2014/2/EU: Guideline of the European Central Bank of 25 July 2013 on government f... (32013O0023)
EU - Rechtsakte: 01 General, financial and institutional matters


of 25 July 2013

on government finance statistics




Having regard to the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, and in particular Article 5.1 and 5.2, and Articles 12.1 and 14.3 thereof,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 of 25 May 2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community(1),
Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European System of national and regional accounts in the European Union(2),
(1) Guideline ECB/2009/20 of the European Central Bank of 31 July 2009 on government finance statistics(3) needs to be substantially amended and should therefore be recast in the interests of clarity and transparency.
(2) The update of the methodological framework, from the European System of Accounts (ESA) 1995 to the ESA 2010, as laid down by Regulation (EU) No 549/2013, requires the adaptation of the statistical concepts. For reasons of consistency, the European Central Bank’s (ECB) requirements in the field of government finance statistics (GFS) should be based on the Union statistical standards defined in ESA 2010.
(3) To fulfil its tasks, the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) needs comprehensive, i.e. covering all transactions including those in which general government acts as an agent for European Union institutions, and reliable data for economic and monetary analysis. The procedures laid down in this Guideline do not affect the responsibilities and competencies at the level of the Member States and of the Union.
(4) It is necessary to establish efficient procedures for exchanging GFS within the ESCB, to ensure that the ESCB has timely GFS meeting its needs and that there is compatibility between them and the forecasts of the same variables prepared by the national central banks (NCBs), irrespective of whether the statistics are compiled by the NCBs or by the competent national authorities.
(5) Part of the information necessary to meet the ESCB’s statistical requirements in the field of GFS is compiled by competent national authorities other than NCBs. Therefore, some of the tasks to be undertaken under this Guideline require cooperation between the ESCB and the competent national authorities. Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2533/98 of 23 November 1998 concerning the collection of statistical information by the European Central Bank(4) obliges the Member States to organise themselves in the field of statistics and fully cooperate with the ESCB in order to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations arising out of Article 5 of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank (hereinafter the ‘Statute of the ESCB’).
(6) The statistical sources based upon Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 and the ESA 2010 do not satisfy the needs of the ESCB in respect of coverage of government debt and deficit-debt adjustment statistics and statistics on transactions between the Member States and the Union budget. Therefore further compilation by the competent national authorities is necessary.
(7) It is necessary to set up a procedure to carry out technical amendments to the Annexes to this Guideline in an effective manner, provided that such amendments neither change the underlying conceptual framework, nor affect the reporting burden. NCBs may propose such technical amendments to the Statistics Committee of the ESCB, whose view will be taken into account when following this procedure,

Article 1


For the purposes of this Guideline:
(1) ‘euro area Member State’ means a Member State whose currency is the euro;
(2) ‘government finance statistics (GFS)’ means statistics on revenue, expenditure and deficit/surplus, statistics on deficit-debt adjustment, and statistics on government debt (as set out in Annex I);
(3) ‘government debt’ has the same meaning as defined in Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2009;
(4) ‘first transmission’ means the regular transmission performed by the NCBs before 15 April;
(5) ‘second transmission’ means the regular transmission performed by the NCBs before 15 October.

Article 2

Statistical reporting obligations of the NCBs

1.   The NCBs shall report GFS to the ECB, as specified in Annex I, on a calendar year basis. The data shall comply with the principles and definitions of Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 and of the ESA 2010, as further detailed in Annex II.
2.   The NCBs shall report in accordance with the methodological definitions laid down for sectors and subsectors in Section 1 of Annex II to this Guideline and for the following in Section 2 thereof:
(a) ‘revenue, expenditure and deficit/surplus statistics’, which comprise the statistics contained in Tables 1A, 1B and 1C of Annex I;
(b) ‘deficit-debt adjustment statistics’, which comprise the statistics contained in Tables 2A and 2B of Annex I;
(c) ‘government debt statistics’, which comprise the statistics contained in Tables 3A and 3B of Annex I.
3.   The complete data set shall comprise all categories as defined in Annex I (covering revenue, expenditure and deficit/surplus statistics, deficit-debt adjustment statistics and government debt statistics). It shall also cover back data from 1995 to the year to which the transmission relates (year t-1).
4.   By way of derogation from paragraph 3, the NCBs shall not be required to transmit back data for categories covered by the derogations agreed between the European Commission (Eurostat) and Member States.
5.   The transmission of the data specified in Tables 1A-C, 2A-B, 3A-B of Annex I shall start in October 2014.
6.   The data on deficit/surplus, debt, revenue, expenditure and nominal gross domestic product (GDP) shall be accompanied by reasons for revisions when the magnitude of the change to deficit/surplus caused by revisions is at least 0,3 % of GDP or the magnitude of the change to debt, revenue, expenditure or nominal GDP caused by revisions is at least 0,5 % of GDP.

Article 3

Statistical reporting obligations of the ECB

1.   On the basis of the data reported by the NCBs, the ECB shall manage the ‘GFS database’, which will include euro area and national data. The ECB shall disseminate the GFS database to the ESCB.
2.   The NCBs shall flag their national statistical information indicating to whom it may be made available. The ECB shall take this flagging into account when it disseminates the GFS database.

Article 4


1.   The NCBs shall report complete data sets twice a year, before 15 April and before 15 October.
2.   The NCBs shall report on their own initiative (partial) data sets, at any other time, when relevant new information becomes available. This data set may contain estimates for categories for which no new information is available.
3.   The ECB shall disseminate the GFS database to the NCBs at least once a month, not later than the next ECB working day after the ECB finalises the data for publication.

Article 5

Cooperation with the competent national authorities

1.   Where the sources of some or all of the data described in Article 2 are competent national authorities other than the NCBs, the NCBs shall endeavour to establish with those authorities the appropriate modalities of cooperation to ensure a permanent structure of data transmission to fulfil the standards and requirements of the ESCB, unless the same result is already achieved on the basis of national legislation.
2.   When, in the course of this cooperation, an NCB is unable to comply with the requirements laid down in Articles 2 and 4 because the competent national authority did not provide the NCB with the necessary information, the ECB and the NCB shall discuss with that authority how this information can be made available.

Article 6

Transmission standard

The required statistical information shall be made available to the ECB in a form which meets the requirements laid down in Annex III. This requirement does not prevent the use of some other means of transmitting statistical information to the ECB as an agreed fall-back solution.

Article 7


1.   The ECB and NCBs shall monitor and promote the quality of the data reported to the ECB.
2.   The Executive Board of the ECB shall report yearly to the Governing Council of the ECB on the quality of the annual GFS.
3.   The report shall address, at least, the coverage of the data, the extent to which they comply with the relevant definitions, and the magnitude of revisions.

Article 8

Simplified amendment procedure

Taking account of the views of the Statistics Committee, the Executive Board shall be entitled to make technical amendments to the Annexes to this Guideline, provided that such amendments neither change the underlying conceptual framework nor affect the reporting burden. The Executive Board shall inform the Governing Council of any such amendment without undue delay.

Article 9


1.   Guideline ECB/2009/20 is repealed from 1 September 2014.
2.   References to the repealed Guideline shall be construed as references to this Guideline and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table set out in Annex IV.

Article 10

Final provisions

1.   This Guideline is addressed to all Eurosystem central banks.
2.   This Guideline shall take effect on 1 September 2014.
Done at Frankfurt am Main, 25 July 2013.
For the Governing Council of the ECB
The President of the ECB
OJ L 145, 10.6.2009, p. 1
OJ L 174, 26.6.2013, p. 1
OJ L 228, 1.9.2009, p. 25
OJ L 318, 27.11.1998, p. 8



Revenue, expenditure and deficit/surplus statistics

Table 1A


Number and linear relation

Deficit (–) or surplus (+)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

of which: primary deficit (–) or surplus (+)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Central government


State government


Local government


Social security funds


Total revenue

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Total current revenue

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Direct taxes


of which: payable by corporations


of which: payable by households


Indirect taxes


of which: value added tax (VAT)


Net social contributions


of which: employers’ actual social contributions


of which: households’ actual social contributions


Other current revenue


of which: interest receivable




Total capital revenue


of which: capital taxes


Total expenditure

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Total current expenditure

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Current transfers

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Social payments


Subsidies payable


Other current transfers payable


Interest payable


Compensation of employees


of which: wages and salaries


Intermediate consumption


Total capital expenditure

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]



Other net acquisitions of non-financial assets and changes in inventories


Capital transfers payable


Memorandum items:


Gross savings

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Interest including settlements under swaps and forward rate agreements


Excessive deficit procedure (EDP) deficit (–) or surplus (+)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Universal mobile telecommunications system proceeds


Actual social contributions

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Social benefits other than social transfers in kind


Table 1B


Number and linear relation

Expenditure of Member State vis-à-vis the European Union (EU) budget

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Indirect taxes


Current international cooperation


Miscellaneous current transfers


of which: VAT-based third own resource


of which: GNI-based fourth own resource


Capital transfers


Revenue of Member State from the EU budget

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]



Current transfers to government


Current transfers to non-government units


Capital transfers to government


Capital transfers to non-government units


Balance of Member State vis-à-vis the EU budget (net receiver +, net payer –)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Memorandum item:


Own resources collection costs


Table 1C


Number and linear relation

Final consumption expenditure

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Individual consumption expenditure


Collective consumption expenditure


Social transfers in kind – purchased market production


Consumption of fixed capital


Taxes on production paid minus subsidies received


Net operating surplus


Memorandum items:


Final consumption expenditure at prices of the previous year


Government investment at prices of the previous year


Gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices


GDP at prices of the previous year


Deficit-debt adjustment statistics

Table 2A


Number and linear relation

Adjustment between financial and non-financial accounts

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Net financial transactions (consolidated)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Financial assets (consolidated)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Currency and deposits


Debt securities




Equity and investment fund shares or units


Privatisations (net)


Equity injections (net)




Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes


Financial derivatives and employee stock options


Other financial assets


of which: taxes and social contributions accrued but not yet paid


Liabilities (consolidated)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Currency and deposits


Short-term debt securities


Long-term debt securities




of which: loans from central bank


Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes


Financial derivatives and employee stock options


Other liabilities


General government borrowing requirement

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

of which: long-term


Denominated in national currency


Denominated in currencies of euro area Member States


Denominated in other currencies


Other flows

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Revaluation effects on debt

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Foreign exchange holding gains and losses


Other revaluation effects – face value

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Other changes in volume of debt


Change in government debt

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Table 2B


Number and linear relation

Transactions in government debt instruments (non-consolidated)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Currency and deposits


Short-term debt securities


Long-term debt securities


Loans from central bank


Other loans


Consolidating transactions

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Currency and deposits

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Short-term debt securities

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Long-term debt securities

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]


[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Government debt statistics

Table 3A


Number and linear relation

Government debt (consolidated)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Currency and deposits


Short-term debt securities


Long-term debt securities


Loans from central bank


Other loans


Held by residents of the Member State

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Central bank


Other monetary financial institutions


Other financial institutions


Other residents


Held by non-residents of the Member State


Denominated in national currency


Denominated in currencies of euro area Member States


Denominated in other currencies


Short-term debt


Long-term debt


of which: variable interest rate


Residual maturity up to one year


Residual maturity over one and up to five years


of which: variable interest rate


Residual maturity over five years


of which: variable interest rate


Memorandum items:


Average residual maturity of debt


Government debt – zero-coupon bonds


Table 3B


Number and linear relation

Government debt (non-consolidated between sub-sectors)

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Consolidating elements

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

[Bild bitte in Originalquelle ansehen]

Currency and deposits


Short-term securities


Long-term securities




Issued by central government (consolidated)


of which: held by other government sub-sectors


Issued by state government (consolidated)


of which: held by other government sub-sectors


Issued by local government (consolidated)


of which: held by other government sub-sectors


Issued by social security funds (consolidated)


of which: held by other government sub-sectors


Memorandum items:


Holdings by central government of debt issued by other government sub-sectors


Holdings by state government of debt issued by other government sub-sectors


Holdings by local government of debt issued by other government sub-sectors


Holdings by social security funds of debt issued by other government sub-sectors





Definition of sectors and subsectors

Sectors and subsectors in the ESA 2010

Total economy


Non-financial corporations


Financial corporations


Central bank


Deposit-taking corporations, except the Central Bank


Money market funds


Non-MMF investment funds


Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds


Financial auxiliaries


Captive financial institutions and money lenders


Insurance corporations


Pension funds


Monetary financial institutions

S.121 + S.122 + S.123

General government


Central government (excluding social security)


State government (excluding social security)


Local government (excluding social security)


Social security funds




Non-profit institutions serving households


Rest of the world


Member States and Institutions and Bodies of the European Union (EU)


Member States of the EU


Institutions and Bodies of the EU


The European Central Bank (ECB)


European Institutions and Bodies, except the ECB


Non-member countries and international organisations non-resident of EU



Definition of the categories


Table 1A

Deficit (–) or surplus (+) [1A.1] is equal to net lending (+)/net borrowing (–) (B.9) of S.13, is equal to total revenue [1A.7] minus total expenditure [1A.22], and is equal to deficit (–) or surplus (+) of central government [1A.3], plus deficit (–) or surplus (+) of state government [1A.4], plus deficit (–) or surplus (+) of local government [1A.5], plus deficit (–) or surplus (+) of social security funds [1A.6].
Primary deficit (–) or surplus (+) [1A.2] is equal to deficit (–) or surplus (+) [1A.1], plus interest payable [1A.28].
Deficit (–) or surplus (+) of central government [1A.3] is equal to net lending (+)/net borrowing (–) (B.9) of S.1311.
Deficit (–) or surplus (+) of state government [1A.4] is equal to net lending (+)/net borrowing (–) (B.9) of S.1312.
Deficit (–) or surplus (+) of local government [1A.5] is equal to net lending (+)/net borrowing (–) (B.9) of S.1313.
Deficit (–) or surplus (+) of social security funds [1A.6] is equal to net lending (+)/net borrowing (–) (B.9) of S.1314.
Total revenue [1A.7] is equal to total current revenue [1A.8], plus total capital revenue [1A.20].
Total current revenue [1A.8] is equal to direct taxes [1A.9], plus indirect taxes [1A.12], plus net social contributions [1A.14], plus other current revenue [1A.17], plus sales [1A.19].
Direct taxes [1A.9] is equal to current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5) recorded among resources of S.13.
Direct taxes of which payable by corporations [1A.10] is equal to current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5) recorded among resources of S.13 and uses of S.11 and S.12.
Direct taxes of which payable by households [1A.11] is equal to current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5) recorded among resources of S.13 and uses of S.14.
Indirect taxes [1A.12] is equal to taxes on production and imports (D.2) recorded among resources of S.13.
Indirect taxes of which value added tax (VAT) [1A.13] is equal to value added type taxes (D.211) recorded among resources of S.13.
Net social contributions [1A.14] is equal to social contributions (D.61) recorded among resources of S.13.
Net social contributions of which employers’ actual social contributions [1A.15] is equal to employers’ actual social contributions (D.611) recorded among resources of S.13.
Net social contributions of which households’ actual social contributions [1A.16] is equal to households’ actual social contributions (D.613) recorded among resources of S.13.
Other current revenue [1A.17] is equal to property income (D.4), plus other current transfers (D.7) recorded among resources of S.13, except S.13 resources of interest (D.41) that are also uses of S.13, plus receipts of other subsidies on production (D.39) that are uses of S.13.
Other current revenue of which interest receivable [1A.18] is equal to interest (D.41) recorded among resources of S.13 and uses of all sectors except S.13.
Sales [1A.19] is equal to market output (P.11), plus output for own final use (P.12), plus payments for other non-market output (P.131) recorded among resources of S.13.
Total capital revenue [1A.20] is equal to capital transfers receivable (D.9) recorded among changes in the liabilities and net worth of S.13, and recorded as a capital transfer payable by all sectors except S.13.
Total capital revenue of which capital taxes [1A.21] is equal to capital taxes (D.91) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13.
Total expenditure [1A.22] is equal to total current expenditure [1A.23], plus total capital expenditure [1A.32].
Total current expenditure [1A.23] is equal to current transfers [1A.24], plus interest payable [1A.28], plus compensation of employees [1A.29], plus intermediate consumption [1A.31].
Current transfers [1A.24] is equal to social payments [1A.25], plus subsidies payable [1A.26], plus other current transfers payable [1A.27].
Social payments [1A.25] is equal to social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62), plus social transfers in kind related to market production purchased by general government (D.632) recorded among uses of S.13, plus miscellaneous current transfers (D.75) recorded among uses of S.13 and resources of S.15.
Subsidies payable [1A.26] is equal to minus subsidies (–D.3) recorded among the resources of S.13.
Other current transfers payable [1A.27] is equal to current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5), plus other taxes on production (D.29), plus property income (D.4) excluding interest (D.41), plus other current transfers (D.7) recorded among uses of S.13 excluding miscellaneous current transfers (D.75) recorded among uses of S.13 and resources of S.15.
Interest payable [1A.28] is equal to interest (D.41) recorded among uses of S.13 and resources of all sectors except S.13.
Compensation of employees [1A.29] is equal to compensation of employees (D.1) recorded among uses of S.13.
Compensation of employees of which wages and salaries [1A.30] is equal to wages and salaries (D.11) recorded among uses of S.13.
Intermediate consumption [1A.31] is equal to intermediate consumption (P.2) recorded among uses of S.13.
Total capital expenditure [1A.32] is equal to investment [1A.33], plus other net acquisitions of non-financial assets [1A.34], plus capital transfers payable [1A.35].
Investment [1A.33] is equal to gross fixed capital formation (P.51g) recorded among changes in assets of S.13.
Other net acquisitions of non-financial assets and changes in inventories [1A.34] are equal to changes in inventories (P.52), plus acquisition less disposal of valuables (P.53), plus acquisition less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (NP) recorded among changes in assets of S.13.
Capital transfers payable [1A.35] is equal to capital transfers payable (D.9) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13, and recorded as a capital transfer receivable by all sectors except S.13.
Gross savings [1A.36] is equal to total current revenue [1A.8], minus total current expenditure [1A.23].
Interest including settlements under swaps and forward rate agreements [1A.37] is equal to excessive deficit procedure (EDP) interest (EDP D.41) recorded among uses of S.13 and resources for all sectors except S.13.
Excessive deficit procedure (EDP) deficit (–) or surplus (+) [1A.38] is equal to EDP net lending (+)/net borrowing (–) (EDP B.9) of S.13 and is equal to deficit (–) or surplus (+) [1A.1], plus interest payable [1A.28], minus interest including settlements under swaps and forward rate agreements [1A.37].
Universal mobile telecommunications system proceeds [1A.39] is equal to the proceeds coming from the sale of the third generation of mobile phone licences, recorded as a disposal of a non-financial asset according to Eurostat’s decision on the allocation of mobile phone licences.
Actual social contributions [1A.40] is equal to employers’ actual social contributions (D.611) [1A.15], plus households’ actual social contributions (D.613) [1A.16] recorded among resources of S.13.
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind [1A.41] is equal to social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62) recorded among uses of S.13.

Table 1B

Expenditure of Member State vis-à-vis the European Union (EU) budget [1B.1] is equal to indirect taxes receivable by the EU budget [1B.2], plus current international cooperation (D.74) payable by government to the EU budget [1B.4], plus miscellaneous current transfers (D.75) payable by government to the EU budget [1B.5], plus capital transfers (D.9) payable by government to the EU budget [1B.7].
Indirect taxes [1B.2] is equal to taxes on production and imports (D.2) recorded among resources of S.2122.
Current international cooperation [1B.3] is equal to current international cooperation (D.74) recorded among resources of S.2122 and uses of S.13.
Miscellaneous current transfers [1B.4] is equal to miscellaneous current transfers (D.75) plus VAT and GNI-based EU own resources (D.76) recorded among resources of S.2122 and uses of S.13.
Miscellaneous current transfers of which VAT-based third own resource [1B.5] is equal to the value added taxes (VAT) based third own resource (D.761) recorded among resources of S.2122 and uses of S.13.
Miscellaneous current transfers of which GNI-based fourth own resource [1B.6] is equal to the gross national income (GNI) based fourth own resource (D.762) recorded among resources of S.2122 and uses of S.13.
Capital transfers [1B.7] is equal to capital transfers payable (D.9) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and recorded as a capital transfer receivable by S.2122.
Revenue of Member State from the EU budget [1B.8] is equal to subsidies (D.3) payable by the EU budget [1B.9], plus other current transfers (D.7) payable by the EU budget to government [1B.10], plus other current transfers (D.7) payable by the EU budget to non-government units [1B.11], plus capital transfers (D.9) payable by the EU budget to government [1B.12], plus capital transfers (D.9) payable by the EU budget to non-government units [1B.13].
Subsidies [1B.9] is equal to subsidies (D.3) recorded among the uses of S.2122.
Current transfers to government [1B.10] is equal to current international cooperation (D.74), plus miscellaneous current transfers (D.75) recorded among resources of S.13 and uses of S.2122.
Current transfers to non-government units [1B.11] is equal to miscellaneous current transfers (D.75) recorded among uses of S.2122 and resources of all sectors except S.13.
Capital transfers to government [1B.12] is equal to capital transfers receivable (D.9) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and among changes in assets of S.2122.
Capital transfers to non-government units [1B.13] is equal to capital transfers payable (D.9) recorded among changes in assets of S.2122 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Balance of Member State vis-à-vis the EU budget (net receiver +, net payer –) [1B.14] is equal to revenue of Member State from the EU budget [1B.8], minus expenditure of Member State vis-à-vis the EU budget [1B.1].
Own resources collection costs [1B.15] is that part of non-market output (P.13) recorded among resources of S.13 that is the own resources collection costs paid by the EU budget.

Table 1C

Final consumption expenditure [1C.1] is equal to final consumption expenditure (P.3) recorded among uses of S.13.
Individual consumption expenditure [1C.2] is equal to individual consumption expenditure (P.31) recorded among uses of S.13.
Collective consumption expenditure [1C.3] is equal to collective consumption expenditure (P.32) recorded among uses of S.13.
Social transfers in kind – purchased market production [1C.4] is equal to social transfers in kind – purchased market production (D.632) recorded among uses of S.13.
Consumption of fixed capital [1C.5] is equal to consumption of fixed capital (P.51c) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13.
Taxes on production paid minus subsidies received [1C.6] is equal to payments of other taxes on production (D.29) recorded among uses of S.13, minus the receipt of other subsidies on production (D.39) recorded among the uses of S.13.
Net operating surplus [1C.7] is equal to operating surplus, net (B.2n) of S.13.
Final consumption expenditure at prices of the previous year [1C.8] is equal to the chain-linked volume of final consumption expenditure (P.3), recorded among uses of S.13, at prices of the previous year.
Government investment at prices of the previous year [1C.9] is equal to the chain-linked volume of gross fixed capital formation (P.51g), recorded among changes in assets of S.13, at prices of the previous year.
Gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices [1C.10] is equal to GDP (B.1*g) at market prices.
GDP at prices of the previous year [1C.11] is equal to the chain-linked volume of GDP (B1*g) at prices of the previous year.

Table 2A

Adjustment between financial and non-financial accounts [2A.1] is equal to deficit (–) or surplus (+) [1A.1], minus net transactions in financial assets and liabilities [2A.2].
Net transactions in financial assets and liabilities (consolidated) [2A.2] is equal to transactions in the net acquisition of financial assets [2A.3], minus the net incurrence of transactions in liabilities [2A.15].
Transactions in financial assets (consolidated) [2A.3] is equal to consolidated transactions in currency and deposits (F.2) [2A.4], plus transactions in debt securities (F.3) [2A.5], plus transactions in loans (F.4) [2A.6], plus transactions in equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5) [2A.7], plus transactions in insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes (F.6) [2A.11], plus transactions in financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7) [2A.12], plus transactions in other financial assets [2A.13], recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in currency and deposits [2A.4] is equal to the net acquisition of currency and deposits (F.2) recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in debt securities [2A.5] is equal to the net acquisition of debt securities (F.3), recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in loans [2A.6] is equal to new loans (F.4) advanced by government, net of repayments to government, recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in equity and investment fund shares or units [2A.7] is equal to the net acquisition of equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5) recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Privatisations (net) [2A.8] is equal to transactions in equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5) recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of S.11 or S.12 which are carried out in the process of giving up or gaining control (ESA 10 paragraphs 2.36 to 2.39) of the debtor unit by S.13; such transactions might be carried out by S.13 directly with the debtor unit, or with another creditor unit.
Equity injections (net) [2A.9] is equal to transactions in equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5) recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of S.11 or S.12 which are not carried out in the process of giving up or gaining control of the debtor unit by S.13 and are carried out by S.13 directly with the debtor unit.
Other [2A.10] is equal to transactions in equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5) recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13 which are not carried out in the process of giving up or gaining control of the debtor unit by S.13 and are not carried out by S.13 directly with the debtor unit, but with another creditor unit.
Transactions in insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes [2A.11] is equal to the net acquisition of insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes (F.6), recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in financial derivatives and employee stock options [2A.12] is equal to the net payments in respect of financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7), recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in other financial assets [2A.13] is equal to the net acquisition of monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs) (F.1) recorded among changes in assets of S.13, plus other accounts receivable (F.8) recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in other financial assets of which taxes and social contributions accrued but not yet paid [2A.14] is equal to that part of other accounts receivable (F.8 assets) relating to the taxes and social contributions recorded in D.2, D.5, D.61 and D.91, less the amounts of taxes actually collected, recorded among changes in assets of S.13 and changes in liabilities and net worth of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in liabilities (consolidated) [2A.15] is equal to consolidated transactions in currency and deposits (F.2) [2A.16], plus transactions in short-term debt securities (F.31) [2A.17], plus transactions in long-term debt securities (F.32) [2A.18], plus transactions in loans (F.4) [2A.19], plus transactions in insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes (F.6) [2A.21], plus transactions in financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7) [2A.22], plus transactions in other liabilities [2A.23], recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in currency and deposits [2A.16] is equal to the net acquisition of currency and deposits (F.2) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in short-term debt securities [2A.17] is equal to the net incurrence of short-term debt securities (F.31), whose original maturity is one year or less, recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in long-term debt securities [2A.18] is equal to the net incurrence of long-term debt securities (F.32), whose original maturity is over one year, recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in loans [2A.19] is equal to new loans (F.4) borrowed, net of repayments of existing loans, recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in loans of which loans from central bank [2A.20] is equal to transactions in loans (F.4) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of S.121.
Transactions in insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes [2A.21] is equal to the net acquisition of insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes (F.6), recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in financial derivatives and employee stock options [2A.22] is equal to net receipts in respect of financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
Transactions in other liabilities [2A.23] is equal to the net incurrence of monetary gold and SDRs (F.1) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13, plus of equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13, plus other accounts payable (F.8) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.13.
General government borrowing requirement [2A.24] is equal to the net incurrence of liabilities in currency and deposits (F.2) [2A.16], plus debt securities [2A.17 and 2A.18] (F.3), plus loans (F.4) [2A.19]. It is also equal to consolidated transactions in government debt instruments.
Transactions in long-term debt instruments [2A.25] is equal to the net incurrence of liabilities in debt instruments [2A.24] whose original maturity is over one year.
Transactions in debt instruments denominated in national currency [2A.26] is equal to the net incurrence of liabilities in debt instruments [2A.24] denominated in the legal tender of the Member State.
Transactions in debt instruments denominated in currencies of euro area Member States [2A.27] is equal to the net incurrence of liabilities in debt instruments [2A.24] denominated in ecus, plus debt instruments denominated in euro prior to the Member State’s adoption of the euro, plus debt instruments denominated in the legal tender of a euro area Member State prior to it becoming a euro area Member State.
Transactions in debt instruments denominated in other currencies [2A.28] is equal to the net incurrence of liabilities in debt instruments [2A.24] not included in [2A.26] or [2A.27].
Other flows [2A.29] is equal to revaluation effects on debt [2A.30], plus other changes in volume of debt [2A.33].
Revaluation effects on debt [2A.30] is equal to foreign exchange holding gains and losses [2A.31], plus other revaluation effects – face value [2A.32].
Foreign exchange holding gains and losses [2A.31] is equal to nominal holding gains and losses (K.7) of debt [3A.1] that changes value when converted into national currency due to changes in currency exchange rates.
Other revaluation effects – face value [2A.32] is equal to change in debt [2A.34], minus transactions in debt instruments (consolidated) [2A.24], minus foreign exchange holding gains and losses [2A.31], minus other changes in volume of debt [2A.33].
Other changes in volume of debt [2A.33] is equal to other volume changes (K.1, K.2, K.3, K.4, K.5 and K.6) in liabilities classified either as currency and deposits (AF.2), debt securities (AF.3), or loans (AF.4), which are not assets of S.13.
Change in government debt [2A.34] is equal to debt [3A.1] in year t, minus debt [3A.1] in year t-1.

Table 2B

Transactions in government debt instruments (non-consolidated) [2B.1] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in currency and deposits [2B.2], plus transactions in short-term debt securities [2B.3], plus transactions in long-term debt securities [2B.4], plus transactions in loans from central bank [2B.5], plus transactions in other loans [2B.6].
Transactions in currency and deposits [2B.2] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in currency and deposits (F.2) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13.
Transactions in short-term debt securities [2B.3] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in debt securities, whose original maturity is one year or less (F.31), recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13.
Transactions in long-term debt securities [2B.4] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in debt securities, whose original maturity is over one year (F.32), recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13.
Transactions in loans from central bank [2B.5] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in loans (F.4) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of S.121.
Transactions in other loans [2B.6] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in loans (F.4) recorded among changes in liabilities and net worth of S.13 and changes in assets of all sectors except S.121.
Consolidating transactions [2B.7] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in debt instruments [2B.1], minus consolidated transactions in debt instruments [2A.24].
Consolidating transactions – currency and deposits [2B.8] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in currency and deposits [2B.2], minus consolidated transactions in currency and deposits [2A.16].
Consolidating transactions – short-term debt securities [2B.9] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in short-term debt securities [2B.3], minus consolidated transactions in short-term debt securities [2A.17].
Consolidating transactions – long-term debt securities [2B.10] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in long-term debt securities [2B.4], minus consolidated transactions in long-term debt securities [2A.18].
Consolidating transactions – loans [2B.11] is equal to non-consolidated transactions in other loans [2B.6], minus consolidated transactions in loans [2A.19] plus consolidated transactions in loans of which loans from central bank [2A.20].

Table 3A

Government debt (consolidated) [3A.1] is equal to debt as defined in Regulation (EC) No 479/2009. It is also equal to the consolidated liabilities of S.13 in the instrument currency and deposits [3A.2], plus short-term debt securities [3A.3], plus long-term debt securities [3A.4], plus loans from central bank [3A.5], plus other loans [3A.6].
Debt – currency and deposits [3A.2] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] in the instrument currency and deposits (AF.2).
Debt – short-term debt securities [3A.3] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] in the instrument debt securities whose original maturity is one year or less (AF.31).
Debt – long-term debt securities [3A.4] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] in the instrument debt securities, whose original maturity is over one year (AF.32).
Debt – loans from central bank [3A.5] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] in the instrument loans (AF.4) which is an asset of S.121.
Debt – other loans [3A.6] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] in the instrument loans (AF.4) which is not an asset of S.121.
Debt held by residents of the Member State [3A.7] is equal to debt held by central bank [3A.8], plus debt held by other monetary financial institutions [3A.9], plus debt held by other financial institutions [3A.10], plus debt held by other residents of the Member State [3A.11].
Debt held by central bank [3A.8] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] which is an asset of S.121.
Debt held by other monetary financial institutions [3A.9] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] which is an asset of S.122 or S.123.
Debt held by other financial institutions [3A.10] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] which is an asset of S.124, S.125, S.126, S.127, S.128 or S.129.
Debt held by other residents [3A.11] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] which is an asset of S.11, S.14 or S.15.
Debt held by non-residents of the Member State [3A.12] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] which is an asset of S.2.
Debt denominated in national currency [3A.13] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] denominated in the legal tender of the Member State.
Debt denominated in currencies of euro area Member States [3A.14] is equal – prior to the Member State becoming a euro area Member State – to that part of debt [3A.1] denominated in the legal tender of one of the euro area Member States (except national currency [3A.13]), plus debt denominated in ecus or euro.
Debt denominated in other currencies [3A.15] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] not included in [3A.13] or [3A.14].
Short-term debt [3A.16] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] whose original maturity is one year or less.
Long-term debt [3A.17] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] whose original maturity is over one year.
Long-term debt of which variable interest rate [3A.18] is equal to that part of long-term debt [3A.17] whose interest rate is variable.
Debt with residual maturity up to one year [3A.19] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] with residual maturity of one year or less.
Debt with residual maturity over one and up to five years [3A.20] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] with residual maturity over one and up to five years.
Debt with residual maturity over one and up to five years of which variable interest rate [3A.21] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] with residual maturity over one and up to five years [3A.20] whose interest rate is variable.
Debt with residual maturity over five years [3A.22] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] with residual maturity over five years.
Debt with residual maturity over five years of which variable interest rate [3A.23] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] with residual maturity over five years [3A.22] whose interest rate is variable.
Average residual maturity of debt [3A.24] is equal to the average residual maturity weighted by the amounts outstanding, expressed in years.
Government debt – zero-coupon bonds [3A.25] is equal to that part of debt [3A.1] in the form of zero-coupon bonds, i.e. bonds without coupon payments, whose interest is based on the difference between the prices at redemption and at issue.

Table 3B

Government debt (non-consolidated between sub-sectors) [3B.1] is equal to the non-consolidated liabilities of S.13, excluding (a) the liabilities of S.1311 that are simultaneously assets of S.1311, (b) the liabilities of S.1312 that are simultaneously assets of S.1312, (c) the liabilities of S.1313 that are simultaneously assets of S.1313 and (d) the liabilities of S.1314 that are simultaneously assets of S.1314, in the same instruments as government debt [3A.1].
Consolidating elements [3B.2] is equal to the liabilities of S.13 that are simultaneously assets of S.13 excluding (a) the liabilities of S.1311 that are simultaneously assets of S.1311, (b) the liabilities of S.1312 that are simultaneously assets of S.1312, (c) the liabilities of S.1313 that are simultaneously assets of S.1313 and (d) the liabilities of S.1314 that are simultaneously assets of S.1314, in the instrument currency and deposits [3B.3], plus short-term debt securities [3B.4], plus long-term debt securities [3B.5], plus loans [3B.6].
Consolidating elements in currency and deposits [3B.3] is equal to that part of consolidating elements [3B.2] in the instrument currency and deposits (F.2).
Consolidating elements in short-term debt securities [3B.4] is equal to that part of consolidating elements [3B.2] in the instrument debt securities whose original maturity is one year or less (F.31).
Consolidating elements in long-term debt securities [3B.5] is equal to that part of consolidating elements [3B.2] in the instrument debt securities, whose original maturity is over one year (F.32).
Consolidating elements in loans [3B.6] is equal to that part of consolidating elements [3B.2] in the instrument loans (F.4).
Debt issued by central government (consolidated) [3B.7] is equal to the liabilities of S.1311, which are not assets of S.1311, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Debt issued by central government of which held by other government sub-sectors [3B.8] is equal to the liabilities of S.1311 which are assets of S.1312, S.1313 or S.1314, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Debt issued by state government (consolidated) [3B.9] is equal to the liabilities of S.1312, which are not assets of S.1312, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Debt issued by state government of which held by other government sub-sectors [3B.10] is equal to the liabilities of S.1312 which are assets of S.1311, S.1313 or S.1314, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Debt issued by local government (consolidated) [3B.11] is equal to the liabilities of S.1313, which are not assets of S.1313, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Debt issued by local government of which held by other government sub-sectors [3B.12] is equal to the liabilities of S.1313 which are assets of S.1311, S.1312 or S.1314, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Debt issued by social security funds (consolidated) [3B.13] is equal to the liabilities of S.1314, which are not assets of S.1314, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Debt issued by social security funds of which held by other government sub-sectors [3B.14] is equal to the liabilities of S.1314 which are assets of S.1311, S.1312 or S.1313, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Holdings by central government of debt issued by units in other government sub-sectors [3B.15] is equal to the liabilities of S.1312, S.1313 or S.1314 which are assets of S.1311, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Holdings by state government of debt issued by units in other government sub-sectors [3B.16] is equal to the liabilities of S.1311, S.1313 or S.1314 which are assets of S.1312, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Holdings by local government of debt issued by units in other government sub-sectors [3B.17] is equal to the liabilities of S.1311, S.1312 or S.1314 which are assets of S.1313, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
Holdings by social security funds of debt issued by units in other government sub-sectors [3B.18] is equal to the liabilities of S.1311, S.1312 or S.1313 which are assets of S.1314, in the same instruments as debt [3A.1].
(1)  [x.y] refers to the category number y of Table x.
(2)  The term ‘categories’ refers to the general government sector unless stated otherwise.



The national central banks (NCBs) use the facilities provided by the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) which relies on the ESCB IT infrastructure for the electronic transmission of the statistical information required by the European Central Bank (ECB). The exchanges of data within the ESCB shall be based on the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange format. This requirement does not prevent the use of some other means of transmitting statistical information to the ECB as an agreed fall-back solution.
NCBs observe the recommendations listed below in order to ensure that data transmission functions satisfactorily.
— Completeness: NCBs report all required series keys. Reporting no series keys or non-listed series keys will be considered as incomplete reporting. Should an observation be missing, the omission is recorded using the corresponding observation status flag.
— Accounting identities and sign convention of the data: the validation rules must be implemented by the NCBs before the data are transmitted to the ECB.
Where revisions are made to only a subset of series keys, the validation rules are applied to the whole report.



Guideline ECB/2009/20

This Guideline

Article 1

Article 1

Article 2(1)

Article 2(1)

Article 2(2)

Article 2(3)

Article 2(3)

Article 2(2)

Article 2(4)

Article 2(5)

Article 2(5)

Article 2(6)

Articles 3-8

Articles 3-8

Article 9(1)

Article 10(2)

Article 9(2)

Article 9(1)

Article 9(3)

Article 9(2)

Article 10

Article 10(1)

Article 10(3)

Annexes I-III

Annexes I-III
