Information concerning a modification of Annexes to the Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on trade in wine
By letter dated 23 September 2011, the Commission has notified the United States a proposal for amendment to the Annexes to the Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on trade in wine(1) in accordance with Article 11(3)(b) of the Agreement (Commission Implementing Decision 2011/751/EU(2)).
The United States have transmitted a written response confirming its agreement with the amended text in accordance with Article 11(5) of the Agreement dated 27 October 2011.
In accordance with Article 11(5) of the Agreement the Parties have also agreed that the date of this amendment taking effect is specified as 1 December 2011.
OJ L 87, 24.3.2006, p. 2
(2) See page 36 of this Official Journal.