
Vin de pays des coteaux d'Enserune |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Besilles |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Cèze |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Coiffy |
Vin de pays des coteaux Flaviens |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Fontcaude |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Glanes |
Vin de pays des coteaux de l'Ardèche |
Vin de pays des coteaux de l'Auxois |
Vin de pays des coteaux de la Cabrerisse |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Laurens |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Miramont |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Montélimar |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Murviel |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Narbonne |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Peyriac |
Vin de pays des coteaux des Baronnies |
Vin de pays des coteaux du Cher et de l'Arnon |
Vin de pays des coteaux du Grésivaudan |
Vin de pays des coteaux du Libron |
Vin de pays des coteaux du Littoral Audois |
Vin de pays des coteaux du Pont du Gard |
Vin de pays des coteaux du Salagou |
Vin de pays des coteaux de Tannay |
Vin de pays des coteaux du Verdon |
Vin de pays des coteaux et terrasses de Montauban |
Vin de pays des côtes catalanes |
Vin de pays des côtes de Ceressou |
Vin de pays des côtes de Gascogne |
Vin de pays des côtes de Lastours |
Vin de pays des côtes de Montestruc |
Vin de pays des côtes de Pérignan |
Vin de pays des côtes de Prouilhe |
Vin de pays des côtes de Thau |
Vin de pays des côtes de Thongue |
Vin de pays des côtes du Brian |
Vin de pays des côtes du Condomois |
Vin de pays des côtes du Tarn |
Vin de pays des côtes du Vidourle |
Vin de pays de la Creuse |
Vin de pays de Cucugnan |
Vin de pays des Deux-Sèvres |
Vin de pays de la Dordogne |
Vin de pays du Doubs |
Vin de pays de la Drôme |
Vin de pays Duché d'Uzès |
Vin de pays de Franche-Comté, whether ot not followed by Coteaux de Champlitte |
Vin de pays du Gard |
Vin de pays du Gers |
Vin de pays des Hautes-Alpes |
Vin de pays de la Haute-Garonne |
Vin de pays de la Haute-Marne |
Vin de pays des Hautes-Pyrénées |
Vin de pays d'Hauterive, whether or not followed by Val d'Orbieu or Coteaux du Termenès or Côtes de Lézignan |
Vin de pays de la Haute-Saône |
Vin de pays de la Haute-Vienne |
Vin de pays de la Haute vallée de l'Aude |
Vin de pays de la Haute vallée de l'Orb |
Vin de pays des Hauts de Badens |
Vin de pays de l'Hérault |
Vin de pays de l'Ile de Beauté |
Vin de pays de l'Indre et Loire |
Vin de pays de l'Indre |
Vin de pays de l'Isère |
Vin de pays du Jardin de la France, whether or not followed by Marches de Bretagne or Pays de Retz |
Vin de pays des Landes |
Vin de pays de Loire-Atlantique |
Vin de pays du Loir et Cher |
Vin de pays du Loiret |
Vin de pays du Lot |
Vin de pays du Lot et Garonne |
Vin de pays des Maures |
Vin de pays de Maine et Loire |
Vin de pays de la Mayenne |
Vin de pays de Meurthe-et-Moselle |
Vin de pays de la Meuse |
Vin de pays du Mont Baudile |
Vin de pays du Mont Caume |
Vin de pays des Monts de la Grage |
Vin de pays de la Nièvre |
Vin de pays d'Oc |
Vin de pays du Périgord, whether or not followed by Vin de Domme |
Vin de pays de la Petite Crau |
Vin de pays des Portes de Méditerranée |
Vin de pays de la Principauté d'Orange |
Vin de pays du Puy de Dôme |
Vin de pays des Pyrénées-Atlantiques |
Vin de pays des Pyrénées-Orientales |
Vin de pays des Sables du Golfe du Lion |
Vin de pays de la Sainte Baume |
Vin de pays de Saint Guilhem-le-Désert |
Vin de pays de Saint-Sardos |
Vin de pays de Sainte Marie la Blanche |
Vin de pays de Saône et Loire |
Vin de pays de la Sarthe |
Vin de pays de Seine et Marne |
Vin de pays du Tarn |
Vin de pays du Tarn et Garonne |
Vin de pays des Terroirs landais, whether or not followed by Coteaux de Chalosse or Côtes de L'Adour or Sables Fauves or Sables de l'Océan |
Vin de pays de Thézac-Perricard |
Vin de pays du Torgan |
Vin de pays d'Urfé |
Vin de pays du Val de Cesse |
Vin de pays du Val de Dagne |
Vin de pays du Val de Montferrand |
Vin de pays de la Vallée du Paradis |
Vin de pays du Var |
Vin de pays du Vaucluse |
Vin de pays de la Vaunage |
Vin de pays de la Vendée |
Vin de pays de la Vicomté d'Aumelas |
Vin de pays de la Vienne |
Vin de pays de la Vistrenque |
Vin de pays de l'Yonne |
In Germany
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of a sub-region) | Sub-regions (must be used in conjunction with the corresponding specified region) |
Ahr… | Walporzheim or Ahrtal |
Baden… | Badische Bergstraße (Bergstrasse) |
| Bodensee |
| Breisgau |
| Kaiserstuhl |
| Kraichgau |
| Markgräflerland |
| Ortenau |
| Tauberfranken |
| Tuniberg |
Franken… | Maindreieck |
| Mainviereck |
| Steigerwald |
Hessische Bergstraße… | Starkenburg |
| Umstadt |
Mittelrhein… | Loreley |
| Siebengebirge |
Mosel-Saar-Ruwer … | Bernkastel |
| Burg Cochem |
| Moseltor |
| Obermosel |
| Ruwertal |
| Saar |
Nahe… | Nahetal |
Pfalz… | Mittelhaardt Deutsche Weinstraße (Weinstrasse) |
| Südliche Weinstraße (Weinstrasse) |
Rheingau… | Johannisberg |
Rheinhessen… | Bingen |
| Nierstein |
| Wonnegau |
Saale-Unstrut… | Mansfelder Seen |
| Schloß Neuenburg (Schloss Neuenburg) |
| Thüringen |
Sachsen… | Elstertal |
| Meißen (Meissen) |
Württemberg… | Bayerischer Bodensee |
| Kocher-Jagst-Tauber |
| Oberer Neckar |
| Remstal-Stuttgart |
| Württembergisch Unterland |
| Württembergischer Bodensee |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
Landwein | Tafelwein |
Ahrtaler Landwein | Albrechtsburg |
Badischer Landwein | Bayern |
Bayerischer Bodensee-Landwein | Burgengau |
Fränkischer Landwein | Donau |
Landwein der Mosel | Lindau |
Landwein der Ruwer | Main |
Landwein der Saar | Mecklenburger |
Mecklenburger Landwein | Neckar |
Mitteldeutscher Landwein | Oberrhein |
Nahegauer Landwein | Rhein |
Pfälzer Landwein | Rhein-Mosel |
Regensburger Landwein | Römertor |
Rheinburgen-Landwein | Stargarder Land |
Rheingauer Landwein | |
Rheinischer Landwein | |
Saarländischer Landwein der Mosel | |
Sächsischer Landwein | |
Schwäbischer Landwein | |
Starkenburger Landwein | |
Taubertäler Landwein | |
In Greece
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions |
In Greek | In English |
Αμύνταιο | Amynteon |
Αγχίαλος | Anchialos |
Αρχάνες | Archanes |
Δαφνές | Dafnes |
Γουμένισσα | Goumenissa |
Λήμνος | Lemnos |
Μαντινεία | Mantinia |
Μαυροδάφνη Κεφαλληνίας | Mavrodafni Kephalinia |
Μαυροδάφνη Πατρών | Mavrodafni Patra |
Μεσενικόλα | Mesenicola |
Μοσχάτος Κεφαλληνίας | Moschatos Kephalinia |
Μοσχάτος Λήμνου | Moschatos Lemnos |
Μοσχάτος Πατρών | Moschatos Patra |
Μοσχάτος Ρόδου | Moschatos Rhodos |
Μοσχάτος Ρίου – Πατρών | Moschatos Riou Patra |
Νάουσα | Naoussa |
Νεμέα | Nemea |
Πάρος | Paros |
Πάτρα | Patra |
Πεζά | Peza |
Ραψάνη | Rapsani |
Ρόδος | Rhodos |
Ρομπόλα Κεφαλληνίας | Robola Kephalinia |
Σάμος | Samos |
Σαντορίνη | Santorini |
Σητεία | Sitia |
Πλαγιές Μελίτωνα | Slopes of Melitona |
Ζίτσα | Zitsa |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
In Greek | In English |
Ρετσίνα Γιάλτρων, whether or not followed by Ευβοίας | Retsina (*) of Gialtra, whether or not followed by Evvia |
Ρετσίνα Χαλκίδας, whether or not followed by Ευβοίας | Retsina (*) of Halkida, whether or not followed by Evvia |
Ρετσίνα Καρύστου, whether or not followed by Ευβοίας | Retsina (*) of Karystos, whether or not followed by Evvia |
Ρετσίνα Κρωπίας or Ρετσίνα Κορωπίου, whether or not followed by Αττικής | Retsina (*) of Kropia or Retsina (*) Koropi, whether or not followed by Attika |
Ρετσίνα Μαρκοπούλου, whether or not followed by Αττικής | Retsina (*) of Markopoulou, whether or not followed by Attika |
Ρετσίνα Μεγάρων, whether or not followed by Αττικής | Retsina (*) of Megara, whether or not followed by Attika |
Ρετσίνα Μεσογείων, whether or not followed by Αττικής | Retsina (*) of Mesogia, whether or not followed by Attika |
Ρετσίνα Παλλήνης, whether or not followed by Αττικής | Retsina (*) of Pallini, whether or not followed by Attika |
Ρετσίνα Παιανίας or Ρετσίνα Λιοπεσίου, whether or not followed by Αττικής | Retsina (*) of Peania or Retsina (*) of Liopesi, whether or not followed by Attika |
Ρετσίνα Πικερμίου, whether or not followed by Αττικής | Retsina (*) of Pikermi, whether or not followed by Attika |
Ρετσίνα Σπάτων, whether or not followed by Αττικής | Retsina (*) of Spata, whether or not followed by Attika |
Ρετσίνα Θηβών, whether or not followed by Βοιωτίας | Retsina (*) of Thebes, whether or not followed by Viotias |
Aχαϊκός Tοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Achaia |
Τοπικός Οίνος Ανδριανής | Regional wine of Adriana |
Αιγαιοπελαγίτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Aegean Sea |
Τοπικός Οίνος Αγοράς | Regional wine of Agora |
Τοπικός Οίνος Αναβύσσου | Regional wine of Anavyssos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Αρκαδίας | Regional wine of Arkadia |
Αττικός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Attiki-Attikos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Αβδήρων | Regional wine of Avdira |
Τοπικός Οίνος Κέρκυρας | Regional wine of Corfu |
Κρητικός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Crete – Kritikos |
Δωδεκανησιακός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Dodekanese – Dodekanissiakos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Δράμας | Regional wine of Drama |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πλαγιές του Αίνου | Regional wine of Enos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Επανομής | Regional wine of Epanomi |
Ηπειρωτικός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Epirus – Epirotikos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Φλώρινας | Regional wine of Florina |
Τοπικός Οίνος Γερανείων | Regional wine of Gerania |
Τοπικός Οίνος Γρεβενών | Regional wine of Grevena |
Τοπικός Οίνος Χαλικούνας | Regional wine of Halikouna |
Τοπικός Οίνος Χαλκιδικής | Regional wine of Halkidiki |
Ηρακλειώτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Heraklion – Herakliotikos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Ηλιείας | Regional wine of Ilia |
Τοπικός Οίνος Ιλίου | Regional wine of Ilion |
Τοπικός Οίνος Ημαθίας | Regional wine of Imathia |
Τοπικός Οίνος Ιωαννίνων | Regional wine of Ioannina |
Ισμαρικός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Ismaros – Ismarikos |
Καρυστινός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Karystos – Karystinos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Κισσάμου | Regional wine of Kissamos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Κλημέντι | Regional wine of Klimenti |
Κορινθιακός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Korinthos – Korinthiakos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Κορωπίου | Regional wine of Koropi |
Τοπικός Οίνος Κρανιάς | Regional wine of Krania |
Λακωνικός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Lakonia – Lakonikos |
Λασιθιώτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Lasithi – Lassithiotikos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Λευκάδας | Regional wine of Lefkada |
Τοπικός Οίνος Λετρίνων | Regional wine of Letrines |
Τοπικός Οίνος Ληλάντιου πεδίου | Regional wine of Lilantio Pedio |
Μακεδονικός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Macedonia – Macedonikos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Μαντζαβινάτων | Regional wine of Mantzavinata |
Τοπικός Οίνος Μαρκόπουλου | Regional wine of Markopoulo |
Tοπικός Οίνος Μαρτίνου | Regional wine of Martino |
Μεσσηνιακός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Messinia – Messiniakos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Μεταξάτων | Regional wine of Metaxata |
Μετσοβίτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Metsovo – Metsovitikos |
Μονεμβάσιος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Monemvasia – Monemvasios |
Αγιορείτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Mount Athos Agioritikos |
Μεσημβριώτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Nea Messimvria |
Τοπικός Οίνος Οπουντίας Λοκρίδος | Regional wine of Opountias Lokridos |
Παλληνιώτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Pallini – Palliniotikos |
Παγγαιορείτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Pangeon – Pangeoritikos |
Παιανίτικος Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Peanea |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πέλλας | Regional wine of Pella |
Πελοποννησιακός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Peloponnese – Peloponnisiakos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πισάτιδος | Regional wine of Pisatis |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πυλίας | Regional wine of Pylia |
Τοπικός Οίνος Ριτσώνας Αυλίδος | Regional wine of Ritsona Avlidas |
Τοπικός Οίνος Σερρών | Regional wine of Serres |
Σιατιστινός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Siastista – Siatistinos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Σιθωνίας | Regional wine of Sithonia |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πλαγιές Αμπέλου | Regional wine of Slopes of Ambelos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πλαγιές Αιγιαλείας | Regional wine of Slopes of Egialia |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πλαγιών Κιθαιρώνα | Regional wine of Slopes of Kitherona |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πλαγιών Κνημίδος | Regional wine of Slopes of Knimida |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πλαγιών Πάρνηθας | Regional wine of Slopes of Parnitha |
Τοπικός Οίνος Βορείων Πλαγιών Πεντελικού | Regional wine of Slopes of Penteliko |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πλαγιών Πετρωτού | Regional wine of Slopes of Petroto |
Τοπικός Οίνος Πλαγιές Βερτίσκου | Regional wine of Slopes of Vertiskos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Σπάτων | Regional wine of Spata |
Τοπικός Οίνος Στερεάς Ελλάδος | Regional wine of Sterea Ellada |
Συριανός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Syros – Syrianos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Τεγέας | Regional wine of Tegea |
Τοπικός Οίνος Θαψανών | Regional wine of Thapsana |
Θηβαϊκός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Thebes – Thivaikos |
Θεσσαλικός Τοπικός Οίνος | Regional wine of Thessalia – Thessalikos |
Θρακικός Τοπικός Οίνος or Τοπικός Οίνος Θράκης | Regional wine of Thrace – Thrakikos or Regional wine of Thrakis |
Τοπικός Οίνος Τριφυλίας | Regional wine of Trifilia |
Τοπικός Οίνος Τυρνάβου | Regional wine of Tyrnavos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Κοιλάδος Αταλάντης | Regional wine of Valley of Atalanti |
Τοπικός Οίνος Βελβεντού | Regional wine of Velvendos |
Τοπικός Οίνος Βιλίτσας | Regional wine of Vilitsas |
Βερντεα Ζακύνθου | Verntea Zakynthou |
In Hungary
Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region) | Sub-regions (whether or not preceeded by the name of the specified region) |
Ászár-Neszmély(-i)… | Ászár(-i) |
Neszmély(-i) |
Badacsony(-i) | |
Balatonboglár(-i)… | Balatonlelle(-i) |
Marcali |
Balatonfelvidék(-i)… | Balatonederics-Lesence(-i) |
Cserszeg(-i) |
Kál(-i) |
Balatonfüred-Csopak(-i)… | Zánka(-i) |
Balatonmelléke or Balatonmelléki… | Muravidéki |
Bükkalja(-i) | |
Csongrád(-i)… | Kistelek(-i) |
Mórahalom or Mórahalmi |
Pusztamérges(-i) |
Eger or Egri… | Debrő(-i), whether or not followed by Andornaktálya(-i) or Demjén(-i) or Egerbakta(-i) or Egerszalók(-i) or Egerszólát(-i) or Felsőtárkány(-i) or Kerecsend(-i) or Maklár(-i) or Nagytálya(-i) or Noszvaj(-i) or Novaj(-i) or Ostoros(-i) or Szomolya(-i) or Aldebrő(-i) or Feldebrő(-i) or Tófalu(-i) or Verpelét(-i) or Kompolt(-i) or Tarnaszentmária(-i) |
Etyek-Buda(-i)… | Buda(-i) |
Etyek(-i) |
Velence(-i) |
Hajós-Baja(-i) | |
Kőszegi | |
Kunság(-i)… | Bácska(-i) |
Cegléd(-i) |
Duna mente or Duna menti |
Izsák(-i) |
Jászság(-i) |
Kecskemét-Kiskunfélegyháza or Kecskemét Kiskunfélegyházi |
Kiskunhalas-Kiskunmajsa(-i) |
Kiskőrös(-i) |
Monor(-i) |
Tisza mente or Tisza menti |
Mátra(-i) | |
Mór(-i) | |
Pannonhalma (Pannonhalmi) | |
Pécs(-i)… | Kapos(-i) |
Szigetvár(-i) |
Versend(-i) |
Somló(-i)… | Kissomlyó-Sághegyi |
Sopron(-i)… | Köszeg(-i) |
Szekszárd(-i) | |
Tokaj(-i)… | Abaújszántó(-i) |
Bekecs(-i) |
Bodrogkeresztúr(-i) |
Bodrogkisfalud(-i) |
Bodrogolaszi |
Erdőbénye(-i) |
Erdőhorváti |
Golop(-i) |
Hercegkúnye(-i) |
Mád(-i) t(-i) |
Legyesbénye(-i) |
Makkoshotyka(-i) |
Mezőzombor(-i) |
Monok(-i) |
Olaszliszka(-i) |
Rátka(-i) |
Sárazsadány(-i) |
Sárospatak(-i) |
Sátoraljaújhely(-i) |
Szegi |
Szegilong(-i) |
Szerencs(-i) |
Tállya(-i) |
Tarcal(-i) |
Tolcsva(-i) |
Vámosújfalu(-i) |
Tolna(-i)… | Tamási |
Völgység(-i) |
Villány(-i)… | Siklós(-i), whether or not followed byKisharsány(-i) or Nagyharsány(-i) or Palkonya(-i) or Villánykövesd(-i) or Bisse(-i) or Csarnóta(-i) or Diósviszló(-i) or Harkány(-i) or Hegyszentmárton(-i) or Kistótfalu(-i) or Márfa(-i) or Nagytótfalu(-i) or Szava(-i) or Túrony(-i) or Vokány(-i) |
In Italy
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Aglianico del Taburno or Taburno
Aglianico del Vulture
Albana di Romagna
Alcamo or Alcamo classico
Aleatico di Gradoli
Aleatico di Puglia
Alghero or Sardegna Alghero
Alta Langa
Alto Adige (Südtirol) or dell'Alto Adige (Südtiroler), whether or not followed by
- Colli di Bolzano (Bozner Leiten),
- Meranese di Collina (Meraner Huge) or Meranese (Meraner),
- Santa Maddalena (St. Magdalener),
- Terlano (Terlaner),
- Valle Isarco (Eisacktal or Eisacktaler),
- Valle Venosta (Vinschgau)
Ansonica Costa dell'Argentario
Arborea or Sardegna Arborea
Bagnoli di Sopra or Bagnoli
Barbera del Monferrato
Barco Reale di Carmignano or Rosato di Carmignano or Vin Santo di Carmignano or Vin Santo Carmignano Occhio di Pernice
Bardolino Superiore
Bianchello del Metauro
Bianco Capena
Bianco dell'Empolese
Bianco della Valdinievole
Bianco di Custoza
Bianco di Pitigliano
Bianco Pisano di S. Torpè
Bolgheri e Bolgheri Sassicaia
Bosco Eliceo
Brachetto d'Acqui or Acqui
Cacc'e mmitte di Lucera
Cagnina di Romagna
Caldaro (Kalterer) or Lago di Caldaro (Kalterersee), whether or not followed by "Classico"
Campi Flegrei
Campidano di Terralba or Terralba or Sardegna Campidano di Terralba or Sardegna Terralba
Candia dei Colli Apuani
Cannonau di Sardegna, whether or not followed by Capo Ferrato or Oliena or Nepente di Oliena Jerzu
Capriano del Colle
Carignano del Sulcis or Sardegna Carignano del Sulcis
Castel del Monte
Castel San Lorenzo
Castelli Romani
Cerasuolo di Vittoria
Cesanese del Piglio
Cesanese di Affile or Affile
Cesanese di Olevano Romano or Olevano Romano
Chianti (*), whether or not followed by Colli Aretini or Colli Fiorentini or Colline Pisane or Colli Senesi or Montalbano or Montespertoli or Rufina
Chianti Classico
Cinque Terre or Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà, whether or not followed by Costa de Sera or Costa de Campu or Costa da Posa
Cisterna d'Asti
Colli Albani
Colli Altotiberini
Colli Amerini
Colli Berici, whether or not followed by Barbarano
Colli Bolognesi Classico-Pignoletto
Colli Bolognesi, whether or not followed by Colline di Riposto or Colline Marconiane or Zola Predosa or Monte San Pietro or Colline di Oliveto or Terre di Montebudello or Serravalle
Colli del Trasimeno or Trasimeno
Colli della Sabina
Colli dell'Etruria Centrale
Colli di Conegliano, whether or not followed by Refrontolo or Torchiato di Fregona
Colli di Faenza
Colli di Luni
Colli di Parma
Colli di Rimini
Colli di Scandiano e di Canossa
Colli d'Imola
Colli Etruschi Viterbesi
Colli Euganei
Colli Lanuvini
Colli Maceratesi
Colli Martani, whether or not followed by Todi
Colli Orientali del Friuli, whether or not followed by Cialla or Rosazzo
Colli Perugini
Colli Pesaresi, whether or not followed by Focara or Roncaglia
Colli Piacentini, whether or not followed by Vigoleno or Gutturnio or Monterosso Val d'Arda or Trebbianino Val Trebbia or Val Nure
Colli Romagna Centrale
Colli Tortonesi
Collina Torinese
Colline di Levanto
Colline Lucchesi
Colline Novaresi
Colline Saluzzesi
Collio Goriziano or Collio
Conegliano-Valdobbiadene, whether or not followed by Cartizze
Contea di Sclafani
Contessa Entellina
Cortese dell'Alto Monferrato
Corti Benedettine del Padovano
Costa d'Amalfi, whether or not followed by Furore or Ravello or Tramonti
Coste della Sesia
Delia Nivolelli
Dolcetto d'Acqui
Dolcetto d'Asti
Dolcetto delle Langhe Monregalesi
Dolcetto di Diano d'Alba or Diano d'Alba
Dolcetto di Dogliani whether or not followed by "superiore" or Dogliani
Dolcetto di Ovada
Eloro, whether or not followed by Pachino
Erbaluce di Caluso or Caluso
Est! Est!! Est!!! Di Montefiascone
Falerio dei Colli Ascolani or Falerio
Falerno del Massico
Fiano di Avellino
Freisa d'Asti
Freisa di Chieri
Friuli Annia
Friuli Aquileia
Friuli Grave
Friuli Isonzo or Isonzo del Friuli
Friuli Latisana
Garda Colli Mantovani
Gavi or Cortese di Gavi
Gioia del Colle
Girò di Cagliari or Sardegna Girò di Cagliari
Golfo del Tigullio
Greco di Bianco
Greco di Tufo
Grignolino d'Asti
Grignolino del Monferrato Casalese
Guardia Sanframondi o Guardiolo
I Terreni di Sanseverino
Lacrima di Morro or Lacrima di Morro d'Alba
Lago di Corbara
Lambrusco di Sorbara
Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro
Lambrusco Mantovano, whether or not followed by Oltrepò Mantovano or Viadanese-Sabbionetano
Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce
Lison Pramaggiore
Malvasia delle Lipari
Malvasia di Bosa or Sardegna Malvasia di Bosa
Malvasia di Cagliari or Sardegna Malvasia di Cagliari
Malvasia di Casorzo d'Asti
Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco
Mamertino di Malezzo or Mamertino
Mandrolisai or Sardegna Mandrolisai
Marsala (*)
Martina or Martina Franca
Menfi, whether or not followed by Feudo or Fiori or Bonera
Molise, whether or not preceded by "del"
Monferrato, whether or not followed by Casalese
Monica di Cagliari or Sardegna Monica di Cagliari
Monica di Sardegna
Montecompatri Colonna or Montecompatri or Colonna
Montefalco Sagrantino
Montello e Colli Asolani
Montepulciano d'Abruzzo
Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Colline Teramane
Monteregio di Massa Marittima
Monti Lessini or Lessini
Morellino di Scansano
Moscadello di Montalcino
Moscato di Cagliari or Sardegna Moscato di Cagliari
Moscato di Noto
Moscato di Pantelleria or Passito di Pantelleria or Pantelleria
Moscato di Sardegna, whether or not followed by Gallura or Tempio Pausania or Tempio
Moscato di Siracusa
Moscato di Sorso-Sennori or Moscato di Sorso or Moscato di Sennori or Sardegna Moscato di Sorso-Sennori or Sardegna Moscato di Sorso or Sardegna Moscato di Sennori
Moscato di Trani
Nasco di Cagliari or Sardegna Nasco di Cagliari
Nuragus di Cagliari or Sardegna Nuragus di Cagliari
Oltrepò Pavese
Orta Nova
Pagadebit di Romagna, whether or not followed by Bertinoro
Penisola Sorrentina, whether or not followed by Gragnano or Lettere or Sorrento
Pentro di Isernia or Pentro
Pornassio or Ormeasco di Pornassio
Primitivo di Manduria
Recioto di Soave
Riviera del Brenta
Riviera del Garda Bresciano or Garda Bresciano
Riviera Ligure di Ponente, whether or not followed by Riviera dei Fiori or Albenga o Albenganese or Finale or Finalese or Ormeasco
Romagna Albana spumante
Rossese di Dolceacqua or Dolceacqua
Rosso Barletta
Rosso Canosa or Rosso Canosa Canusium
Rosso Conero
Rosso di Cerignola
Rosso di Montalcino
Rosso di Montepulciano
Rosso Orvietano or Orvietano Rosso
Rosso Piceno
Rubino di Cantavenna
Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato
Salice Salentino
Sambuca di Sicilia
San Colombano al Lambro or San Colombano
San Gimignano
San Martino della Battaglia
San Severo
San Vito di Luzzi
Sangiovese di Romagna
Sant'Agata de Goti
Santa Margherita di Belice
Sant'Anna di Isola di Capo Rizzuto
Sardegna Semidano, whether or not followed by Mogoro
Scanzo or Moscato di Scanzo
Sciacca, whether or not followed by Rayana
Sforzato di Valtellina or Sfursat di Valtellina Soave superiore
Teroldego Rotaliano
Terre dell'Alte Val d'Agri
Terre di Franciacorta
Torgiano, whether or not followed by "rosso riserva"
Trebbiano d'Abruzzo
Trebbiano di Romagna
Trentino, whether or not followed by Sorni or Isera or d'Isera or Ziresi or dei Ziresi
Val d'Arbia
Val di Cornia, whether or not followed by Suvereto
Val Polcevera, whether or not followed by Coronata
Valdadige or Etschaler, whether or not followed by Terra dei Forti
Valle d'Aosta or Vallée d'Aoste, whether or not followed by Arnad-Montjovet or Donnas or Enfer d'Arvier, Torrette or Blanc de Morgex et de la Salle or Chambave or Nus
Valpolicella, whether or not followed by de Valpantena
Valtellina, either followed by "rosso" or preceeded by "rosso di"
Valtellina Superiore, whether or not followed by Grumello or Inferno or Maroggia or Sassella or Vagella
Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi
Verdicchio di Matelica
Verduno Pelaverga or Verduno
Vermentino di Gallura or Sardegna Vermentino di Gallura
Vermentino di Sardegna
Vernaccia di Oristano or Sardegna Vernaccia di Oristano
Vernaccia di San Gimignano
Vernaccia di Serrapetrona
Vin Santo del Chianti
Vin Santo del Chianti Classico
Vin Santo di Montepulciano
Vini del Piave or Piave
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
Alta Valle della Greve
Alto Livenza
Alto Mincio
Alto Tirino
Benaco bresciano
Bianco di Castelfranco Emilia
Civitella d'Agliano
Colli Aprutini
Colli Cimini
Colli del Limbara
Colli del Sangro
Colli della Toscana centrale
Colli di Salerno
Colli Ericini
Colli Trevigiani
Collina del Milanese
Colline del Genovesato
Colline Frentane
Colline Pescaresi
Colline Savonesi
Colline Teatine
Costa Viola
Del Vastese or Histonium
Delle Venezie
Emilia or dell'Emilia
Fontanarossa di Cerda
Fortana del Taro
Frusinate or del Frusinate
Golfo dei Poeti La Spezia or Golfo dei Poeti
Grottino di Roccanova
Isola dei Nuraghi
Marca Trevigiana
Maremma toscana
Mitterberg or Mitterberg tra Cauria e Tel or Mitterberg zwischen Gfrill und Toll
Modena or Provincia di Modena
Montenetto di Brescia
Osco or Terre degli Osci
Provincia di Mantova
Provincia di Nuoro
Provincia di Pavia
Provincia di Verona or Veronese
Ronchi di Brescia
Sillaro or Bianco del Sillaro
Terrazze Retiche di Sondrio
Terre del Volturno
Terre di Chieti
Terre di Veleja
Toscana or Toscano
Val di Magra
Val di Neto
Val Tidone
Valle Belice
Valle del Crati
Valle del Tirso
Valle d'Itria
Valle Peligna
Valli di Porto Pino
Veneto Orientale
Venezia Giulia
Vigneti delle Dolomiti or Weinberg Dolomiten
In Luxembourg
Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of the commune or part of commune) | Names of communes or parts of communes (must be used in conjunction with the specified region) |
Moselle Luxembourgeoise… | Ahn |
Assel |
Bech-Kleinmacher |
Born |
Bous |
Burmerange |
Canach |
Ehnen |
Ellingen |
Elvange |
Erpeldingen |
Gostingen |
Greiveldingen |
Grevenmacher |
Lenningen |
Machtum |
Mertert |
Moersdorf |
Mondorf |
Niederdonven |
Oberdonven |
Oberwormeldingen |
Remerschen |
Remich |
Rolling |
Rosport |
Schengen |
Schwebsingen |
Stadtbredimus |
Trintingen |
Wasserbillig |
Wellenstein |
Wintringen |
Wormeldingen |
In Malta
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region) | Sub-regions (must be used in conjunction with the corresponding specified region) |
Gozo… | Marsalforn |
Nadur |
Ramla |
Victoria Heights |
Island of Malta… | Marnisi |
Marsaxlokk |
Mdina or Medina |
Mgarr |
Rabat |
Siggiewi |
Ta' Qali |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
In Maltese | In English |
Gzejjer Maltin | Maltese Islands |
In Portugal
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region) | Sub-regions (must be used in conjunction with the corresponding specified region) |
Alenquer | |
Alentejo… | Borba |
Évora |
Granja-Amareleja |
Moura |
Portalegre |
Redondo |
Reguengos |
Vidigueira |
Arruda | |
Bairrada | |
Beira Interior… | Castelo Rodrigo |
Cova da Beira |
Pinhel |
Biscoitos | |
Bucelas | |
Carcavelos | |
Chaves | |
Colares | |
Dão… | Alva |
Besteiros |
Castendo |
Serra da Estrela |
Silgueiros |
Terras de Azurara |
Terras de Senhorim |
Douro, whether or not preceded by Vinho do or Moscatel do… | Baixo Corgo |
Cima Corgo |
Douro Superior |
Encostas d'Aire… | Alcobaça |
Ourém |
Graciosa | |
Lafões | |
Lagoa | |
Lagos | |
Lourinhã | |
Madeira (*) or Madère or Madera or Vinho da Madeira or Madeira Weine or Madeira Wine or Vin de Madère or Vino di Madera or Madera Wijn | |
Óbidos | |
Palmela | |
Pico | |
Planalto Mirandês | |
Portimão | |
Port (*) or Portwein or Portvin or Portwijn or Vin de Porto or Port Wine | |
Ribatejo… | Almeirim |
Cartaxo |
Chamusca |
Coruche |
Santarém |
Tomar |
Setúbal | |
Tavira | |
Távora-Varosa | |
Torres Vedras | |
Valpaços | |
Vinho Verde… | Amarante |
Ave |
Baião |
Basto |
Cávado |
Lima |
Monção |
Paiva |
Sousa |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
Regions (whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region) | Sub-regions (must be used in conjunction with the corresponding region) |
Açores | |
Alentejano | |
Algarve | |
Beiras… | Beira Alta |
Beira Litoral |
Terras de Sicó |
Estremadura… | Alta Estremadura |
Minho | |
Ribatejano | |
Terras do Sado | |
Trás-os-Montes… | Terras Durienses |
In Slovenia
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions (whether or not followed by either the name of a wine-growing commune and/or the name of a vineyard estate) |
Bela krajina or Belokranjec |
Bizeljsko-Sremič or Sremič-Bizeljsko |
Dolenjska |
Dolenjska, cviček |
Goriška Brda or Brda |
Haloze or Haložan |
Koper or Koprčan |
Kras |
Kras, teran |
Ljutomer-Ormož or Ormož-Ljutomer |
Maribor or Mariborčan |
Radgona-Kapela or Kapela-Radgona |
Prekmurje or Prekmurčan |
Šmarje-Virštanj or Virštanj-Šmarje |
Srednje Slovenske gorice |
Vipavska dolina or Vipavec or Vipavčan |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
Podravje |
Posavje |
Primorska |
In Slovakia
Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions 1.(whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region)2.(followed by the term "vinohradnícka oblasť") | Sub-regions 1.(whether or not preceeded by the name of the corresponding specified region)2.(followed by the term "vinohradnícky rajón") |
Južnoslovenská… | Dunajskostredský |
Galantský |
Hurbanovský |
Komárňanský |
Palárikovský |
Šamorínsky |
Strekovský |
Štúrovský |
Malokarpatská… | Bratislavský |
Doľanský |
Hlohovecký |
Modranský |
Orešanský |
Pezinský |
Senecký |
Skalický |
Stupavský |
Trnavský |
Vrbovský |
Záhorský |
Nitrianska… | Nitriansky |
Pukanecký |
Radošinský |
Šintavský |
Tekovský |
Vrábeľský |
Želiezovský |
Žitavský |
Zlatomoravecký |
Stredoslovenská… | Fiľakovský |
Gemerský |
Hontiansky |
Ipeľský |
Modrokamenecký |
Tornaľský |
Vinický |
Tokaj / -ská / -ský / -ské… | Čerhov |
Černochov |
Malá Tŕňa |
Slovenské Nové Mesto |
Veľká Bara |
Veľká Tŕňa |
Viničky |
Východoslovenská… | Kráľovskochlmecký |
Michalovský |
Moldavský |
Sobranecký |
In Spain
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
Specified regions (whether or not followed by the name of the corresponding sub-region) | Sub-regions (must be used in conjunction with the corresponding specified region) |
Abona | |
Alella | |
Alicante… | Marina Alta |
Almansa | |
Ampurdán-Costa Brava | |
Arabako Txakolina-Txakolí de Alava or Chacolí de Álava | |
Arlanza | |
Arribes | |
Bierzo | |
Binissalem-Mallorca | |
Bullas | |
Calatayud | |
Campo de Borja | |
Cariñena | |
Cataluña | |
Cava | |
Chacolí de Bizkaia-Bizkaiko Txakolina | |
Chacolí de Getaria-Getariako Txakolina | |
Cigales | |
Conca de Barberá | |
Condado de Huelva | |
Costers del Segre… | Artesa |
Les Garrigues |
Raimat |
Valls de Riu Corb |
Dominio de Valdepusa | |
El Hierro | |
Guijoso | |
Jerez-Xérès-Sherry or Jerez or Xérès or Sherry (*) | |
Jumilla | |
La Mancha | |
La Palma… | Fuencaliente |
Hoyo de Mazo |
Norte de la Palma |
Lanzarote | |
Málaga | |
Manchuela | |
Manzanilla | |
Manzanilla-Sanlúcar de Barrameda | |
Méntrida | |
Mondéjar | |
Monterrei… | Ladera de Monterrei |
Val de Monterrei |
Montilla-Moriles | |
Montsant | |
Navarra… | Baja Montaña |
Ribera Alta |
Ribera Baja |
Tierra Estella |
Valdizarbe |
Penedés | |
Pla de Bages | |
Pla i Llevant | |
Priorato | |
Rías Baixas… | Condado do Tea |
O Rosal |
Ribera do Ulla |
Soutomaior |
Val do Salnés |
Ribeira Sacra… | Amandi |
Chantada |
Quiroga-Bibei |
Ribeiras do Miño |
Ribeiras do Sil |
Ribeiro | |
Ribera del Duero | |
Ribera del Guardiana… | Cañamero |
Matanegra |
Montánchez |
Ribera Alta |
Ribera Baja |
Tierra de Barros |
Ribera del Júcar | |
Rioja… | Alavesa |
Alta |
Baja |
Rueda | |
Sierras de Málaga… | Serranía de Ronda |
Somontano | |
Tacoronte-Acentejo… | Anaga |
Tarragona | |
Terra Alta | |
Tierras de León | |
Tierra del Vino de Zamora | |
Toro | |
Utiel-Requena | |
Valdeorras | |
Valdepeñas | |
Valencia… | Alto Turia |
Clariano |
Moscatel de Valencia |
Valentino |
Valle de Güímar | |
Valle de la Orotava | |
Valles de Benavente | |
Vinos de Madrid… | Arganda |
Navalcarnero |
San Martín de Valdeiglesias |
Ycoden-Daute-Isora | |
Yecla | |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
Vino de la Tierra de Abanilla |
Vino de la Tierra de Bailén |
Vino de la Tierra de Bajo Aragón |
Vino de la Tierra de Betanzos |
Vino de la Tierra de Cádiz |
Vino de la Tierra de Campo de Belchite |
Vino de la Tierra de Campo de Cartagena |
Vino de la Tierra de Cangas |
Vino de la Tierra de Castelló |
Vino de la Tierra de Castilla |
Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y León |
Vino de la Tierra de Contraviesa-Alpujarra |
Vino de la Tierra de Córdoba |
Vino de la Tierra de Desierto de Almería |
Vino de la Tierra de Extremadura |
Vino de la Tierra Formentera |
Vino de la Tierra de Gálvez |
Vino de la Tierra de Granada Sur-Oeste |
Vino de la Tierra de Ibiza |
Vino de la Tierra de Illes Balears |
Vino de la Tierra de Isla de Menorca |
Vino de la Tierra de La Gomera |
Vino de la Tierra de Laujar-Alpujarra |
Vino de la Tierra de Los Palacios |
Vino de la Tierra de Norte de Granada |
Vino de la Tierra Norte de Sevilla |
Vino de la Tierra de Pozohondo |
Vino de la Tierra de Ribera del Andarax |
Vino de la Tierra de Ribera del Arlanza |
Vino de la Tierra de Ribera del Gállego-Cinco Villas |
Vino de la Tierra de Ribera del Queiles |
Vino de la Tierra de Serra de Tramuntana-Costa Nord |
Vino de la Tierra de Sierra de Alcaraz |
Vino de la Tierra de Valdejalón |
Vino de la Tierra de Valle del Cinca |
Vino de la Tierra de Valle del Jiloca |
Vino de la Tierra del Valle del Miño-Ourense |
Vino de la Tierra Valles de Sadacia |
In United Kingdom
1. Names of quality wines produced in specified regions
English Vineyards |
Welsh Vineyards |
2. Names of table wines with names of origin
England or… | Cornwall |
Devon |
Dorset |
East Anglia |
Gloucestershire |
Hampshire |
Herefordshire |
Isle of Wight |
Isles of Scilly |
Kent |
Lincolnshire |
Oxfordshire |
Shropshire |
Somerset |
Surrey |
Sussex |
Worcestershire |
Yorkshire |
Wales or… | Cardiff |
Cardiganshire |
Carmarthenshire |
Denbighshire |
Gwynedd |
Monmouthshire |
Newport |
Pembrokeshire |
Rhondda Cynon Taf |
Swansea |
The Vale of Glamorgan |
Wrexham |
Austria |
Belgium |
Cyprus |
Czech Republic |
Denmark |
Estonia |
Finland |
France |
Greece |
Germany |
Hungary |
Ireland |
Italy |
Latvia |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Malta |
Poland |
Portugal |
Slovak Republic |
Slovenia |
Spain |
Sweden |
The Netherlands |
United Kingdom |
In Germany
Bernkasteler Doctor (Doktor), Deidesheimer, Dexheimer Doktor, Erbacher Marcobrunn, Forster, Forster Jesuitengarten, Graacher Himmelreich, Liebfraumilch, Liebfrauenmilch, Mosel, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, Ockfener Bockstein, Piesporter Goldtropfchen, Piesporter Michelsberg, Piesporter Treppchen, Rudesheimer, Scharzhofberger, Schloss Johannisberger, Schloss Vollrads, Wehlener Sonnenuhr, Zeller Schwarze Katz.
In France
Aloxe-Corton, Alsace or Vin d'Alsace, Anjou, Barsac, Batard-Montrachet, Beaujolais, Beaujolais Villages, Beaune, Bonnes Mares, Bordeaux, Bordeaux Blanc, Bordeaux Rouge, Bourgogne, Brouilly, Chambertin, Chambolle-Musigny, Charmes-Chambertin, Chassagne-Montrachet, Château Lafite, Château Margaux, Château Yquem, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Chenas, Chevalier-Montrachet, Chiroubles, Clos de la Roche, Clos de Vougeot, Corton, Corton-Charlemagne, Côte de Beaune, Côte de Beaune-Villages, Côte de Brouilly, Côte de Nuits, Côte de Nuits-Villages, Côte Rotie, Coteaux du Layon, Côtes du Rhône, Echezeaux, Entre-Deux-Mers, Fleurie, Gevrey-Chambertin, Grands Echezeaux, Graves, Haut Medoc, Hermitage, La Tache, Loire, Macon, Margaux, Medoc, Mercurey, Meursault, Montrachet, Morgon, Moulin-a-Vent, Muscadet, Musigny, Nuits or Nuits-Saint-Georges, Pauillac, Pomerol, Pommard, Pouilly-Fuisse, Pouilly Fume, Puligny-Montrachet, Rhône, Richebourg, Romanee-Conti, Romanee Saint-Vivant, Rose d'Anjou, Saint-Amour, Saint-Emilion, Saint-Estephe, Saint-Julien, Sancerre, Santenay, Saumur, Savigny or Savigny-les-Beaunes, Tavel, Touraine, Volnay, Vosne-Romanee, Vouvray.
In Italy
Asti Spumante, Barbaresco, Barbera d'Alba, Barbera d'Asti, Bardolino, Barolo, Brunello di Montalcino, Dolcetto d'Alba, Frascati, Gattinara, Lacryma Christi, Nebbiolo d'Alba, Orvieto, Soave, Valpolicella, Vino Nobile de Montepulciano.
In Portugal
Dao, Oporto, Porto, Vinho do Porto.
In Spain
Lagrima, Rioja.
Explanatory notes:
(*) Terms subject only to the provisions of Article 6 and not to the provisions of Article 7.
— Words in italics, including names of origin and those qualifying the names of origin, are only for information or explanatory purposes, or both, and are not subject to the provisions of Article 7(1) and (3).
— For greater clarity, the Parties note that the United States requires that names of origin be presented in roman characters; additional presentations in non-roman characters are optional and subject to US legal requirements; and nothing in Article 7 or this Annex shall be interpreted to require otherwise.
Alexander Valley
Alexandria Lakes
Anderson Valley
Applegate Valley
Arkansas Mountain
Arroyo Grande Valley
Arroyo Seco
Atlas Peak
Bell Mountain
Ben Lomond Mountain
Benmore Valley
Bennett Valley
California Shenandoah Valley
Capay Valley
Caramel Valley
Cayuga Lake
Central Coast
Central Delaware Valley
Chalk Hill
Chiles Valley
Cienega Valley
Clear Lake
Cole Ranch
Columbia Gorge
Columbia Valley
Cucamonga Valley
Cumberland Valley
Diablo Grande
Diamond Mountain District
Dry Creek Valley
Dundee Hills
Dunnigan Hills
Edna Valley
El Dorado
Escondido Valley
Fair Play
Finger Lakes
Fredericksburg in the Texas Hill Country
Grand River Valley
Grand Valley
Guenoc Valley
Hames Valley
High Valley
Horse Heaven Hills
Howell Mountain
Hudson River Region
Isle St. George
Kanawha River Valley
Knights Valley
Lake Erie
Lake Michigan Shore
Lake Wisconsin
Lancaster Valley
Leelanau Peninsula
Lime Kiln Valley
Livermore Valley
Long Island
Loramie Creek
Los Carneros
Malibu-Newton Canyon
Martha's Vineyard
McDowell Valley
Mendocino Ridge
Merritt Island
Mesilla Valley
Middle Rio Grande Valley
Mimbres Valley
Mississippi Delta
Mt. Harlan
Mt. Veeder
Napa Valley
Niagara Escarpment
North Coast
North Fork of Long Island
North Fork of Roanoke
North Yuba
Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace
Northern Sonoma
Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley
Ohio River Valley
Old Mission Peninsula
Ozark Highlands
Ozark Mountain
Pacheco Pass
Paso Robles
Potter Valley
Puget Sound
Red Hills Lake County
Red Mountain
Redwood Valley
Ribbon Ridge
River Junction
Rocky Knob
Rogue Valley
Russian River Valley
Salado Creek
San Benito
San Bernabe
San Francisco Bay
San Lucas
San Pasqual Valley
San Ysidro District
Santa Clara Valley
Santa Cruz Mountains
Santa Lucia Highlands
Santa Maria Valley
Santa Rita Hills
Santa Ynez Valley
Seiad Valley
Seneca Lake
Shenandoah Valley
Sierra Foothills
Solano County Green Valley
Sonoma Coast
Sonoma County Green Valley
Sonoma Mountain
Sonoma Valley
South Coast
Southeastern New England
Southern Oregon
Spring Mountain District
St. Helena
Stags Leap District
Suisun Valley
Temecula Valley
Texas Davis Mountains
Texas High Plains
Texas Hill Country
The Hamptons, Long Island
Trinity Lakes
Umpqua Valley
Virginia's Eastern Shore
Walla Walla Valley
Warren Hills
West Elks
Western Connecticut Highlands
Wild Horse Valley
Willamette Valley
Willow Creek
Yadkin Valley
Yakima Valley
Yamhill-Carlton District
York Mountain
Yorkville Highlands
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Baxter County (Ozark Mountain)
Benton County (Ozark Mountain)
Boone County (Ozark Mountain)
Carroll County (Ozark Mountain)
Clay County (Ozark Mountain)
Cleburne County (Ozark Mountain)
Conway County (Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Crawford County (Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Faulkner County (Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Franklin County (Altus, Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Fulton County (Ozark Mountain)
Independence County (Ozark Mountain)
Izard County (Ozark Mountain)
Jackson County (Ozark Mountain)
Johnson County (Altus, Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Lawrence County (Ozark Mountain)
Logan County (Arkansas Mountain)
Madison County (Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Marion County (Ozark Mountain)
Newton County (Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Pope County (Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Randolph County (Ozark Mountain)
Searcy County (Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Sharp County (Ozark Mountain)
Sebastian County (Arkansas Mountain)
Stone County (Ozark Mountain)
Van Buren County (Arkansas Mountain, Ozark Mountain)
Washington County (Ozark Mountain)
White County (Ozark Mountain)
Yell County (Arkansas Mountain)
Cochise County (Sonoita)
Pima County (Sonoita)
Santa Cruz County (Sonoita)
Alameda County (Central Coast, Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay, Santa Clara Valley)
Amador County (Fiddletown, Shenandoah Valley California, Sierra Foothills)
Calaveras County (Sierra Foothills)
Contra Costa County (San Francisco Bay)
El Dorado County (El Dorado, Fair Play, Shenandoah Valley California, Sierra Foothills)
Fresno County (Madera)
Humboldt County (Willow Creek)
Lake County (Benmore Valley, Clear Lake, Guenoc Valley, High Valley, North Coast, Red Hills Lake County)
Los Angeles County (Malibu-Newton Canyon)
Madera County (Madera)
Marin County (North Coast)
Mariposa County (Sierra Foothills)
Mendocino County (Anderson Valley, Cole Ranch, McDowell Valley, Mendocino, Mendocino Ridge, North Coast, Potter Valley, Redwood Valley, Yorkville Highlands)
Monterey County (Arroyo Seco, Carmel Valley, Central Coast, Chalone, Hames Valley, Monterey, San Bernabe, San Lucas, Santa Lucia Highlands)
Napa County (Atlas Peak, Chiles Valley, Diamond Mountain District, Howell Mountain, Los Carneros, Mt. Veeder, Napa Valley, North Coast, Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley, Oakville, Rutherford, Spring Mountain District, St. Helena, Stags Leap District, Wild Horse Valley, Yountville)
Nevada County (Sierra Foothills)
Orange County (South Coast)
Placer County (Sierra Foothills)
Riverside County (Cucamonga Valley, South Coast, Temecula Valley)
Sacramento County (Clarksburg, Lodi)
San Benito County (Central Coast, Chalone, Cienega Valley, Lime Kiln Valley, Mt. Harlan, Pacheco Pass, Paicines, San Benito, San Francisco Bay, Santa Clara Valley)
San Bernardino County (Cucamonga Valley)
San Diego County (San Pasqual Valley, South Coast)
San Francisco County (San Francisco Bay)
San Joaquin County (Lodi, River Junction)
San Luis Obispo County (Arroyo Grande Valley, Central Coast, Edna Valley, Paso Robles, Santa Maria Valley, York Mountain)
San Mateo County (San Francisco Bay, Santa Clara Valley, Santa Cruz Mountains)
Santa Barbara County (Central Coast, Santa Maria Valley, Santa Rita Hills, Santa Ynez Valley)
Santa Clara County (Central Coast, Pacheco Pass, San Francisco Bay, San Ysidro District, Santa Clara Valley, Santa Cruz Mountains)
Santa Cruz County (Ben Lomond Mountain, Central Coast, San Francisco Bay, Santa Cruz Mountains)
Siskiyou County (Seiad Valley)
Solano County (Clarksburg, North Coast, Solano County Green Valley, Suisun Valley, Wild Horse Valley)
Sonoma County (Alexander Valley, Bennett Valley, Chalk Hill, Dry Creek Valley, Knights Valley, Los Carneros, North Coast, Northern Sonoma, Rockpile, Russian River Valley, Sonoma Coast, Sonoma County Green Valley, Sonoma Mountain, Sonoma Valley)
Stanislaus County (Diablo Grande, Salado Creek)
Trinity County (Trinity Lakes, Willow Creek)
Tuolumne County (Sierra Foothills)
Yolo County (Capay Valley, Clarksburg, Dunnigan Hills, Merritt Island)
Yuba County (North Yuba, Sierra Foothills)
Delta County (West Elks)
Mesa County (Grand Valley)
Fairfield County (Western Connecticut Highlands)
Hartford County (Western Connecticut Highlands)
Litchfield County (Western Connecticut Highlands)
Middlesex County (Southeastern New England)
New Haven County (Western Connecticut Highlands, Southeastern New England)
New London County (Southeastern New England)
Clark County (Ohio River Valley)
Crawford County (Ohio River Valley)
Dearborn County (Ohio River Valley)
Decatur County (Ohio River Valley)
Dubois County (Ohio River Valley)
Floyd County (Ohio River Valley)
Franklin County (Ohio River Valley)
Gibson County (Ohio River Valley)
Harrison County (Ohio River Valley)
Jefferson County (Ohio River Valley)
Jennings County (Ohio River Valley)
Ohio County (Ohio River Valley)
Perry County (Ohio River Valley)
Pike County (Ohio River Valley)
Posey County (Ohio River Valley)
Ripley County (Ohio River Valley)
Scott County (Ohio River Valley)
Spencer County (Ohio River Valley)
Switzerland County (Ohio River Valley)
Vandergurgh County (Ohio River Valley)
Warrick County (Ohio River Valley)
Washington County (Ohio River Valley)
Ballard County (Ohio River Valley)
Boone County (Ohio River Valley)
Boyd County (Ohio River Valley)
Bracken County (Ohio River Valley)
Breckenridge County (Ohio River Valley)
Bullitt County (Ohio River Valley)
Caldwell County (Ohio River Valley)
Campbell County (Ohio River Valley)
Carroll County (Ohio River Valley)
Carter County (Ohio River Valley)
Crittenden County (Ohio River Valley)
Daviess County (Ohio River Valley)
Elliott County (Ohio River Valley)
Fleming County (Ohio River Valley)
Gallatin County (Ohio River Valley)
Grant County (Ohio River Valley)
Greenup County (Ohio River Valley)
Hancock County (Ohio River Valley)
Hardin County (Ohio River Valley)
Henderson County (Ohio River Valley)
Henry County (Ohio River Valley)
Jefferson County (Ohio River Valley)
Kenton County (Ohio River Valley)
Lewis County (Ohio River Valley)
Livingston County (Ohio River Valley)
Lyon County (Ohio River Valley)
Marshall County (Ohio River Valley)
Mason County (Ohio River Valley)
McCracken County (Ohio River Valley)
McLean County (Ohio River Valley)
Meade County (Ohio River Valley)
Ohio County (Ohio River Valley)
Oldham County (Ohio River Valley)
Owen County (Ohio River Valley)
Pendleton County (Ohio River Valley)
Rowan County (Ohio River Valley)
Shelby County (Ohio River Valley)
Spencer County (Ohio River Valley)
Trimble County (Ohio River Valley)
Union County (Ohio River Valley)
East Carroll Parish (Mississippi Delta)
Madison Parish (Mississippi Delta)
Barnstable County (Southeastern New England)
Bristol County (Southeastern New England)
Dukes County (Martha's Vineyard, Southeastern New England)
Nantucket County (Southeastern New England)
Norfolk County (Southeastern New England)
Plymouth County (Southeastern New England)
Carroll County (Linganore)
Frederick County (Catoctin, Linganore)
Washington County (Catoctin, Cumberland Valley)
Allegan County (Fennville, Lake Michigan Shore)
Berrien County (Lake Michigan Shore)
Cass County (Lake Michigan Shore)
Grand Traverse County (Old Mission Peninsula)
Kalamazoo County (Lake Michigan Shore)
Leelanau County (Leelanau Peninsula)
Van Buren County (Fennville, Lake Michigan Shore)
Douglas County (Alexandria Lakes)
Barry County (Ozark Mountain)
Barton County (Ozark Mountain)
Benton County (Ozark Mountain)
Bollinger County (Ozark Mountain)
Butler County (Ozark Mountain)
Camden County (Ozark Mountain)
Cape Girardeau County (Ozark Mountain)
Carter County (Ozark Mountain)
Cedar County (Ozark Mountain)
Christian County (Ozark Mountain)
Crawford County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Dade County (Ozark Mountain)
Dallas County (Ozark Mountain)
Dent County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Douglas County (Ozark Mountain)
Franklin County (Hermann, Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Gasconade County (Hermann, Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Greene County (Ozark Mountain)
Hickory County (Ozark Mountain)
Howell County (Ozark Mountain)
Iron County (Ozark Mountain)
Jasper County (Ozark Mountain)
Jefferson County (Ozark Mountain)
Laclede County (Ozark Mountain)
Lawrence County (Ozark Mountain)
Maries County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
McDonald County (Ozark Mountain)
Miller County (Ozark Mountain)
Newton County (Ozark Mountain)
Oregon County (Ozark Mountain)
Osage County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Ozark County (Ozark Mountain)
Perry County (Ozark Mountain)
Phelps County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Polk County (Ozark Mountain)
Pulaski County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Reynolds County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Ripley County (Ozark Mountain)
Saint Charles County (Augusta)
Shannon County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
St. Clair County (Ozark Mountain)
St. Louis County (Ozark Mountain)
Ste. Genevieve County (Ozark Mountain)
Stoddard County (Ozark Mountain)
Stone County (Ozark Mountain)
Taney County (Ozark Mountain)
Texas County (Ozark Highlands, Ozark Mountain)
Vernon County (Ozark Mountain)
Washington County (Ozark Mountain)
Wayne County (Ozark Mountain)
Webster County (Ozark Mountain)
Wright County (Ozark Mountain)
Bolivar County (Mississippi Delta)
Carroll County (Mississippi Delta)
Coahoma County (Mississippi Delta)
De Soto County (Mississippi Delta)
Grenada County (Mississippi Delta)
Holmes County (Mississippi Delta)
Humphreys County (Mississippi Delta)
Issaquena County (Mississippi Delta)
Leflore County (Mississippi Delta)
Panola County (Mississippi Delta)
Quitman County (Mississippi Delta)
Sharkey County (Mississippi Delta)
Sunflower County (Mississippi Delta)
Tallahatchie County (Mississippi Delta)
Tate County (Mississippi Delta)
Tunica County (Mississippi Delta)
Warren County (Mississippi Delta)
Washington County (Mississippi Delta)
Yazoo County (Mississippi Delta)
New Jersey
Hunterdon County (Central Delaware Valley)
Mercer County (Central Delaware Valley)
Warren County (Warren Hills)
New Mexico
Bernalillo County (Middle Rio Grande Valley)
Dona Ana County (Mesilla Valley)
Grant County (Mimbres Valley)
Luna County (Mimbres Valley)
Sandoval County (Middle Rio Grande Valley)
Socorro County (Middle Rio Grande Valley)
Valencia County (Middle Rio Grande Valley)
New York
Cattaraugus County (Lake Erie)
Cayuga County (Cayuga Lake, Finger Lakes)
Chatauqua County (Lake Erie)
Chemung County (Finger Lakes)
Columbia County (Hudson River Region)
Cortland County (Finger Lakes)
Duchess County (Hudson River Region)
Erie County (Lake Erie)
Livingston County (Finger Lakes)
Monroe County (Finger Lakes)
Nassau County (Long Island)
Niagara County (Niagara Escarpment)
Onondaga County (Finger Lakes)
Ontario County (Finger Lakes, Seneca Lake)
Orange County (Hudson River Region)
Putnam County (Hudson River Region)
Rockland County (Hudson River Region)
Schuyler County (Finger Lakes, Seneca Lake)
Seneca County (Cayuga Lake, Finger Lakes, Seneca Lake)
Steuben County (Finger Lakes)
Suffolk County (Long Island, North Fork of Long Island, The Hamptons, Long Island)
Sullivan County (Hudson River Region)
Tioga County (Finger Lakes)
Tompkins County (Cayuga Lake, Finger Lakes)
Ulster County (Hudson River Region)
Wayne County (Finger Lakes)
Westchester County (Hudson River Region)
Yates County (Finger Lakes, Seneca Lake)
North Carolina
Davidson County (Yadkin Valley)
Davie County (Yadkin Valley)
Forsyth County (Yadkin Valley)
Stokes County (Yadkin Valley)
Surry County (Yadkin Valley)
Wilkes County (Yadkin Valley)
Yadkin County (Yadkin Valley)
Adams County (Ohio River Valley)
Ashtabula County (Lake Erie, Grand River Valley)
Athens County (Ohio River Valley)
Belmont County (Ohio River Valley)
Brown County (Ohio River Valley)
Butler County (Ohio River Valley)
Cleremont County (Ohio River Valley)
Clinton County (Ohio River Valley)
Cuyahoga County (Lake Erie)
Erie County (Lake Erie)
Gallia County (Ohio River Valley)
Geauga County (Lake Erie, Grand River Valley)
Hamilton County (Ohio River Valley)
Highland County (Ohio River Valley)
Hocking County (Ohio River Valley)
Huron County (Lake Erie)
Jackson County (Ohio River Valley)
Lake County (Lake Erie, Grand River Valley)
Lawrence County (Ohio River Valley)
Lorain County (Lake Erie)
Lucas County (Lake Erie)
Meigs County (Ohio River Valley)
Monroe County (Ohio River Valley)
Morgan County (Ohio River Valley)
Muskingum County (Ohio River Valley)
Noble County (Ohio River Valley)
Ottawa County (Lake Erie, Isle St. George)
Perry County (Ohio River Valley)
Pike County (Ohio River Valley)
Ross County (Ohio River Valley)
Sandusky County (Lake Erie)
Sciotto County (Ohio River Valley)
Shelby County (Loramie Creek)
Vinton County (Ohio River Valley)
Warren County (Ohio River Valley)
Washington County (Ohio River Valley)
Wood County (Lake Erie)
Adair County (Ozark Mountain)
Cherokee County (Ozark Mountain)
Delaware County (Ozark Mountain)
Mayes County (Ozark Mountain)
Muskogee County (Ozark Mountain)
Ottawa (Ozark Mountain)
Sequoyah County (Ozark Mountain)
Wagner County (Ozark Mountain)
Amook County (Willamette Valley)
Benton County (Willamette Valley)
Clackamas County (Willamette Valley)
Douglas County (Southern Oregon, Umpqua Valley)
Gillman County (Columbia Valley)
Hood River County (Columbia Gorge)
Jackson County (Applegate Valley, Rogue Valley, Southern Oregon)
Josephine County (Applegate Valley, Rogue Valley, Southern Oregon)
Lane County (Willamette Valley)
Linn County (Willamette Valley)
Marion County (Willamette Valley)
Morrow County (Columbia Valley)
Multnomah County (Willamette Valley)
Polk County (Willamette Valley)
Sherman County (Columbia Valley)
Umatilla County (Columbia Valley, Walla Walla Valley)
Wasco County (Columbia Gorge, Columbia Valley)
Washington County (Willamette Valley, Yamhille-Carlton)
Yamhill County (Dundee Hills, McMinnville, Ribbon Ridge, Willamette Valley, Yamhill-Carlton)
Bucks County (Central Delaware Valley)
Chester County (Lancaster Valley)
Cumberland County (Cumberland Valley)
Erie County (Lake Erie)
Franklin County (Cumberland Valley)
Lancaster County (Lancaster Valley)
Rhode Island
Bristol County (Southeastern New England)
Newport County (Southeastern New England)
Providence County (Southeastern New England)
Washington County (Southeastern New England)
Shelby County (Mississippi Delta)
Armstrong County (Texas High Plains)
Bandera County (Texas Hill Country)
Barley County (Texas High Plains)
Bexar County (Texas Hill Country)
Blanco County (Texas Hill Country)
Borden County (Texas High Plains)
Briscoe County (Texas High Plains)
Burnet County (Texas Hill Country)
Castro County (Texas High Plains)
Cochran County (Texas High Plains)
Comal County (Texas Hill Country)
Crosby County (Texas High Plains)
Dawson County (Texas High Plains)
Deaf Smith County (Texas High Plains)
Dickens County (Texas High Plains)
Edwards County (Texas Hill Country)
El Paso County (Mesilla Valley)
Floyd County (Texas High Plains)
Gaines County (Texas High Plains)
Garza County (Texas High Plains)
Gillespie County (Bell Mountain, Fredericksburg in the Texas Hill Country, Texas Hill Country)
Guadalure County (Texas Hill Country)
Hale County (Texas High Plains)
Hays County (Texas Hill Country)
Hockley County (Texas High Plains)
Jeff Davis County (Texas Davis Mountains)
Kendall County (Texas Hill Country)
Kerr County (Texas Hill Country)
Kimble County (Texas Hill Country)
Lamb County (Texas High Plains)
Lampasas County (Texas Hill Country)
Llano County (Texas Hill Country)
Lubbock County (Texas High Plains)
Lynn County (Texas High Plains)
Mason County (Texas Hill Country)
McCulloch County (Texas Hill Country)
Medina County (Texas Hill Country)
Menard County (Texas Hill Country)
Motley County (Texas High Plains)
Parmer County (Texas High Plains)
Pecos County (Escondido Valley)
Randall County (Texas High Plains)
Real County (Texas Hill Country)
San Saba County (Texas Hill Country)
Swisher County (Texas High Plains)
Terry County (Texas High Plains)
Travis County (Texas Hill Country)
Uvalde County (Texas Hill Country)
Williamson County (Texas Hill Country)
Yoakum County (Texas High Plains)
Accomack County (Virginia's Eastern Shore)
Albemarle County (Monticello)
Amherst County (Shenandoah Valley)
Augusta County (Shenandoah Valley)
Botetourt County (Shenandoah Valley)
Clarke County (Shenandoah Valley)
Floyd County (Rocky Knob)
Frederick County (Shenandoah Valley)
Greene County (Monticello)
King George County (Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace)
Lancaster County (Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace)
Louisa County (Monticello)
Montgomery County (North Fork of Roanoke)
Nelson County (Monticello)
Northhampton County (Virginia's Eastern Shore)
Northumberland County (Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace)
Orange County (Monticello)
Page County (Shenandoah Valley)
Patrick County (Rocky Knob)
Richmond County (Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace)
Roanoke County (North Fork of Roanoke)
Rockbridge County (Shenandoah Valley)
Rockingham County (Shenandoah Valley)
Shenandoah County (Shenandoah Valley)
Warren County (Shenandoah Valley)
Westmoreland County (Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace)
Adams County (Columbia Valley)
Benton County (Red Mountain, Yakima Valley, Columbia Valley, Horse Heaven Hills)
Calallam County (Puget Sound)
Chelan County (Columbia Valley)
Columbia County (Columbia Valley)
Douglas County (Columbia Valley)
Fery County (Columbia Valley)
Franklin County (Columbia Valley)
Garfield County (Columbia Valley)
Grant County (Columbia Valley)
King County (Puget Sound)
Kitsap County (Puget Sound)
Kittitas County (Columbia Valley)
Klickitat County (Columbia Gorge, Columbia Valley, Horse Heaven Hills)
Lincoln County (Columbia Valley)
Mason County (Puget Sound)
Okanogan County (Columbia Valley)
Pieru County (Puget Sound)
San Juan County (Puget Sound)
Skagit County (Puget Sound)
Skamania County (Columbia Gorge)
Snohomish County (Puget Sound)
Stevens County (Columbia Valley)
Thurston County (Puget Sound)
Walla Walla County (Columbia Valley, Walla Walla Valley)
Whitman County (Columbia Valley)
Yakima County (Yakima Valley, Columbia Valley, Horse Heaven Hills)
West Virginia
Berkeley County (Shenandoah Valley)
Cabell County (Ohio River Valley, Kanawha River Valley)
Calhoun County (Ohio River Valley)
Doddridge County (Ohio River Valley)
Gilmer County (Ohio River Valley)
Jackson County (Ohio River Valley, Kanawha River Valley)
Jefferson County (Shenandoah Valley)
Kanawha County (Ohio River Valley, Kanawha River Valley)
Lincoln County (Ohio River Valley, Kanawha River Valley)
Marshall County (Ohio River Valley)
Mason County (Ohio River Valley, Kanawha River Valley)
Ohio County (Ohio River Valley)
Pleasants County (Ohio River Valley)
Putnam County (Ohio River Valley, Kanawha River Valley)
Ritchie County (Ohio River Valley)
Roane County (Ohio River Valley)
Tyler County (Ohio River Valley)
Wayne County (Ohio River Valley)
Wetzel County (Ohio River Valley)
Wirt County (Ohio River Valley)
Wood County (Ohio River Valley)
Columbia County (Lake Wisconsin)
Dane County (Lake Wisconsin)
Sauk County (Lake Wisconsin)
(a) United States
Assistant Administrator
Headquarters Operations
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
US Department of the Treasury
1310 G Street, N.W., Suite 400 E
Washington, D.C. 20220
Tel: (1-202) 927-8110
Fax: (1-202) 927-8605
(b) Community
European Commission
The Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Directorate A.I International Affairs
Head of Unit A.I.1-WTO, OECD; The United States of America and Canada
B-1049 Bruxelles/Brussels B-1049
Tel: (32-2) 299 11 11
Fax: (32-2) 295 24 16