Decision No 4/96 of the EC-EFTA Joint Committee on Common Transit of 5 December 1996 amending Appendices I, II and III to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure
Official Journal L 043 , 14/02/1997 P. 0033 - 0043
DECISION No 4/96 OF THE EC-EFTA JOINT COMMITTEE ON COMMON TRANSIT of 5 December 1996 amending Appendices I, II and III to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure (97/118/EC)
Having regard to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure (1), and in particular Article 15 (3) (a) thereof,
Whereas by Decision No 1/95 of 26 October 1995 of the EC-EFTA Joint Committee, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia were invited to become Contracting Parties to the said Convention;
Whereas in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15 A of the Convention, the accession of the countries concerned became effective on 1 July 1996;
Whereas in consequence of the accession of these countries, Appendices I, II and III to the Convention concerned and the forms annexed thereto must be amended to include the translations into the languages of the new Contracting Parties of the endorsements used in standard practice by the customs authorities in connection with the movement of goods, and the codes corresponding to the names of the new countries,
Article 1
Article 22 of Appendix I to the Convention shall be amended as follows:
1. in paragraph 5, the section which contains the words 'Differences: office where goods were presented . . . . . . . . . . (name and country)`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Diferencias: mercancías presentadas en la oficina (nombre y país)
DA: Forskelle: det sted, hvor varerne blev frembudt (navn og land)
DE: Unstimmigkeiten: Stelle, bei der die Gestellung erfolgte (Name und Land)
EL: ÄéáöïñÝò: åìðïñåýìáôá ðñïóêïìéóèÝíôá óôï ôåëùíåßï (¼íïìá êáé ÷þñá)
EN: Differences: office where goods were presented (name and country)
FR: Différences: marchandises présentées au bureau (nom et pays)
IT: Differenze: ufficio al quale sono state presentate le merci (nome e paese)
NL: Verschillen: kantoor waar de goederen zijn aangebracht (naam en land)
PT: Diferenças: mercadorias apresentadas na estância (nome e país)
FI: Muutos: toimipaikka, jossa tavarat esitetty (nimi ja maa)
SV: Avvikelse: tullanstalt där varorna anmäldes (namn och land)
CS: Nesrovnalosti: ú Orad, kterému bylo zbo Ozí dodáno (název a zem Oe)
HU: Eltérések: Hivatal, ahol az áruk bemutatása megt Mortént (név és ország)
IS: Breying: tollstjoraskriftstofa øar sem vôrum var framvisad (Nafn og land)
NO: Forskjell: det tollsted hvor varene ble fremlagt (navn og land)
PL: Niezgodno´sci: urz$ad w którym przedstawiono towar (nazwa i kraj)
SK: Nezrovnalosti: ùrad, ktorému bol tovar predlo Ozen´y (názov a krajina)`;
2. in paragraph 6:
(a) the section which contains the words 'Export from . . . . . . . . . . (1) subject to restrictions`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Salida de (1) sometida a restricciones
DA: Udførsel fra (1) undergivet restriktioner
DE: Ausgang aus (1) Beschränkungen unterworfen
EL: ¸îïäïò áðü (1) õðïêåßìåíç óå ðåñéïñéóìïýò
EN: Export from (1) subject to restriction
FR: Sortie de (1) soumise à des restrictions
IT: Uscita dalla (dall') (1) soggetta a restrizioni
NL: Verlaten van (1) aan beperkingen onderworpen
PT: Saída da (1) sujeita a restrições
FI: Vienti (1) rajoitusten alaista
SV: Utförsel från (1) underkastad restriktioner
CS: V´yvoz z (1) podléhá omezením
HU: Indult (1) korlátozások alá esik
IS: Utflutningur fra (1) haour takmörkunum
NO: Utførsel fra (1) underlagt restriksjoner
PL: Wywóz z (1) podlega ograniczeniom
SK: V´yvoz z (1) podlieha obmedzeniam`;
(b) the section which contains the words 'Export from . . . . . . . . . . (1) subject to duty`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Salida de (1) sujeta a pago de derechos
DA: Udførsel fra (1) betinget af afgiftsbetaling
DE: Ausgang aus (1) Abgabenerhebung unterworfen
EL: ¸îïäïò áðü (1) õðïêåßìåíç óå åðéâÜñõíóç
EN: Export from (1) subject to duty
FR: Sortie de (1) soumise à imposition
IT: Uscita dalla (dall') (1) soggetta a tassazione
NL: Verlaten van (1) aan belastingheffing onderworpen
PT: Saída da (1) sujeita a pagamento de imposições
FI: Vienti (1) maksujen alaista
SV: Utförsel från (1) underkastad avgifter
CS: V´yvoz z (1) podléhá clu, daním a poplatk°um
HU: Indult (1) vám-, adóköteles
IS: Gjaldskyldur utflutningur fra (1)
NO: Utførsel fra (1) belagt med avgifter
PL: Wywóz z (1) podlega op hatom
SK: V´yvoz z (1) podlieha poplatkom`;
(c) the text of footnote (1) shall be replaced by the following:
'(1) This endorsement shall comprise, as appropriate and in the language of the said endorsement, the words "Community", "the Czech Republic", or "Iceland", or "Norway", or "Poland", or "Slovakia", or "Switzerland", or "Hungary".`
Article 2
Appendix II to the Convention shall be amended as follows:
1. in Article 10 the section which contains the words 'Issued retroactively`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Expedido a posteriori
DA: Udstedt efterfølgende
DE: Nachträglich ausgestellt
EL: ÅêäïèÝí åê ôùí õóôÝñùí
EN: Issued retroactively
FR: Délivré a posteriori
IT: Rilasciato a posteriori
NL: Achteraf afgegeven
PT: Emitido a posteriori
FI: Annettu jälkikäteen
SV: Utfärdat i efterhand
CS: Vystaveno dodate Ocn Oe
HU: Utólag kiállítva
IS: Útgefi s eftir à
NO: Utstedt i etterhånd
PL: Wystawiony z moc$a wsteczn$a
SK: Vystavené dodato Ocne`;
2. in the second subparagraph of Article 34 B (2), the section which contains the words 'application of the second subparagraph of Article 34 B (2) of Appendix II of the Convention of 20 May 1987`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: aplicación del segundo párrafo del punto 2 del artículo 34 ter del apéndice II del Convenio de 20 de mayo de 1987
DA: anvendelse af artikel 34b, nr. 2, andet afsnit, tillæg II til konventionen af 20. maj 1987
DE: Anwendung von Artikel 34b Nummer 2 zweiter Unterabsatz der Anlage II des Übereinkommens vom 20. Mai 1987
EL: ÅöáñìïãÞ ôïõ Üñèñïõ 34â óçìåßï 2 äåýôåñï åäÜöéï ôïõ ðñïóáñôÞìáôïò ÉÉ ôçò óýìâáóçò ôçò 20Þò ÌáÀïõ 1987,
EN: application of the second paragraph of Article 34 B (2) of Appendix II of the Convention of 20 May 1987
FR: application de l'article 34 ter point 2 deuxième alinéa de l'appendice II de la convention du 20 mai 1987
IT: applicazione dell'articolo 34 ter, punto 2, secondo comma dell'appendice II della convenzione del 20 maggio 1987
NL: toepassing van artikel 34 ter, punt 2, tweede alinea, van aanhangsel II bij de Overeenkomst van 20 mei 1987
PT: aplicação do ponto 2, segundo parágrafo, do artigo 34º B do apêndice 2 da Convenção de 20 de Maio de 1987
FI: 20 päivänä toukokuuta 1987 tehdyn yleissopimuksen liitteessä II olevan 34 b artiklan 2 kohdan toista alakohtaa sovellettu
SV: tillämpning av artikel 34 b punkt 2 andra stycket i bilaga II till konventionen av den 20 maj 1987
CS: Pou Ozití Ocl. 34 b, bod 2, druh´y pododstavec p Orílohy II Úmluvy z 20. kv Oetna 1987
HU: az 1987 május 20-i Egyezmény II. Melléklet 34b. cikk 2. bekezdés második albekezdés alkalmazása
IS: Beiting b-lidar 2. mgr. 2. tölul, 34. gr. II vidbætis vid samninginn frà 20. maí 1987
NO: anvendelse av Artikkel 34 b, paragraf 2, andre avsnitt av vedlegg II til konvensjonen av 20. mai 1987
PL: zastosowanie Art. 34b ust.2, drugi podust$ep Za h.. II Konwencji z dn. 20. maja 1987
SK: Uplatnenie Oclánku 34 b, odsek 2, druh´y pododsek prílohy II Dohovoru z 20. mája 1987`;
3. in the second subparagraph of Article 44 the section which contains the words 'Limited validity`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Validez limitada
DA: Begrænset gyldighed
DE: Beschränkte Geltung
EL: ÐåñéïñéóìÝíç éó÷ýò
EN: Limited validity
FR: Validité limitée
IT: Validità limitata
NL: Beperkte geldigheid
PT: Validade limitada
FI: Voimassa rajoitetusti
SV: Begränsad giltighet
CS: Omezená platnost
HU: Korlátozott érvény Mu
IS: Takmarka s gildissvi s
NO: Begrenset gyldighet
PL: Ograniczona wan Gzo´s´c
SK: Obmedzená platnost`;
4. in Article 107 (1), the section which contains the words 'Simplified procedure`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Procedimiento simplificado
DA: Forenklet procedure
DE: Vereinfachtes Verfahren
EL: ÁðëïõóôåõìÝíç äéáäéêáóßá
EN: Simplified procedure
FR: Procédure simplifiée
IT: Procedura semplificata
NL: Vereenvoudigde regeling
PT: Procedimento simplificado
FI: Yksinkertaistettu menettely
SV: Förenklat förfarande
CS: Zjednodu Osen postup
HU: Egyszer Musített eljárás
IS: Einföldu s afgrei ssla
NO: Forenklet prosedyre
PL: Procedura uproszczona
SK: Zjednodu Osen re Ozim`;
5. in Article 109 (2), the section which contains the words 'Signature waived`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Dispensa de firma
DA: Fritaget for underskrift
DE: Freistellung von der Unterschriftsleistung
EL: Äåí áðáéôåßôáé õðïãñáöÞ
EN: Signature waived
FR: Dispense de signature
IT: Dispensa dalla firma
NL: Van ondertekening vrijgesteld
PT: Dispensada a assinatura
FI: Vapautettu allekirjoituksesta
SV: Befriad från underskrift
CS: Osvobození od podpisu
HU: Aláírás alóli mentesség
IS: Undanbegi s undirskrift
NO: Fritatt for underskrift
PL: Zwolniony ze sk hadania podpisu
SK: Oslobodenie od podpisu`;
6. in Article 121 (2), the section which contains the words 'Simplified procedure`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Procedimiento simplificado
DA: Forenklet procedure
DE: Vereinfachtes Verfahren
EL: ÁðëïõóôåõìÝíç äéáäéêáóßá
EN: Simplified procedure
FR: Procédure simplifiée
IT: Procedura semplificata
NL: Vereenvoudigde regeling
PT: Procedimento simplificado
FI: Yksinkertaistettu menettely
SV: Förenklat förfarande
CS: Zjednodu Osen´y postup
HU: Egyszer Musített eljárás
IS: Einföldu s afgrei ssla
NO: Forenklet prosedyre
PL: Procedura uproszczona
SK: Zjednodu Osen re Ozim`;
7. in Article 122 (2), the section which contains the words 'Signature waived`, translated into all the languages of the countries which are currently Contracting Parties to the Convention, is replaced by the following:
'ES: Dispensa de firma
DA: Fritaget for underskrift
DE: Freistellung von der Unterschriftsleistung
EL: Äåí áðáéôåßôáé õðïãñáöÞ
EN: Signature waived
FR: Dispense de signature
IT: Dispensa dalla firma
NL: Van ondertekening vrijgesteld
PT: Dispensada a assinatura
FI: Vapautettu allekirjoituksesta
SV: Befriad från underskrift
CS: Osvobození od podpisu
HU: Aláírás alóli mentesség
IS: Undanbegi s undirskrift
NO: Fritatt for underskrift
PL: Zwolniony ze sk hadania podpisu
SK: Oslobodenie od podpisu`.
Article 3
Annex IV (Comprehensive guarantee), Annex V (Guarantee for a single operation), Annex VI (Flat-rate guarantee) and Annex VII (Certificate of guarantee) to Appendix II to the Convention shall be replaced respectively by those contained in Annexes A, B, C and D to this Decision.
Article 4
Appendix III to the Convention shall be amended as follows:
1. In Annex IX to Appendix III 'Codes to be used in the forms for making T 1 and T 2 declarations`, under the heading 'Box 51: Intended transit offices`, in the list of codes applicable for the indication of countries, the following codes shall be added for the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic:
Article 5
The forms referred to in Annexes IV, V, VI and VII to Appendix II to the Convention (Comprehensive guarantee, Guarantee for a single operation, Flat-rate guarantee and Certificate of guarantee) which were in use prior to the entry into force of this Decision may continue to be used, subject to the required drafting amendments, until stocks are exhausted or, at the latest, until 31 December 1998.
Article 6
This Decision shall enter into force on 1 January 1997.
Done at Brussels, 5 December 1996.
For the Joint Committee
The Chairman
(1) OJ No L 226, 13. 8. 1987, p. 2.
(Comprehensive guarantee covering several transit operations under the Convention on a common transit procedure/several Community transit operations under the relevant Community Regulations)
I. Undertaking by the guarantor
1. The undersigned (1) ................................
resident at (2) ................................
hereby jointly and severally guarantees, at the office of guarantee of ................................
up to a maximum amount of ................................
in favour of the European Community comprising the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic, the Swiss Confederation and the Czech Republic (3),
any amount for which a principal (4) ................................
may be or become liable to the abovementioned States by reason of infringements or irregularities committed in the course of a transit operation under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit carried out by that person, including duties, taxes, agricultural levies and other charges - with the exception of pecuniary penalties - as regards principal or further liabilities, expenses and incidentals.
2. The undersigned undertakes to pay upon the first application in writing by the competent authorities of the States referred to in paragraph 1 and without being able to defer payment beyond a period of 30 days from the date of application the sums requested up to the limit of the abovementioned maximum amount, unless he or she or any other person concerned establishes before the expiry of that period, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, that the transit operation under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit was conducted without any infringement or irregularity within the meaning of paragraph 1.
The competent authorities may, upon request of the undersigned and for any reasons recognized to be valid, defer the period within which the undersigned is obliged to pay the requested sums beyond a period of 30 days from the date of application for payment. The expenses incurred, from granting this additional period, and in particular any interest, must be calculated in such a way that the amount is equivalent to that which would be charged to that end on the money market or financial market in the State concerned.
This amount may not be reduced by the sums already paid in pursuance of this undertaking unless recourse is had to the undersigned in respect of a transit operation under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit which began before the receipt of the earlier application for payment or during the 30 days following that receipt.
(1) Surname and forenames, or name of firm.
(2) Full address.
(3) Delete the name of any Contracting Party or Parties of which the territory will not be used.
(4) Surname and forenames, or name of firm, and full address of the principal.
3. This undertaking shall be valid from the day of its acceptance by the office of guarantee.
This guarantee may be cancelled at any time by the undersigned, or by the State in the territory of which the office of guarantee is situated.
The cancellation shall take effect on the 16th day after notification thereof to the other party.
The undersigned shall remain responsible for payment of the sums which become payable in respect of transit operations under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit covered by this undertaking which began before the date on which the cancellation took effect, even if the demand for payment is made after that date.
4. For the purpose of this undertaking the undersigned gives his address for service (1), as (2) ................................
and, in each of the other States referred to in paragraph 1, as care of:
State | Surname and forenames, or name of firm, and full address
The undersigned acknowledges that all correspondence and notices and any formalities or procedures relating to this undertaking addressed to or effected in writing at one of his addresses for service shall be accepted as duly delivered to him.
The undersigned acknowledges the jurisdiction of the courts of the places where he has an address for service.
The undersigned undertakes to maintain his addresses for service or, if he has to alter one or more of those addresses, to inform the office of guarantee in advance.
Done at ................. on ................................
(Signature) (3)
II. Acceptance by the office of guarantee
Office of guarantee ................................
Guarantor's undertaking accepted on ................................
(Stamp and signature)
(1) If, in the law of the State, there is no provision for address for service the guarantor shall appoint, in each of the States referred to in paragraph 1, an agent authorized to receive any communications addressed to him. The courts of the places in which the addresses for service of the guarantor or of his agents are situated shall have jurisdiction in disputes concerning this guarantee. The acknowledgement in the second subparagraph and the undertaking in the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 4 must be made to correspond.
(2) Full address.
(3) The signature must be preceded by the following in the signatory's own handwriting: "Guarantee for the amount of . . . . . . . . . ." with the amount written out in full.
(Guarantee covering a single transit operation under the Convention on a common transit procedure/ a single Community transit operation under the relevant Community Regulations)
I. Undertaking by the guarantor
1. The undersigned (1) ................................
resident at (2) ................................
hereby jointly and severally guarantees, at the office of departure of ................................
up to a maximal amount of ................................
in favour of the European Community comprising the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic, the Swiss Confederation and the Czech Republic (3),
any amount for which a principal (4) ................................
may be or become liable to the abovementioned States by reason of infringements or irregularities committed in the course of a transit operation under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit carried out by that person
from the office of departure of ................................
to the office of destination of ................................
in respect of the goods designated hereinafter, including duties, taxes, agricultural levies and other charges - with the exception of pecuniary penalties - as regards principal or further liabilities, expenses and incidentals.
2. The undersigned undertakes to pay upon the first application in writing by the competent authorities of the States referred to in paragraph 1 and without being able to defer payment beyond a period of 30 days from the date of application the sums requested unless he or she or any other person concerned establishes before the expiry of that period, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, that the transit operation under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit was conducted without any infringement or irregularity within the meaning of paragraph 1.
The competent authorities may, upon request of the undersigned and for any reasons recognized to be valid defer the period within which the undersigned is obliged to pay the requested sums beyond a period of 30 days from the date of application for payment. The expenses incurred, from granting this additional period, and in particular any interest, must be calculated in such a way that the amount is equivalent to that which would be charged to that end on the money market or financial market in the State concerned.
3. This undertaking shall be valid from the day of its acceptance by the office of departure.
(1) Surname and forenames, or name of firm.
(2) Full address.
(3) Delete the name of any Contracting Party or Parties of which the territory will not be used.
(4) Surname and forenames, or name of firm, and full address of the principal.
4. For the purpose of this undertaking, the undersigned gives his address for service (1), as (2) ................................
and, in each of the other States referred to in paragraph 1, as care of:
State | Surname and forenames, or name of firm, and full address
The undersigned acknowledges that all correspondence and notices and any formalities or procedures relating to this undertaking addressed to or effected in writing at one of his addresses for service shall be accepted as duly delivered to him.
The undersigned acknowledges the jurisdiction of the courts of the places where he has an address for service.
The undersigned undertakes to maintain his addresses for service or, if he has to alter one or more of those addresses, to inform the office of guarantee in advance.
Done at ............... on ................................
(Signature) (3)
II. Acceptance by the office of departure
Office of departure ................................
Guarantor's undertaking accepted on .................to cover the T 1/T 2 (4)
transit operation, issued on ......................under No ................................
(Stamp and signature)
(1) If, in the law of the State, there is no provision for address for service the guarantor shall appoint, in each of the States referred to in paragraph 1, an agent authorized to receive any communications addressed to him. The courts of the places in which the addresses for service of the guarantor or of his agents are situated shall have jurisdiction in disputes concerning this guarantee. The acknowledgement in the second subparagraph and the undertaking in the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 4 must be made to correspond.
(2) Full address.
(3) The signature must be preceded by the following in the signatory's own handwriting: "Guarantee".
(4) Delete as appropriate.
(Flat-rate guarantee system)
I. Undertaking by the guarantor
1. The undersigned (1) ................................
resident at (2) ................................
hereby jointly and severally guarantees, at the office of guarantee of ................................
in favour of the European Community comprising the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic, the Swiss Confederation and the Czech Republic, any amount for which a principal may become liable to the abovementioned States by reason of infringements or irregularities committed in the course of a transit operation under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit carried out by that person, including duties, taxes, agricultural levies and other charges - with the exception of pecuniary penalties - as regards principal or further liabilities, expenses and incidentals charges with regard to which the undersigned has agreed to be responsible by the issue of guarantee vouchers up to a maximum of ECU 7 000 per guarantee voucher.
2. The undersigned undertakes to pay upon the first application in writing by the competent authorities of the States referred to in paragraph 1 and without being able to defer payment beyond a period of 30 days from the date of application the sums requested up to ECU 7 000 per guarantee voucher, unless he or she or any other person concerned establishes before the expiry of that period, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, that the transit operation under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit was conducted without any infringement or irregularity within the meaning of paragraph 1.
The competent authorities may upon request of the undersigned and for any reasons recognized to be valid, defer the period within which the undersigned should pay the requested sums beyond a period of 30 days from the date of application for payment. The expenses incurred, from granting this additional period, and in particular any interest, must be calculated in such a way that the amount is equivalent to that which would be charged to that end on the money market or financial market in the State concerned.
3. This undertaking shall be valid from the day of its acceptance by the office of guarantee.
This guarantee may be cancelled at any time by the undersigned, or by the State in the territory of which the office of guarantee is situated.
The cancellation shall take effect on the 16th day after notification thereof to the other party.
The undersigned shall remain responsible for payment of the sums which become payable in respect of transit operations under the Convention on a common transit procedure/Community transit covered by this undertaking which began before the date on which the cancellation took effect, even if the demand for payment is made after that date.
(1) Surname and forenames, or name of firm.
(2) Full address.
4. For the purpose of this undertaking the undersigned gives his address for service (1), as (2) ................................
and, in each of the other States referred to in paragraph 1, as care of:
State | Surname and forenames, or name of firm, and full address
The undersigned acknowledges that all correspondence and notices and any formalities or procedures relating to this undertaking addressed to or effected in writing at one of his addresses for service shall be accepted as duly delivered to him.
The undersigned acknowledges the jurisdiction of the courts of the places where he has an address for service.
The undersigned undertakes to maintain his addresses for service or, if he has to alter one or more of those addresses, to inform the office of guarantee in advance.
Done at ................... on ................................
(Signature) (3)
II. Acceptance by the office of guarantee
Office of guarantee ................................
Guarantor's undertaking accepted on ................................
(Stamp and signature)
(1) If, in the law of the State, there is no provision for address for service the guarantor shall appoint, in each of the States referred to in paragraph 1, an agent authorized to receive any communications addressed to him. The courts of the places in which the addresses for service of the guarantor or of his agents are situated shall have jurisdiction in disputes concerning this guarantee. The acknowledgement in the second subparagraph and the undertaking in the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 4 must be made to correspond.
(2) Full address.
(3) The signature must be preceded by the following in the signatory's own handwriting: "Guarantee".