Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3174/88 of 21 September 1988 amending Annex 1 to C... (31988R3174)
EU - Rechtsakte: 02 Customs Union and free movement of goods


Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3174/88 of 21 September 1988 amending Annex 1 to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

Official Journal L 298 , 31/10/1988 P. 0001 - 0680
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 3174/88 of 21 September 1988 amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff and, in particular, its Articles 9 and 12 (),
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 established a goods nomenclature, hereinafter called the 'combined nomenclature`, to meet, at one and the same time, the requirements both of the Common Customs Tariff and of the external trade statistics of the Community;
Whereas it is necessary to amend the combined nomenclature to take account of :
- changes in requirements relating to statistics or commercial policy,
- changes in the harmonized system nomenclature,
- the need to align or clarify texts;
Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Nomenclature Committee;
Whereas Article 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 provides for the Commission to adopt each year by means of a Regulation, to apply from 1 January of the following year, a complete version of the combined nomenclature together with the corresponding autonomous and conventional rates of duty of the Common Customs Tariff, as it results from measures adopted by the Council or by the Commission,
Article 1
Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 is hereby replaced by the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2
This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1989.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 21 September 1988.
For the Commission COCKFIELD Vice-Président
GENERAL RULES A. General rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature Classification of goods in the combined nomenclature shall be governed by the following principles :
1. The titles of sections, chapters and sub-chapters are provided for ease of reference only; for legal purposes, classification shall be determined according to the terms of the headings and any relative section or chapter notes and, provided such headings or notes do not otherwise require, according to the following provisions :
2. (a) Any reference in a heading to an article shall be taken to include a reference to that article incomplete or unfinished, provided that, as presented, the incomplete or unfinished article has the essential character of the complete or finished article. It shall also be taken to include a reference to that article complete or finished (or falling to be classified as complete or finished by virtue of this rule), presented unassembled or disassembled.
(b) Any reference in a heading to a material or substance shall be taken to include a reference to mixtures or combinations of that material or substance with other materials or substances. Any reference to goods of a given material or substance shall be taken to include a reference to goods consisting wholly or partly of such material or substance. The classification of goods consisting of more than one material or substance shall be according to the principles of rule 3.
3. When by application of rule 2 (b) or for any other reason, goods are prima facie classifiable under two or more headings, classification shall be effected as follows :
(a) The heading which provides the most specific description shall be preferred to headings providing a more general description. However, when two or more headings each refer to part only of the materials or substances contained in mixed or composite goods or to part only of the items in a set put up for retail sale, those headings are to be regarded as equally specific in relation to those goods, even if one of them gives a more complete or precise description of the goods.
(b) Mixtures, composite goods consisting of different materials or made up of different components, and goods put up in sets for retail sale, which cannot be classified by reference to 3 (a), shall be classified as if they consisted of the material or component which gives them their essential character in so far as this criterion is applicable.
(c) When goods cannot be classified by reference to 3 (a) or (b), they shall be classified under the heading which occurs last in numerical order among those which equally merit consideration.
4. Goods which cannot be classified in accordance with the above rules shall be classified under the heading appropriate to the goods to which they are most akin.
5. In addition to the foregoing provisions, the following rules shall apply in respect of the goods referred to therein :
(a) Camera cases, musical instrument cases, gun cases, drawing-instrument cases, necklace cases and similar containers, specially shaped or fitted to contain a specific article or set of articles, suitable for long-term use and presented with the articles for which they are intended, shall be classified with such articles when of a kind normally sold therewith. This rule does not, however, apply to containers which give the whole its essential character.
(b) Subject to the provisions of rule 5 (a) above, packing materials and packing containers () presented with the goods therein shall be classified with the goods if they are of a kind normally used for packing such goods. However, this provision is not binding when such packing materials or packing containers are clearly suitable for repetitive use.
6. For legal purposes, the classification of goods in the subheadings of a heading shall be determined according to the terms of those subheadings and any related subheading notes and mutatis mutandis to the above rules, on the understanding that only subheadings at the same level are comparable. For the purposes of this rule the relative section and chapter notes also apply, unless the context otherwise requires.
B. General rules concerning duties 1. The customs duties applicable to imported goods originating in countries which are Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or with which the European Economic Community has concluded agreements containing the most-favoured-nation tariff clause shall be the conventional duties shown in column 4 of the schedule of duties. Unless the context otherwise requires, these conventional duties are applicable to goods, other than those referred to above, imported from any third country.
The autonomous duties shown in column 3 are applicable :
P when they are less than the conventional duties, or
P when no conventional duty exists, in which case a dash is shown in column 4.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply where special autonomous customs duties are provided for in respect of goods originating in certain countries or where preferential customs duties are applicable in pursuance of agreements.
3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not preclude the Member States from applying customs duties other than those of the Common Customs Tariff where the application of such other duties is justified by Community law.
4. The duties expressed as percentage rates in columns 3 and 4 are ad valorem duties.
5. The symbol 'AGR` appearing in column 3 opposite certain headings or subheadings denotes that the goods concerned are subject to levies.
When the customs duty is followed by the sign '+` and the symbol 'AGR` for example '16 + AGR`, the goods are subject to both duty and levy.
When the customs duty is followed by the symbol '(AGR)`, for example '20 (AGR)`, the figure 20 refers to a rate of duty made obsolete by the introduction of the levy system.
6. The symbol 'MOB` in columns 3 and 4 denotes that the goods concerned are chargeable with a 'variable component` determined under the regulations relating to trade in certain goods processed from agrícultural products.
7. The symbol 'AD S/Z` or 'AD F/M` in column 4 in Chapters 17 to 19 and 21 indicates that the maximum rate of duty consists of an ad valorem duty plus an additional duty for certain forms of sugar or for flour. This additional duty is fixed in accordance with the rules concerning trade in certain processed agricultural products.
8. The symbol 'AD S/Z` in column 4 in Chapters 8 and 20 indicates that the Community reserves the right to charge, over and above the bound duty, an additional duty on sugar corresponding to the duty payable on imported sugar and applicable to the quantity of various sugars contained in this product in excess of the percentage by weight laid down in the additional note to Chapter 8 and in additional notes 3 and 5 to Chapter 20, or, in respect of products falling within heading Nos 0811 and 2006 to 2008 which exceed 13 % by weight.
9. In heading No 2008, column 4, the symbol '2 AD S/Z` indicates that the applicable rate of the additional duty on sugar is fixed at a standard rate of 2 % of the customs value of the goods.
C. General rules applicable both to nomenclature and to duties 1. Unless provided otherwise, the provisions relating to customs value shall be applied to determine, in addition to the value for the assessment of ad valorem customs duties, the values by reference to which the scope of certain headings or subheadings is defined.
2. The dutiable weight, in the case of goods chargeable by weight, and the weights by reference to which the scope of certain headings or subheadings is defined, shall be taken to be :
(a) in the case of a reference to 'gross weight`, the aggregate weight of the goods and of all the packing materials and packing containers;
(b) in the case of a reference to 'net weight` or simply to 'weight` without qualification, the weight of the goods themselves without packing materials and packing containers of any kind.
3. Pursuant to the first subparagraph of Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2779/78 (), the equivalent in national currencies of the ECU by reference to which certain specific customs duties are expressed, or which is used as a criterion limiting the scope of certain subheadings, shall be that obtaining on the first working day of October 1988 to be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities 'C` series, i.e.
> 43,4776 Belgian and Luxembourg francs <= 2,07452 German marks <= 2,33892 Dutch guilders <= 0,656005 pounds sterling <= 7,96134 Danish kronea 1 ECU = >= 7,06462 French francs <= 1 545,51 Italian lire <= 0,77428 Irish pounds <= 169,135 drachmas <= 137,263 pesetas < 170,769 escudos However, where a change in the bilateral central rate of one or more national currencies occurs the provisions of Article 2 (3) of the abovementioned Regulation shall apply.
SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. Goods for certain categories of ships, boats and other vessels and for drilling or production platforms 1. Customs duties shall be suspended in respect of goods intended for incorporation in the ships, boats or other vessels listed in the following schedule, for the purposes of their construction, repair, maintenance or conversion, and in respect of goods intended for fitting to or equipping such ships, boats or other vessels.
2. Customs duties shall be suspended in respect of :
(a) goods intended for incorporation in drilling or production platforms :
(1) fixed, ex subheading 8430 49, operating in the territorial sea of Member States,
(2) floating or submersible, ex subheading 8905 20 for the purposes of their construction, repair, maintenance, conversion or equipping.
Those goods such as motor fuel, lubricants and gas, which are necessary for the operation of machines and apparatus which do not affect permanently, and are not integral parts of the platforms and which are used on board for the construction, repair, maintenance, conversion or equipping of these platforms are regarded also as being used for incorporation in drilling or production platforms;
(b) tubes, pipes, cables and their connection pieces, linking these drilling or production platforms to the mainland.
3. The suspensions shall be subject to conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions with a view to customs control of the use of such goods.
B. Civil aircraft and goods for use in civil aircraft 1. Relief from customs duty is provided for :
P civil aircraft,
P certain goods for use in civil aircraft and for incorporation therein in the course of their manufacture, repair, maintenance, rebuilding, modification or conversion,
P ground flying-trainers and their parts, for civil use.
These goods are covered by subheading () with a footnote reference in the following terms :
Entry under this subheading is subject to conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions. See also Section II, paragraph B, of the Preliminary Provisions.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, 'civil aircraft` means aircraft other than aircraft used in military or similar services in the Member States which carry a military or non-civil registration.
3. For the application of pargraph 1, second indent, the expression 'for use in civil aircraft` in all relevant subheadings () shall include goods for use in ground flying trainers for civil use.
C. Standard rate of duty 1. Customs duty shall be charged at the flat rate of 10 % ad valorem on goods :
P contained in consignments sent by one private individual to another,
P contained in travellers` personal luggage,
provided that such importations are not of a commercial nature.
This flat rate 10 % customs duty shall apply provided that the value of the goods subject to import duty does not exceed 200 ECU per consignment or per traveller.
Such flat rate assessment shall not apply to goods falling within Chapter 24 which are contained in a consignment or in travellers` personal luggage in amounts exceeding those laid down in Article 31 or in Article 46 of Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 (), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1315/88 ().
2. Importations shall be treated as not being of a commercial nature if :
(a) in the case of goods contained in consignments sent by one private individual to another, such consignments :
P are of an occasional nature,
P contain goods exclusively for the personal use of the consignee or his family; which do not by their nature or quantity reflect any commercial interest,
P are sent to the consignee by the consignor free of payment of any kind;
(b) in the case of goods contained in travellers` personal luggage, they :
P are of an occasional nature,
P consist exclusively of goods for the personal use of the travellers or their families, or of goods intended as presents; the nature and quantity of such goods must not be such as might indicate that they are being imported for commercial reasons.
3. The flat rate of customs duty shall not apply to goods imported under the conditions set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 if the person entitled has, before the said flat rate is applied to them, requested that they be subject to the customs duties appropriate to them. All the goods making up the consignment shall then be subject to the import duties which are appropriate to them, without prejudice to the duty-free admission provided for pursuant to Articles 29 to 31 and 45 to 49 of Regulation (EEC) No 918/83.
For the purposes of the first subparagraph, import duties shall mean both customs duties and charges having equivalent effect and agricultural levies and other import charges provided for under the common agricultural policy or under specific arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products.
4. Member States may round off the amount in national currencies resulting from the conversion of the sum of 200 ECU.
5. Member States may maintain unchanged the equivalent in national currency of the sum of 200 ECU if, at the time of the annual adjustment provided for in the first paragraph of Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2779/78, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 289/84 (), the conversion of this amount, before the rounding off provided for in paragraph 4, results in a change of less than 5 % in the equivalent in national currency, or in a reduction thereof.
D. Containers and packing materials The following provisions are applicable to the containers and packing materials referred to in general interpretative rule 5 (a) and (b) and put into free circulation at the same time as the goods which they contain or with which they are presented :
1. When the containers and packing materials are classified with the goods in accordance with the provisions of general interpretative rule 5, they shall be :
(a) chargeable at the same rate of customs duty as the goods :
P where such goods are subject to an ad valorem customs duty, or
P where they are to be included in the dutiable weight of the goods;
(b) admitted free of customs duties :
P where the goods are free of customs duty, or
P where the goods are dutiable otherwise than by reference to weight or value, or
P where the weight of the containers and packing materials is not to be included in the dutiable weight of the goods.
2. Where containers and packing materials covered by the provisions of paragraphs 1 (a) and (b) above contain or are presented with goods of several different tariff descriptions, the weight and value of the containers and packing materials shall, for the purpose of determining their dutiable weight or value, be apportioned between all the goods contained, in proportion to the weight or value of those goods.
* Refers to new code numbers © Refers to code numbers used the previous year but with differing coverage AC Alternating current AD F/M Additional duty on flour AD S/Z Additional duty on sugar AGR Levy b/f Bottle flask kg/br Kilogram, gross kg/net Kilogram, net MAX Maximum MIN Minimum MOB Variable component
c/k Carats (1 metric carat=2×10 P4 kg)
ct/l Carrying capacity in tonnes ()
g Gram
gi F/S Gram of fissile isotopes
BRT Gross registered ton (2 8316 m3)
100 p/st Hundred items
kg 90 % sdt Kilogram of substance 90 % dry
kg H2O2 Kilogram of hydrogen peroxide
kg K2O Kilogram of potassium oxide
kg KOH Kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)
kg N Kilogram of nitrogen
kg NaOH Kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
kg P2O5 Kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride)
kg U Kilogram of uranium
1 000 kWh 1 000 kilowatt hours
l Litre
l alc. 100 % Litre pure (100 %) alcohol
m Metre
m2 Square metre
m3 Cubic metre
1 000 m3 1 000 cubic metres
p/st Number of items
pa Number of pairs
1 000 p/st Thousand items
Notes1. Any reference in this section to a particular genus or species of an animal, except where the context otherwise requires, includes a reference to the young of that genus or species.2. Except where the context otherwise requires, throughout the nomenclature any reference to 'dried` products also covers products which have been dehydrated, evaporated or freeze-dried.CHAPTER 1LIVE ANIMALSNote1. This chapter covers all live animals except : (a) fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, of heading No 0301, 0306 or 0307; (b) cultures of micro-organisms and other products of heading No 3002; and (c) animals of heading No 9508.
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CHAPTER 3FISH AND CRUSTACEANS, MOLLUSCS AND OTHER AQUATIC INVERTEBRATESNote1. This chapter does not cover : (a) marine mammals (heading No 0106) or meat thereof (heading No 0208 or 0210); (b) fish (including livers and roes thereof) or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, dead and unfit or unsuitable for human consumption by reason of either their species or their condition (Chapter 5); flours, meals or pellets of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption (heading No 2301); or (c) caviar or caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs (heading No 1604).
CHAPTER 4DAIRY PRODUCE; BIRDS` EGGS; NATURAL HONEY; EDIBLE PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED OR INCLUDEDNotes1. The expression 'milk` means full cream milk or partially or completely skimmed milk.2. Products obtained by the concentration of whey and with the addition of milk or milkfat are to be classified as cheese in heading No 0406 provided that they have the three following characteristics : (a) a milkfat content, by weight of the dry matter, of 5 % or more; (b) a dry matter content, by weight, of at least 70 % but not exceeding 85 %; and (c) they are moulded or capable of being moulded.Additional notes1. For the purposes of calculating the fat content of products falling within subheadings 0402 10 91, 0402 10 99, 0402 29 15 to 0402 29 99, 0402 99 11 to 0402 99 99, 0403 10 31 to 0403 10 39, 0403 90 31 to 0403 90 39, 0403 90 61 to 0403 90 69 and 0404 90 51 to 0404 90 99, the weight of any added sugar shall be disregarded.2. The levy applicable to mixtures falling within this chapter and composed of products classified within subheading 0401 30, heading No 0402, subheading 0403 10 11 to 0403 10 39, 0403 90 11 to 0403 90 69, heading No 0404, 0405, 0406, subheading 1702 10 or 2106 90 51 shall be that applicable to the ingredient which involves the higher or highest levy and which also forms at least 10 % by weight of the mixture concerned. Where this method of assessing the levy cannot be applied, the levy to be applied to such mixtures shall be that determined by the tariff classification of the mixtures.
CHAPTER 5PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED OR INCLUDEDNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) edible products (other than guts, bladders and stomachs of animals, whole and pieces thereof, and animal blood, liquid or dried); (b) hides or skins (including furskins) other than goods of heading No 0505 and parings and similar waste of raw hides or skins of heading No 0511 (Chapter 41 or 43); (c) animal textile materials, other than horsehair and horsehair waste (Section XI); or (d) prepared knots or tufts for broom or brush making (heading No 9603).2. For the purposes of heading No 0501, the sorting of hair by length (provided the root ends and tip ends respectively are not arranged together) shall be deemed not to constitute working.3. Throughout the nomenclature, elephant, walrus, narwhal and wild boar tusks, rhinoceros horns and the teeth of all animals are regarded as 'ivory`.4. Throughout the nomenclature, the expression 'horsehair` means hair of the manes or tails of equine or bovine animals.
Note1. In this section the term 'pellets` means products which have been agglomerated either directly by compression or by the addition of a binder in a proportion not exceeding 3 % by weight.CHAPTER 6LIVE TREES AND OTHER PLANTS; BULBS, ROOTS AND THE LIKE; CUT FLOWERS AND ORNAMENTAL FOLIAGENotes1. Subject to the second part of heading No 0601, this chapter covers only live trees and goods (including seedling vegetables) of a kind commonly supplied by nursery gardeners or florists for planting or for ornamental use; nevertheless it does not include potatoes, onions, shallots, garlic or other products of Chapter 7.2. Any reference in heading No 0603 or 0604 to goods of any kind shall be construed as including a reference to bouquets, floral baskets, wreaths and similar articles made wholly or partly of goods of that kind, account not being taken of accessories of other materials. However, these headings do not include collages or similar decorative plaques of heading No 9701.
CHAPTER 7EDIBLE VEGETABLES AND CERTAIN ROOTS AND TUBERSNotes1. This chapter does not cover forage products of heading No 1214.2. In heading Nos 0709 to 0712 the word 'vegetables` includes edible mushrooms, truffles, olives, capers, marrows, pumpkins, aubergines, sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata), fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, fennel, parsley, chervil, tarragon, cress and sweet marjoram (Majorana hortensis or Origanum majorana).3. Heading No 0712 covers all dried vegetables of the kinds falling within heading Nos 0701 to 0711, other than : (a) dried leguminous vegetables, shelled (heading No 0713); (b) sweet corn in the forms specified in heading Nos 1102 to 1104; (c) flour, meal and flakes of potatoes (heading No 1105); (d) flour and meal of dried leguminous vegetables of heading No 0713 (heading No 1106).4. However, dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta are excluded from this chapter (heading No 0904).Additional note1. The expression 'cultivated mushrooms`, as used in subheading 0709 51 10 shall be taken to apply only to the following cultivated mushrooms of the Psalliota (Agaricus) species : hortensis, alba or bispora and subedulis. Other species, including those cultivated artificially, (for example Rhodopaxillus nudus and Polypurus tuberaster), fall within subheading 0709 51 90.
CHAPTER 8EDIBLE FRUIT AND NUTS; PEEL OF CITRUS FRUITS OR MELONSNotes1. This chapter does not cover inedible nuts or fruits.2. Chilled fruits and nuts are to be classified in the same headings as the corresponding fresh fruit and nuts.Additional note1. The content of various sugars expressed as sucrose (sugar content) of the products classified within this chapter corresponds to the figure indicated by a refractometer (used in accordance with the method prescribed in the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 543/86) at a temperature of 20 oC and multiplied by the factor 0,95.
CHAPTER 9COFFEE, TEA, MATÉ AND SPICESNotes1. Mixtures of the products of heading Nos 0904 to 0910 are to be classified as follows : (a) mixtures of two or more of the products of the same heading are to be classified within that heading; (b) mixtures of two or more of the products of different headings are to be classified within heading No 0910. The addition of other substances to the products of heading Nos 0904 to 0910 (or to the mixtures referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) above) shall not affect their classification provided the resulting mixtures retain the essential character of the goods of those headings. Otherwise such mixtures are not classified within this chapter; those constituting mixed condiments or mixed seasonings are classified within heading No 2103.2. This chapter does not cover cubeb pepper (Piper cubeba) or other products of heading No 1211.Additional note1. The rate of duty applicable to mixtures referred to in note 1 (a) above shall be the one applicable to the component having the highest rate.
CHAPTER 11PRODUCTS OF THE MILLING INDUSTRY; MALT; STARCHES; INULIN; WHEAT GLUTENNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) roasted malt put up as coffee substitutes (heading No 0901 or 2101); (b) prepared flours, meals or starches of heading No 1901; (c) corn flakes and other products of heading No 1904; (d) vegetables, prepared or preserved, of heading No 2001, 2004 or 2005; (e) pharmaceutical products (Chapter 30); or (f) starches having the character of perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations (Chapter 33).2. (A) Products from the milling of the cereals listed in the table below fall within this chapter if they have, by weight on the dry product : (a) a starch content (determined by the modified Ewers polarimetric method) exceeding that indicated in column (2); and (b) an ash content (after deduction of any added minerals) not exceeding that indicated in column (3). Otherwise, they fall within heading No 2302. However, germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground, falls in all cases within heading No 1104. (B) Products falling within this chapter under the above provisions shall be classified within heading No 1101 or 1102 if the percentage passing through a woven metal wire cloth sieve with the aperture indicated in column (4) or (5) is not less, by weight, than that shown against the cereal concerned. Otherwise, they fall within heading No 1103 or 1104.
Cereal Starch content Ash content Rate of passage through a sievewith an aperture of 315 micrometres(microns) 500 micrometres(microns)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Wheat and rye 45 % 2,5 % 80 % -
Barley 45 % 3 % 80 % -
Oats 45 % 5 % 80 % -
Maize (corn) and grainsorghum 45 % 2 % - 90 %
Rice 45 % 1,6 % 80 % -
Buckwheat 45 % 4 % 80 % -
Other cereals 45 % 2 % 50 % -
3. For the purposes of heading No 1103, the terms 'groats` and 'meal` mean products obtained by the fragmentation of cereal grains, of which : (a) in the case of maize (corn) products, at least 95 % by weight passes through a woven metal wire cloth sieve with an aperture of 2 mm; (b) in the case of other cereal products, at least 95 % by weight passes through a woven metal wire cloth sieve with an aperture of 1,25 mm.Additional note1. In accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 3324/80, the import duty applicable to mixtures falling within this chapter shall be calculated as follows : (a) In mixtures where one of the components represents at least 90 % by weight, the rate applicable to that component applies. (b) In other mixtures, the rate applicable shall be that of the component which results in the highest amount of import duty.
CHAPTER 12OIL SEEDS AND OLEAGINOUS FRUITS; MISCELLANEOUS GRAINS, SEEDS AND FRUIT; INDUSTRIAL OR MEDICINAL PLANTS; STRAW AND FODDERNotes1. Heading No 1207 applies inter alia to palm nuts and kernels, cotton seeds, castor oil seeds, sesamum seeds, mustard seeds, safflower seeds, poppy seeds and shea nuts (karite nuts). It does not apply to products of heading No 0801 or 0802 or to olives (Chapter 7 or 20).2. Heading No 1208 applies not only to non-defatted flours and meals but also to flours and meals which have been partially defatted or defatted and wholly or partially refatted with their original oils. It does not, however, apply to residues of heading Nos 2304 to 2306.3. For the purposes of heading No 1209, beet seeds, grass and other herbage seeds, seeds of ornamental flowers, vegetable seeds, seeds of forest trees, seeds of fruit trees, seeds of vetches (other than those of the species Vicia faba) or of lupines are to be regarded as 'seeds of a kind used for sowing`.Heading No 1209 does not, however, apply to the following even if for sowing : (a) leguminous vegetables or sweet corn (Chapter 7); (b) spices or other products of Chapter 9; (c) cereals (Chapter 10); or (d) products of heading Nos 1201 to 1207 or 1211.4. Heading No 1211 applies inter alia to the following plants or parts thereof : basil, borage, ginseng, hyssop, liquorice, all species of mint, rosemary, rue, sage and wormwood. Heading No 1211 does not, however, apply to : (a) medicaments of Chapter 30; (b) perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations of Chapter 33; or (c) insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, disinfectants or similar products of heading No 3808.5. For the purposes of heading No 1212, the term 'seaweeds and other algae` does not include : (a) dead single-cell micro-organisms of heading No 2102; (b) cultures of micro-organisms of heading No 3002; or 55 (c) fertilizers of heading No 3101 or 3105.
CHAPTER 13LAC; GUMS, RESINS AND OTHER VEGETABLE SAPS AND EXTRACTSNote1. Heading No 1302 applies inter alia to liquorice extract and extract of pyrethrum, extract of hops, extract of aloes and opium. The heading does not apply to : (a) liquorice extract containing more than 10 % by weight of sucrose or put up as confectionery (heading No 1704); (b) malt extract (heading No 1901); (c) extracts of coffee, tea or maté (heading No 2101); (d) vegetable saps or extracts constituting alcoholic beverages or compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages (Chapter 22); (e) camphor, glycyrrhizin or other products of heading No 2914 or 2938; (f) medicaments of heading No 3003 or 3004 or blood-grouping reagents (heading No 3006); (g) tanning or dyeing extracts (heading No 3201 or 3203); (h) essential oils, concretes, absolutes resinoids or aqueous distillates or aqueous solutions of essential oils (Chapter 33); or (ij) natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle or similar natural gums (heading No 4001).
CHAPTER 14VEGETABLE PLAITING MATERIALS; VEGETABLE PRODUCTS NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED OR INCLUDEDNotes1. This chapter does not cover the following products which are to be classified within Section XI : vegetable materials or fibres of vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in the manufacture of textiles, however prepared, or other vegetable materials which have undergone treatment so as to render them suitable for use only as textile materials.2. Heading No 1401 applies inter alia to bamboos (whether or not split, sawn lengthwise, cut to length, rounded at the ends, bleached, rendered non-inflammable, polished or dyed), split osier, reeds and the like, to rattan cores and to drawn or split rattans. The heading does not apply to chipwood (heading No 4404).3. Heading No 1402 does not apply to wood wool (heading No 4405).4. Heading No 1403 does not apply to prepared knots or tufts for broom or brush making (heading No 9603).
Note1. In this section the term 'pellets` means products which have been agglomerated either directly by compression or by the addition of a binder in a proportion not exceeding 3 % by weight.CHAPTER 16PREPARATIONS OF MEAT, OF FISH OR OF CRUSTACEANS, MOLLUSCS OR OTHER AQUATIC INVERTEBRATESNotes1. This chapter does not cover meat, meat offal, fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved by the processes specified in Chapter 2 or 3.2. Food preparations fall in this chapter provided that they contain more than 20 % by weight of sausage, meat, meat offal, blood, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, or any combination thereof. In cases where the preparation contains two or more of the products mentioned above, it is classified within the heading of Chapter 16 corresponding to the component or components which predominate by weight. These provisions do not apply to the stuffed products of heading No 1902 or to the preparations of heading No 2103 or 2104.Subheading notes1. For the purposes of subheading 1602 10, the expression 'homogenized preparations` means preparations of meat, meat offal or blood, finely homogenized, put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in containers of a net weight content not exceeding 250 g. For the application of this definition no account is to be taken of small quantities of any ingredients which may have been added to the preparation for seasoning, preservation or other purposes. These preparations may contain a small quantity of visible pieces of meat or meat offal. This subheading takes precedence over all other subheadings of heading No 1602.2. The fish and crustaceans specified in the subheadings of heading No 1604 or 1605 under their common names only, are of the same species as those mentioned in Chapter 3 under the same name.Additional notes1. For the purposes of subheadings 1602 31 11, 1602 39 11, 1602 50 10, 1602 90 61 and 1602 90 71 the term 'uncooked` shall apply to products which have not been subjected to any heat treatment or which have been subjected to a heat treatment insufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore, in the case of subheadings 1602 50 10, 1602 90 61 and 1602 90 71 show traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part.2. For the purposes of subheadings 1602 41 10, 1602 42 10 and 1602 49 11 to 1602 49 15 the expression 'parts thereof` applies only to prepared or preserved meat which, due to the size and the characteristics of the coherent muscle tissue, is identifiable as having been obtained from hams, shoulders, loins, or collars of domestic swine, as the case may be.
CHAPTER 17SUGARS AND SUGAR CONFECTIONERYNote1. This chapter does not cover : (a) sugar confectionery containing cocoa (heading No 1806); (b) chemically pure sugars (other than sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose) or other products of heading No 2940; or (c) medicaments or other products of Chapter 30.Subheading note1. For the purposes of subheadings 1701 11 and 1701 12, 'raw sugar` means sugar whose content of sucrose by weight, in the dry state, corresponds to a polarimeter reading of less than 99,5 o.Additional notes1. For the purposes of subheadings 1701 11 10, 1701 11 90, 1701 12 10 and 1701 12 90 'raw sugar` means sugar, not flavoured or coloured or containing any other added substances, containing, in the dry state, less than 99,5 % by weight of sucrose determined by the polarimetric method.2. For the purposes of subheading 1701 99 10, 'white sugar` means sugar, not flavoured or coloured or containing any other added substances, containing, in the dry state, 99,5 % or more by weight of sucrose, determined by the polarimetric method.3. For the purposes of subheadings 1702 30 10, 1702 40 10, 1702 60 10 and 1702 90 30, 'isoglucose` means the product obtained from glucose or its polymers with a content by weight in the dry state of at least 10 % fructose.4. When imported in the form of an assortment, goods falling within subheading 1704 90 are subject to a variable component (MOB) fixed according to the average content in milkfats, milk proteins, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose and starch of the assortment as a whole.
CHAPTER 18COCOA AND COCOA PREPARATIONSNotes1. This chapter does not cover the preparations of heading No 0403, 1901, 1904, 1905, 2105, 2202, 2208, 3003 or 3004.2. Heading No 1806 includes sugar confectionery containing cocoa and, subject to note 1 to this chapter, other food preparations containing cocoa.Additional notes1. When imported in the form of an assortment, goods falling within subheadings 1806 20, 1806 31, 1806 32 and 1806 90 are subject to a variable component (MOB) fixed according to the average content in milkfats, milk proteins, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose and starch of the assortment as a whole.2. Subheadings 1806 90 11 and 1806 90 19 do not cover chocolates made entirely of one type of chocolate.
CHAPTER 19PREPARATIONS OF CEREALS, FLOUR, STARCH OR MILK; PASTRYCOOKS` PRODUCTSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) except in the case of stuffed products of heading No 1902, food preparations containing more than 20 % by weight of sausage, meat, meat offal, blood, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, or any combination thereof (Chapter 16); (b) biscuits or other articles made from flour or from starch, specially prepared for use in animal feeding (heading No 2309); or (c) medicaments or other products of Chapter 30.2. In this chapter the expressions 'flour` and 'meal` mean cereal flour and meal of Chapter 11 and other flour, meal and powder of vegetable origin of any chapter.3. Heading No 1904 does not cover preparations containing more than 8 % by weight of cocoa powder or coated with chocolate or other food preparations containing cocoa of heading No 1806.4. For the purposes of heading No 1904 the expression 'otherwise prepared` means prepared or processed to an extent beyond that provided for in the headings of or notes to Chapter 10 or 11.Additional notes1. Goods of subheadings 1905 30, 1905 40 and 1905 90, presented in the form of an assortment, are subject to a variable component (MOB) fixed according to the average content in milkfats, milk proteins, sucrose, isoglucose, glucose and starch of the assortment as a whole.2. The expression 'sweet biscuits` in subheading 1905 30 applies only to products having a water content of not more than 12 % by weight and a fat content of not more than 35 % by weight (fillings and coatings are not to be taken into consideration in determining these contents).3. Subheading 1905 30 does not cover waffles and wafers with a water content of more than 10 % by weight (subheading 1905 90 40).
CHAPTER 21MISCELLANEOUS EDIBLE PREPARATIONSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) mixed vegetables of heading No 0712; (b) roasted coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion (heading No 0901); (c) spices or other products of heading Nos 0904 to 0910; (d) food preparations, other than the products described in heading No 2103 or 2104, containing more than 20 % by weight of sausage, meat, meat offal, blood, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, or any combination thereof (Chapter 16); (e) compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by volume (see note 2 to Chapter 22) exceeding 0,5 % vol (heading No 2208); (f) yeast put up as a medicament or other products of heading No 3003 or 3004; or (g) prepared enzymes of heading No 3507.2. Extracts of the substitutes referred to in note 1 (b) above are to be classified within heading No 2101.3. For the purposes of heading No 2104, the expression 'homogenized composite food preparations` means preparations consisting of a finely homogenized mixture of two or more basic ingredients such as meat, fish, vegetables or fruit, put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in containers of a net weight content not exceeding 250 grams. For the application of this definition, no account is to be taken of small quantities of any ingredients which may be added to the mixture for seasoning, preservation or other purposes. Such preparations may contain a small quantity of visible pieces of ingredients.Additional notes1. For the purposes of subheading 2106 90 10, the term 'cheese fondues` shall be taken to mean preparations containing 12 % or more but less than 18 % of milkfats and made from melted cheese (Emmentaler and Gruyère exclusively) with the addition of white wine, kirsch, starch and spices and put up in immediate packings of a net capacity of 1 kg or less. Entry under the aforementioned subheading is furthermore subject to the production of a certificate issued in accordance with the conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions.2. For the purposes of subheading 2106 90 30, 'isoglucose` means the product obtained from glucose or its polymers with a content by weight in the dry state of at least 10 % fructose.
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CHAPTER 23RESIDUES AND WASTE FROM THE FOOD INDUSTRIES; PREPARED ANIMAL FODDERNote1. Heading No 2309 includes products of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included, obtained by processing vegetable or animal materials to such an extent that they have lost the essential characteristics of the original material, other than vegetable waste, vegetable residues and by-products of such processing.Additional notes1. For the purposes of subheadings 2307 00 11, 2307 00 19, 2308 90 11 and 2308 90 19, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them : - 'actual alcoholic strength by mass` : the number of kilograms of pure alcohol contained in 100 kg of the product, - 'potential alcoholic strength by mass` : the number of kilograms of pure alcohol capable of being produced by total fermentation of the sugars contained in 100 kg of the product, - 'total alcoholic strength by mass` : the sum of the actual and potential alcoholic strengths by mass, - '% mas` : the symbol for alcoholic strength by mass.2. For the purposes of subheadings 2309 10 11 to 2309 10 70 and 2309 90 31 to 2309 90 70, the expression 'milk products` means the products falling within heading Nos 0401, 0402, 0404, 0405, 0406 and within subheadings 0403 10 11 to 0403 10 39, 0403 90 11 to 0403 90 69, 1702 10 and 2106 90 51.
CHAPTER 24TOBACCO AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO SUBSTITUTESNote1. This chapter does not cover medicinal cigarettes (Chapter 30).
CHAPTER 25SALT; SULPHUR; EARTHS AND STONE; PLASTERING MATERIALS, LIME AND CEMENTNotes1. Except where their context or note 4 to this chapter otherwise requires, the headings of this chapter cover only products which are in the crude state or which have been washed (even with chemical substances eliminating the impurities without changing the structure of the product), crushed, ground, powdered, levigated, sifted, screened, concentrated by flotation, magnetic separation or other mechanical or physical processes (except crystallization), but not products which have been roasted, calcined, obtained by mixing or subjected to processing beyond that mentioned in each heading. The products of this chapter may contain an added anti-dusting agent, provided that such addition does not render the product particularly suitable for specific use rather than for general use.2. This chapter does not cover : (a) sublimed sulphur, precipitated sulphur or colloidal sulphur (heading No 2802); (b) earth colours containing 70 % or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe2O3 (heading No 2821); (c) medicaments or other products of Chapter 30; (d) perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations (Chapter 33); (e) setts, curbstones or flagstones (heading No 6801); mosaic cubes or the like (heading No 6802); roofing, facing or damp course slates (heading No 6803); (f) precious or semi-precious stones (heading No 7102 or 7103); (g) cultured crystals (other than optical elements) weighing not less than 2,5 g each, of sodium chloride or of magnesium oxide, of heading No 3823; optical elements of sodium chloride or of magnesium oxide (heading No 9001); (h) billiard chalks (heading No 9504); or (ij) writing or drawing chalks or tailors` chalks (heading No 9609).3. Any products classifiable within heading No 2517 and any other heading of the chapter are to be classified within heading No 2517.4. Heading No 2530 applies inter alia to : vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded; earth colours, whether or not calcined or mixed together; natural micaceous iron oxides; meerschaum (whether or not in polished pieces); amber; agglomerated meerschaum and agglomerated amber, in plates, rods, sticks or similar forms, not worked after moulding; jet; strontianite (whether or not calcined), other than strontium oxide; broken pottery.
CHAPTER 26ORES, SLAG AND ASHNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) slag or similar industrial waste prepared as macadam (heading No 2517); (b) natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite), whether or not calcined (heading No 2519); (c) basic slag of Chapter 31; (d) slag wool, rock wool or similar mineral wools (heading No 6806); (e) waste or scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal (heading No 7112); or (f) copper, nickel or cobalt mattes produced by any process of smelting (Section XV).2. For the purposes of heading Nos 2601 to 2617, the term 'ores` means minerals of mineralogical species actually used in the metallurgical industry for the extraction of mercury, of the metals of heading No 2844 or of the metals of Section XIV or XV, even if the are intended for non-metallurgical purposes. Heading Nos 2601 to 2617 do not, however, include minerals which have been submitted to processes not normal to the metallurgical industry.3. Heading No 2620 applies only to ash and residues of a kind used in industry either for the extraction of metals or as a basis for the manufacture of chemical compounds of metals.
CHAPTER 27MINERAL FUELS, MINERAL OILS AND PRODUCTS OF THEIR DISTILLATION; BITUMINOUS SUBSTANCES; MINERAL WAXESNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) separate chemically defined organic compounds, other than pure methane and propane which are to be classified within heading No 2711; (b) medicaments of heading No 3003 or 3004; or (c) mixed unsaturated hydrocarbons of heading No 3301, 3302 or 3805.2. References in heading No 2710 to 'petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals` include not only petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals but also similar oils, as well as those consisting mainly of mixed unsaturated hydrocarbons, obtained by any process, provided that the weight of the non-aromatic constituents exceeds that of the aromatic constituents. However, the references do not include liquid synthetic polyolefins of which less than 60 % by volume distils at 300 oC, after conversion to 1 013 mbar when a reduced-pressure distillation method is used (Chapter 39).Subheading notes1. For the purposes of subheading 2701 11, 'anthracite` means coal having a volatile matter limit (on a dry, mineral- matter-free basis) not exceeding 14 %.2. For the purposes of subheading 2701 12, 'bituminous coal` means coal having a volatile matter limit (on a dry, mineral-matter-free basis) exceeding 14 % and a calorific value limit (on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis) equal to or greater than 5 833 kcal/kg.3. For the purposes of subheadings 2707 10, 2707 20, 2707 30, 2707 40 and 2707 60, the terms 'benzole`, 'toluole`, 'xylole`, 'naphthalene` and 'phenols` apply to products which contain more than 50 % by weight of benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene or phenols, respectively.Additional notes ()1. For the purposes of heading No 2710 : (a) 'light oils` (subheadings 2710 00 11 to 2710 00 39) means oils and preparations of which 90 % or more by volume (including losses) distils at 210 oC (ASTM D 86 method); (b) 'special spirits` (subheadings 2710 00 21 and 2710 00 25) means light oils as defined in paragraph (a) above, not containing any anti-knock preparations, and with a difference of not more than 60 oC between the temperatures at which 5 % and 90 % by volume (including losses) distil; (c) 'white spirit` (subheading 2710 00 21) means special spirits as defined in paragraph (b) above with a flash-point higher than 21 oC by the Abel-Pensky method (); (d) 'medium oils` (subheadings 2710 00 41 to 2710 00 59) means oils and preparations of which less than 90 % by volume (including losses) distils at 210 oC and 65 % or more by volume (including losses) distils at 250 oC (ASTM D 86 method); (e) 'heavy oils` (subheadings 2710 00 61 to 2710 00 99) means oils and preparations of which less than 65 % by volume (including losses) distils at 250 oC by the ASTM D 86 method or of which the distillation percentage at 250 oC cannot be determined by that method; (f) 'gas oils` (subheadings 2710 00 61 to 2710 00 69) means heavy oils as defined in paragraph (e) above of which 85 % or more by volume (including losses) distils at 350 oC (ASTM D 86 method); (g) 'fuel oils` (subheadings 2710 00 71 to 2710 00 79) means heavy oils as defined in paragraph (e) above (other than gas oils as defined in paragraph (f) above) which, for a corresponding diluted colour C, have a viscosity V : - not exceeding that shown in line I of the following table when the sulphated ashes content is less than 1 % by the ASTM D 874 method and the saponification index is less than 4 by the ASTM D 939-54 method, - exceeding that shown in line II when the pour point is not less than 10 oC by the ASTM D 97 method, - exceeding that shown in line I but not exceeding that shown in line II when 25 % or more by volume distils at 300 oC by the ASTM D 86 method or, if less than 25 % by volume distils at 300 oC, when the pour point is higher than 10 oC below zero by the ASTM D 97 method. These provisions apply only to oils having a diluted colour C of less than 2. Diluted colour C/Viscosity V concordance table
Colour C 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5and above
Viscosity I 4 4 4 5,4 9 15,1 25,3 42,4} 71,1 119 200 335 562 943 1 580 2 650
V II 7 7 7 7 9 15,1 25,3 42,4 71,1 119 200 335 562 943 1 580 2 650
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CHAPTER 30PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) foods or beverages (such as dietetic, diabetic or fortified foods, food supplements, tonic beverages and mineral waters) (Section IV); (b) plasters specially calcined or finely ground for use in dentistry (heading No 2520); (c) aqueous distillates or aqueous solutions of essential oils, suitable for medicinal uses (heading No 3301); (d) preparations of heading Nos 3303 to 3307, even if they have therapeutic or prophylactic properties; (e) soap or other products of heading No 3401 containing added medicaments; (f) preparations with a basis of plaster for use in dentistry (heading No 3407); or (g) blood albumin not prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses (heading No 3502).2. For the purposes of heading Nos 3003 and 3004 and of note 3 (d) to this chapter, the following are to be treated : (a) as unmixed products : (1) unmixed products dissolved in water; (2) all goods of Chapter 28 or 29; and (3) simple vegetable extracts of heading No 1302, merely standardized or dissolved in any solvent; (b) as products which have been mixed : (1) colloidal solutions and suspensions (other than colloidal sulphur); (2) vegetable extracts obtained by the treatment of mixtures of vegetable materials; and (3) salts and concentrates obtained by evaporating natural mineral waters.3. Heading No 3006 applies only to the following, which are to be classified in that heading and in no other heading of the nomenclature : (a) sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture materials and sterile tissue adhesives for surgical wound closure; (b) sterile laminaria and sterile laminaria tents; (c) sterile absorbable surgical or dental haemostatics; (d) opacifying preparations for X-ray examinations and diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patient, being unmixed products put up in measured doses or products consisting of two or more ingredients which have been mixed together for such uses; (e) blood-grouping reagents; (f) dental cements and other dental fillings; bone reconstruction cements; (g) first-aid boxes and kits; and (h) chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones or spermicides.
CHAPTER 31FERTILIZERSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) animal blood of heading No 0511; (b) separate chemically defined compounds (other than those answering to the descriptions in note 2 (A), 3 (A), 4 (A) or 5 below); or (c) cultured potassium chloride crystals (other than optical elements) weighing not less than 2,5 g each, of heading No 3823; optical elements of potassium chloride (heading No 9001).2. Heading No 3102 applies only to the following goods, provided that they are not put up in the forms or packages described in heading No 3105 : (A) goods which answer to one or other of the descriptions given below : (i) sodium nitrate, whether or not pure; (ii) ammonium nitrate, whether or not pure; (iii) double salts, whether or not pure, of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate; (iv) ammonium sulphate, whether or not pure; (v) double salts (whether or not pure) or mixtures of calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate; (vi) double salts (whether or not pure) or mixtures of calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate; (vii) calcium cyanamide, whether or not pure or treated with oil; (viii) urea, whether or not pure. (B) fertilizers consisting of any of the goods described in (A) above mixed together. (C) fertilizers consisting of ammonium chloride or of any of the goods described in (A) or (B) above mixed with chalk, gypsum or other inorganic non-fertilizing substances. (D) liquid fertilizers consisting of the goods of subparagraph (A) (ii) or (viii) above, or of mixtures of those goods, in an aqueous or ammoniacal solution.3. Heading No 3103 applies only to the following goods, provided that they are not put up in the forms or packages described in heading No 3105 : (A) goods which answer to one or other of the descriptions given below : (i) basic slag; (ii) natural phosphates of heading No 2510, calcined or further heat-treated than for the removal of impurities; (iii) superphosphates (single, double or triple); (iv) calcium hydrogenorthophosphate containing not less than 0,2 % by weight of fluorine calculated on the dry anhydrous product. (B) fertilizers consisting of any of the goods described in (A) above mixed together, but with no account being taken of the fluorine content limit. (C) fertilizers consisting of any of the goods described in (A) or (B) above, but with no account being taken of the fluorine content limit, mixed with chalk, gypsum or other inorganic non-fertilizing substances.4. Heading No 3104 applies only to the following goods, provided that they are not put up in the forms or packages described in heading No 3105 : (A) goods which answer to one or other of the descriptions given below : (i) crude natural potassium salts (for example, carnallite, kainite and sylvite); (ii) potassium chloride, whether or not pure, except as provided in note 1 (c) above; (iii) potassium sulphate, whether or not pure; (iv) magnesium potassium sulphate, whether or not pure. (B) fertilizers consisting of any of the goods described in (A) above mixed together.5. Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate (monoammonium phosphate) and diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate), whether or not pure, and intermixtures thereof, are to be classified within heading No 3105.6. For the purposes of heading No 3105, the term 'other fertilizers` applies only to products of a kind used as fertilizers and containing, as an essential constituent, at least one of the fertilizing elements nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium.
CHAPTER 32TANNING OR DYEING EXTRACTS; TANNINS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES; DYES, PIGMENTS AND OTHER COLOURING MATTER; PAINTS AND VARNISHES; PUTTY AND OTHER MASTICS; INKSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) separate chemically defined elements or compounds (except those of heading No 3203 or 3204, inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores (heading No 3206), glass obtained from fused quartz or other fused silica in the forms provided for in heading No 3207, and also dyes and other colouring matter put up in forms or packings for retail sale of heading No 3212); (b) tannates or other tannin derivatives of products of heading Nos 2936 to 2939, 2941 or 3501 to 3504; or (c) mastics of asphalt or other bituminous mastics (heading No 2715).2. Heading No 3204 includes mixtures of stabilised diazonium salts and couplers for the production of azo dyes.3. Heading Nos 3203 to 3206 apply also to preparations based on colouring matter (including, in the case of heading No 3206, colouring pigments of heading No 2530 or Chapter 28, metal flakes and metal powders), of a kind used for colouring any material or used as ingredients in the manufacture of colouring preparations. The headings do not apply, however, to pigments dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints, including enamels (heading No 3212), or to other preparations of heading Nos 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 and 3215.4. Heading No 3208 includes solutions (other than collodions) consisting of any of the products specified in heading Nos 3901 to 3913 in volatile organic solvents when the weight of the solvent exceeds 50 % of the weight of the solution.5. The expression 'colouring matter` in this chapter does not include products of a kind used as extenders in oil paints, whether or not they are also suitable for colouring distempers.6. The expression 'stamping foils` in heading No 3212 applies only to thin sheets of a kind used for printing, for example, book covers or hat bands, and consisting of : (a) metallic powder (including powder of precious metal) or pigment, agglomerated with glue, gelatin or other binder; or (b) metal (including precious metal) or pigment, deposited on a supporting sheet of any material.
CHAPTER 33ESSENTIAL OILS AND RESINOIDS; PERFUMERY, COSMETIC OR TOILET PREPARATIONSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of heading No 2208; (b) soap or other products of heading No 3401; or (c) gum, wood or sulphate turpentine or other products of heading No 3805.2. Heading Nos 3303 to 3307 apply inter alia to products, whether or not mixed (other than aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils), suitable for use as goods of these headings and put up in packings of a kind sold by retail for such use.3. The expression 'perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations` in heading No 3307 applies inter alia to the following products : scented sachets; odoriferous preparations which operate by burning; perfumed papers and papers impregnated or coated with cosmetics; contact lens or artificial eye solutions; wadding, felt and nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with perfume or cosmetics; animal toilet preparations.
CHAPTER 34SOAP, ORGANIC SURFACE-ACTIVE AGENTS, WASHING PREPARATIONS, LUBRICATING PREPARATIONS, ARTIFICIAL WAXES, PREPARED WAXES, POLISHING OR SCOURING PREPARATIONS, CANDLES AND SIMILAR ARTICLES, MODELLING PASTES, 'DENTAL WAXES` AND DENTAL PREPARATIONS WITH A BASIS OF PLASTERNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils of a kind used as mould release preparations (heading No 1517); (b) separate chemically defined compounds; or (c) shampoos, dentifrices, shaving creams and foams, or bath preparations, containing soap or other organic surface-active agents (heading No 3305, 3306 or 3307). 2. For the purposes of heading No 3401, the expression 'soap` applies only to soap soluble in water. Soap and the other products of heading No 3401 may contain added substances (for example, disinfectants, abrasive powders, fillers or medicaments). Products containing abrasive powders remain classified within heading No 3401 only if in the form of bars, cakes or moulded pieces or shapes. In other forms they are to be classified within heading No 3405 as 'scouring powders and similar preparations`.3. For the purposes of heading No 3402, 'organic surface-active agents` are products which when mixed with water at a concentration of 0,5 % at 20 oC and left to stand for one hour at the same temperature : (a) give a transparent or translucent liquid or stable emulsion without separation of insoluble matter; and (b) reduce the surface tension of water to 4,5×10 P2 N/m (45 dyn/cm) or less.4. In heading No 3403 the expression 'petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals` applies to the products defined in note 2 to Chapter 27.5. In heading No 3404, subject to the exclusions provided below, the expression 'artificial waxes and prepared waxes` applies only to : (A) chemically produced organic products of a waxy character, whether or not water-soluble; (B) products obtained by mixing different waxes; (C) products of a waxy character with a basis of one or more waxes and containing fats, resins, mineral substances or other materials. The heading does not apply to : (a) products of heading No 1516, 1519 or 3402, even if having a waxy character; (b) unmixed animal waxes or unmixed vegetable waxes, whether or not coloured, of heading No 1521; (c) mineral waxes or similar products of heading No 2712, whether or not intermixed or merely coloured; or (d) waxes mixed with, dispersed in or dissolved in a liquid medium (heading Nos 3405, 3809, etc.).
CHAPTER 35ALBUMINOIDAL SUBSTANCES; MODIFIED STARCHES; GLUES; ENZYMESNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) yeasts (heading No 2102); (b) blood fractions (other than blood albumin not prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses), medicaments or other products of Chapter 30; (c) enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning (heading No 3202); (d) enzymatic soaking or washing preparations and other products of Chapter 34; (e) hardened proteins (heading No 3913); or (f) gelatin products of the printing industry (Chapter 49).2. For the purposes of heading No 3505, the term 'dextrins` means starch degradation products with a reducing sugar content, expressed as dextrose on the dry substance, not exceeding 10 %. Such products with a reducing sugar content exceeding 10 % fall within heading No 1702.
CHAPTER 36EXPLOSIVES; PYROTECHNIC PRODUCTS; MATCHES;PYROPHORIC ALLOYS; CERTAIN COMBUSTIBLE PREPARATIONSNotes1. This chapter does not cover separate chemically defined compounds other than those described in note 2 (a) or (b) below.2. The expression 'articles of combustible materials` in heading No 3606 applies only to : (a) metaldehyde, hexamethylenetetramine and similar substances, put up in forms (for example, tablets, sticks or similar forms) for use as fuels; fuels with a basis of alcohol, and similar prepared fuels, in solid or semi-solid form; (b) liquid or liquefied-gas fuels in containers of a kind used for filling or refilling cigarette or similar lighters and of a capacity not exceeding 300 cm3; and (c) resin torches, firelighters and the like.
CHAPTER 37PHOTOGRAPHIC OR CINEMATOGRAPHIC GOODSNotes1. This chapter does not cover waste or scrap materials.2. In this chapter the word 'photographic` relates to a process which permits the formation of visible images directly or indirectly by the action of light or other forms of radiation on sensitive surfaces.Additional notes1. In the case of sound films imported in two bands (the band bearing only the images and the band used for recording the sound), each band is to be classified in its appropriate heading.2. The expression 'newsreels` (subheading 3706 90 51) shall be taken to apply to films of length of less than 330 m, and depicting current events of a political, sporting, military, scientific, literary, folkloric, touristic, society, etc., nature.
CHAPTER 38MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL PRODUCTSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) separate chemically defined elements or compounds with the exception of the following : (1) artificial graphite (heading No 3801); (2) insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up as described in heading No 3808; (3) products put up as charges for fire-extinguishers or put up in fire-extinguishing grenades (heading No 3813); (4) products specified in note 2 (a) or 2 (c) below; (b) mixtures of chemicals with foodstuffs or other substances with nutritive value, of a kind used in the preparation of human foodstuffs (generally heading No 2106); (c) medicaments (heading No 3003 or 3004).2. Heading No 3823 includes the following goods which are not to be classified in any other heading of the nomenclature : (a) cultured crystals (other than optical elements) weighing not less than 2,5 g each, of magnesium oxide or of the halides of the alkali or alkaline-earth metals; (b) fusel oil; Dippel`s oil; (c) ink removers put up in packings for retail sale; (d) stencil correctors and other correcting fluids put up in packings for retail sale; and (e) ceramic firing testers, fusible (for example, Seger cones).
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, sh
CHAPTER 41RAW HIDES AND SKINS (OTHER THAN FURSKINS) AND LEATHERNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) parings or similar waste, of raw hides or skins (heading No 0511); (b) birdskins or parts of birdskins, with their feathers or down, of heading No 0505 or 6701; or (c) hides or skins, with the hair or wool on, raw, tanned or dressed (Chapter 43); the following are, however, to be classified in Chapter 41, namely, raw hides and skins with the hair or wool on, of bovine animals (including buffalo), of equine animals, of sheep or lambs (except Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian or similar lambs, Indian, Chinese, Mongolian or Tibetan lambs), of goats or kids (except Yemen, Mongolian or Tibetan goats and kids), of swine (including peccary), of chamois, of gazelle, of reindeer, of elk, of deer, of roebucks or of dogs.2. Throughout the nomenclature the expression 'composition leather` means only substances of the kind referred to in heading No 4111.
CHAPTER 42ARTICLES OF LEATHER; SADDLERY AND HARNESS; TRAVEL GOODS, HANDBAGS AND SIMILAR CONTAINERS; ARTICLES OF ANIMAL GUT (OTHER THAN SILKWORM GUT)Notes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) sterile surgical catgut or similar sterile suture materials (heading No 3006); (b) articles of apparel and clothing accessories (except gloves), lined with furskin or artificial fur or to which furskin or artificial fur is attached on the outside except as mere trimming (heading No 4303 or 4304); (c) made-up articles of netting (heading No 5608); (d) articles of Chapter 64; (e) headgear or parts thereof of Chapter 65; (f) whips, riding-crops or other articles of heading No 6602; (g) cuff-links, bracelets or other imitation jewellery (heading No 7117); (h) fittings or trimmings for harness, such as stirrups, bits, horse brasses and buckles, separately presented (generally in Section XV); (ij) strings, skins for drums or the like, or other parts of musical instruments (heading No 9209); (k) articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, lamps and lighting fittings); (l) articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games, sports requisites); or (m) buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners, press-studs, button moulds or other parts of these articles, button blanks, of heading No 9606.2. In addition to the provisions of note 1 above, heading No 4202 does not cover : (a) bags made of sheeting of plastics, whether or not printed, with handles, not designed for prolonged use (heading No 3923); (b) articles of plaiting materials (heading No 4602); (c) articles of precious metal, of metal clad with precious metal, of natural or cultured pearls or of precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) (Chapter 71).3. For the purposes of heading No 4203, the expression 'articles of apparel and clothing accessories` applies inter alia to gloves (including sports gloves), aprons and other protective clothing, braces, belts, bandoliers and wrist straps, but excluding watch straps (heading No 9113).
CHAPTER 43FURSKINS AND ARTIFICIAL FUR; MANUFACTURES THEREOFNotes1. Throughout the nomenclature references to 'furskins`, other than to raw furskins of heading No 4301, apply to hides or skins of all animals which have been tanned or dressed with the hair on.2. This chapter does not cover : (a) birdskins or parts of birdskins, with their feathers or down (heading No 0505 or 6701); (b) raw hides or skins, with the hair on, of Chapter 41 (see note 1 (c) to that chapter); (c) gloves consisting of leather and furskin or of leather and artificial fur (heading No 4203) : (d) articles of Chapter 64; (e) headgear or parts thereof of Chapter 65; or (f) articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games, sports requisites).3. Heading No 4303 includes furskins and parts thereof, assembled with the addition of other materials, and furskins and parts thereof, sewn together in the form of garments or parts or accessories of garments or in the form of other articles.4. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (except those excluded by Note 2) lined with furskin or artificial fur or to which furskin or artificial fur is attached on the outside except as mere trimming are to be classified within heading No 4303 or 4304 as the case may be.5. Throughout the nomenclature the expression 'artificial fur` means any imitation of furskin consisting of wool, hair or other fibres gummed or sewn on to leather, woven fabric or other materials, but does not include imitation furskins obtained by weaving or knitting (generally, heading No 5801 or 6001).
CHAPTER 44WOOD AND ARTICLES OF WOOD; WOOD CHARCOALNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) wood, in chips, in shavings, crushed, ground or powdered, of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy, or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes (heading No 1211); (b) bamboos or other plaiting materials of heading No 1401; (c) wood, in chips, in shavings, ground or powdered, of a kind used primarily in dyeing or in tanning (heading No 1404); (d) activated charcoal (heading No 3802); (e) articles of heading No 4202; (f) goods of Chapter 46; (g) footwear or parts thereof of Chapter 64; (h) goods of Chapter 66 (for example, umbrellas and walking-sticks and parts thereof); (ij) goods of heading No 6808; (k) imitation jewellery of heading No 7117; (l) goods of Section XVI or Section XVII (for example, machine parts, cases, covers, cabinets for machines and apparatus and wheelwrights` wares); (m) goods of Section XVIII (for example, clock cases and musical instruments and parts thereof); (n) parts of firearms (heading No 9305); (o) articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, lamps and lighting fittings, prefabricated buildings); (p) articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games, sports requisites); (q) articles of Chapter 96 (for example, smoking pipes and parts thereof, buttons, pencils) excluding bodies and handles, of wood, for articles of heading No 9603; or (r) articles of Chapter 97 (for example, works of art).2. In this chapter, the expression 'densified wood` means wood which has been subjected to chemical or physical treatment (being, in the case of layers bonded together, treatment in excess of that needed to ensure a good bond), and which has thereby acquired increased density or hardness together with improved mechanical strength or resistance to chemical or electrical agencies.3. Heading Nos 4414 to 4421 apply to articles of the respective descriptions of particle board or similar board, fibreboard, laminated wood or densified wood as they apply to such articles of wood.4. Products of heading No 4410, 4411 or 4412 may be worked to form the shapes provided for in respect of the goods of heading No 4409, curved, corrugated, perforated, cut or formed to shapes other than square or rectangular or submitted to any other operation provided it does not give them the character of articles of other headings.5. Heading No 4417 does not apply to tools in which the blade, working edge, working surface or other working part is formed by any of the materials specified in note 1 to Chapter 82.6. For the purposes of this chapter and subject to notes 1 (b) and 1 (f) above, any reference to 'wood` applies also to bamboo and other materials of a woody nature.Additional note1. For the purposes of heading No 4405, 'wood flour` means wood powder of which not more than 8 % by weight is retained by a sieve with an aperture of 0,63 mm.
CHAPTER 45CORK AND ARTICLES OF CORKNote1. This chapter does not cover : (a) footwear or parts of footwear of Chapter 64; (b) headgear or parts of headgear of Chapter 65; or (c) articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games, sports requisites).
CHAPTER 46MANUFACTURES OF STRAW, OF ESPARTO OR OF OTHER PLAITING MATERIALS; BASKETWARE AND WICKERWORKNotes1. In this chapter the expression 'plaiting materials` means materials in a state or form suitable for plaiting, interlacing or similar processes; it includes straw, osier or willow, bamboos, rushes, reeds, strips of wood, strips of other vegetable material (for example, raffia, narrow leaves or strips cut from broad leaves) or bark, unspun natural textile fibres, monofilament and strip and the like of plastics and strips of paper, but not strips of leather or composition leather or of felt or nonwovens, human hair, horsehair, textile rovings or yarns, or monofilament and strip and the like of Chapter 54.2. This chapter does not cover : (a) wall coverings of heading No 4814; (b) twine, cordage, ropes or cables, plaited or not (heading No 5607); (c) footwear or headgear or parts thereof of Chapter 64 or 65; (d) vehicles or bodies for vehicles of basketware (Chapter 87); or (e) articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, lamps and lighting fittings).3. For the purposes of heading No 4601, the expression 'plaiting materials, plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, bound together in parallel strands` means plaiting materials, plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, placed side by side and bound together, in the form of sheets, whether or not the binding materials are of spun textile materials.
CHAPTER 47PULP OF WOOD OR OF OTHER FIBROUS CELLULOSIC MATERIAL; WASTE AND SCRAP OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARDNote1. For the purposes of heading No 4702, the expression 'chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades` means chemical wood pulp having by weight an insoluble fraction of 92 % or more for soda or sulphate wood pulp or of 88 % or more for sulphite wood pulp after one hour in a caustic soda solution containing 18 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 20 oC, and for sulphite wood pulp an ash content that does not exceed 0,15 % by weight.
Weight(g/m2) Minimum Mullen bursting strength(kPa)
115 393
125 417
200 637
300 824
400 961
2. For the purposes of subheadings 4804 21 and 4804 29, 'sack kraft paper` means machine-finished paper, of which not less than 80 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by the chemical sulphate or soda processes, in rolls, weighing not less than 60 g/m2 but not more than 115 g/m2 and meeting one of the following sets of specifications : (a) having a Mullen burst index of not less than 38 and a stretch factor of more than 4,5 % in the cross direction and of more than 2 % in the machine direction; (b) having minima for tear and tensile as indicated in the following table or the linearly interpolated equivalent for any other weight :
Weight(g/m2) Minimum tear(mN) Minimum tensile(kN/m) Machinedirection Machine direction pluscross direction Crossdirection Machine direction pluscross direction
60 700 1 510 1,9 6
70 830 1 790 2,3 7,2
80 965 2 070 2,8 8,3
100 1 230 2 635 3,7 10,6
115 1 425 3 060 4,4 12,3
3. For the purposes of subheading 4805 10, 'semi-chemical fluting paper` means paper, in rolls, of which not less than 65 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of unbleached hardwood fibres obtained by a semi-chemical pulping process, and having a CMT 60 (Concora medium test with 60 minutes of conditioning) crush resistance exceeding 20 kgf at 50 % relative humidity, at 23 oC.4. For the purposes of subheading 4805 30, 'sulphite wrapping paper` means machine-glazed paper, of which more than 40 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by the chemical sulphite process, having an ash content not exceeding 8 % and having a Mullen burst index of not less than 15.5. For the purposes of subheading 4810 21, 'light-weight coated paper` means paper, coated on both sides, of a total weight not exceeding 72 g/m2, with a coating weight not exceeding 15 g/m2 per side, on a base of which not less than 50 % by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a mechanical process.Additional note1. For the purposes of subheading 4801 00 10, the expression 'newsprint` shall be taken to apply to white paper or to paper which has been slightly coloured in the pulp, the mechanical pulp content of which represents at least 70 % of the total fibre content, glazed to an extent not exceeding 130 seconds Bekk, unsized, weighing not less than 40 g/m2 and not more than 57 g/m2, with watermarks not less than 4 cm but not more than 10 cm apart, in reels of a width of not less than 31 cm, containing 8 % or less by weight of fillers, and intended for the printing of daily newspapers, weekly papers or other periodicals of heading No 4902, published at least 10 times per year.
CHAPTER 49PRINTED BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, PICTURES AND OTHER PRODUCTS OF THE PRINTING INDUSTRY; MANUSCRIPTS, TYPESCRIPTS AND PLANSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) photographic negatives or positives on transparent bases (Chapter 37); (b) maps, plans or globes, in relief, whether or not printed (heading No 9023); (c) playing cards or other goods of Chapter 95; or (d) original engravings, prints or lithographs (heading No 9702), postage or revenue stamps, stamp-postmarks, first-day covers, postal stationery or the like of heading No 9704, antiques of an age exceeding 100 years or other articles of Chapter 97.2. For the purposes of Chapter 49, the term 'printed` also means reproduced by means of a duplicating machine, produced under the control of a computer, embossed, photographed, photocopied, thermocopied or typewritten.3. Newspapers, journals and periodicals which are bound otherwise than in paper, and sets of newspapers, journals or periodicals comprising more than one number under a single cover are to be classified in heading No 4901, whether or not containing advertising material.4. Heading No 4901 also covers : (a) a collection of printed reproductions of, for example, works of art or drawings, with a relative text, put up with numbered pages in a form suitable for binding into one or more volumes; (b) a pictorial supplement accompanying, and subsidiary to, a bound volume; and (c) printed parts of books or booklets, in the form of assembled or separate sheets or signatures, constituting the whole or a part of a complete work and designed for binding. However, printed pictures or illustrations not bearing a text, whether in the form of signatures or separate sheets, fall in heading No 4911.5. Subject to note 3 to this chapter, heading No 4901 does not cover publications which are essentially devoted to advertising (for example, brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, trade catalogues, year books published by trade associations, tourist propaganda). Such publications are to be classified in heading No 4911.6. For the purposes of heading No 4903, the expression 'children`s picture books` means books for children in which the pictures form the principal interest and the text is subsidiary.
CHAPTER 51WOOL, FINE OR COARSE ANIMAL HAIR; HORSEHAIR YARN AND WOVEN FABRICNote1. Throughout the nomenclature : (a) 'wool` means the natural fibre grown by sheep or lambs; (b) 'fine animal hair` means the hair of alpaca, llama, vicuna, camel, yak, Angora, Tibetan, Kashmir or similar goats (but not common goats), rabbit (including Angora rabbit), hare, beaver, nutria or musk-rat; (c) 'coarse animal hair` means the hair of animals not mentioned above, excluding brush-making hair and bristles (heading No 0502) and horsehair (heading No 0503).
CHAPTER 52COTTONSubheading note1. For the purposes of subheadings 5209 42 and 5211 42, the expression 'denim` means fabrics of three-thread or four-thread twill, including broken twill, warp faced, the warp yarns of which are dyed blue and the weft yarns of which are unbleached, bleached, dyed grey or coloured a lighter shade of blue than that of the warp yarns.
CHAPTER 53OTHER VEGETABLE TEXTILE FIBRES; PAPER YARN AND WOVEN FABRICS OF PAPER YARNAdditional noteA. For the purposes of subsections 5306 10 90, 5306 20 90 and 5308 20 90, the expression 'put up for retail sale` in relation to yarn (single, multiple or cabled) means, subject to the exceptions in paragraph (B) below, yarn put up : (a) in balls or on cards, reels, tubes or similar supports, of a weight (including support) not exceeding 200 grams; (b) in hanks or skeins of a weight not exceeding 125 grams; (c) in hanks or skeins comprising several smaller hanks or skeins separated by dividing threads which render them independent one of the other, each of uniform weight not exceeding 125 grams.B. Exceptions : (a) multiple or cabled yarn, unbleached, in hanks or skeins; (b) multiple or cabled yarn, put up : (i) in cross-reeled hanks or skeins; or (ii) put up on supports or in some other manner indicating its use in the textile industry (for example, on cops, twisting mill tubes, pirns, conical bobbins or spindles, or reeled in the form of cocoons for embroidery looms).
CHAPTER 54MAN-MADE FILAMENTSNotes1. Throughout the nomenclature, the term 'man-made fibres` means staple fibres and filaments of organic polymers produced by manufacturing processes, either : (a) by polymerization of organic monomers, such as polyamides, polyesters, polyurethanes or polyvinyl derivatives; or (b) by chemical transformation of natural organic polymers (for example, cellulose, casein, proteins or algae), such as viscose rayon, cellulose acetate, cupro or alginates. The terms 'synthetic` and 'artificial`, used in relation to fibres, mean : synthetic : fibres as defined at (a); artificial : fibres as defined at (b). The terms 'man-made`, 'synthetic` and 'artificial` shall have the same meanings when used in relation to 'textile materials`.2. Heading Nos 5402 and 5403 do not apply to synthetic or artificial filament tow of Chapter 55.
CHAPTER 55MAN-MADE STAPLE FIBRESNote1. Heading Nos 5501 and 5502 apply only to man-made filament tow, consisting of parallel filaments of a uniform length equal to the length of the tow, meeting the following specifications : (a) length of tow exceeding 2 m; (b) twist less than five turns per metre; (c) measuring per filament less than 67 decitex; (d) synthetic filament tow only : the tow must be drawn, that is to say, be incapable of being stretched by more than 100 % of its length; (e) total measurement of tow more than 20 000 decitex. Tow of a length not exceeding 2 m is to be classified within heading No 5503 or 5504.
CHAPTER 56WADDING, FELT AND NONWOVENS; SPECIAL YARNS; TWINE, CORDAGE, ROPES AND CABLES AND ARTICLES THEREOFNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) wadding, felt or nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with substances or preparations (for example, perfumes or cosmetics of Chapter 33, soaps or detergents of heading No 3401, polishes, creams or similar preparations of heading No 3405, fabric softeners of heading No 3809) where the textile material is present merely as a carrying medium; (b) textile products of heading No 5811; (c) natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a backing of felt or nonwovens (heading No 6805); (d) agglomerated or reconstituted mica, on a backing of felt or nonwovens (heading No 6814); or (e) metal foil on a backing of felt or nonwovens (Section XV).2. The term 'felt` includes needleloom felt and fabrics consisting of a web of textile fibres the cohesion of which has been enhanced by a stitch-bonding process using fibres from the web itself.3. Heading Nos 5602 and 5603 cover respectively felt and nonwovens, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics or rubber whatever the nature of these materials (compact or cellular). Heading No 5603 also includes nonwovens in which plastics or rubber forms the bonding substance. Heading Nos 5602 and 5603 do not, however, cover : (a) felt impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics or rubber, containing 50 % or less by weight of textile material or felt completely embedded in plastics or rubber (Chapter 39 or 40); (b) nonwovens, either completely embedded in plastics or rubber, or entirely coated or covered on both sides with such materials, provided that such coating or covering can be seen with the naked eye with no account being taken of any resulting change of colour (Chapter 39 or 40); or (c) plates, sheets or strip of cellular plastics or cellular rubber combined with felt or nonwovens, where the textile material is present merely for reinforcing purposes (Chapter 39 or 40).4. Heading No 5604 does not cover textile yarn, or strip or the like of heading No 5404 or 5405, in which the impregnation, coating or covering cannot be seen with the naked eye (usually Chapters 50 to 55); for the purpose of this provision, no account should be taken of any resulting change of colour.
CHAPTER 57CARPETS AND OTHER TEXTILE FLOOR COVERINGSNotes1. For the purposes of this chapter, the term 'carpets and other textile floor coverings` means floor coverings in which textile materials serve as the exposed surface of the article when in use and includes articles having the characteristics of textile floor coverings but intended for use for other purposes.2. This chapter does not cover floor covering underlays.Additional note1. For the purposes of applying the maximum rate of duty provided for in respect of carpets, carpeting and rugs falling within subheadings 5701 10 91 to 5701 10 99, the dutiable surface shall not include the heading, the selvedges and the fringes.
CHAPTER 58SPECIAL WOVEN FABRICS; TUFTED TEXTILE FABRICS; LACE; TAPESTRIES; TRIMMINGS; EMBROIDERYNotes1. This chapter does not apply to textile fabrics referred to in note 1 to Chapter 59, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, or to other goods of Chapter 59.2. Heading No 5801 also includes woven weft pile fabrics which have not yet had the floats cut, at which stage they have no pile standing up.3. For the purposes of heading No 5803, 'gauze` means a fabric with a warp composed wholly or in part of standing or ground threads and crossing or doup threads which cross the standing or ground threads making a half turn, a complete turn or more to form loops through which weft threads pass.4. Heading No 5804 does not apply to knotted net fabrics of twine, cordage or rope, of heading No 5608.5. For the purposes of heading No 5806, the expression 'narrow woven fabrics` means : (a) woven fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm, whether woven as such or cut from wider pieces, provided with selvedges (woven, gummed or otherwise made) on both edges; (b) tubular woven fabrics of a flattened width not exceeding 30 cm; and (c) bias binding with folded edges, of a width when unfolded not exceeding 30 cm. Narrow woven fabrics with woven fringes are to be classified in heading No 5808.6. In heading No 5810, the expression 'embroidery` means inter alia embroidery with metal or glass thread on a visible ground of textile fabric, and sewn appliqué work of sequins, beads or ornamental motifs of textile or other materials. The heading does not apply to needlework tapestry (heading No 5805).7. In addition to the products of heading No 5809, this chapter also includes articles made of metal thread and of a kind used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or for similar purposes.
No 4
CHAPTER 60KNITTED OR CROCHETED FABRICSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) crochet lace of heading No 5804; (b) labels, badges and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, of heading No 5807; or (c) knitted or crocheted fabrics, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated of Chapter 59. However, knitted or crocheted pile fabrics, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, remain classified in heading No 6001.2. This chapter also includes fabrics made of metal thread and of a kind used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or for similar purposes.3. Throughout the nomenclature any reference to 'knitted goods` includes a reference to stitch-bonded goods in which the chain stitches are formed of textile yarn.
CHAPTER 63OTHER MADE-UP TEXTILE ARTICLES; SETS; WORN CLOTHING AND WORN TEXTILE ARTICLES; RAGSNotes1. Sub-chapter I applies only to made-up articles, of any textile fabric.2. Sub-chapter I does not cover : (a) goods of Chapters 56 to 62; or (b) worn clothing or other worn articles of heading No 6309.3. Heading No 6309 applies only to the following goods : (a) articles of textile materials : (i) clothing and clothing accessories, and parts thereof; (ii) blankets and travelling rugs; (iii) bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen; (iv) furnishing articles, other than carpets of heading Nos 5701 to 5705 and tapestries of heading No 5805; (b) footwear and headgear of any material other than asbestos. In order to be classified within this heading, the articles mentioned above must comply with both of the following requirements : (i) they must show signs of appreciable wear, and (ii) they must be presented in bulk or in bales, sacks or similar packings.
CHAPTER 64FOOTWEAR, GAITERS AND THE LIKE; PARTS OF SUCH ARTICLESNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) footwear without applied soles, of textile material (Chapter 61 or 62); (b) worn footwear of heading No 6309; (c) articles of asbestos (heading No 6812); (d) orthopaedic footwear or other orthopaedic appliances, or parts thereof (heading No 9021); or (e) toy footwear or skating boots with ice or roller skates attached; shin-guards or similar protective sportswear (Chapter 95).2. For the purposes of heading No 6406, the expression 'parts` does not include pegs, boot protectors, eyelets, boot hooks, buckles, ornaments, braid, laces, pompons or other trimmings (which are to be classified in their appropriate headings) or buttons or other goods of heading No 9606.3. For the purposes of this chapter, the expressions 'rubber` or 'plastics` include any textile material visibly coated or covered externally with one or both of those materials.4. Subject to note 3 to this chapter : (a) the material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatest external surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as ankle patches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments; (b) the constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatest surface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as spikes, bars, nails, protectors or similar attachments.Subheading note1. For the purposes of subheadings 6402 11, 6402 19, 6403 11, 6403 19 and 6404 11, the expression 'sports footwear` applies only to : (a) footwear which is designed for a sporting activity and has, or has provision for the attachment of, spikes, sprigs, stops, clips, bars or the like; (b) skating boots, ski-boots and cross-country ski footwear, wrestling boots, boxing boots and cycling shoes.
CHAPTER 65HEADGEAR AND PARTS THEREOFNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) worn headgear of heading No 6309; (b) asbestos headgear (heading No 6812); or (c) dolls` hats, other toy hats or carnival articles of Chapter 95.2. Heading No 6502 does not cover hat-shapes made by sewing, other than those obtained simply by sewing strips in spirals.
CHAPTER 66UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBRELLAS, WALKING-STICKS, SEAT-STICKS, WHIPS, RIDING-CROPS AND PARTS THEREOFNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) measure walking-sticks or the like (heading No 9017); (b) firearm-sticks, sword-sticks, loaded walking-sticks or the like (Chapter 93); or (c) goods of Chapter 95 (for example, toy umbrellas, toy sun umbrellas).2. Heading No 6603 does not cover parts, trimmings or accessories of textile material, or covers, tassels, thongs, umbrella cases or the like, of any material. Such goods presented with, but not fitted to, articles of heading No 6601 or 6602 are to be classified separately and are not to be treated as forming part of those articles.
CHAPTER 67PREPARED FEATHERS AND DOWN AND ARTICLES MADE OF FEATHERS OR OF DOWN; ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS; ARTICLES OF HUMAN HAIRNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) straining cloth of human hair (heading No 5911); (b) floral motifs of lace, of embroidery or other textile fabric (Section XI); (c) footwear (Chapter 64); (d) headgear or hair-nets (Chapter 65); (e) toys, sports requisites or carnival articles (Chapter 95); or (f) feather dusters, powder-puffs or hair sieves (Chapter 96).2. Heading No 6701 does not cover : (a) articles in which feathers or down constitute only filling or padding (for example, bedding of heading No 9404); (b) articles of apparel or clothing accessories in which feathers or down constitute no more than mere trimming or padding; or (c) artificial flowers or foliage or parts thereof or made up articles of heading No 6702.3. Heading No 6702 does not cover : (a) articles of glass (Chapter 70); or (b) artificial flowers, foliage or fruit of pottery, stone, metal, wood or other materials, obtained in one piece by moulding, forging, carving, stamping or other process, or consisting of parts assembled otherwise than by binding, glueing, fitting into one another or similar methods.
CHAPTER 68ARTICLES OF STONE, PLASTER, CEMENT, ASBESTOS, MICA OR SIMILAR MATERIALSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) goods of Chapter 25; (b) coated, impregnated or covered paper of heading No 4810 or 4811 (for example, paper coated with mica powder or graphite, bituminized or asphalted paper); (c) coated, impregnated or covered textile fabric of Chapter 56 or 59 (for example, fabric coated or covered with mica powder, bituminized or asphalted fabric); (d) articles of Chapter 71; (e) tools or parts of tools, of Chapter 82; (f) lithographic stones of heading No 8442; (g) electrical insulators (heading No 8546) or fittings of insulating material of heading No 8547; (h) dental burrs (heading No 9018); (ij) articles of Chapter 91 (for example, clocks and clock cases); (k) articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, lamps and lighting fittings, prefabricated buildings); (l) articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games and sports requisites); (m) articles of heading No 9602, if made of materials specified in note 2 (b) to Chapter 96, or of heading No 9606 (for example, buttons), No 9609 (for example, slate pencils) or No 9610 (for example, drawing slates); or (n) articles of Chapter 97 (for example, works of art).2. in heading No 6802, the expression 'worked monumental or building stone` applies not only to the varieties of stone referred to in heading No 2515 or 2516 but also to all other natural stone (for example, quartzite, flint, dolomite and steatite) similarly worked; it does not, however, apply to slate.
CHAPTER 69CERAMIC PRODUCTSNotes1. This chapter applies only to ceramic products which have been fired after shaping. Heading Nos 6904 to 6914 apply only to such products other than those classifiable in heading Nos 6901 to 6903.2. This chapter does not cover : (a) products of heading No 2844; (b) articles of Chapter 71 (for example, imitation jewellery); (c) cermets of heading No 8113; (d) articles of Chapter 82; (e) electrical insulators (heading No 8546) or fittings of insulating material of heading No 8547; (f) artificial teeth (heading No 9021); (g) articles of Chapter 91 (for example, clocks and clock cases); (h) articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, lamps and lighting fittings, prefabricated buildings); (ij) articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games and sports requisites); (k) articles of heading No 9606 (for example, buttons) or of heading No 9614 (for example, smoking pipes); or (l) articles of Chapter 97 (for example, works of art).
CHAPTER 70GLASS AND GLASSWARENotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) goods of heading No 3207 (for example, vitrifiable enamels and glazes, glass frit, other glass in the form of powder, granules or flakes); (b) articles of Chapter 71 (for example, imitation jewellery); (c) optical fibre cables of heading No 8544, electrical insulators (heading No 8546) or fittings of insulating material of heading No 8547; (d) optical fibres, optically worked optical elements, hypodermic syringes, artificial eyes, thermometers, barometers, hydrometers or other articles of Chapter 90; (e) lamps or lighting fittings, illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates or the like, having a permanently fixed light source, or parts thereof of heading No 9405; (f) toys, games, sports requisites, Christmas tree ornaments or other articles of Chapter 95 (excluding glass eyes without mechanisms for dolls or for other articles of Chapter 95); or (g) buttons, fitted vacuum flasks, scent or similar sprays or other articles of Chapter 96.2. For the purposes of headings Nos 7003, 7004 and 7005 : (a) Glass is not regarded as 'worked` by reason of any process it has undergone before annealing. (b) Cutting to shape does not affect the classification of glass in sheets. (c) The expression 'absorbent or reflecting layer` means a microscopically thin coating of metal or of a chemical compound (for example, metal oxide) which absorbs, for example, infra-red light or improves the reflecting qualities of the glass while still allowing it to retain a degree of transparency or translucency.3. The products referred to in heading No 7006 remain classified in that heading whether or not they have the character of articles.4. For the purposes of heading No 7019, the expression 'glass wool` means : (a) mineral wools with a silica (SiO2) content not less than 60 % by weight; (b) mineral wools with a silica (SiO2) content less than 60 % but with an alkaline oxide (K2O or Na2O) content exceeding 5 % by weight or a boric oxide (B2O3) content exceeding 2 % by weight. Mineral wools which do not comply with the above specifications fall within heading No 6806.5. Throughout the nomenclature, the expression 'glass` includes fused quartz and other fused silica.Subheading note1. For the purposes of subheadings 7013 21, 7013 31 and 7013 91, the expression 'lead crystal` means only glass having a minimum lead monoxide (PbO) content by weight of 24 %.
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CHAPTER 73ARTICLES OF IRON OR STEELNotes1. In this chapter the expression 'cast iron` applies to products obtained by casting in which iron predominates by weight over each of the other elements and which do not comply with the chemical composition of steel as defined in note 1 (d) to Chapter 72.2. In this chapter the word 'wire` means hot- or cold-formed products of any cross-sectional shape, of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 16 mm.
CHAPTER 74COPPER AND ARTICLES THEREOFNote1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) refined copper : Metal containing at least 99,85 % by weight of copper; or Metal containing at least 97,5 % by weight of copper, provided that the content by weight of any other element does not exceed the limit specified in the following table : Other elements Elements Limiting content % by weight
Ag SilverAs ArsenicCd CadmiumCr ChromiumMg MagnesiumPb LeadS SulphurSn TinTe TelluriumZn ZincZr ZirconiumOther elements (1), each 0,250,5 1,3 1,4 0,8 1,5 0,7 0,8 0,8 1 0,3 0,3
(1) Other elements are, for example, Al, Be, Co, Fe, Mn, Ni, Si.
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CHAPTER 75NICKEL AND ARTICLES THEREOFNote1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Bars and rods : Rolled, extruded, drawn or forged products, not in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms and dimensions, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings. (b) Profiles : Rolled, extruded, drawn, forged or formed products, coiled or not, of a uniform cross-section along their whole length, which do not conform to any of the definitions of bars, rods, wire, plates, sheets, strip, foil, tubes or pipes. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings. (c) Wire : Rolled, extruded or drawn products, in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. (d) Plates, sheets, strip and foil : Flat-surfaced products (other than the unwrought products of heading No 7502), coiled or not, of solid rectangular (other than square) cross-section with or without rounded corners (including 'modified rectangles` of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel) of a uniform thickness, which are : - of rectangular (including square) shape with a thickness not exceeding one-tenth of the width, - of a shape other than rectangular or square, of any size, provided that they do not assume the character of articles or products of other headings. Heading No 7506 applies inter alia to plates, sheets, strip and foil with patterns (for example, grooves, ribs, chequers, tears, buttons, lozenges) and to such products which have been perforated, corrugated, polished or coated, provided that they do not thereby assume the character of articles or products of other headings. (e) Tubes and pipes : Hollow products, coiled or not, which have a uniform cross-section with only one enclosed void along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons, and which have a uniform wall thickness. Products with a rectangular (including square), equilateral triangular, or regular convex polygonal cross-section, which may have corners rounded along their whole length, are also to be considered as tubes and pipes provided the inner and outer cross-sections are concentric and have the same form and orientation. Tubes and pipes of the foregoing cross-sections may be polished, coated, bent, threaded, drilled, waisted, expanded, cone-shaped or fitted with flanges, collars or rings.Subheading note1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Nickel, not alloyed : Metal containing by weight at least 99 % of nickel plus cobalt, provided that : (i) the cobalt content by weight does not exceed 1,5 %, and (ii) the content by weight of any other element does not exceed the limit specified in the following table : Other elements Elements Limiting content % by weight
Fe IronO OxygenOther elements, each 0,50,40,3
(b) Nickel alloys : Metallic substances in which nickel predominates by weight over each of the other elements provided that : (i) the content by weight of cobalt exceeds 1,5 %, (ii) the content by weight of at least one of the other elements is greater than the limit specified in the foregoing table, or (iii) the total content by weight of elements other than nickel plus cobalt exceeds 1 %.
CHAPTER 76ALUMINIUM AND ARTICLES THEREOFNote1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Bars and rods : Rolled, extruded, drawn or forged products, not in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms and dimensions, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings; (b) Profiles : Rolled, extruded, drawn, forged or formed products, coiled or not, of a uniform cross-section along their whole length, which do not conform to any of the definitions of bars, rods, wire, plates, sheets, strip, foil, tubes or pipes. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings; (c) Wire : Rolled, extruded or drawn products, in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width; (d) Plates, sheets, strip and foil : Flat-surfaced products (other than the unwrought products of heading No 7601), coiled or not, of solid rectangular (other than square) cross-section with or without rounded corners (including 'modified rectangles` of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel) of a uniform thickness, which are : - of rectangular (including square) shape with a thickness not exceeding one-tenth of the width, - of a shape other than rectangular or square, of any size, provided that they do not assume the character of articles or products of other headings. Heading Nos 7606 and 7607 apply inter alia to plates, sheets, strip and foil with patterns (for example, grooves, ribs, chequers, tears, buttons, lozenges) and to such products which have been perforated, corrugated, polished or coated, provided that they do not thereby assume the character of articles or products of other headings; (e) Tubes and pipes : Hollow products, coiled or not, which have a uniform cross-section with only one enclosed void along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons, and which have a uniform wall thickness. Products with a rectangular (including square), equilateral triangular or regular convex polygonal cross-section, which may have corners rounded along their whole length, are also to be considered as tubes and pipes provided the inner and outer cross-sections are concentric and have the same form and orientation. Tubes and pipes of the foregoing cross-sections may be polished, coated, bent, threaded, drilled, waisted, expanded, cone-shaped or fitted with flanges, collars or rings.Subheading note1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Aluminium, not alloyed : Metal containing by weight at least 99 % of aluminium, provided that the content by weight of any other element does not exceed the limit specified in the following table : Other elements Element Limiting content % by weight
Fe + Si (iron plus silicon)Other elements (1), each 1 0,1 (2)
(1) Other elements are, for example, Cr, Cu, Mg, Mn, Ni, Zn.(2) Copper is permitted in a proportion greater than 0,1 % but not more than 0,2 %, provided that neither the chromium nor manganese content exceeds 0,05 %.
(b) Aluminium alloys : Metallic substances in which aluminium predominates by weight over each of the other elements, provided that : (i) the content by weight of at least one of the other elements or of iron plus silicon taken together is greater than the limit specified in the foregoing table,or (ii) the total content by weight of such other elements exceeds 1 %.
CHAPTER 78LEAD AND ARTICLES THEREOFNote1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Bars and rods : Rolled, extruded, drawn or forged products, not in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms and dimensions, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings. (b) Profiles : Rolled, extruded, drawn, forged or formed products, coiled or not, of a uniform cross-section along their whole length, which do not conform to any of the definitions of bars, rods, wire, plates, sheets, strip, foil, tubes or pipes. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings. (c) Wire : Rolled, extruded or drawn products, in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. (d) Plates, sheets, strip and foil : Flat-surfaced products (other than the unwrought products of heading No 7801), coiled or not, of solid rectangular (other than square) cross-section with or without rounded corners (including 'modified rectangles` of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel) of a uniform thickness, which are : - of rectangular (including square) shape with a thickness not exceeding one-tenth of the width, - of a shape other than rectangular or square, of any size, provided that they do not assume the character of articles or products of other headings. Heading No 7804 applies inter alia to plates, sheets, strip and foil with patterns (for example, grooves, ribs, chequers, tears, buttons, lozenges) and to such products which have been perforated, corrugated, polished or coated, provided that they do not thereby assume the character of articles or products of other headings. (e) Tubes and pipes : Hollow products, coiled or not, which have a uniform cross-section with only one enclosed void along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons, and which have a uniform wall thickness. Products with a rectangular (including square), equilateral triangular or regular convex polygonal cross-section, which may have corners rounded along their whole length, are also to be considered as tubes and pipes provided the inner and outer cross-sections are concentric and have the same form and orientation. Tubes and pipes of the foregoing cross-sections may be polished, coated, bent, threaded, drilled, waisted, expanded, cone-shaped or fitted with flanges, collars or rings.Subheading note1. In this chapter the expression 'refined lead` means : Metal containing by weight at least 99,9 % of lead, provided that the content by weight of any other element does not exceed the limit specified in the following table : Other elements Element Limiting content % by weight
Ag SilverAs ArsenicBi BismuthCa CalciumCd CadmiumCu CopperFe IronS SulphurSb AntimonySn TinZn ZincOther (for example Te), each 0,02 0,0050,05 0,0020,0020,08 0,0020,0020,0050,0050,0020,001
CHAPTER 79ZINC AND ARTICLES THEREOFNote1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Bars and rods : Rolled, extruded, drawn or forged products, not in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms and dimensions, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings. (b) Profiles : Rolled, extruded, drawn, forged or formed products, coiled or not, of a uniform cross-section along their whole length, which do not conform to any of the definitions of bars, rods, wire, plates, sheets, strip, foil, tubes or pipes. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings. (c) Wire : Rolled, extruded or drawn products, in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. (d) Plates, sheets, strip and foil : Flat-surfaced products (other than the unwrought products of heading No 7901), coiled or not, of solid rectangular (other than square) cross-section with or without rounded corners (including 'modified rectangles` of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel) of a uniform thickness, which are : - of rectangular (including square) shape with a thickness not exceeding one-tenth of the width, - of a shape other than rectangular or square, of any size, provided that they do not assume the character of articles or products of other headings. Heading No 7905 applies inter alia to plates, sheets, strip and foil with patterns (for example, grooves, ribs, chequers, tears, buttons, lozenges) and to such products which have been perforated, corrugated, polished or coated, provided that they do not thereby assume the character of articles or products of other headings. (e) Tubes and pipes : Hollow products, coiled or not, which have a uniform cross-section with only one enclosed void along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons, and which have a uniform wall thickness. Products with a rectangular (including square), equilateral triangular or regular convex polygonal cross-section, which may have corners rounded along their whole length, are also to be considered as tubes and pipes provided the inner and outer cross-sections are concentric and have the same form and orientation. Tubes and pipes of the foregoing cross-sections may be polished, coated, bent, threaded, drilled, waisted, expanded, cone-shaped or fitted with flanges, collars or rings.Subheading note1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Zinc, not alloyed : Metal containing by weight at least 97,5 % of zinc. (b) Zinc alloys : Metallic substances in which zinc predominates by weight over each of the other elements, provided that the total content by weight of such other elements exceeds 2,5 %. (c) Zinc dust : Dust obtained by condensation of zinc vapour, consisting of spherical particles which are finer than zinc powders. At least 80 % by weight of the particles pass through a sieve with 63 ìm (microns) mesh. It must contain at least 85 % by weight of metallic zinc.
CHAPTER 80TIN AND ARTICLES THEREOFNote1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Bars and rods : Rolled, extruded, drawn or forged products, not in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms and dimensions, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings. (b) Profiles : Rolled, extruded, drawn, forged or formed products, coiled or not, of a uniform cross-section along their whole length, which do not conform to any of the definitions of bars, rods, wire, plates, sheets, strip, foil, tubes or pipes. The expression also covers cast or sintered products, of the same forms, which have been subsequently worked after production (otherwise than by simple trimming or de-scaling), provided that they have not thereby assumed the character of articles or products of other headings. (c) Wire : Rolled, extruded or drawn products, in coils, which have a uniform solid cross-section along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons (including 'flattened circles` and 'modified rectangles`, of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel). Products with a rectangular (including square), triangular or polygonal cross-section may have corners rounded along their whole length. The thickness of such products which have a rectangular (including 'modified rectangular`) cross-section exceeds one-tenth of the width. (d) Plates, sheets, strip and foil : Flat-surfaced products (other than the unwrought products of heading No 8001), coiled or not, of solid rectangular (other than square) cross-section with or without rounded corners (including 'modified rectangles` of which two opposite sides are convex arcs, the other two sides being straight, of equal length and parallel) of a uniform thickness, which are : - of rectangular (including square) shape with a thickness not exceeding one-tenth of the width, - of a shape other than rectangular or square, of any size, provided that they do not assume the character of articles or products of other headings. Heading Nos 8004 and 8005 apply inter alia to plates, sheets, strip and foil with patterns (for example, grooves, ribs, chequers, tears, buttons, lozenges) and to such products which have been perforated, corrugated, polished or coated, provided that they do not thereby assume the character of articles or products of other headings. (e) Tubes and pipes : Hollow products, coiled or not, which have a uniform cross-section with only one enclosed void along their whole length in the shape of circles, ovals, rectangles (including squares), equilateral triangles or regular convex polygons, and which have a uniform wall thickness. Products with a rectangular (including square), equilateral triangular or regular convex polygonal cross-section, which may have corners rounded along their whole length, are also to be considered as tubes and pipes provided the inner and outer cross-sections are concentric and have the same form and orientation. Tubes and pipes of the foregoing cross-sections may be polished, coated, bent, threaded, drilled, waisted, expanded, cone-shaped or fitted with flanges, collars or rings.Subheading note1. In this chapter the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them : (a) Tin, not alloyed : Metal containing by weight at least 99 % of tin, provided that the content by weight of any bismuth or copper is less than the limit specified in the following table : Other elements Element Limiting content % by weight
Bi BismuthCu Copper 0,10,4
(b) Tin alloys : Metallic substances in which tin predominates by weight over each of the other elements, provided that : (i) the total content by weight of such other elements exceeds 1 %,or (ii) the content by weight of either bismuth or copper is equal to or greater than the limit specified in the foregoing table.
CHAPTER 81OTHER BASE METALS; CERMETS; ARTICLES THEREOFSubheading note1. Note 1 to Chapter 74, defining 'bars and rods`, 'profiles`, 'wire` and 'plates, sheets, strip and foil` applies mutatis mutandis to this chapter.
CHAPTER 82TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS, CUTLERY, SPOONS AND FORKS, OF BASE METAL; PARTS THEREOF OF BASE METALNotes1. Apart from blowlamps, portable forges, grinding wheels with frameworks, manicure and pedicure sets, and goods of heading No 8209, this chapter covers only articles with a blade, working edge, working surface or other working part of : (a) base metal; (b) metal carbides or cermets; (c) precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) on a support of base metal, metal carbide or cermet; or (d) abrasive materials on a support of base metal, provided that the articles have cutting teeth, flutes, grooves, or the like, of base metal, which retain their identity and function after the application of the abrasive.2. Parts of base metal of the articles of this chapter are to be classified with the articles of which they are parts, except parts separately specified as such and tool-holders for hand tools (heading No 8466). However, parts of general use as defined in note 2 to Section XV are in all cases excluded from this chapter. Heads, blades and cutting plates for electric shavers or electric hair clippers are to be classified in heading No 8510.3. Sets consisting of one or more knives of heading No 8211 and at least an equal number of articles of heading No 8215 are to be classified in heading No 8215.
CHAPTER 83MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES OF BASE METALNotes1. For the purposes of this chapter, parts of base metal are to be classified with their parent articles. However, articles of iron or steel of heading No 7312, 7315, 7317, 7318 or 7320, or similar articles of other base metal (Chapters 74 to 76 and 78 to 81) are not to be taken as parts of articles of this chapter.2. For the purposes of heading No 8302 the word 'castors` means those having a diameter (including, where appropriate, tyres) not exceeding 75 mm, or those having a diameter (including, where appropriate, tyres) exceeding 75 mm provided that the width of the wheels or tyre fitted thereto is less than 30 mm.
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CHAPTER 85ELECTRICAL MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT AND PARTS THEREOF; SOUND RECORDERSAND REPRODUCERS, TELEVISION IMAGE AND SOUND RECORDERS AND REPRODUCERS, AND PARTS ANDACCESSORIES OF SUCH ARTICLESNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) electrically warmed blankets, bed pads, foot-muffs or the like; electrically warmed clothing, footwear or ear pads or other electrically warmed articles worn on or about the person; (b) articles of glass of heading No 7011; or (c) electrically heated furniture of Chapter 94.2. Heading Nos 8501 to 8504 do not apply to goods described in heading No 8511, 8512, 8540, 8541 or 8542. However, metal tank mercury arc rectifiers remain classified within heading No 8504.3. Heading No 8509 covers only the following electro-mechanical machines of the kind commonly used for domestic purposes : (a) vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, food grinders and mixers, and fruit or vegetable juice extractors, of any weight; (b) other machines provided the weight of such machines does not exceed 20 kg.The heading does not, however, apply to fans or ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters (heading No 8414), centrifugal clothes-dryers (heading No 8421), dish washing machines (heading No 8422), household washing machines (heading No 8450), roller or other ironing machines (heading No 8420 or 8451), sewing machines (heading No 8452), electric scissors (heading No 8508) or to electro-thermic appliances (heading No 8516).4. For the purposes of heading No 8534, 'printed circuits` are circuits obtained by forming on an insulating base, by any printing process (for example, embossing, plating-up, etching) or by the 'film circuit` technique, conductor elements, contacts or other printed components (for example, inductances, resistors, capacitors) alone or interconnected according to a pre-established pattern, other than elements which can produce, rectify, modulate or amplify an electrical signal (for example, semiconductor elements). The term 'printed circuits` does not cover circuits combined with elements other than those obtained during the printing process. Printed circuits may, however, be fitted with non-printed connecting elements. Thin or thick-film circuits comprising passive and active elements obtained during the same technological process are to be classified within heading No 8542.5. For the purposes of heading Nos 8541 and 8542 : (A) 'Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices` are semiconductor devices the operation of which depends on variations in resistivity on the application of an electric field; (B) 'Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies` are : (a) monolithic integrated circuits in which the circuit elements (diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors, interconnections, etc.) are created in the mass (essentially) and on the surface of a semiconductor material (doped silicon, for example) and are inseparably associated; (b) hybrid integrated circuits in which passive elements (resistors, capacitors, interconnections, etc.), obtained by thin- or thick-film technology, and active elements (diodes, transistors, monolithic integrated circuits, etc.), obtained by semiconductor technology, are combined to all intents and purposes indivisibly, on a single insulating substrate (glass, ceramic, etc.). These circuits may also include discrete components; (c) microassemblies of the moulded module, micromodule or similar types, consisting of discrete, active or both active and passive, components which are combined and interconnected. For the classification of the articles defined in this note, heading Nos 8541 and 8542 shall take precedence over any other heading in the nomenclature which might cover them by reference to, in particular, their function.6. Records, tapes and other media of heading No 8523 or 8524 remain classified within those headings, whether or not they are presented with the apparatus for which they are intended.Additional notes1. Subheadings 8519 10, 8519 21, 8519 29, 8519 31 and 8519 39 are to be taken not to apply to sound reproducing apparatus with laser optical reading system, which fall within subheading 8519 99 10.2. Subheading 8524 10 is to be taken not to apply to 'compact discs`, which fall within subheading 8524 90 10.3. Heading No 8521 is to be taken not to apply to video recording or reproducing apparatus incorporating a video tuner, which fall within subheading 8528 10 11, 8528 10 19 or 8528 10 30.
Notes1. This section does not cover articles of heading No 9501, 9503 or 9508, or bobsleighs, toboggans or the like of heading No 9506.2. The expressions 'parts` and 'parts and accessories` do not apply to the following articles, whether or not they are identifiable as for the goods of this section : (a) joints, washers and the like of any material (classified according to their constituent material or in heading No 8484) or other articles of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber (heading No 4016); (b) parts of general use, as defined in note 2 to Section XV, of base metal (Section XV), or similar goods of plastics (Chapter 39); (c) articles of Chapter 82 (tools); (d) articles of heading No 8306; (e) machines or apparatus of heading Nos 8401 to 8479, or parts thereof; articles of heading No 8481 or 8482 or, provided they constitute integral parts of engines or motors, articles of heading No 8483; (f) electrical machinery or equipment (Chapter 85); (g) articles of Chapter 90; (h) articles of Chapter 91; (ij) arms (Chapter 93); (k) lamps or lighting fittings of heading No 9405; (l) brushes of a kind used as parts of vehicles (heading No 9603).3. References in Chapters 86 to 88 to 'parts` or 'accessories` do not apply to parts or accessories which are not suitable for use solely or principally with the articles of those chapters. A part or accessory which answers to a description in two or more of the headings of those chapters is to be classified within that heading which corresponds to the principal use of that part or accessory.4. Aircraft specially constructed so that they can also be used as road vehicles are classified as aircraft. Amphibious motor vehicles are classified as motor vehicles.5. Air-cushion vehicles are to be classified within this section with the vehicles to which they are most akin as follows : (a) in Chapter 86 if designed to travel on a guide-track (hovertrains); (b) in Chapter 87 if designed to travel over land or over both land and water; (c) in Chapter 89 if designed to travel over water, whether or not able to land on beaches or landing-stages or also able to travel over ice. Parts and accessories of air-cushion vehicles are to be classified in the same way as those of vehicles of the heading in which the air-cushion vehicles are classified under the above provisions. Hovertrain track fixtures and fittings are to be classified as railway track fixtures and fittings, and signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for hovertrain transport systems as signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways.Additional notes1. Subject to the provisions of additional note 3 to Chapter 89, tools and articles necessary for the maintenance or repair of vehicles, aircraft or vessels are to be classified with those vehicles, aircraft or vessels if presented with them. Other accessories presented with vehicles, aircraft or vessels are also to be classified therewith if they form part of the normal equipment of the vehicles, aircraft or vessels and are normally sold with them.2. The provisions of general rule 2 (a) are also applicable, at the request of the declarant and subject to conditions stipulated by the competent authorities, to goods falling within heading Nos 8608, 8805, 8905 and 8907 imported in split consignments.CHAPTER 86RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY LOCOMOTIVES, ROLLING-STOCK AND PARTS THEREOF; RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY TRACK FIXTURES AND FITTINGS AND PARTS THEREOF; MECHANICAL (INCLUDING ELECTRO-MECHANICAL) TRAFFIC SIGNALLING EQUIPMENT OF ALL KINDSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) railway or tramway sleepers of wood or of concrete, or concrete guide-track sections for hovertrains (heading No 4406 or 6810); (b) railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel of heading No 7302; or (c) electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment of heading No 8530.2. Heading No 8607 applies inter alia to : (a) axles, wheels, wheel sets (running gear), metal tyres, hoops and hubs and other parts of wheels; (b) frames, underframes, bogies and bissel-bogies; (c) axle boxes; brake gear; (d) buffers for rolling-stock; hooks and other coupling gear and corridor connections; (e) coachwork.3. Subject to the provisions of note 1 above, heading No 8608 applies inter alia to : (a) assembled track, turntables, platform buffers, loading gauges; (b) semaphores, mechanical signal discs, level-crossing control gear, signal and point controls, and other mechanical (including electro-mechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment, whether or not fitted for electric lighting, for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields.
CHAPTER 87VEHICLES OTHER THAN RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY ROLLING-STOCK,AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOFNotes1. This chapter does not cover railway or tramway rolling-stock designed solely for running on rails.2. For the purposes of this chapter, 'tractors` means vehicles constructed essentially for hauling or pushing another vehicle, appliance or load, whether or not they contain subsidiary provision for the transport, in connection with the main use of the tractor, of tools, seeds, fertilizers or other goods.3. Motor chassis fitted with cabs fall within heading Nos 8702 to 8704, and not within heading No 8706.4. Heading No 8712 includes all children`s bicycles. Other children`s cycles fall within heading No 9501.
CHAPTER 88AIRCRAFT, SPACECRAFT, AND PARTS THEREOFAdditional note1. For the purpose of heading No 8802, the expression 'unladen weight` shall mean the weight of the machine in normal flying order, excluding the weight of the crew and of fuel and equipment except permanently fitted items of equipment.
CHAPTER 89SHIPS, BOATS AND FLOATING STRUCTURESNote1. A hull, an unfinished or incomplete vessel, assembled, unassembled or disassembled, or a complete vessel unassembled or disassembled, is to be classified within heading No 8906 if it does not have the essential character of a vessel of a particular kind.Additional notes1. Subheadings 8901 10 10, 8901 20 10, 8901 30 10, 8901 90 10, 8902 00 11, 8902 00 19, 8903 91 10, 8903 92 10, 8904 00 91 and 8906 00 91 are to be taken to apply only to vessels, designed as sea-going, having a hull of an overall length (excluding any projecting parts) of not less than 12 m. However, fishing boats and lifeboats, designed as sea-going, shall be considered as sea-going vessels regardless of their length.2. Subheadings 8905 10 10 and 8905 90 10 are to be taken to apply only to vessels, floating docks and floating or submersible drilling or production platforms, designed as sea-going.3. For the purpose of heading No 8908, the expression 'vessels and other floating structures for breaking up` includes the following articles when presented for breaking up, on condition that they have formed part of their normal equipment : - spare parts (such as propellers), whether or not in a new condition, - movable articles (furniture, kitchen equipment, tableware, etc.) showing clear evidence of use.
CHAPTER 91CLOCKS AND WATCHES AND PARTS THEREOFNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) clock or watch glasses or weights (classified according to their constituent material); (b) watch chains (heading No 7113 or 7117, as the case may be); (c) parts of general use defined in note 2 to Section XV, of base metal (Section XV), or similar goods of plastics (Chapter 39) or of precious metal or metal clad with precious metal (generally heading No 7115); clock or watch springs are, however, to be classified as clock or watch parts (heading No 9114); (d) bearing balls (heading No 7326 or 8482, as the case may be); (e) articles of heading No 8412 constructed to work without an escapement; (f) ball bearings (heading No 8482); or (g) articles of Chapter 85, not yet assembled together or with other components into watch or clock movements or into articles suitable for use solely or principally as parts of such movements (Chapter 85).2. Heading No 9101 covers only watches with case wholly of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal, or of the same materials combined with natural or cultured pearls, or precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) of heading Nos 7101 to 7104. Watches with case of base metal inlaid with precious metal fall within heading No 9102.3. For the purposes of this chapter, the expression 'watch movements` means devices regulated by a balance-wheel and hairspring, quartz crystal or any other system capable of determining intervals of time, with a display or a system to which a mechanical display can be incorporated. Such watch movements shall not exceed 12 mm in thickness and 50 mm in width, length or diameter.4. Except as provided in note 1, movements and other parts suitable for use both in clocks or watches and in other articles (for example, precision instruments) are to be classified within this chapter.
CHAPTER 92MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF SUCH ARTICLESNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) parts of general use, as defined in note 2 to Section XV, of base metal (Section XV), or similar goods of plastics (Chapter 39); (b) microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, headphones, switches, stroboscopes and other accessory instruments, apparatus or equipment of Chapter 85 or 90, for use with but not incorporated in or housed in the same cabinet as instruments of this chapter; (c) toy instruments and apparatus (heading No 9503); (d) brushes for cleaning musical instruments (heading No 9603); (e) collectors` pieces or antiques (heading No 9705 or 9706); or (f) spools, reels or similar supports (which are to be classified according to their constituent material : for example, heading No 3924, Section XV).2. Bows and sticks and similar devices used in playing the musical instruments of heading Nos 9202 or 9206 presented with such instruments in numbers normal thereto and clearly intended for use therewith, are to be classified within the same heading as the relative instruments. Cards, discs and rolls of heading No 9209 presented with an instrument are to be treated as separate articles and not as forming a part of such instrument.
CHAPTER 93ARMS AND AMMUNITION; PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOFNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) goods of Chapter 36 (for example, percussion caps, detonators, signalling flares); (b) parts of general use, as defined in note 2 to Section XV, of base metal (Section XV), or similar goods of plastics (Chapter 39); (c) armoured fighting vehicles (heading No 8710); (d) telescopic sights or other optical devices suitable for use with arms, unless mounted on a firearm or presented with the firearm on which they are designed to be mounted (Chapter 90); (e) bows, arrows, fencing foils or toys (Chapter 95); or (f) collectors` pieces or antiques (heading No 9705 or 9706).2. In heading No 9306, the reference to 'parts thereof` does not include radio or radar apparatus of heading No 8526.
CHAPTER 94FURNITURE; BEDDING, MATTRESSES, MATTRESS SUPPORTS, CUSHIONS AND SIMILAR STUFFED FURNISHINGS; LAMPS AND LIGHTING FITTINGS, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED OR INCLUDED; ILLUMINATED SIGNS, ILLUMINATED NAME-PLATES AND THE LIKE; PREFABRICATED BUILDINGSNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) pneumatic or water mattresses, pillows or cushions, of Chapter 39, 40 or 63; (b) mirrors designed for placing on the floor or ground (for example, cheval-glasses (swing-mirrors)) of heading No 7009; (c) articles of Chapter 71; (d) parts of general use as defined in note 2 to Section XV, of base metal (Section XV), or similar goods of plastics (Chapter 39), or safes of heading No 8303; (e) furniture specially designed as parts of refrigerating or freezing equipment of heading No 8418; furniture specially designed for sewing machines (heading No 8452); (f) lamps or lighting fittings of Chapter 85; (g) furniture specially designed as parts of apparatus of heading No 8518 (heading No 8518), of heading Nos 8519 to 8521 (heading No 8522) or of heading Nos 8525 to 8528 (heading No 8529); (h) articles of heading No 8714; (ij) dentists` chairs incorporating dental appliances of heading No 9018 or dentists` spittoons (heading No 9018); (k) articles of Chapter 91 (for example, clocks and clock cases); or (l) toy furniture or toy lamps or lighting fittings (heading No 9503), billiard tables or other furniture specially constructed for games (heading No 9504), furniture for conjuring tricks or decorations (other than electric garlands) such as Chinese lanterns (heading No 9505).2. The articles (other than parts) referred to in heading Nos 9401 to 9403 are to be classified in those headings only if they are designed for placing on the floor or ground. The following are, however, to be classified in the abovementioned headings even if they are designed to be hung, to be fixed to the wall or to stand one on the other : (a) cupboards, bookcases, other shelved furniture and unit furniture; (b) seats and beds.3. (a) In heading Nos 9401 to 9403 references to parts of goods do not include references to sheets or slabs (whether or not cut to shape but not combined with other parts) of glass (including mirrors), marble or other stone or of any other material referred to in Chapter 68 or 69. (b) Goods described within heading No 9404, presented separately, are not to be classified within heading No 9401, 9402 or 9403 as parts of goods.4. For the purposes of heading No 9406, the expression 'prefabricated buildings` means buildings which are finished in the factory or put up as elements, presented together, to be assembled on site, such as housing or worksite accommodation, offices, schools, shops, sheds, garages or similar buildings.
CHAPTER 95TOYS, GAMES AND SPORTS REQUISITES; PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOFNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) Christmas tree candles (heading No 3406); (b) fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles of heading No 3604; (c) yarns, monofilament, cords or gut or the like for fishing, cut to length but not made up into fishing lines, of Chapter 39, heading No 4206 or Section XI; (d) sports bags or other containers of heading No 4202, 4303 or 4304; (e) sports clothing or fancy dress, of textiles, of Chapter 61 or 62; (f) textile flags or bunting, or sails for boats, sailboards or land craft, of Chapter 63; (g) sports footwear (other than skating boots with ice or roller skates attached) of Chapter 64, or sports headgear of Chapter 65; (h) walking-sticks, whips, riding-crops or the like (heading No 6602), or parts thereof (heading No 6603); (ij) unmounted glass eyes for dolls or other toys, of heading No 7018; (k) parts of general use, as defined in note 2 to Section XV, of base metal (Section XV), or similar goods of plastics (Chapter 39); (l) bells, gongs or the like of heading No 8306; (m) electric motors (heading No 8501), electric transformers (heading No 8504) or radio remote control apparatus (heading No 8526); (n) sports vehicles (other than bobsleighs, toboggans and the like) of Section XVII; (o) children`s bicycles (heading No 8712); (p) sports craft such as canoes and skiffs (Chapter 89), or their means of propulsion (Chapter 44 for such articles made of wood); (q) spectacles, goggles or the like, for sports or outdoor games (heading No 9004); (r) decoy calls or whistles (heading No 9208); (s) arms or other articles of Chapter 93; (t) electric garlands of all kinds (heading No 9405); or (u) racket strings, tents or other camping goods, or gloves (classified according to their constituent material).2. This chapter includes articles in which natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed), precious metal or metal clad with precious metal constitute only minor constituents.3. Subject to note 1 above, parts and accessories which are suitable for use solely or principally with articles of this chapter are to be classified with those articles.
CHAPTER 96MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURED ARTICLESNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) pencils for cosmetic or toilet uses (Chapter 33); (b) articles of Chapter 66 (for example, parts of umbrellas or walking-sticks); (c) imitation jewellery (heading No 7117); (d) parts of general use, as defined in note 2 to Section XV, of base metal (Section XV), or similar goods of plastics (Chapter 39); (e) cutlery or other articles of Chapter 82 with handles or other parts of carving or moulding materials; heading No 9601 or 9602 applies, however, to separately presented handles or other parts of such articles; (f) articles of Chapter 90 (for example, spectacle frames (heading No 9003), mathematical drawing pens (heading No 9017), brushes of a kind specialized for use in dentistry or for medical, surgical or veterinary purposes (heading No 9018)); (g) articles of Chapter 91 (for example, clock or watch cases); (h) musical instruments or parts or accessories thereof (Chapter 92); (ij) articles of Chapter 93 (arms and parts thereof); (k) articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, lamps and lighting fittings); (l) articles of Chapter 95 (toys, games, sports requisites); or (m) works of art, collectors` pieces or antiques (Chapter 97).2. In heading No 9602, the expression 'vegetable or mineral carving material` means : (a) hard seeds, pips, hulls and nuts and similar vegetable materials of a kind used for carving (for example, corozo and dom); (b) amber, meerschaum, agglomerated amber and agglomerated meerschaum, jet and mineral substitutes for jet.3. In heading No 9603, the expression 'prepared knots and tufts for broom or brush making` applies only to unmounted knots and tufts of animal hair, vegetable fibre or other material, which are ready for incorporation without division in brooms or brushes, or which require only such further minor processes as trimming to shape at the top, to render them ready for such incorporation.4. Articles of this chapter, other than those of heading Nos 9601 to 9606 or 9615, remain classified within the chapter whether or not composed wholly or partly of precious metal or metal clad with precious metal, of natural or cultured pearls, or precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed). However, heading Nos 9601 to 9606 and 9615 include articles in which natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed), precious metal or metal clad with precious metal constitute only minor constituents.
CHAPTER 97WORKS OF ART, COLLECTORS` PIECES AND ANTIQUESNotes1. This chapter does not cover : (a) unused postage or revenue stamps, postal stationery (stamped paper) and the like, of current or new issue in the country to which they are destined (Chapter 49); (b) theatrical scenery, studio backcloths or the like, of painted canvas (heading No 5907) except if they may be classified within heading No 9706; or (c) pearls, natural or cultured, or precious or semi-precious stones (heading Nos 7101 to 7103).2. For the purposes of heading No 9702, the expression 'original engravings, prints and lithographs` means impressions produced directly, in black and white or in colour, of one or of several plates wholly executed by hand by the artist, irrespective of the process or of the material employed by him, but not including any mechanical or photomechanical process.3. Heading No 9703 does not apply to mass-produced reproductions or works of conventional craftsmanship of a commercial character.4. (a) Subject to notes 1 to 3 above, articles of this chapter are to be classified in this chapter and not in any other chapter of the nomenclature. (b) Heading No 9706 does not apply to articles of the preceding headings of this chapter.5. Frames around paintings, drawings, pastels, collages or similar decorative plaques, engravings, prints or lighographs are to be treated as forming part of those articles, provided they are of a kind and of a value normal to those articles.
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 518/79 of 19 March 1979 () set up a simplified declaration procedure for recording exports of complete industrial plant in the external trade statistics of the Community and in the statistics of trade between Member States. To make use of this procedure, the parties responsible for supplying statistical information must have obtained the necessary prior authorization from the competent department, as listed in the following table.
}() The terms 'packing materials` and 'packing containers` mean any external or internal containers, holders, wrappings or supports other than transport devices (e.g. transport containers), tarpaulins, tackle or ancillary transport equipment. The term 'packing containers` does not cover the containers referred to in general rule 5 (a).
}() OJ No L 333, 30. 11. 1978, p. 5.
}() The subheadings concerned are within the following headings : 3917 21, 3917 22, 3917 23, 3917 29, 3917 31, 3917 33, 3917 39, 3917 40, 3926 90, 4008 29, 4009 50, 4011 30, 4012 10, 4012 20, 4016 10, 4016 93, 4016 99, 4017 00, 4504 90, 4823 90, 6812 90, 6813 10, 6813 90, 7007 21, 7304 31, 7304 39, 7304 41, 7304 49, 7304 51, 7304 59, 7304 90, 7306 30, 7306 40, 7306 50, 7306 60, 7312 10, 7312 90, 7322 90, 7324 10, 7324 90, 7326 20, 7413 00, 7608 10, 7608 20, 8108 90, 8302 10, 8302 20, 8302 42, 8302 49, 8302 60, 8307 10, 8307 90, 8407 10, 8408 90, 8409 10, 8411 11, 8411 12, 8411 21, 8411 22, 8411 81, 8411 82, 8411 91, 8411 99, 8412 10, 8412 21, 8412 29, 8412 31, 8412 39, 8412 80, 8412 90, 8413 19, 8413 20, 8413 30, 8413 50, 8413 60, 8413 70, 8413 81, 8413 91, 8414 10, 8414 20, 8414 30, 8414 51, 8414 59, 8414 80, 8414 90, 8415 81, 8415 82, 8415 83, 8415 90, 8418 10, 8418 30, 8418 40, 8418 61, 8418 69, 8419 50, 8419 81, 8419 90, 8421 19, 8421 21, 8421 23, 8421 29, 8421 31, 8421 39, 8424 10, 8425 11, 8425 19, 8425 31, 8425 39, 8425 42, 8425 49, 8426 99, 8428 10, 8428 20, 8428 33, 8428 39, 8428 90, 8471 10, 8471 20, 8471 91, 8471 92, 8471 93, 8479 89, 8479 90, 8483 10, 8483 30, 8483 40, 8483 50, 8483 60, 8483 90, 8484 10, 8484 90, 8501 20, 8501 31, 8501 32, 8501 33, 8501 34, 8501 40, 8501 51, 8501 52, 8501 53, 8501 61, 8501 62, 8501 63, 8502 11, 8502 12, 8502 13, 8502 20, 8502 30, 8502 40, 8504 10, 8504 31, 8504 32, 8504 33, 8504 40, 8504 50, 8507 10, 8507 20, 8507 30, 8507 40, 8507 80, 8507 90, 8511 10, 8511 20, 8511 30, 8511 40, 8511 50, 8511 80, 8516 80, 8518 10, 8518 21, 8518 22, 8518 29, 8518 30, 8518 40, 8518 50, 8520 90, 8521 10, 8522 90, 8525 10, 8525 20, 8526 10, 8526 91, 8526 92, 8527 90, 8529 10, 8529 90, 8531 10, 8531 20, 8531 80, 8539 10, 8543 80, 8543 90, 8544 30, 8801 10, 8801 90, 8802 11, 8802 12, 8802 20, 8802 30, 8802 40, 8803 10, 8803 20, 8803 30, 8803 90, 8805 20, 9001 90, 9002 90, 9014 10, 9014 20, 9014 90, 9020 00, 9025 11, 9025 19, 9025 20, 9025 80, 9025 90, 9026 10, 9026 20, 9026 80, 9026 90, 9029 10, 9029 20, 9029 90, 9030 10, 9030 20, 9030 31, 9030 39, 9030 40, 9030 81, 9030 89, 9030 90, 9031 80, 9031 90, 9032 10, 9032 20, 9032 81, 9032 89, 9032 90, 9104 00, 9109 19, 9109 90, 9401 10, 9403 20, 9403 70, 9405 10, 9405 60, 9405 92 and 9405 99.
}() OJ No L 105, 23. 4. 1983, p. 1.
}() OJ No L 123, 17. 5. 1988, p. 2.
}() OJ No L 33, 4. 2. 1984, p. 2.
}() 'Carrying capacity in tonnes` (ct/l) means the carrying capacity of a vessel expressed in tonnes, not including ships` stores (fuel, equipment, food supplies, etc.). Persons carried on board (crew and passengers), and their baggage, are also excluded.
() This variation is defined by : AEK = Km P 0,5 (Km P4 + Km+4)where Km is the extinction coefficient at the wavelength of the maximum of the absorption curve in the 270 nm region and Km P4 and Km+4 are the extinction coefficients at wavelengths 4 nm lower and higher, respectively, than that of Km.
() The expression 'K270 extinction coefficient` means absorption under a thickness of 1 cm of solution of 1 g of oil per 100 ml in iso-octane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane) at a wavelength of 270 nm.
() The term 'Abel-Pensky method` means method DIN (Deutsche Industrienorm) 51755 - Maerz 1974 published by the DNA (Deutsche Normenausschuss), Berlin 15.
() Unless otherwise stated, the term 'ASTM method` means the methods laid down by the American Society for Testing and Materials in the 1976 edition of standard definitions and specifications for petroleum and lubricating products.
() Brightness is to be measured by the Elrepho, GE or any equivalent internationally recognised brightness testing method.
}() Entry under this subheading is subject to conditions laid down in the relevant Community provisions.
}() The value limits shall be adapted automatically on the basis of changes in the factors determining the formation of prices for Cheddar in the Community. Such adjustment shall be based on an increase or reduction equal to that of the threshold price for Cheddar within the Community.
}() Within the limits of an annual tariff quota of 3 500 tonnes to be granted by the competent Community authorities.
}() The expression 'whole cheeses` shall be taken to apply to whole cheeses of the following weights :
P Emmentaler : not less than 60 kg but not more than 130 kg,
P Gruyère and Sbrinz : not less than 20 kg but not more than 45 kg,
P Bergkaese : not less than 20 kg but not more than 60 kg,
P Appenzell : not less than 6 kg but not more than 8 kg.
}() The Community reserves the right to apply value limits lower than those specified in the text of the concessions. With effect from 1 July 1970 the value limits shall be adapted automatically on the basis of changes in the factors determining the formation of prices for Emmentaler in the Community. Such adjustment shall be based on an increase or reduction of 14 ECU in the minimum value for any upward or downward movement of 1 ECU per 100 kg of the common target price for milk in the Community.
}() The Community reserves the right to reduce customs duties autonomously from 24,18 ECU to 18,13 ECU subject to an increase of 6,05 ECU in the value limits.
}() The Community reserves the right to reduce customs duties autonomously from 24,18 ECU to 18,13 ECU subject to an increase of 6,05 ECU in the value limits.
}() Vacuum-packed pieces of a net weight of not more than 450 grams qualify for the concession only if their packings bear at least the following particulars :
P description of the cheese,
P fat content,
P packer responsible,
P country of manufacture.
}() Within the limits of an annual tariff quota of 9 000 tonnes to be granted by the competent Community authorities.
}() 'Loden fabrics` means plain-weave fabrics weighing not less than 250 but not more than 450 g/m2, fulled, single-coloured or with mixed or mottled yarns, made from single yarns of carded wool mixed with fine animal hair; the fabrics may also contain coarse or man-made fibres. The fibres are laid or oriented in the same direction by a surface treatment which renders the fabrics waterproof.