Customs Convention on the temporary importation of private road vehicles (1954) (21994A0226(01))
EU - Rechtsakte: 02 Customs Union and free movement of goods


DESIRING to facilitate the development of international touring,
HAVING REGARD to the aims of the Convention on Road Traffic, adopted by the United Nations Conference on Road and Motor Transport held at Geneva from 23 August to 1 September 1949 and opened for signature at Geneva on 19 September 1949,
HAVE DECIDED to conclude a Convention and have agreed upon the following provisions:



Article 1

For the purpose of this Convention:
(a) the term ‘import duties and import taxes’ shall mean customs duties and all other duties, taxes, fees and other charges which are connected on, or in connection with, the import of goods mentioned in this Convention, but not including fees and charges limited in amount to the approximate costs of services rendered;
(b) the term ‘vehicles’ shall, unless the context otherwise requires, mean all road motor vehicles (including cycles with engines) and trailer (whether imported with the vehicle or separately), together with their component parts, and normal accessories and equipment, when imported with the vehicle;
(c) the term ‘private use’ shall exclude the transport of persons for remuneration, reward or other consideration and the industrial or commercial transport of goods or without remunerations;
(d) the term ‘temporary importation papers’ shall include the customs document showing the guarantee or deposit of import duties and import taxes;
(e) the term ‘persons’ shall mean both natural and legal persons;
(f) the term ‘issuing association’ shall mean an association authorized to issue temporary importations papers;
(g) the term ‘guaranteeing association’ shall mean an association approved by the customs authorities of a Contracting Party to act as surety for persons using temporary importation papers;
(h) the term ‘international organization’ shall mean an organization to which national associations are affiliated which are entitled to issue and to guarantee temporary importation papers;
(i) the term ‘Contracting Party’ shall mean a State or regional economic integration organization, Party to this Convention;
(j) the term ‘regional economic integration organization’ shall mean an organization constituted by and composed of States as referred to in Article 33 (1) of this Convention, which has competence to adopt its own legislation that is binding on its Member States, in respect of matters governed by this Convention, and has competence to decide, in accordance with its internal procedures, to accede to this Convention.


Importation without payment of import duties and import taxes and free of import prohibitions and restrictions

Article 2

1.   Each of the Contracting Parties shall grant temporary admission without payment of import duties and import taxes and free of import prohibitions and restrictions, subject to re-exportation and to the other conditions laid down in this Convention, to vehicles owned by persons normally resident outside its territory which are imported and utilized, for their private use on the occasion of a temporary visit, either by the owners of the vehicles or by other persons normally resident outside its territory.
2.   The Contracting Parties may under the conditions set out in this Convention prescribe that such vehicles shall be covered by temporary importation papers guaranteeing payment of import duties and import taxes or an equivalent sum subject to the special provisions of Article 27 (4), should the vehicles covered by temporary importation papers not be re-exported within the prescribed time limit.

Article 3

The fuel contained in the ordinary supply tanks of vehicles temporarily imported shall be admitted without payment of import duties and import taxes and free of import prohibitions and restrictions, it being understood that the ordinary tank is that designed by the maker for the type of vehicle concerned.

Article 4

1.   Component parts imported for the repair of a particular vehicle already temporarily imported shall be admitted temporarily without payment of import duties and import taxes and free of import prohibitions and restrictions. Contracting Parties may require these parts to be covered by temporary importation papers.
2.   Replaced parts which are not re-exported shall be liable to import duties and import taxes except where, in conformity with regulations of the country concerned, they may be abandoned free of all expense to the Exchequer or destroyed, under official supervision, at the expense of the parties concerned.

Article 5

Temporary importation papers and international circulation papers intended to be issued to persons residing in the country into which the papers are imported who wish to enter other countries and which are sent to the authorized touring associations by the corresponding foreign associations, by international organizations or by the customs authorities of the Contracting Parties shall be admitted without payment of import duties and import taxes and free import prohibitions and restrictions.


Issue of temporary importation papers

Article 6

1.   Subject to such guarantees and under such conditions as it may determine, each Contracting Party may authorize associations, such as those affiliated to an international organization, to issue either directly or through corresponding associations the temporary importation papers covered by this Convention.
2.   Temporary importation papers may be valid for a single country or customs territory, or for several countries or customs territories.
3.   The period of validity of these papers shall not exceed a year from the date of issue.

Article 7

1.   Temporary importation papers valid for the territories of all or several of the Contracting Parties shall be known as carnets de passage en douane and shall conform to the standard form contained in Annex I to this Convention.
2.   If a carnet de passage en douane is not valid for one or several territories, the issuing association shall indicate the fact on the cover arid on the importation vouchers of the carnet.
3.   Temporary importation papers valid only for the territory of a single Contracting Party may conform to the standard form contained in Annex II to this Convention. Contracting Parties may also use other documents, in accordance with their legislation or regulations.
4.   The period of validity of temporary importation papers, other than those issued by authorized associations as provided for in Article 6, shall be laid down by each Contracting Party in accordance with its legislation or regulations.
5.   Each Contracting Party shall, upon request, supply the other Contracting Parties with models of temporary importation papers valid for its territory, other than those appearing in the Annexes to this Convention.


Particulars on temporary importation papers

Article 8

Temporary importation papers issued by authorized associations shall be made out in the name of the persons who own the vehicles temporarily imported or who have the possession or control of them provided that, if the vehicle has been hired, the papers shall be made out in the name of the hirer.

Article 9

1.   The weight to be declared on temporary importation papers is the net weight of the vehicles. It shall be expressed in the metric system. In the case of papers valid for one country only, the customs authorities of that country may prescribe the use of another system.
2.   The value to be cleared on temporary importation papers valid for one country only shall be expressed in the currency of that country. The value to be declared on a carnet de passage en douane shall be expressed in the currency of the country where the carnet is issued.
3.   The article and tool-kit which form the normal equipment of vehicles need not be specially declared on the temporary importation papers.
4.   When the customs authorities so require, parts (such as wheels, tyres, and inner tubes) and accessories not considered as constituting the normal equipment of the vehicle (such as radio sets, trailers not declared on a separate document, or luggage carriers) shall be declared on the temporary importation papers with the necessary particulars (such as weight and value) and shall be produced on exit from the country visited.

Article 10

Any particulars inserted on temporary importation papers by the issuing association may be altered only with the approval of the issuing or guaranteeing association. No alteration to the papers may be made after they have been passed by the customs authorities of the country of importation except with the consent of those authorities.

Article 11

1.   Vehicles admitted under the cover of temporary importation papers may be used, for their private use, by third persons duly authorized by the holders of the papers, provided that those third persons normally reside outside the country of importation, and also fulfil the other conditions laid down in this Convention. The customs authorities of the Contracting Parties have the right to require evidence that such persons have been duly authorized by the holders of the papers and fulfil the aforesaid conditions. If this evidence does not appear sufficient, the customs authorities may refuse use of the vehicle in their country under cover of the papers. In the case of vehicles which have been hired, each Contracting Party may, in the case of fear of abuse, require that the holder of the temporary importation paper be present at the time of importation of the vehicle.
2.   Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the customs authorities of the Contracting Parties may permit, in special circumstances and under conditions of which they shall be sole judges, a vehicle circulating under cover of temporary importation papers to be driven by a person who is normally resident in the country of importation, in particular when the driver drives the vehicle on behalf of or under instructions from the holder of the temporary importation papers.


Conditions of temporary importation

Article 12

1.   The vehicles mentioned in the temporary importation papers shall be re-exported in the same general state, except for war and tear, within the period of validity for such papers. In the case of vehicles which have been hired, the customs authorities of the Contracting Parties shall have the right to require the re-exportation of the vehicle as soon as the hirer has left the country of temporary importation.
2.   Evidence of re-exportation shall be provided by the exit visa properly appended to the temporary importation papers by the customs authorities of the country into which the vehicles were temporarily imported.

Article 13

1.   Notwithstanding the requirement of re-exportation laid down in Article 12, the re-exportation of badly damaged vehicles shall not be required, in the case of duly authenticated accidents, provided that the vehicles:
(a) are subjected to the import duties and import taxes to which they are liable; or
(b) are abandoned free of all expenses to the exchequer of the country into which they were imported temporarily, in which case the holder of the temporary importation papers shall be exempt from import duties and import taxes; or
(c) are destroyed, under official supervision, at the expense of the parties concerned, any salvaged parts and material being subjected to the import duties and import taxes to which they are liable,
as the customs authorities may require.
2.   When a vehicle temporarily admitted cannot be re-exported as a result of a seizure, other than a seizure made at the suit of private persons, the requirement of re-exportation within the period of validity of the temporary importation papers shall be suspended for the duration of the seizure.
3.   The customs authorities shall notify, so far as possible, to the guaranteeing association, seizures made by or on behalf of these customs authorities of vehicles admitted under cover of temporary importation papers guaranteed by that association and shall adivse it of the measures they intend to take.
4.   When the vehicle or the object listed in the papers are either lost or stolen during the course of the seizure other than a seizure made at the suit of private persons, no import duties and import taxes can be levied against the holder of the temporary importation papers, who should submit evidence of seizure to the customs authorities.

Article 14

Vehicles imported into the territory of one of the Contracting Parties under cover of temporary importation papers may not be used even incidentally for transport against payment, reward or other consideration between points within the frontiers of that territory.

Article 15

Persons entitled to temporary importation facilities may, during the period of validity of temporary importation papers, import the vehicles covered by those papers as often as necessary, on condition that they have each passage (entry and exit) established by a visa of the customs officers concerned if the customs authorities so require. Temporary importation papers may be made valid for a single journey only.

Article 16

When temporary importation papers without detachable vouchers for each passage are used, the visas given by the customs officers between the first entry and the final exit are provisional. Nevertheless, when the last visa is a provisional exit visa, it will be admitted as proof of the re-exportation of the vehicle or component parts temporarily imported.

Article 17

When temporary importation papers with a detachable voucher for each passage are used, each entry implies the passing of the document by the customs, and each subsequent exit constitutes its final discharge, except as provided in Article 18.

Article 18

When the customs authorities of a country have finally and unconditionally discharged temporary importation papers they can no longer claim from the guaranteeing association payment of import duties and import taxes, unless the certificat of discharge was obtained improperly or fraudently.

Article 19

Visas on temporary importation papers used under the conditions laid down in this Convention shall not be subject to the payment of charges for customs attendance during the authorized hours for customs offices and posts.


Extension of validity and renewal of temporary importation papers

Article 20

The lack of proof of re-exportation within the time allowed of vehicles temporarily imported shall be disregarded when the vehicles are presented to the customs authorities for re-exportation within 14 days from the expiry of the temporary entry deadline for the vehicles and satisfactory explanations of the delay are given.

Article 21

Each of the Contracting Parties shall recognize as valid extensions of validity of carnets de passage en douane granted by another Contracting Party in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex 3 to this Convention.

Article 22

1.   Requests for extension of validity of temporary importation papers shall be presented to the competent customs authorities before the expiry of the period of validity of these papers, unless this is rendered impossible by
force majeure
. If the temporary importation paper has been issued by an authorized association, the request for extension shall be made by the association which guarantees the papers.
2.   Extensions of time necessary for the re-exportation of vehicles or component parts imported temporarily shall be granted when the persons concerned can establish to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that they are prevented by
force majeure
from re-exporting the said vehicles or component parts within the time allowed.
3.   The validity of temporary importation papers can only be extended once for not more than one year. After this period, a new carnet must be issued and delivered in replacement of the former carnet.

Article 23

Each of the Contracting Parties shall, unless the conditions of temporary admission are no longer satisfied, authorize, subject to whatever measures of control they may consider necessary, the renewal of temporary importation papers issued by the authorized associations and relating to vehicles or component parts temporarily imported into its territory. Requests for renewal shall be presented by the guaranteeing association.


Regularization of temporary importation papers

Article 24

1.   If temporary importation papers have not been regularly discharged, the customs authorities of the country of importation shall (whether the papers have expired or not) accept as evidence of re-exportation of the vehicle or component parts the presentation of a certificate based on the standard form shown in Annex 4 to this Convention issued by an official authority (consul, customs, police, mayor, judicial officer, etc.), attesting the facts that the vehicle or component parts in question have been presented to it and are outside the country of importation. As an alternative they shall accept any other valid documentary evidence that the vehicle or component parts are outside the country of temporary importation. In the case of papers, other than the carnets de passage en douane, which have not expired, the papers shall be produced at the same time as the evidence referred to above. In the case of carnets the customs authorities shall accept, as evidence of re-exportation of the vehicles or component parts, the visas entered thereon by the customs authorities of countries subsequently visited.
2.   In the case of destruction, loss or theft of a temporary importation paper not regularly discharged but relating to a vehicle or component parts which have been re-exported, the customs authorities of the country of importation shall accept as proof of re-exportation the presentation of a certificate based on the standard form shown in Anex 4 to this Convention issued by an official authority (consul, customs, police, mayor, judicial officer, etc.), attesting the facts that the vehicle or component parts in question have been presented to it and are outside the country of importation after the date of expiry of the paper. As an alternative they shall accept any other valid documentary evidence that the vehicle or component parts are outside the country of temporary importation.
3.   In the case of destructions, loss or theft of a carnet de passage en douane while the vehicle or component parts to which it refers are in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties, the customs authorities of that Party shall, at the request of the association concerned, accept a replacement document, the validity of which expires on the date of expiration of validity of the carnet which it replaces. This acceptance will annul the previous acceptance of the carnet destroyed, lost or stolen. In case of the misuse of a carnet after cancellation by the customs authorities and the issuing association, the latter cannot be held responsible for import duties and import taxes payable. If, instead of a replacement document, an export licence or similar document is issued for the re-exportation of the vehicle or component parts, the exit visa on this licence or document shall be considered as sufficient proof of re-exportation.
4.   If the vehicle is stolen after having been re-exported from the country of temporary importation, without the exit having been regularly endorsed on the temporary importation papers and in the absence of entry visas on the papers entered thereon by the customs authorities of countries subsequently visited, the papers may nevertheless be regularized provided that the guaranteeing association furnishes the papers together with such evidence of theft as may be considered sufficient. If the temporary importation papers have not expired, the Customs authorities may require their surrender.

Article 25

In the case referred to in Article 24, the customs authorities shall have the right to charge a regularization fee.

Article 25


The competent customs authorities shall not require payment of import duties and import taxes where it is proved to their satisfaction that a vehicle imported under cover of temporary importation papers can no longer be re-exported because it has been destroyed or irrecoverably lost for reasons of
force majeure

Article 26

Customs authorities shall not have the right to require from the guaranteeing association payment of import duties and import taxes on vehicles or component parts temporarily imported when the non-discharge of the temporary importation papers has not been notified to the guaranteeing association within a year of the date of expiry of the validity of those papers. The customs authorities shall provide the guaranteeing associations with details of the amount of import duties and import taxes within one year from the notification of the non-discharge. The guaranteeing associations' liability for these sums shall cease if such information is not furnished within this one-year period.

Article 27

1.   The guaranteeing associations shall have a period of one year from the date of notification of the non-discharge of temporary importation papers in which to furnish proof of the re-exportation of the vehicles or component parts in question under the conditions laid down in this Convention. Nevertheless, this period can come into force only as of the date of expiry of the temporary importation papers. If the customs authorities contest the validity of the proof provided they must so inform the guarantor within a period not exceeding one year.
2.   If such proof is not furnished within the time limit allowed, the guaranteeing association shall deposit or pay provisionally within a maximum period of three months the import duties and import taxes payable. This deposit or payment shall become final after a period of one year from the date of the deposit or provisional payment. During the latter period, the guaranteeing association may still avail itself of the facilities provided by the preceding paragraph with a view to repayment of the sums deposited or paid.
3.   For countries whose regulations do not provide for the deposit or provisional payment of import duties, payments made in conformity with the provisions of the preceding paragraph will be regarded as final, it being understood that the sums paid may be refunded when the conditions laid down in this Article are fulfilled.
4.   In the case of the non-discharge of temporary importation papers, the guaranteeing association shall not be required to pay a sum greater than the total of the import duties and import taxes applicable to the vehicles or component parts not re-exported, together with interest if applicable.

Article 28

In the event of fraud, contravention or abuse the Contracting Parties shall, notwithstanding the provisions of this Convention, be free to take proceedings, against persons using temporary importation papers, for the recovery of the import duties and import taxes and also for the imposition of any penalties to which such persons have rendered themselves liable. In such cases, the guaranteeing associations shall lend their assistance to the customs authorities.


Miscellaneous provisions

Article 29

The Contracting Parties shall endeavour not to introduce customs procedures which might have the effect of impeding the development of international touring.

Article 30

In order to expedite customs procedures contiguous Contracting Parties shall endeavour to place their respective customs posts close together and to keep them open during the same hours.

Article 31

Any breach of the provisions of this Convention, any substitution, false declaration or act having the effect of causing a person or an article improperly to benefit from the system of importation laid down in this Convention, may render the offender liable in the country where the offence was committed to the penalties prescribed by the laws of that country.

Article 32

Nothing in this Convention shall prevent Contracting Parties which form a customs or economic union from enacting special provisions applicable to residents of the States forming that union.

Article 32bis

This Convention shall not prevent the application of greater facilities which Contracting Parties grant or may wish to grant, either by unilateral provisions or in virtue of bilateral or multilateral agreements, provided that such facilities do not impede the application of the provisions of this Convention. The Contracting Parties are recommended to waive the request for temporary importation papers and guarantees.


Final provisions

Article 33

1.   This Convention shall be open for signature until 31 December 1954 on behalf of any Member State of the United Nations and any other State invited to attend the United Nations conference on customs formalities for the temporary importation of private road motor vehicles and for tourism held in New York in May and June 1954, hereinafter refered to as the conference.
2.   This Convention shall be subject to ratification and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 34

1.   From 1 January 1955 this Convention shall be open for accession by any State referred to Article 33 (1) and any other State so invited by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It shall also be open for accession on behalf of any trust territory of which the United Nations is the administering authority.
   Any regional economic integration organization1 may become, in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, a Contracting Party to this Convention. Such organization which has acceded to this Convention shall inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of its competence and any subsequent changes thereto, with respect to the matters governed by this Convention. The organization and its Member States may, without however any derogation from the obligations under this Convention, decide on their respective responsibilities for the performance of their obligations under this Convention.
2.   Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 35

1.   This Convention shall enter into force on the 90th day following the date of the deposit of the 15th instrument of ratification or accession either without reservation or with reservations accepted in accordance with Article 39.
2.   For each State or regional economic integration organization ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the date of the deposit of the 15th instrument of ratification or accession in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Convention shall enter into force on the 90th day following the date of the deposit by such State or regional economic integration organization of its instrument of ratification or accession either without reservation or with reservations accepted in accordance with Article 39.

Article 36

1.   After this Convention has been in force for three years, any Contracting Party may denounce it by so notifying the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
2.   Denunciation shall take effect 15 months after the date of receipt by the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the notification of denunciation.

Article 37

This Convention shall cease to have effect if, for any period or 12 consecutive months after its entry into force, the number of Contracting Parties is less than eight.

Article 38

1.   Any State may, at the time of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession or at any time thereafter, declare by notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations that this Convention shall extend to all or any of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible. The Convention shall extend to the territories named in the notification as from the 90th day after its receipt by the Secretary-General if the notification is not accompanied by a reservation, or from the 90th day after the notification has taken effect in accordance with Article 39, or on the date on which the Convention enters into force for the State concerned, whichever is the later.
2.   Any State which has made a declaration under the preceding paragraph extending this Convention to any territory for whose international relations it is responsible may denounce the Convention separately in respect of that territory in accordance with the provisions of Article 36.

Article 39

1.   Reservations to this Convention made before the signing of the Final Act shall be admissible if they have been accepted by a majority of the members of the conference and recorded in the Final Act.
2.   Reservations made after the signing of the Final Act shall not be admitted if objection is expressed by one-third of the signatory States or of the Contracting Parties as hereinafter provided.
3.   The text of any reservation submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by a State or a regional economic integration organization at the time of the signature, the deposit of an instrument of ratification or accession or of any notification under Article 38 shall be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Contracting Parties which have at that time signed, ratified or acceded to the Convention. If one-third of these Contracting Parties expresses an objection within 90 days from the date of circulation, the reservation shall not be accepted. The Secretary-General shall notify all Contracting Parties referred to in this paragraph of any objection received by him as well as of the acceptance or rejection of the reservation.
4.   An objection by a State which has signed but not ratified the Convention shall cease to have effect if, within a period of nine months from the date of making its objection, the objecting State has not ratified the Convention. If, as the result of an objection ceasing to have effect, a reservation is accepted by application of the preceding paragraph, the Secretary-General shall so inform the Contracting Parties referred to in that paragraph. The text of any reservation shall not be circulated to any signatory State under the preceding paragraph if that State has not ratified the Convention within three years following the date of signature on its behalf.
5.   The Contracting Party submitting the reservation may, within a period of 12 months from the date of the notification by the Secretary-General referred to in paragraph 3 that a reservation has been rejected in accordance with the procedure provided for in that paragraph, withdraw the reservation, in which case the instrument of ratification or accession or the notification under Article 38 as the case may be shall take effect with respect to such Contracting Party as from the date of the withdrawal. Pending such withdrawal, the instrument or the notification as the case may be, shall not have effect, unless, by application of the provisions of paragraph 4, the reservation is subsequently accepted.
6.   Reservations accepted in accordance with this Article may be withdrawn at any time by notification to the Secretary-General.
7.   No Contracting Party shall be required to extend to a Contracting Party making a reservation the benefit of the provisions to which such reservation applies. Any Contracting Party availing itself of this right shall notify the Secretary-General accordingly and the latter shall communicate this decision to all signatory States and Contracting Parties.

Article 40

1.   Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention shall so far as possible be settled by negotiation between them.
2.   Any dispute which is not settled by negotiation shall be submitted to arbitration if any one of the Contracting Parties in dispute so requests and shall be referred accordingly to one or more arbitrators selected by agreement between the Parties in dispute. If within three months from the date of request for arbitration the Parties in dispute are unable to agree on the selection of an arbitrator or arbitrators, any of those Contracting Parties may request the President of the international Court of Justice to nominate a single arbitrator to whom the dispute shall be referred for decision.
3.   The decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators appointed under the preceding paragraph shall be binding on the Contracting Parties concerned.

Article 41

1.   After this Convention has been in force for three years, any Contracting Party may, by notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, request that a conference be convened for the purpose of reviewing the Convention. The Secretary-General shall notify all Contracting Parties of the request and a review conference shall be convened by the Secretary-General if, within a period of four months following the date of notification by the Secretary-General, not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties notify him of their concurrence with the request.
2.   If a conference is convened in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Secretary-General shall notify all Contracting Parties and invite them to submit within a period of three months such proposals as they may wish the conference to consider. The Secretary-General shall circulate to all Contracting Parties the provisional agenda for the conference together with the texts of such proposals at least three months before the date on which the conference is to meet.
3.   The Secretary-General shall invite to any conference convened in accordance with this Article all Contracting Parties and all other States Members of the United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies.

Article 42

1.   Any Contracting Party may propose one or more amendments to this Convention. The text of any proposed amendment shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations who shall circulate it to all Contracting Parties.
2.   Any proposed amendment circulated in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be accepted if no Contracting Party expresses an objection within a period of six months following the date of circulation of the proposed amendment by the Secretary-General. Regional economic integration organizations which are Contracting Parties to this Convention, for the matters within their competence, shall exercise their right to express an objection. In such case the Member States of the said organizations, which are Contracting Parties to this Convention, shall not be entitled to exercise individually such right.
3.   The Secretary-General shall notify as soon as possible all Contracting Parties whether an objection to the proposed amendment has been expressed, and if no such objection has been expressed, the amendment shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties three months after the expiration of the period of six months referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 43

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall notify all Contracting Parties and all Member States of the United Nations of the following:
(a) signatures ratifications and accessions, received in accordance with Articles 33 and 34;
(a) bis
information on the competence of regional economic integration organizations and any subsequent changes hereto in accordance with Article 34 (1
(b) the date upon which this Convention shall enter into force in accordance with Article 35;
(c) denunciations received in accordance with Article 36;
(d) the abrogation of this Convention in accordance with Article 37;
(e) notifications received under Article 38;
(f) entry into force of any amendment in accordance with Article 42.

Article 44

The original of this Convention shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations who shall transmit certified copies thereof to all Contracting Parties and all Member States of the United Nations.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention.
Done at New York this fourth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four, in a single copy in the English, French and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic.
The Secretary-General is requested to prepare an authoritative translation of this Convention in the Chinese and Russian languages and to add the Chinese and Russian texts to the English, French and Spanish texts when transmitting certified copies thereof to the States in accordance with Article 44 of this Convention.


Annex 1:

Carnet de passage en douane

Annex 2:


Annex 3:

Extension of validity of the carnet de passage en douane:

Annex 4:

Model certificate for the adjustment of undischarged, destroyed, lost or stolen temporary importation papers

Annex 1/Annexe 1



The carnet is issued in English and French
The dimensions of the carnet are 21 × 29,7 cm
The issuing association shall insert its name on each voucher and shall include the initials of the international organization to which it belongs
Toutes les mentions imprimées du carnet de passage en douane sont rédigées en français et en anglais
Les dimensions sont de 21 × 29,7 cm
L'association qui délivre le carnet doit faire figurer son nom sur chacun des volets et faire suivre ce nom des initiales de l'organisation internationale à laquelle elle est affiliée
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Annex 2


The triptych should be printed in the national language of the country of importation and, if desired, also in one other language.
The dimensions are 13 × 29,5 cm.
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]
[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Annexe 3


La formule de prolongation de validité doit être conforme au modèle figurant dans la présente annexe.
La formule est libellée en anglais ou en français. Les mentions qu'elle contient peuvent être répétées dans une autre langue.
La personne qui demande la prolongation et l'association garante qui s'occupe de cette demande se conforment à la procédure indiquée ci-après:
Dès que le titulaire d'un carnet de passage en douane s'aperçoit qu'il est contraint de demander une prolongation du délai de validité de son document, il remet avec son carnet, à l'association garante, une demande de prolongation expliquant les circonstances qui l'ont obligé à formuler cette requête. À titre justificatif, il joint à la demande, selon le cas, un certificat médical, une attestation de l'atelier de réparation, ou toute autre pièce authentique établissant que la force majeure invoquée est réelle.
Si l'association garante estime que la demande de prolongation peut être présentée à la douane, elle imprime, au moyen d'un timbre humide, la formule visée au paragraphe 1 sur la couverture du carnet de passage en douane, à l'endroit spécialement réservé à cet effet.
L'association garante indique, dans la partie gauche de la formule, jusqu'à quelle date (en lettres et en chiffres) la prolongation est sollicitée. Y sont opposés la signature du président de l'association ou de son délégué ainsi que le cachet officiel de l'association.
La durée de prolongation ne doit pas excéder le délai raisonnablement nécessaire pour terminer le voyage, délai qui ne devrait normalement pas dépasser trois mois à compter de la date de péremption du carnet de passage en douane.
L'association garante transmet ensuite le carnet à l'autorité douanière compétente de son pays. Elle joint au carnet la demande du titulaire, accompagnée des pièces justificatives.
L'autorité douanière décide si la prolongation doit être accordée. Elle peut réduire la durée de la prolongation demandée ou refuser d'accorder toute prolongation. Si la prolongation est accordée, le fonctionnaire compétent de la douane complète la formule imprimée sur la couverture du carnet par l'association garante, lui donne un numéro d'ordre ou d'enregistrement, fait mention du lieu, de la date et de sa qualité. Il revêt ensuite la formule de sa signature ainsi que du cachet officiel de la douane.
Le carnet de passage en douane est alors renvoyé à l'association garante, qui le restitue à l'intéressé.
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Annex 3


The stamp for extension of validity shall conform to the model contained in the present Annex.
The stamp shall be drawn up in English and in French. The inscribed wording may be repeated in another language.
The following procedure shall be observed by the person requesting the extension and by the guaranteeing association dealing with the request:
(a) as soon as the holder of a carnet de passage en douane realizes that he is obliged to request an extension of the period of validity of the document, he sends to the guaranteeing association the carnet and a request for extension, indicating the circumstances which oblige him to make the request. He will submit with his request, as supporting evidence, such papers as a medical certificate, a statement from the garage repairing his vehicle, or any other authentic document showing that the delay in question is caused by
force majeure.
(b) if the guaranteeing association considers that the request for extension might be passed on to the customs authorities, it stamps the cover of the carnet de passage en douane in the space specially reserved for this purpose.
(c) in the left-hand side of the stamp the guaranteeing association fills in the date, in figures and words, until which the extension is requested. The President or representative of the association signs and the stamp of the association is affixed.
(d) the length of the extension must not exceed a reasonable period necessary to complete the journey, and should not normally exceed three months from the previous date of expiry of the carnet.
(e) the guaranteeing association then sends the carnet to the competent customs authority of its country. The request made by the holder of the carnet and the supporting evidence are attached to the carnet.
(f) the customs authority decides whether the extension shall be granted. It may reduce the period of extension requested, or refuse to grant any extension. If it is granted, the competent customs officer completes the stamp placed on the cover of the carnet by the guaranteeing association, by adding a serial or registry number, the place and date and his own official position. He then signs and adds the customs stamp.
(g) the carnet is then returned to the guaranteeing association, which in turn returns it to the person concerned.
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Annex 4/Annexe 4



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