of 17 April 2019
on establishing new terms of reference for the pillar assessment methodology to be used under Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Sole Article
Entity requesting the assessment: |
[Entity name and full address] |
Country: |
[Country where the entity is established] |
Reference/date of request for services: |
[Reference/date of the request for services or other equivalent document issued by the entity] |
Period subject to assessment: |
[The year (12-month period) ending on the day of the start of the field work (on-site procedures) for the assessment] |
Start date of the assessment: |
[Indicative start date. The estimated contractual date of the assessment (order form date)] |
End date of the assessment: |
[Indicative end date. The estimated date of receipt of the final report] |
General principles
Qualifications, experience and team composition
Qualifications and experience
Team composition
Category 1 — Audit partner
Category 2 — Audit manager
Category 3 — Senior auditor
Category 4 — Assistant auditor
Curricula vitae (CVs)
Location and period covered by the assessment
Engagement context
Use of Annex 1 Engagement context — Key information for a pillar assessment
Use of Annex 2a Assessment questionnaire
Nature, extent and timing of procedures and tests for each pillar
Criteria and materiality
Level 1 (Financial Regulation)
Level 2 (Pillar key components)
Level 3 (Assessment questionnaire with blocks of questions)
Limitations in the scope
Documentation and evidence
Planning and fieldwork
Start of the assessment
Preparatory meeting with the entity
Procedures for assessment planning and fieldwork
Use of the pillar assessment model report in Annex 4
Date of the assessment report
Procedures and timetable for submitting draft and final assessment reports
Information on practices for calculation and reporting of costs
Various matters
Annex 1
Engagement context — Key information for a pillar assessment
Pillars 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 are always subject to assessment (3). Pillars 4 to 6 may be subject to assessment, depending on the nature of the budget implementation tasks to be entrusted. |
Entity: [full name of the entity subject to assessment] |
Address |
Country |
Phone |
Fax |
Website |
Key contact |
Name |
Function |
<indicate executive function e.g. Director, General Manager, Head of Finance and Accounting> |
Phone/Fax |
Delegation of the European Union in [Country] <delete this table if not applicable> |
Address |
Country |
Phone |
Fax |
Key contact |
Name |
Function |
Phone/Fax |
European Commission service responsible for the relevant EU funding programme <delete if not applicable> |
Key contact |
Name |
Function/unit |
Phone/Fax |
Annex 2
Level 1 (Financial Regulation). Has the entity set up and ensured the functioning in all material respects of an effective, efficient and economical internal control system based on international best practices and in line with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (5 components for internal control) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../50 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 5 components is at least 70 % and the score for each individual component is at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one individual component is lower than 2/10 or 20 %. |
Level 1 (Financial Regulation). Does the entity use an accounting system that provides in all material respects accurate, complete and reliable information in a timely manner, based on international accounting standards and in line with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (3 components for accounting) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../30 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 3 components is at least 70 % and the score for each individual component is at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one individual component is lower than 2/10 or 20 %. |
Level 1 (Financial Regulation). Is the entity subject to an independent external audit, required to be performed in all material respects in accordance with internationally accepted auditing standards by an audit service that is functionally independent of the entity, and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (3 components for independent external audit) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../30 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 3 components is at least 70 % and the score for each individual component is at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one individual component is lower than 2/10 or 20 %. |
Level 1 (Financial Regulation). Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures for providing financing from EU funds through grants and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (3 components for grants) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../30 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 3 components is at least 70 % and the score for each individual component is at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one individual component is lower than 2/10 or 20 %. |
Level 1 (Financial Regulation). Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures in all material respects for providing financing from EU funds through procurement and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (3 components for procurement) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../30 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 3 components is at least 70 % and the score for each individual component is at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one individual component is lower than 2/10 or 20 %. |
Level 1 (Financial Regulation). Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures in all material respects for providing financing from EU funds/budgetary guarantees through financial instruments/budgetary guarantees, and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (3 components for financial instruments) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../30 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 3 components is at least 70 % and the score for each individual component is at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one individual component is lower than 2/10 or 20 %. |
PILLAR 6 — FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS — additional Section 6A (additional questions for budgetary guarantees (4) ) |
Level 2 criteria/questions (four additional components for budgetary guarantees) Does the entity have a credit risk management system and utilise an internal risk rating system appropriate to the nature, size and complexity of its activities? |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../40 |
SCORE Answer to level 2 question is YES if the total score for all 4 components is at least 70 % and the scores for each component are at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 2 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one component is lower than 2/10 or 20 % |
PILLAR 6 – FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS — additional sections 6B and 6C (optional (5) ) |
Level 1. Does the Entity implement in the selection/implementation of financial instruments/budgetary guarantees supported by Union funds, standards equivalent to applicable Union legislation and agreed international and Union standards, and therefore: a) does not support actions that contribute to tax avoidance and b) does not enter into operations with entities incorporated or established in non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (2 components for controls related to tax avoidance and non-cooperative jurisdictions) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
Controls related to Tax avoidance and Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions (NCJs) Does the Entity implement in the selection/implementation of financial instruments/budgetary guarantees supported by Union funds, standards equivalent to applicable Union legislation and agreed international and Union standards(6) and therefore:
../10 |
Level 1. Does the Entity implement in the selection/implementation of financial instruments/budgetary guarantees, standards equivalent to applicable Union legislation and agreed international and Union standards, and therefore: c) does not support actions contributing to money laundering and terrorism financing and d) does not enter into new or renewed operations with entities incorporated or established in jurisdictions identified as high risk third countries? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (2 components for controls related to anti-money laundering and countering terrorism financing) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering Terrorism Financing (CTF) Does the Entity implement in the selection/implementation of Financial Instruments/Budgetary Guarantees, standards equivalent to applicable Union legislation and agreed international and Union standards that provide reasonably effective safeguards and therefore:
../10 |
Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for the relevant section is at least 70 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score for the relevant section is less than 70 %. |
Level 1 (Financial Regulation). Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures for excluding third parties from access to funding through procurement, grants and/or financial instruments (8) ? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (3 components for exclusion from access to funding) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../30 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 3 components is at least 70 % and the score for individual components 1 or 3 is at least 2/10 or 20 % or the score for individual component 2 is at least 5/10 or 50 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for individual components 1 or 3 is lower than 2/10 or 20 % or the score for individual component 2 is lower than 5/10 or 50 %. |
Level 1 (Financial Regulation) Does the entity make public information on the recipients of funds in an appropriate and timely manner (9) ? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (3 components for publication of recipients) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../30 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 3 components is at least 70 % and the score for each individual component is at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one individual component is lower than 2/10 or 20 %. |
Level 1 (Financial Regulation) Does the entity ensure protection of personal data equivalent to that referred to in Article 5 of the FR (10) ? |
Level 2 criteria/questions (3 components for protection of personal data) |
SCORE (0 – 10) |
../10 |
../10 |
../10 |
Total score |
../30 |
SCORE Answer to level 1 question is YES if the total score for all 3 components is at least 70 % and the score for each individual component is at least 2/10 or 20 %. Answer to level 1 question is NO if the total score is less than 70 % or the score for one individual component is lower than 2/10 or 20 %. |
Annex 2A
Pillars 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 are always subject to assessment. Pillars 4 to 6 may be subject to the assessment, depending on the nature of the implementation tasks to be entrusted. |
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Auditor comments |
Has the entity set up and ensured the functioning in all material respects of an effective, efficient and economical internal control system and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Guidance Article 154 of the Financial Regulation The Commission may accept that the accounting systems and the internal control systems used by entities and persons entrusted with the implementation of Union funds or budgetary guarantees are providing equivalent levels of protection of the financial interests of the Union and of reasonable assurance of achieving the management objectives. |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the control environment of the entity provide an adequate basis for carrying out internal control across the organisation? Note: The control environment includes the governance and management functions and the attitudes, awareness and actions of those charged with governance and management concerning the entity's internal control and its importance in the entity. |
1.1.1 |
Is there a written code of conduct that is communicated to all staff or a staff manual containing provisions promoting ethical behaviour and values? |
1.1.2 |
Does management stress and communicate the importance of integrity and ethical values to staff (‘tone from the top’)? |
1.1.3 |
Are there procedures (e.g. disciplinary sanctions, financial and personal liability) for staff who do not comply with integrity rules and ethical values? |
1.1.4 |
Are there procedures in place to deal with possible conflicts of interest at management level? |
1.2.1 |
Does the entity have a clear organisational structure (i.e. the framework within which an entity's activities for achieving its objectives are planned, executed, controlled and reviewed) which supports good management and governance? |
1.2.2 |
What is the decision-making structure and who is the highest decision-making authority? |
1.2.3 |
Are reporting lines and responsibilities clearly defined? For example: are responsibilities, authorities and reporting lines clearly stipulated in employment contracts and/or operating manuals? |
1.2.4 |
Are job descriptions available? |
1.2.5 |
How are the authority and responsibility for operating activities assigned and how are reporting relationships and authorisation hierarchies established? |
1.2.6 |
What are the policies and practices that relate to, for example, recruitment, orientation, training, evaluation, counselling, promotion, compensation and remedial actions? |
1.3.1 |
Is there a governance oversight body (e.g. oversight authorities, audit committee, regulators, governing board, executive body) which is independent of the management of the entity? |
1.3.2 |
Are there rules for the appointment, remuneration and resignation of members of the governance oversight body? |
1.3.3. |
If there is no governance oversight body, has the entity's management taken measures to carry out its governance oversight responsibilities? |
1.3.4 |
Does the entity have an internal audit function? If yes, refer to Section 5.2. |
1.3.5 |
If no, how (i.e. by what other measures) does management exercise oversight of the development and performance of internal control? |
1.4.1 |
Does the entity have formal written human resources policies and practices? |
1.4.2 |
Does the entity have recruitment and remuneration policies? |
1.4.3 |
Does the entity have a staff development (covering development and training needs) and appraisal system? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity identify risks to the achievement of its objectives across the entity and are risks analysed as a basis for determining how they should be managed? |
2.1 |
Does the entity specify its objectives with sufficient clarity to enable the identification and assessment of risks relating to objectives? |
2.2 |
Does the entity have risk assessment procedures in place which enable management to identify, assess and address existing or potential issues that may hamper the achievement of the entity's objectives? |
2.3 |
Are risks assessed on a project basis or across the entity as a whole? |
2.4 |
Are risk assessment procedures documented? |
2.5 |
Does the entity have a risk register? |
2.6 |
Does the entity have risk assessment procedures which:
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): does the entity deploy effective and efficient control activities? |
3.1.1 |
Does the entity deploy control activities
3.1.2 |
Are the following key aspects addressed by the control activities deployed by the entity?
3.2.1 |
Is segregation of duties formally stipulated, for example in an operating or procedures manual? |
3.3.1 |
What are the main features of the entity's filing systems (electronic, paper, operating instructions, use of databases and electronic archiving systems)? |
3.3.2 |
Identify and document key features of the filing system/procedures. |
3.3.3 |
Does the entity have a specific policy or procedures for documentation and filing relating to the processes for grants, procurement and financial instruments? Note: specific requirements may apply, such as transparency and confidentiality. |
3.4.1 |
Does the entity have formal and written procedures and controls with regard to its IT systems? |
3.4.2 |
Does the entity have adequate and effective procedures for initiation, approval, recording, processing and reporting of transactions? |
3.4.3 |
Does the entity apply an appropriate mix of manual and automated elements in internal control, taking into account the nature and complexity of the entity's use of IT and computerised information systems? |
3.4.4 |
Do the controls over the entity's IT systems include effective general IT controls and application controls? |
Guidance relating to computerised information systems |
The entity's business/activity processes result in transactions that are initiated, recorded, processed and reported by the information system, which is either manually or computer operated or through a mix of manual and computer-operated procedures. Is there an appropriate segregation of duties for key accounting functions i.e. for the initiation, approval, recording, processing (i.e. transfer to the general ledger) and reporting in the financial statements? The use of IT affects the way that control activities are implemented. Controls over IT systems are effective when they maintain the integrity of information and the security of the data such systems process, and include effective general IT controls and application controls. General IT controls are policies and procedures that relate to many applications and support the effective functioning of application controls. They apply to mainframe, miniframe and end-user environments. General IT controls that maintain the integrity of information and security of data commonly include controls over the following:
Application controls are manual or automated procedures that typically operate at a business process level and apply to the processing of transactions by individual applications. Application controls can be preventative or detective in nature and are designed to ensure the integrity of the accounting records. Accordingly, application controls relate to procedures used to initiate, record, process and report transactions or other financial data. These controls help ensure that transactions occurred, are authorised and are completely and accurately recorded and processed. Examples include edit checks of input data, and numerical sequence checks with manual follow-up of exception reports or correction at the point of data entry. The use of manual or automated elements in internal control also affects the manner in which transactions are initiated, recorded, processed and reported:
An entity's mix of manual and automated elements in internal control varies with the nature and complexity of the entity's use of IT. |
3.5.1 |
Does the entity consider the potential for errors, fraud and irregularities in assessing risks to the achievement of objectives? |
3.5.2 |
Does the entity identify (sensitive) posts with risk of collusion (e.g. bank and cash management, procurement and purchase functions) and are there supervisory measures (e.g. rotation of functions, additional controls)? |
3.5.3 |
Are there procedures for the reporting and follow-up of errors, fraud and irregularities? |
3.6.1 |
Does the entity have a description of or procedures manual for its asset management system? |
3.6.2 |
Obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity's asset management system i.e. practices and procedures for the acquisition and management of land and buildings, machinery, vehicles, equipment and intangible assets (e.g. intellectual property rights, licences). Note: specific attention should be paid to procurement rules which are applicable for the acquisition of fixed and intangible assets (refer to pillar 5 — procurement). |
Guidance Document the above procedure with descriptions and references to relevant source material (e.g. systems, flowcharts, manuals etc.) and identify any shortcomings in the entity's asset management system. Relevant issues include: roles and responsibilities (segregation of duties) for management of assets acquisition and purchase procedures, asset registration (use of asset registers, vehicle logbooks), controls and procedures for access, control and monitoring procedures, safeguard and access procedures, asset disposition and transfer of assets. |
3.7.1 |
Does the entity have a description of or procedures manual for its inventory management system? |
3.7.2 |
Obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity's inventory management system (practices and procedures for the acquisition, purchase and management of supplies such as materials, tools, spare parts and office supplies). Note: specific attention should be paid to procurement rules which are applicable for the acquisition of supplies, goods and materials (refer to pillar 5 — procurement). |
Guidance Document the above procedure with descriptions and references to relevant source material (e.g. systems, flowcharts, manuals etc.) and identify any shortcomings in the entity's inventory management system. Relevant issues include: (i) roles and responsibilities for the management of inventories, acquisition and purchase procedures, and inventory records; (ii) safeguards, access and use; (iii) control and monitoring procedures, stock taking and reconciliations; (iv) use and disposal of stocks |
3.8.1 |
Does the entity have a description of or procedures manual for its bank management system? |
3.8.2 |
Does the entity perform regular (at least on a monthly basis) reconciliations of accounting data held in the entity's accounts (general ledger account, cash book) with bank account data, and in such a way that no material differences are left unexplained? |
3.8.3 |
Obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity's bank management system (practices and procedures for the management of bank accounts). |
Guidance Document the above procedure with descriptions and references to relevant source material (e.g. systems, flowcharts, manuals etc.) and identify any shortcomings in the entity's bank management procedures. Relevant issues include: roles and responsibilities (segregation of duties, access rights, use of a separate treasury function) for management of bank accounts, type of accounts (e.g. interest bearing, currencies used), use of dual signature procedures, regular bank reconciliations, supervision and control, use of dedicated/specific bank accounts for projects; treasury policies. |
3.9.1 |
Does the entity have a description of or procedures manual for its cash management system? |
3.9.2 |
Does the entity perform regular (at least on a monthly basis) reconciliations of accounting data held in its accounts (general ledger account, cash book) with bank account data, and in such a way that no material differences are left unexplained? |
3.9.3 |
Are there appropriate procedures for holding cash and cash counts? |
3.9.5 |
Does the entity clear and reconcile suspense accounts and advances i.e. of cash payments made, from which no expenditures have yet been recorded, at least monthly within 30 days of the end of each month? Such advances may include travel advances and operational imprest(3) note accounts. This may also include transfers to other entities, which are classified as expenditures when they are made, even if reporting on any earmarked portion of the transfers is expected periodically. |
3.9.6 |
Obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity's cash management system (practices and procedures for cash management). |
Guidance Document the above procedure with descriptions and references to relevant source material (e.g. systems, flowcharts, manuals etc.) and identify any shortcomings in the entity's cash management procedures. Relevant issues include: roles and responsibilities (segregation of duties, access rights, use of a separate treasury function) for cash management; procedures for cash handling and limits of cash to be held; regular petty cash counts and reconciliations; management of cash advances (use, authorisation, limits, monitoring and clearance). |
3.10.1 |
Does the entity have a description of or procedures manual for its recruitment system? |
3.10.2 |
Obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity's recruitment system (practices and procedures for the management of expatriate, local and other staff). |
3.10.3 |
Perform a walkthrough of the recruitment process from the approval of the selection procedure to the signing of the employment contract. |
Guidance Document the above procedures with descriptions and references to relevant source material (e.g. systems, flowcharts, manuals etc.) and identify any shortcomings in the entity's recruitment procedures Relevant issues include: roles and responsibilities for the management of staff; selection and approval procedures; determination and approval of salaries, allowances and other conditions of employment; use of employment contracts; job descriptions. |
3.11.1 |
Does the entity have a description of or procedures manual for its payroll and time management system? |
3.11.2 |
Obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity's payroll and time management system i.e. practices and procedures for payroll and time management. |
3.11.3 |
Are the personnel database(4) and payroll directly linked to ensure data consistency? Are reconciliations performed on a regular basis (in principle monthly)? |
3.11.4 |
Are payroll and time management systems linked to ensure correct calculation of salaries and wages where applicable? |
3.11.5 |
Is authority to change records and payroll restricted and are audit trails available? |
3.11.6 |
Are there appropriate (approval) procedures for changes to the personnel records? |
3.11.7 |
Are there procedures for identifying control weaknesses and/or ghost workers? For example: are (annual) payroll audits performed by an internal audit capability? |
3.11.8 |
Does the entity have a system to allocate staff, salaries and related costs to projects? |
3.11.9 |
What principles (i.e. plausibility of basic assumptions used and allocation keys) does the entity use to allocate salaries and salary-related costs to projects? How is time spent by staff for specific projects approved and recorded? |
Guidance Document the above procedures with descriptions and references to relevant source material (e.g. systems, flowcharts, manuals etc.) and identify any shortcomings in the entity's payroll and time management systems. Relevant issues include: roles and responsibilities for the payroll and time management; recording, calculation and approval of salaries and salary components (fixed/variable; overtime; social security). Special attention should be paid to the entity's time management system: timekeeping procedures and records (use of timesheets), supervision control and approval procedures. |
Key question (level 3): |
3.12.1 |
Does the entity have a description of or procedures manual for its controls of other salary-related expenditure and allowances? |
3.12.2 |
What procedures and controls are in place to determine and pay allowances for travelling and accommodation (i.e. per diems)? |
3.12.3 |
What procedures and controls are in place to determine and pay expenditure for training and personnel development? |
3.13.1 |
What procedures does the entity have in place for the contracting of services with external service provides (e.g. studies and research; advertising, promotion, publication and visibility actions; evaluations; audit, accounting and legal services; technical assistance; translation and interpretation; organisation of conferences and seminars; visibility actions)? Note: specific attention should be paid to procurement rules which are applicable for the acquisition of services (refer to pillar 5 — procurement). |
3.14.1 |
Does the entity have a description of or procedures manual for its controls of other (non-salary) expenditure? |
3.14.2 |
Obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity's system for expenditure control (practices and procedures for expenditure control). |
Guidance Document the above procedures with descriptions and references to relevant source material (e.g. systems, flowcharts, manuals etc.) and identify any shortcomings in the entity's procedures for expenditure control. Relevant issues include: roles and responsibilities for expenditure control; management procedures which ensure that expenditure control is in line with the entity's procedures; authorisation and approval of expenditure; performance of regular budget–actual comparisons of expenditure. |
3.15.1 |
Does the entity have a description or manual of its procedures for monitoring operating performance? |
3.15.2 |
What measures does the entity have in place to review operating performance i.e. the progress made on the implementation of activities and projects? |
3.15.3 |
Has the entity adopted quality standards (e.g. ISO)? |
3.15.4 |
If external standards are not, used are there internal standards? |
3.15.5 |
Does the entity have procedures for the evaluation of operating performance (prior, during implementation and after implementation)? |
3.15.6 |
By whom (internal or external) are these evaluations performed and how are results reported and followed up on? |
3.16.1 |
Does the entity have a description or manual of its procedures to ensure compliance with regulations and rules for using funds? |
3.16.2 |
Does the entity have procedures in place which ensure that actual expenditure incurred and revenue received for activities and projects are in conformity with applicable rules i.e. conditions set out in contracts and agreements? |
3.16.3 |
Does the entity have procedures in place which ensure that specific rules and conditions are well-known and respected? Such rules and conditions can relate to e.g.: the eligibility of expenditure, procurement rules (see pillar 5), origin rules, rules for visibility of EU-funded actions, and rules for the transfer of assets at the end of a project. |
Guidance Information is necessary for the entity to carry out internal control responsibilities to support the achievement of its objectives. The entity's management obtains or generates and uses relevant and quality information from both internal and external sources to support the functioning of other components of internal control. Internal reporting (internal information and communication) This concerns internal reporting, which covers financial reporting and reporting to the entity's management on the qualitative aspects of the implementation of activities and projects within the entity. External reporting (external information and communication) Two flows of external information and communication can be distinguished:
This concerns the reporting flows from grant beneficiaries to the entity and their accountability towards the entity. Reporting is based on specific rules and conditions set by the entity in order to comply with the requirements (including reporting requirements) for funding provided by the EU and other donors. These reporting flows constitute a vital element of internal control. The above two types of external reporting are dealt with under pillar 2 — accounting. |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity have controls and procedures in place which ensure reliable reporting — both internal and external (inbound and outbound) — in line with applicable requirements and standards? |
4.1.1 |
Does the entity obtain or generate and use relevant, quality information (internal and/or external sources) to compile management reports? |
4.1.2 |
Does the entity's management receive regular (monthly, quarterly) reports on progress made on objectives, activities, projects? |
4.1.3 |
Does the information cover qualitative aspects of implementation such as use of performance indicators, implementation status and delays, key problems and issues? |
4.1.4 |
Does the information cover financial aspects such as budget–actual comparisons and analyses of expenditure incurred by activity/project? |
4.1.5 |
Does the entity internally communicate information, including objectives and responsibilities for internal control, necessary to support the functioning of internal control? |
4.2.1 |
Does the entity prepare and present annual financial statements which are reliable? ‘Reliable’ means that the financial statements:
Guidance Year-end financial statements are a critical condition for transparency. The ability to prepare year-end financial statements in a timely fashion is a key indicator of how well the accounting system is operating, and of the quality of records maintained. In order to be useful and to contribute to transparency, financial statements must be understandable to the reader and deal with transactions, assets and liabilities in a transparent and consistent manner. This is the purpose of financial reporting standards. Some countries have their own public sector financial reporting standards, set by government or another authorised body. To be generally acceptable, such national standards are usually aligned with international standards such as the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), of which some are relevant for countries that adopt accrual-based accounting, while others are relevant for cash-based systems. |
4.2.2 |
Does the financial information presented in the financial statements meet the following qualities which make it useful for the users?
4.2.3 |
Does the entity prepare and present annual financial statements which are in line with applicable international standards? What is the applicable financial reporting framework? What basic regulations and rules does the entity need to comply with when preparing and presenting its annual financial statements? |
4.2.4 |
Other good practice disclosures Do the financial statements of the entity disclose:
4.2.5 |
Does the entity comply with national accounting (including financial reporting) standards which apply in the country in which it is established? For example: the World Bank i.e. the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA) comply with US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP). |
4.2.6 |
Does the entity comply with international accounting standards (including financial reporting) or accounting policies and rules prescribed by specific regulations or conventions?
4.2.7 |
What is the accounting basis for preparing and presenting the financial statements of the entity:
Footnote: ‘Accrual basis’ means a basis of accounting under which transactions and other events are recognised when they occur (and not only when cash or its equivalent is received or paid). Therefore the transactions and events are recorded in the accounting records and recognised in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate. The elements recognised under accrual accounting are assets, liabilities, net assets/equity, revenue and expenses. |
4.2.8 |
What period of time does the entity use as its financial year? |
4.2.9 |
Do the entity's financial statements include the following components:
4.2.10 |
Are the entity's financial statements submitted for external audit within 6 months of the end of the financial year? |
4.3.1 |
Does the entity have specific and dedicated reporting procedures for activities, projects or (trust) funds and financial instruments financed by the EU or other donors? |
4.4.1 |
Does the entity have specific and dedicated reporting procedures for activities, projects, (trust) funds and financial instruments financed by the EU or other donors? |
4.4.2 |
Does the entity provide conditions for reporting by grant beneficiaries on the financial and qualitative aspects of the implementation of activities, projects, (trust) funds and financial instruments? |
4.4.3 |
Are conditions for reporting clearly and properly communicated (e.g. use of terms of reference, use of (web-based) guidelines, instructions, brochures)?
4.4.4 |
Does the entity monitor/verify whether reporting conditions are respected? |
4.4.5 |
Does the entity obtain and review progress reports made by the grant beneficiaries on a regular basis? |
4.4.6 |
Does the entity respond in an effective and timely manner to issues resulting from the review of these reports? Such issues may include: significant differences in budget–actual comparisons of expenditure, unusual expenditure items, (possible) ineligible expenditure, delays in project implementation, project activities not implemented as planned. |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity monitor (the components of) its internal control system regularly and effectively? |
5.1.1 |
What are the main activities that the entity uses to monitor (the components of) its internal control system? |
5.1.2 |
How does the entity initiate remedial actions to deficiencies in (the components of) its internal control system? |
5.2.1 |
Standards and internal audit charter Does the internal audit function comply with the international professional standards and the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors ( |
Guidance Regular and adequate feedback to management is required on the performance of the internal control systems, through an internal audit function or equivalent systems monitoring function. In some countries, internal audit functions are concerned only with the pre-audit of transactions, which is then considered part of the internal control activities. |
5.2.2 |
Standards and internal audit charter (cont'd) Has the internal audit function adopted an internal audit charter which is consistent with the Definition of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics and the standards issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors? Footnote: An internal audit charter is a formal document that sets out the internal audit activity's purpose, authority and responsibility. The internal audit charter: (i) establishes the internal audit activity's position within the organisation, including the nature of the chief audit executive's functional reporting relationship with the board; (ii) authorises access to records, personnel and physical properties relevant to the performance of engagements; and (iii) determines the scope of internal audit activities. Final approval of the internal audit charter resides with the senior management of the entity or an oversight body (audit committee) where appropriate. |
5.2.3 |
Independence How does the internal audit function fit into the entity's organisational structure? |
5.2.4 |
Independence Is the internal audit function independent i.e. does it have freedom from conditions that threaten its ability to carry out internal audit responsibilities in an unbiased manner? |
5.2.5 |
Independence (cont'd) Does the chief audit executive/head of the internal audit function have direct and unrestricted access to senior management and the oversight body as appropriate? |
5.2.6 |
Objectives and scope of work What is the nature of the internal audit function's responsibilities? |
5.2.7 |
Objectives and scope of work (cont'd) What are the activities performed, or to be performed, by the internal audit function? |
5.2.8 |
Objectives and scope of work Does the internal audit charter define the nature of the (assurance) services provided to the entity? Note: ‘Assurance services’ involve the internal auditor's objective assessment of evidence to provide an independent opinion or conclusions regarding an entity, operation, function, process, system or other subject matter. The nature and scope of the assurance engagement are determined by the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. |
5.2.9 |
Objectives and scope of work Does the internal audit function prepare a risk assessment of the activities and/or organisational functions (e.g. departments, units)? Note: Evidence of an effective internal audit (or systems monitoring) function would also include a focus on high-risk areas. |
5.2.10 |
Objectives and scope of work Does the internal audit function draw up a multi-annual (usually three-year) audit plan as well as annual operational plans? How and by whom are audit subjects selected and approved? |
5.2.11 |
Objectives and scope of work (cont'd) Do these plans incorporate an appropriate range of audit types including compliance, financial audits, payroll audits, system including information technology audits, forensic and performance audits? |
5.2.12 |
Objectives and scope of work Is the internal audit operational for all activities managed by the entity? |
5.2.13 |
Reporting Are internal audit reports completed and issued to a fixed schedule and are they distributed to senior management and an oversight body or audit committee as appropriate? |
5.2.14 |
Reporting (cont'd) Does the internal audit function present regular (i.e. monthly, quarterly) progress reports to the management of the entity and an oversight body/audit committee as appropriate? |
5.2.15 |
Follow-up on internal audit findings and recommendations Are findings and recommendations resulting from internal audit duly addressed (to the entity's senior management and an oversight body/audit committee as appropriate) and resolved? |
5.2.16 |
Follow-up on internal audit findings and recommendations Does the entity's management respond promptly to internal audit findings? |
5.2.17 |
Follow-up on internal audit findings and recommendations Are internal audit recommendations implemented fully and timely? Note: Evidence of an effective internal audit (or systems monitoring) function would also include action by management on internal audit findings. This is of critical importance since lack of action on findings completely undermines the rationale for the internal audit function. |
5.3.1 |
Does management include a report regarding the effectiveness of its internal control system (i.e. an internal control report) in the entity's annual financial statements/annual report? If yes, review the entity's internal control reports of the last 3 years and the independent auditor's report on management's assertion regarding the effectiveness of the internal control system. If yes, which type of opinion (unqualified, qualified) did the external auditors express on management's assertion regarding the effectiveness of its internal control system? |
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Auditor comments |
Does the entity use an accounting system that provides in all material respects accurate, complete and reliable information in a timely manner, based on national and/or international accounting standards and in line with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Guidance Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices applied by the entity in preparing and presenting financial statements. A reliable basis means that the entity applies accounting policies which are relevant to the decision-making needs of users, and reliable in that the financial statements:
Article 154 of the Financial Regulation The Commission may accept that the accounting systems and the internal control systems used by entities and persons to be entrusted with budget implementation tasks on behalf of the Commission are providing equivalent levels of protection of the financial interests of the Union and of reasonable assurance of achieving the management objectives. |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity use an adequate accounting system and does it have clear and written accounting policies? |
1.1 |
Does the entity apply accounting policies which:
1.2 |
Does the entity have a manual of accounting policies and procedures, including detailed descriptions of accounting procedures for the various types of financial and accounting transactions? |
1.3 |
Does the entity operate a double-entry bookkeeping/accounting system? Note: A ‘double-entry’ accounting system is a set of rules for recording financial information in a financial accounting system in which every transaction or event changes at least two different nominal ledger accounts. |
1.4 |
Does the entity have a chart of accounts which properly reflects its operations and activities? |
1.5 |
Does the entity perform regular bank reconciliations and cash book reconciliations (where applicable)? |
1.6 |
Does the entity perform regular reconciliations and clearings of suspense accounts and advances? Are separate (general ledger) accounts kept for the accounting of advance and final payments for different projects? Note: reliable reporting of financial information requires constant checking and verification of recording practices. This is an important part of internal control and a foundation for good quality information for management and for external reports. Timely and frequent reconciliation of data from different sources is fundamental for data reliability. |
1.7 |
Does the accounting system allow the processing and reporting of accounting and financial information relating to specific projects, activities, (trust) funds and financial instruments, no matter whether these are financed by the entity itself and/or external sources (such as the European Commission)? |
1.8 |
Can the entity ensure an accounting trail for transactions (income and expenditure) relating to specific projects, activities, (trust) funds and financial instruments, no matter whether these are financed by the entity itself and/or external sources (such as the EC)? |
1.9 |
How are advance payments made to the entity by external organisations (e.g. the EC) for funding of specific projects, activities, (trust) funds and financial instruments accounted for in the entity's accounting records? |
1.10 |
Does the entity have procedures for ‘clearing’ advances paid by it to grant beneficiaries (e.g. are advances cleared on the basis of audit reports on the use of funds submitted by grant beneficiaries)? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): does the entity have a budget system and procedures which result in transparent and reliable budgets for its operations and activities? |
2.1 |
Are budget procedures formalised (e.g. through a budget manual or circulars)? |
2.2 |
At which intervals are budgets prepared (annual, half-yearly, quarterly)? |
2.3 |
Who are the key actors involved with the budget process? |
2.4 |
Which accounting and other data sources are used? |
2.5 |
Does the entity have an appropriate budget classification system (classification criteria could, for example, include: operational and capital expenditure, activity-based budgets or functional, analytical classification, classification by project/sub-project). |
2.6 |
Do budgets provide a coherent and clear presentation of projected/estimated costs in line with the entity's activities, operations and projects? |
2.7 |
Are budgets transparent and comprehensive and do they properly reflect the operations of the entity? |
2.8 |
Are assumptions used to prepare the budgets and to compute projected and estimated expenditure plausible? Are cost allocation keys, which are applied to compute budget cost data, based on logical, consistent and plausible assumption and principles? |
2.9 |
Are budget data relevant and reliable so that they are of real use to the management and/or other users? |
2.10 |
How and by whom are budgets approved? |
2.11 |
Can the accounting system produce comprehensive reports for actual expenditure incurred in comparison to the initial budget? |
2.12 |
Are reports stating actual total expenditure compared to the originally budgeted total expenditure prepared on a regular basis (quarterly, half yearly) and are they issued within a reasonable amount of time (1 month) after end of period? |
2.13 |
Are differences between actual expenditure and the originally budgeted expenditure examined and properly explained? |
2.14 |
In cases where the composition of expenditure varies significantly from the original budget, are such variances properly approved? |
2.15 |
Do reports on budget execution also account for expenditure made from transfers to parts (e.g. offices in other locations) of the entity which operate in an autonomous/independent way from the entity's headquarters? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
The purpose of the questions in this section is to assess whether the entity's accounting system can produce reliable and timely reports on the use made by the entity — and/or by grant beneficiaries — of funds for specific activities, projects, (trust) funds and financial instruments(5). The users of these reports are the entity's management and/or external parties which have provided funding (such as the European Commission). |
Key question (level 2): does the entity have accounting and budgeting procedures which allow adequate and timely reporting to donors/fund providers (including the European C) on the use of funds provided by them for projects, activities, (trust) funds and financial instruments and capacity and processes in place to produce financial statements (6)? |
3.1 |
Does the entity have an accounting system and procedures which allow the generation of relevant and reliable information for preparing reports (with financial and qualitative information) and financial statements on activities, projects, (trust) funds and financial instruments financed by the EU or other donors? |
3.2 |
Does the entity's accounting system allow the generation of financial reports for specific activities, projects, (trust) funds and financial instruments, or the generation of aggregate accounting data, which can be directly used to compile financial reports and financial statements? |
Guidance An entity's information system typically includes the use of standard journal entries that are required on a recurring basis to record transactions. Examples might be journal entries to record salary costs in the general ledger. An entity's financial reporting process also includes the use of non-standard journal entries to record non-recurring, unusual transactions or adjustments. These may be necessary to account for cost items (including allocation of costs) relating to a specific project which are not covered by standard accounting procedures and journal entries. In manual general ledger systems, non-standard journal entries may be identified through inspection of ledgers, journals and supporting documentation. |
3.3 |
To what extent does the entity need to make additional journal entries, adjust entries and/or carry out other manual processing and manipulation of financial and cost data to prepare complete and reliable reports? |
3.4 |
To what extent does the entity use intermediate and/or (cost) allocation tables tracking the financial information presented in project-specific information to the entity's general ledger accounts and/or costing accounts? |
3.5 |
To what extent does the entity make use of additional software (e.g. spreadsheet applications like MS Excel) outside its regular accounting software to produce financial reports? |
3.6 |
Obtain a sufficient understanding of how financial information (i.e. expenditure) for projects is accounted for in the entity's accounting system (i.e. key assumptions, allocation principles) and how this information has been extracted and included (automatically/manual adjustments) in the financial reports. |
3.7 |
Does the entity have a budgeting system and procedures which allow generation of relevant and reliable information for preparing budgets on activities, projects, (trust) funds and financial instruments? Note: in principle the same questions apply as for the entity's general budget process. |
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Auditor comments |
Is the entity subject to an independent external audit, to be performed in all material respects in accordance with internationally accepted auditing standards by an audit service functionally independent of the entity and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Guidance A high-quality external audit is an essential requirement for creating transparency in the entity's use of resources, including funds provided by donors. Key elements of the quality of external audit are: the objectives and scope of the audit, and adherence to appropriate auditing standards including independence of the external auditor i.e. the audit institution. |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): does the entity have a clear regulatory framework for external audit? |
1.1 |
Is the entity subject to an external audit performed by an independent professional external audit firm (private sector) in accordance with standards equivalent to international standards on auditing? If yes, complete questions at 2.1 (Principles) and 3 (External audit procedures). |
1.2 |
Is the entity subject to an external audit performed by a national audit institution (public sector) in accordance with standards equivalent to international standards on auditing? If yes, complete the questions in Section 3 below. If yes, complete questions at 2.2 (Principles) and 3 (External audit procedures). |
1.3 |
Is the entity subject to an external audit performed by an external audit or oversight body which operates under a specific regulatory or institutionalised framework (e.g. external auditor of the UN) in accordance with standards equivalent to international standards on auditing? If yes, complete the questions in Section 4 below. If yes, complete questions at 2.3 (Principles) and 3 (External audit procedures). |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
2.1.1 |
Is the audit performed by a professional external audit firm which is a member of an established national accounting or auditing body? Is the national accounting or auditing body a member of IFAC? |
2.1.2 |
Is the audit performed in accordance with the applicable national standards on auditing and are these standards in compliance with International Standards on Auditing (‘ISAs’) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)? |
2.1.3 |
Is the auditor who performs the audit governed by a code of ethics which establishes the fundamental ethical principles for auditors with regard to integrity, objectivity, independence, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional behaviour and technical standards? Is this code of ethics compliant with the IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by IFAC's International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA)? |
2.1.4 |
Is the fundamental principle of independence fully respected? |
2.2.1 |
Is the audit performed by a national audit institution which is a member of INTOSAI? |
2.2.2 |
Is the audit performed in accordance with the applicable national standards on auditing and are these standards in compliance with INTOSAI Standards? |
2.2.3 |
Is the auditor who performs the audit governed by a Code of Ethics which establishes the fundamental ethical principles for auditors with regard to integrity, objectivity, independence, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional behaviour and technical standards? Is this Code of Ethics compliant with the INTOSAI Code of Ethics (ISSAI 30) or equivalent? |
2.2.4 |
Is the fundamental principle of independence fully respected? |
2.3.1 |
Is the audit performed by an external audit or oversight body which operates under a specific regulatory or institutionalised framework? Obtain a brief description of this framework. |
2.3.2 |
Is the audit performed in accordance with standards equivalent to the International Standards on Auditing (‘ISAs’) or INTOSAI standards? |
2.3.3 |
Is the auditor who performs the audit governed by a Code of Ethics which establishes the fundamental ethical principles for auditors with regard to integrity, objectivity, independence, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional behaviour and technical standards? Is this Code of Ethics compliant with the principles of the IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by IFAC's International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), the INTOSAI Code of Ethics (ISSAI 30) or an equivalent code of ethics? |
2.3.4 |
Is the fundamental principle of independence fully respected? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): is the entity subject to appropriate external audit procedures? |
2.1 |
What type(s) of external audit apply to the entity (e.g. annual audits of the entity's financial statements, compliance audits and other audits)? What are the objectives and scope of these audits? Do audits also cover aspects of legality and regularity related to funding provided by the European Commission and/or other fund providers? With what frequency are the audits performed? To whom does the auditor issue its report? |
2.2 |
By which auditor(s) are these audit performed (see 1 — regulatory framework)? |
2.3 |
Within how many months of the end of the entity's financial year is an audit report on its financial statements issued? Which type of audit opinion was issued on the financial statements in the last 3 years? |
2.4 |
Are findings and recommendations resulting from external audits duly addressed (to the entity's senior management and an oversight body/audit committee as appropriate) and resolved? |
2.5 |
Does the entity's management respond promptly to external audit findings? |
2.6 |
Are external audit recommendations implemented fully and in a timely manner? |
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Auditor comments |
Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures for providing financing from EU funds through grants and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Guidance The entity may conclude grant contracts directly with grant beneficiaries (7). A grant is a financial contribution by way of donation given to a specific beneficiary to finance activities carried out by the beneficiary or to finance the operation (i.e. the operating costs) of the beneficiary. The entity should have procedures in place which ensure, to a reasonable extent, that these grant beneficiaries meet requirements for internal control, accounting and external audit. The principles of a grant system must be stated in a well-defined and transparent legal and regulatory framework that clearly establishes appropriate policies, procedures, accountability and controls. While the grant system operates within its own framework, it benefits from the overall control environment, including public access to information, internal controls operated by the entity, the entity's accounting system and external audit. The Commission may accept that grant rules and procedures are appropriate if the following conditions are met:
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity have a clear legal and regulatory framework for providing grants? |
1.1 |
What types of grants does the entity provide? Does the framework properly define the term ‘grants’ and the forms of grants (e.g. maximum amount, percentage of total (eligible) cost of the action, use of lump sum financing etc.)? |
1.2 |
For grants awarded following calls for proposals, are there guidelines for grant applicants and do these guidelines clearly describe procedures and rules from the application to the award of grants?
1.3 |
Does the entity use standard templates for grant contracts? Do the contract templates allow for actions/activities to be clearly defined? Are all beneficiaries identified in contracts? Do contracts specify at least the subject, the beneficiary/ies, the duration, the maximum amount of funding, a budget for the action or work programme and the responsibilities of the beneficiary/ies? |
1.4 |
Do contracts clearly set out the conditions, rules and criteria that must be respected? If a grant is awarded to several entities, do the grant contracts clearly set out the obligations and responsibilities of the coordinator, if any, and of the other beneficiaries, and the conditions for adding or removing a beneficiary? Amendments to grant contracts must not involve any changes that would influence the grant award decision or the equal treatment of applicants, where relevant. Are these criteria respected? Are there basic rules for eligible costs (e.g. actual costs incurred by the grant beneficiary)? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): are the following principles integrated in the procedures, rules and criteria of the entity's grant award system: transparency, equal treatment, eligibility criteria and avoiding conflicts of interest? These principles must be integrated in the procedures, rules and criteria of the entity's grant award system in accordance with the overarching principle of proportionality. Principles are not absolute and a limited number of exceptions can be laid down provided that they are clearly stated, reasonable and justified. |
2.1 |
Transparency Are calls for proposals published widely and in an easily accessible way? Do grant applicants have sufficient time to submit proposals? |
2.2 |
Equal treatment Are calls for proposals evaluated by an evaluation committee which is impartial and which uses clear and published criteria? Are selections and awards performed on the sole basis of the application? Is communication with grant applicants allowed in these phases? |
2.3.1 |
Eligibility criteria Does the grant award system provide eligibility criteria which are transparent and non-discriminatory? Are eligibility criteria published and easy accessible? |
2.3.2 |
Eligibility criteria Are there eligibility criteria for grant applicants (e.g. legal and administrative status and rules on nationality)? |
2.3.3 |
Eligibility criteria Are there eligibility criteria for the actions to be financed by the grants (e.g. types of activities, sectors or themes and geographical areas covered by the grant)? |
2.5 |
Avoiding double funding Does the grant award system include basic rules which make it clear that the same costs cannot be financed twice for the same action? |
2.6 |
Avoiding conflicts of interest Does the grant award system include procedures and rules to prevent conflicts of interest throughout the grant award process? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures for providing grants? |
3.1.1 |
Are calls for proposals published in national/international media (e.g. press, internet)? |
3.1.2 |
Are relevant documents available and easy accessible (e.g. on websites) for grant applicants? Relevant documents may include: guidelines for applicants including important criteria such as eligibility rules for applicants, actions and expenditure, grant application forms, grant agreement or contract templates and annexes. |
3.1.3 |
Does the grant award system provide the possibility to award grants without a call for proposals (i.e. direct award)? Are conditions for a direct award procedure strictly defined and limited to exceptional and duly justified situations e.g. grants to beneficiary countries, crisis situations, monopoly situations or similar cases? |
3.1.4 |
Does the grant award system provide a support and information function (e.g. are information sessions with potential applicants organised, is there a contact point/helpdesk function, is there a FAQ mechanism, handbooks)?
3.2.1 |
Does the entity have procedures in place for the receipt, registration and keeping of proposals made by grant applicants? Does the entity use electronic/IT systems to register and process grant applications? Are there measures and controls in place which ensure integrity, availability and, where appropriate, confidentiality of documents and the protection of personal data? |
3.2.2 |
Are deadlines for the submission of proposals communicated to grant applicants? |
3.3.1 |
Does the grant award system include rules which ensure security and confidentiality of proposals submitted, in particular by:
3.4.1 |
Does the grant award system lay down procedures for the opening of the proposals, in particular by:
3.5.1 |
3.5.2 |
Are proposals made subject to administrative and formal checks by the evaluation committee or by other staff, in which case the results of their work need to be reviewed by the committee? Do these checks focus on a full and correct completion of the grant application form and the submission of all required supporting documents? Can these checks result in the rejection of an application, which means that a proposal is not considered for further evaluation? Is it possible for applicants to provide, within a set deadline, missing information or supporting documents or to provide clarification? |
3.5.3 |
Are proposals made subject to eligibility checks by the evaluation committee or by other staff, in which case the results of their work need to be reviewed by the committee? Are these checks performed on the basis of a checklist with eligibility criteria? Note: these criteria may include eligibility criteria for grant applicants (e.g. legal and administrative status, rules on nationality and grounds for exclusion) and eligibility criteria for the actions to be financed by the grants (e.g. types of activities, sectors or themes and geographical areas covered by the grant). Do these checks involve a review of required supporting documents? Can these checks result in the rejection of an application, which means that a proposal is not considered for further evaluation? |
3.5.4 |
Are proposals made subject to checks of financial and operational capacity by the evaluation committee or by other staff, in which case the results of their work need to be reviewed by the committee? Are these checks performed on the basis of a checklist with criteria? Does the grant award system provide clear, objective and non-discriminatory criteria for assessing that applicants have sufficient financial and operational capacity? Are these criteria specified and notified in the call for proposals? Note: ‘Financial capacity’ refers to the availability of stable and sufficient sources of financing to ensure operating performance throughout the action period. ‘Operational capacity’ refers to available professional competence, skills, qualifications and experience to complete the proposed action. Assessments can be made on the basis of the supporting documents to the proposal, such as financial statements and audit reports, and proof of actions completed by the applicant. Can these checks result in the rejection of an application, which means that a proposal is not considered for further evaluation? |
3.5.5 |
Does the grant award system provide clear procedures, rules and criteria for the evaluation of proposals against set objectives? Key issues may include: design of the action, priorities, type of activities, quality aspects, expected impact, sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness, visibility. Is use being made of an evaluation grid which sets out all relevant evaluation criteria? Do evaluation grids include a scoring of the key aspects of the evaluation? |
3.5.6 |
Does the evaluation committee draw up and sign an evaluation report of all proposals ranked by scores attributed to the proposals? Are completed evaluation grids attached to this report? Do these reports provide clear conclusions as to successful and unsuccessful applicants? |
3.6.1 |
Is the decision to award a grant taken at an appropriate level (e.g. proposal made by the evaluation committee and formal decision taken by the entity's senior management)? |
3.6.2 |
Do grant decisions have an appropriate form (are decision templates available)? Do grant decisions specify: the total amount of funding; details of the grant beneficiary; the title/description of the action/activity; where relevant, the reasons for the award, particularly if these are not in line with the opinion of the evaluation committee; the names of rejected applicants and the reasons for rejection. |
3.6.3 |
Are specific decisions taken with regard to unsuccessful applications? |
3.7.1 |
Are successful applicants notified in writing about the grant award and relevant details (e.g. at least the amount of funding) soon after the award decision has been taken? Are unsuccessful applicants notified in writing about the grant award soon after the award decision has been taken and are the reasons for rejecting their application provided? |
3.8.1 |
Does the entity conclude grant contracts with applicants/beneficiaries soon after the award decision has been taken? |
3.8.2 |
Do grant contracts include conditions and rules for the payment of grants such as supporting documents, suspension/termination/reduction of grants in case of poor/partial/late implementation? Do beneficiaries have the opportunity to make observations on these matters? |
3.8.3 |
Does the entity have procedures in place to verify that costs declared by beneficiaries in their payment requests (e.g. a declaration in the form of a financial report) are real, accurate, properly recorded and eligible in accordance with the conditions of the grant contract? |
3.8.4 |
Does the entity have in place:
3.8.5 |
Do grant contracts set out requirements for internal control, accounting (including financial reporting) and external audit? |
3.8.6 |
Does the entity have procedures in place which ensure, to a reasonable extent, that grant beneficiaries meet the (contractual) requirements for internal control, accounting and external audit? |
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Auditor comments |
Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures in all material respects for providing financing from EU funds through procurement and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Guidance The principles of a procurement system need to be stated in a well-defined and transparent legal and regulatory framework that clearly establishes appropriate policies, procedures, accountability and controls. One of the key principles established by this legal framework is the use of transparency and competition as a means to obtain fair and reasonable prices and overall value for money. While the procurement system operates within its own framework, it benefits from the overall control environment, including public access to information, internal controls operated by the entity, the entity's accounting system and external audit. Principles in Article 154 of the Financial Regulation The Commission may accept that procurement rules and procedures are appropriate if the following conditions are met:
The national law of Member States or third countries transposing Directive 2014/24/EU (repealing Directive 2004/18/EC) should be considered equivalent to the rules applied by the institutions in accordance with the Financial Regulation. |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity have a clear legal and regulatory framework for procurement? |
1.1 |
Is the legal and regulatory framework organised hierarchically and is precedence clearly established? |
1.2 |
Is it freely and easily accessible to the public through appropriate means? |
1.3 |
Does it apply to all procurement undertaken? |
1.4 |
What types of procurement (e.g. works, services and supplies) are regulated by this framework? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): are the following principles integrated in the procedures, rules and criteria of the entity's procurement system: transparency, equal treatment, public access to procurement information, avoiding conflicts of interest and using competitive tendering procedures and best value for money? These principles must be integrated in the procedures, rules and criteria of the entity's procurement system in accordance with the overarching principle of proportionality. Principles are not absolute and a limited number of exceptions could be allowed provided that such exceptions are clearly stated, reasonable and justified. |
2.1 |
Transparency. Does the procurement system provide an adequate degree of transparency in the entire procurement cycle (i.e. invitation to tender, evaluation, award and dispute resolution) in order to promote fair and equitable treatment for bidders, i.e. potential suppliers and contractors? |
2.2.1 |
Equal treatment. Does the procurement system stipulate procedures which ensure that all eligible bidders have equal opportunity to compete and which ensure non-discrimination? |
2.2.2 |
Equal treatment. Does the procurement system contain provisions for equal access for all potential candidates? This includes for example: absence of restriction to certain candidates, publication and advertising measures which ensure the broadest possible participation, provisions which ensure that tender specifications do not contain unjustified obstacles to access for candidates (technically, administratively (e.g. selection, exclusion and award criteria) and with respect to timing and deadlines). |
2.2.3 |
Equal treatment. Does the procurement system stipulate avoiding unnecessary restrictions on the size, composition or nature of bidders? |
2.2.4 |
Equal treatment. Does it contain rules for keeping bidding costs low (for example by: not changing bid forms unnecessarily, not requiring information that is of little use, allowing adequate time for bids to be prepared and using electronic bidding systems, if possible). |
2.2.5 |
Equal treatment. Are there measures to design tenders in a way which avoids bid rigging? For example: for keeping the identity of bidders undisclosed by using numbers, rather than names, to identify them and for encouraging participation by many bidders. Guidance: bid rigging occurs when bidders agree among themselves to eliminate competition in the procurement process, thereby denying the public a fair price. |
2.3 |
Publication of procurement information. Does the procurement system provide for public access to all relevant procurement information, e.g. procurement plans, bidding opportunities, contract awards and information on resolution of procurement complaints? Guidance Public dissemination of information through appropriate means (e.g. government or agency level websites, procurement journals, national or regional newspapers or on demand from procurement bodies) on procurement processes and its outcomes are key elements of transparency. To generate timely and reliable data, a good information system will capture data on procurement transactions and be secure. |
2.4 |
Avoiding conflicts of interest. Does the procurement system include procedures and rules to prevent conflicts of interest throughout the procurement procedures? |
2.5.1 |
Use of competitive tendering procedures and best value for money. Does the procurement system provide for competitive tendering procedures which allow the desired quality of services, supplies or works to be obtained at the best possible price? |
2.5.2 |
Use of competitive tendering procedures and best value for money. Does the procurement system clearly define the different procurement procedures which can be used and how this is to be justified? Elements to consider:
2.5.3 |
Use of competitive tendering procedures and best value for money. Which of the following types of procurement procedures are provided for by the procurement system: open (international or local), restricted procedure, framework contracts, dynamic purchasing system, competitive dialogue, negotiated procedure (the use of the negotiated procedure should be limited to reasonable amounts or be duly justified) and single tender procedure, etc.? |
2.5.4 |
Use of competitive tendering procedures and best value for money. Are these procedures designed in a way that allows fair and transparent competition? |
Guidance on the types of procurement procedures |
Open procedure In ‘open’ calls for tender (international or local), all businesses and other types of economic operator may submit a tender. The contract is given maximum publicity by publishing a notice in national or international newspapers and in any other appropriate media. Any natural or legal person wishing to tender may ask to receive the tender dossier (which may have to be paid for), in accordance with the procedures specified in the contract notice. The tenders are examined. The eligibility and the financial, economic, technical and professional capacity of the tenderers are checked to arrive at a selection. The tenders are compared and the contract is awarded. No negotiation is allowed. Restricted procedure In ‘restricted’ calls for tender, all businesses and other types of economic operator may ask to submit a tender but only those who satisfy the selection criteria may be invited to do so. The selection criteria and the tasks to be undertaken are described in the published contract notice. A ‘long list’ of all the candidates replying to the notice is cut down to a shortlist of the best qualified, on the basis of their replies. The contract is given maximum publicity by publishing a notice in national or international newspapers and in any other appropriate media. Tender dossiers are sent to the shortlisted candidates. Once tenders have been analysed, they are compared and the successful tenderer is chosen. No negotiation is allowed. Framework contracts A framework contract is an agreement between one or more contracting authorities and one or more economic operators. It aims to establish the terms governing specific contracts which may be awarded during a given period, particularly the duration, subject, price, maximum value, implementation rules and the quantities envisaged. Framework contracts with several economic operators are called ‘multiple’ framework contracts. These take the form of separate contracts but they are all concluded in identical terms. The specifications must state both the minimum and the maximum number of operators with which the contracting authority intends to conclude contracts. The duration of such contracts may not exceed a certain number of years (e.g. 4), save for in exceptional cases justified in particular by the subject of the framework contract. Contracting authorities may not make undue use of framework contracts or use them in such a way that the purpose or effect is to prevent, restrict or distort competition. Specific contracts based on framework contracts are awarded under the terms of the framework contract and must obey the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment, non-discrimination and fair competition. Dynamic purchasing system A dynamic purchasing system is a completely electronic process for making common purchases for a limited period. It is open to any business or other economic operator who meets the selection criteria and has submitted a technically compliant indicative tender. No specific threshold applies. For each individual contract, the contracting authority publishes a contract notice and invites all contractors admitted to the system to bid. The contract is awarded to the most economically advantageous tender (i.e. the sole award criterion is the best value for money). Competitive dialogue In the case of particularly complex contracts, where the contracting authority considers that neither direct use of the open procedure nor the arrangements governing the restricted procedure will result in the best value for money, it may use the competitive dialogue. A contract may be considered as ‘particularly complex’ if the contracting authority is objectively unable either to specify the technical means of satisfying its needs or objectives or to specify the legal or financial makeup of the project. No specific threshold applies. Contracting authorities must publish a contract notice setting out or attaching their needs and requirements. They must open a dialogue with the candidates, satisfying the selection criteria in the contract notice. The dialogue may cover all aspects of the tender. However, it is conducted separately with each candidate on the basis of their proposed solutions and ideas. The contracting authority must ensure equal treatment of tenderers and keep the tenders confidential. It is therefore not allowed to pick the best solutions from different tenderers. The minimum number of candidates invited to tender is three. If fewer than three candidates meet the selection criteria, the contracting authority may continue the procedure with the one or two who do meet the criteria. The contracting authority may not make up the number with other economic operators who did not take part in the procedure or candidates who do not meet the selection criteria. During the dialogue, contracting authorities must treat all tenderers equally and ensure that the solutions proposed or other information received in the dialogue is kept confidential unless the candidate agrees to disclosure. The contracting authority must prepare a report justifying the manner in which dialogue was conducted. After informing the participants that the dialogue has been concluded, contracting authorities must ask them to submit their final tenders on the basis of the solutions presented and specified during the dialogue. The tenders must contain all the information required and necessary for the performance of the project. At the request of the contracting authority, these tenders may be clarified, specified and fine-tuned, provided that this does not have the effect of changing basic aspects of the tender or of the invitation to tender, as variations could distort competition or have a discriminatory effect. At the request of the contracting authority, the tenderer offering best value for money may be asked to clarify aspects of the tender or confirm commitments contained in the tender provided this does not have the effect of amending substantial aspects of the tender or of the call for tenders and does not risk distorting competition or causing discrimination. The contracting authorities may specify prices or payments to the participants in the dialogue. The contract is awarded to the technically compliant tender which is the most economically advantageous (i.e. the sole criterion is the best value for money). The standard templates must be adapted as required. Negotiated procedure/single tender procedure A contract may be awarded directly (using the ‘single tender procedure’ or ‘negotiated procedure’) in defined circumstances (e.g. in cases where the contract to be concluded does not exceed a certain value or where exceptional circumstances justify a direct award). In the case of a negotiated procedure, an evaluation committee must be nominated to proceed with the negotiation. In all cases, the contracting authority must draft a report explaining how participant(s) in the negotiations were selected and the price set, and the grounds for the award decision. The contracting authority should ensure that basic principles relating to procurement procedures such as checking compliance with eligibility rules (nationality rules), selection and exclusion criteria are duly applied. Note: in accordance with Annex I, Section 2, 11-12 of the Financial Regulation the use of the negotiated procedure should be limited to reasonable amounts or be duly justified. |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures for procurement? |
3.1.1 |
Does the procurement system ensure a sufficient level of transparency in the procurement opportunity?
3.1.2 |
Does the procurement system set out rules for the publication of a tender notice which include:
3.1.3 |
Does the procurement system provide rules to communicate to potential suppliers in the same timeframe and in the same manner, in particular by:
||||||||||||| |
Does the procurement system include rules which ensure the security and confidentiality of information submitted, in particular by:
||||||||||||| |
Does the procurement system define a clear procedure for the opening of the tender, in particular by:
|||||||||||||| |
Does the procurement system provide clear, objective and non-discriminatory criteria for:
|||||||||||| |
Are these selection criteria specified and notified in the contract notices? |
|||||||||||| |
Does the procurement system provide clear and objective criteria for assessing the economic and financial capacity of tenderers? Examples of criteria: balance sheet data for the last 3 years, turnover/revenue/operating income data for the last 3 years, staff employed for the last 3 years. |
|||||||||||| |
Does the procurement system provide clear and objective criteria for assessing the technical and professional capacity of tenderers? Examples of criteria: services provided, supplies delivered and works carried out in the past 3 years, samples, descriptions, photos, specifications of products and/or equipment delivered. |
|||||||||||||| |
Does the procurement system provide clear, objective and non-discriminatory criteria for a detailed evaluation of the technical and financial aspects of the tenders? |
|||||||||||| |
Are there clear and objective criteria and rules for determining the results of the evaluation (e.g. quoting of key criteria for each candidate or tenderer)? |
|||||||||||| |
Are contracts awarded on the basis of clear and notified award criteria? Are contracts awarded to the tender which quotes the lowest price or under the best-value-for-money procedure (i.e. the most economically advantageous tender)? |
|||||||||||||| |
Are evaluations undertaken with more than one evaluating official or preferably by a committee? |
|||||||||||| |
Are criteria for the nomination of the evaluation committee specified? Depending on the value of the procurement and the level of risk, the committee could include not only officials from different departments but also possibly external experts. |
|||||||||||| |
Are the role, function, composition and operating rules of the evaluation committees described? Are the responsibilities of the non-voting chairperson and the voting members of the committee clearly described? Is there a secretary to the committee responsible for carrying out all administrative tasks connected with the evaluation procedure? |
|||||||||||| |
Are there appropriate procedures for the keeping of and access to (confidential!) tender and proposal documents? |
|||||||||||| |
Are officials in charge of the evaluation not in a conflict of interest situation (e.g. through mandatory disclosure) and are they bound by confidentiality requirements? In the case of an evaluation committee, integrity and professional considerations must be taken into account in the selection of members and involve a member that is external to the procurement team when possible. |
|||||||||||| |
Are all relevant aspects of the evaluation included in a written report signed by the evaluation officers/committee? |
Guidance relating to evaluation committees |
Appointment and composition Tenders should be opened and evaluated by evaluation officers or an evaluation committee formally appointed by the contracting authority comprising a non-voting chairperson, a non-voting secretary and an odd number of voting members. The evaluators must be provided with detailed information on the planned timetable and the workload involved for an evaluator. Evaluators must be available during the scheduled evaluation period. Replacement evaluators should be appointed for each procedure to prevent delays in cases of unavailability. Voting members must have a reasonable command of the language in which the tenders are submitted. Voting members must have the technical and administrative ability to give an informed opinion on the tenders. The identity of the evaluators should be kept confidential. Impartiality and confidentiality Members of the evaluation committee must sign a declaration of impartiality and confidentiality. Any member who has or might have an actual or potential conflict of interest with any tenderer or applicant must declare it and immediately withdraw from the evaluation committee. During the procurement procedure, all contacts between the contracting authority and candidates, applicants or tenderers must be under conditions ensuring transparency and equal treatment. No information about the examination, clarification, or evaluation of tenders, or proposals, or decisions about the award of a contract, may be disclosed before the approval of the evaluation report by the contracting authority. Any attempt by a tenderer, candidate or applicant to influence the process in any way (whether by making contact with members of the evaluation committee or otherwise) may result in the immediate exclusion of its tender or proposal from further consideration. Apart from the tender opening session, the proceedings of the evaluation committee are confidential. To keep the proceedings confidential, attendance at evaluation committee meetings is strictly limited to the members of the committee appointed. Apart from the copies given to the evaluators, the tenders or proposals must not leave the room/building in which the committee meetings take place before the conclusion of the work of the evaluation committee. They must be kept in a safe place when not in use. Responsibilities of evaluation committee members The chairperson is responsible for coordinating the evaluation process and for ensuring its impartiality and transparency. The voting members of the evaluation committee have collective responsibility for decisions taken by the committee. The secretary to the committee is responsible for carrying out all administrative tasks connected with the evaluation procedure. These include, among others, keeping minutes of evaluation committee meetings, keeping relevant records and documents and drawing up evaluation reports. Any request for clarification requiring communication with the tenderers or applicants during the evaluation process must be conducted in writing. Timetable The evaluation committee must be formed early enough to ensure that members are available to prepare and conduct the evaluation process. The tenders must be evaluated in time to allow the procedure to be completed within the validity period of the tenders. It is very important that all tenderers, whether successful or unsuccessful, receive information without delay. Once the evaluation has been completed, the contracting authority should promptly take the award decision by approving the evaluation reports. Period of validity Tenderers are bound by their tenders for the period specified in the letter of invitation to tender and/or in the tender dossier. This period must be sufficient to allow the contracting authority to examine tenders, approve the contract award proposal, notify the successful and unsuccessful tenderers and conclude the contract. The period of validity of tenders should be fixed at an appropriate number of calendar days (e.g. 90 days) from the deadline for the submission of tenders. |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
|||||||||||||||| |
Does the procurement system provide rules for informing tenderers as well as the wider public on the outcome of the tendering process by:
|||||||||||||| |
Does the procurement system provide rules which give the possibility of debriefing to suppliers on request by:
3.3.1 |
Does the procurement system provide information on how to lodge a complaint related to the procurement process? Are complaints reviewed by a function or body which:
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures in all material respects for providing financing from EU funds/budgetary guarantees through financial instruments and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Union? |
Guidance A financial instrument may take the form of equity or quasi-equity investments, loans or guarantees or other risk-sharing instruments and it may be combined with other forms of financial support. Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Union. The Commission may implement financial instruments (‘FIs’) under indirect management by entrusting tasks to entities and their financial intermediaries. Title X of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Union sets out principles and conditions for the implementation of financial instruments, as follows:
International accounting standards for private sector entities According to IAS (International Accounting Standard) 32 and 39, a financial instrument is defined as ‘any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity’. IAS 32 (Financial Instruments) outlines the accounting requirements for the presentation of FIs, particularly as to the classification of such instruments into financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments. The standard also provides guidance on the classification of related interest, dividends and gains/losses, and when financial assets and financial liabilities can be offset. IAS 39 was reissued in December 2003, applies to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005, and is superseded by IFRS 9 Financial Instruments for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2015. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments sets out the recognition and measurement requirements for FIs and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)is adding to the standard as it completes the various phases of its comprehensive project on FIs, and so it will eventually form a complete replacement for IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. International accounting standards for public sector entities For public sector entities IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards) 28-30 apply. The definitions of a financial instrument and of financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments are essentially the same as in IAS 32. IFRS 9 has no equivalent in IPSAS and thus do not apply in IPSAS. Financial instruments can be categorised on the basis of their valuation method:
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity have a clear legal and regulatory framework for the use and implementation of FIs? The principles of using financial instruments (‘FIs’) need to be stated in a well-defined and transparent legal and regulatory framework that clearly establishes appropriate policies, procedures, accountability and controls. While financial instruments operate within their own framework, they benefit from the overall control environment, internal controls operated by the entity, the entity's accounting system and external audit. |
1.1 |
Does the entity have a legal and regulatory framework for FIs which contains:
1.2 |
What types of FIs does the entity use or intend to use? Obtain a detailed description of:
1.3 |
How are FIs provided to beneficiaries (borrowers)? How are they secured and by which type of liabilities and/or guarantees? Please reply to the following with reference to:
1.4 |
Does the entity have guidelines or operating rules and manuals for the FIs used? |
1.5 |
Does the entity make use of standard templates for providing FIs, such as model contracts? Please reply to the following with reference to:
1.6 |
Do these contracts clearly set out relevant terms and conditions? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): are the following principles and conditions integrated in the procedures, rules and criteria of the entity's financial instruments? Basic principles (Article 209(1) FR). Financial instruments shall be used in accordance with the principles of sound financial management, transparency, proportionality, non-discrimination, equal treatment and subsidiarity and in accordance with their objectives and, where applicable, the duration established in the basic act for the FIs. Selection of financial intermediaries (Article 208 FR) Financial intermediaries shall be selected on the basis of open, transparent, proportionate and non-discriminatory procedures, avoiding conflicts of interest. Financial intermediaries or final recipients of the financial instruments shall be selected with due account of the nature of the financial instrument to be implemented, the experience and the operational and financial capacity of the entities concerned, and/or the economic viability of projects of final recipients. The choice shall be transparent, justified on objective grounds and shall not give rise to a conflict of interest. Conditions for financial instruments and budgetary guarantees (Article 209 FR) Financial instruments/budgetary guarantees shall comply with the following basic conditions: address market failures or sub-optimal investment situations, additionality, non-distortion of competition in the internal market and consistency with State aid rules, leverage effect and alignment of interest and providing remuneration consistent with the sharing of risk. Guidance The above principles must be integrated in the procedures, rules and criteria of the entity's financial instruments in accordance with the overarching principle of proportionality. Principles are not absolute and a limited number of exceptions can be allowed provided that they are clearly stated, reasonable and justified. |
2.1.1 |
Basic principles. Are the following basic principles integrated in the procedures, rules and criteria for the use and implementation of the entity's financial instruments/budgetary guarantees?
2.2.1 |
Selection of financial intermediaries. What is the entity's procedure for selecting financial intermediaries(10)? |
2.2.2 |
Selection of financial intermediaries. Are financial intermediaries selected on the basis of open, transparent, proportionate and non-discriminatory procedures, avoiding conflicts of interests? |
2.2.3 |
Selection of financial intermediaries. Are financial intermediaries or final recipients of the FIs selected with due account of the nature of the FI to be implemented, the experience and the operational and financial capacity of the entities concerned, and/or the economic viability of projects of final recipients? Is the selection transparent, justified on objective grounds and does it not give rise to a conflict of interest? |
2.3.1 |
Conditions for FIs. Do the entity's systems, rules and procedures allow the entity to implement FIs that address market failures or sub-optimal investment situations, which are deemed to be economically viable according to internationally accepted standards but do not give rise to sufficient funding from market sources? |
2.3.2 |
Conditions for FIs. Do the entity's systems, rules and procedures allow it to implement FIs that comply with the principle of additionality (FIs should not aim to replace those of a Member State, private funding or another EU financial intervention)? |
2.3.3 |
Conditions for FIs. Do the systems, rules and procedures in place within the entity allow it to comply with the condition of aligning interest by provisions such as co-investment, risk-sharing requirements or financial incentives, while preventing a conflict of interest with other activities of the entrusted entity)? |
2.3.4 |
Conditions for FIs. Do the entity's systems, rules and procedures allow it to achieve and measure a leverage and a multiplier effect including, where appropriate, the maximisation of private investment? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for the use and implementation of its financial instruments? |
3.1.1 |
Does the entity have procedures in place for monitoring the use of FIs which build on the reporting and accounts provided by financial intermediaries and on the audits available and controls carried out by the financial intermediary? |
3.1.2 |
Where no financial intermediary exists, does the entity have procedures in place to directly monitor the use of FIs based on the reporting and accounts provided by final recipients? |
Guidance: Monitoring of financial instruments
3.2.1 |
What are the recording and reporting systems and procedures for loans? |
3.2.2 |
Are these systems and procedures adequate? |
3.2.3 |
Are loan contracts approved against adequate and transparent criteria? |
3.2.4 |
Is the contract (general ledger) account reconciled on a regular basis (at least every month) to the contract recording system? |
3.3.1 |
What are the recording and reporting systems and procedures for guarantees? |
3.3.2 |
Are these systems and procedures adequate? |
3.3.3 |
Are guarantees approved against adequate and transparent criteria? |
3.3.4 |
Is the contract (general ledger) account reconciled on a regular basis (at least every month) to the contract recording system? |
3.3.5 |
Regarding budgetary guarantees, is the entity capable of adequately reporting on their implementation, including — where the contribution reimburses expenditure — on accounts drawn up for the expenditure incurred and a management declaration confirming that: (i) the information is properly presented, complete and accurate; (ii) the contribution was used for its intended purpose; (iii) the control systems put in place give the necessary guarantees on the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions; and (iv) a summary of the final audit reports and of controls carried out, including an analysis of the nature and extent of errors and weaknesses identified in systems and corrective action, has been taken or is planned? |
3.4.1 |
What are the recording and reporting systems and procedures for interest rate rebates? |
3.4.2 |
Are these systems and procedures adequate? |
3.4.3 |
Are interest rate rebates approved against adequate and transparent criteria? |
3.5.1 |
Does the entity have an equity strategy or guidelines for equity investments and a due diligence process, approved by the board or other appropriate governance body? |
3.5.2 |
Does the entity systematically perform a valuation of its equity operations(s), at the time of approval and periodically over the life of the investment? Describe the information and the method(s) used for valuation. |
3.5.3 |
Does the entity have an established process to manage the exits of its equity investments? Does the equity strategy set out any requirements for a timely exit plan? |
3.5.4 |
Is the entity actively managing its equity portfolio? Does it have board members mandated in its investee companies (for direct equity investments), or similar means to monitor closely the performance of its investee companies? In case of investments in funds, does the entity have members nominated in the bodies representing investors in the funds? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity have a credit risk management system and use an internal risk rating system (IRRS) appropriate to the nature, size and complexity of the entity's activities? Guidance Most entities implementing budgetary guarantees are credit institutions or investment firms that are subject to regulation and oversight, including rules on credit risk, on risk rating and on the IT systems and procedures to operate them. The purpose of this sub-section is to assess the reliability of the risk management function of the entity, including its governance and internal credit risk rating system, which is material for a future assessment of the risk-sharing arrangements between the EU and the entity, as well as for the EU remuneration stemming from the risk taken by the EU (Article 209(2)(f) FR). The EU exposure to counterparts under budgetary guarantees includes a contingent liability, which represents the EU financial liability that it is not fully covered by provisions (Article 211 FR). In order to assess the risk of counterparts claiming EU payments for guarantee calls above the available provisioning, the Commission has to monitor at least once a year the EU exposure arising from each budgetary guarantee. To this end, counterparts are requested to provide the Commission every year with information on the outstanding financial obligations arising for the EU from the budgetary guarantees, including a risk assessment, grading information and expected defaults concerning the operations covered by the budgetary guarantee (Article 219(6) FR). The Commission relies on this information to carry out the assessment of the sustainability of contingent liabilities (Article 210(3) FR) and to review regularly the provisioning rate of each budgetary guarantee (Article 211(1) FR). Standards on the regulation, supervision and risk management of banks are described in:
6a.1 |
Risk policy/strategic framework. Does the entity have a sound policy and strategy in place to identify, manage, measure and control risk (with a focus on credit risk)? |
6a.1.1 |
Does the entity have a risk policy that:
6a.1.2 |
Does the entity have a risk strategy or guidelines, approved by the senior management, which regularly:
6a.2 |
Risk governance. Does the entity have an appropriate organisational framework to enable effective credit risk management, measurement and control, with sufficient qualitative and quantitative human and technical resources to carry out the required tasks? |
6a.2.1 |
Is the allocation of responsibilities within the entity clearly defined so that:
6a.2.2 |
Is the separation of duties implemented so that:
6a.2.3 |
Are activities of the risk management function sufficiently comprehensive in scope so as to include as much as possible the following aspects:
6a.2.4 |
Do the entity's policies clearly outline the levels of delegation of approvals to management(13) and are approvals made in accordance with the entity's written policies and guidelines and granted by the appropriate level of management? |
6a.3 |
Does the entity have a well-functioning system of credit risk identification, analysis and monitoring? |
6a.3.1 |
Does the entity's risk identification system encompass the following:
6a.3.2 |
Does the risk management function perform an unbiased assessment of the quality of individual credits/investments and the aggregate portfolio, including appropriateness of credit risk rating and of the estimate of losses? Is this second opinion given at approval stage and then regularly reviewed over the life of the operations? |
6a.3.3 |
Does the measurement of credit risk take into account as much as possible the following aspects:
6a.3.4 |
Does the (credit risk) management information system of the entity include the following characteristics:
6a.4 |
Does the entity use an internal risk rating system (IRRS) appropriate to the nature, size and complexity of its activities? |
6a.4.1 |
Is the entity able to document the rationale for its choice of rating criteria and to provide data and analyses demonstrating that the rating criteria and procedures are likely to result in ratings that meaningfully differentiate risk? |
6a.4.2 |
Does the risk rating system of the entity include as much as possible the following characteristics:
6a.4.3 |
Does the entity retain data on the realised default rates associated with rating grades and ratings migration? |
6a.4.4 |
Does the entity have comprehensive policies and procedures on effective validation of the rating system(14) and regularly independent review the adequacy of the IRRS? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity implement in the selection/implementation of financial instruments/budgetary guarantees supported by EU funds, standards equivalent to applicable EU legislation and agreed international and EU standards and therefore: a) does not support actions that contribute to tax avoidance and b) does not enter into operations with entities incorporated or established in non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes? Guidance Tax avoidance standards aim broadly at ensuring that tax rules for effective taxation are in place and not circumvented:
Building on these tax avoidance standards, EU-funded projects should not involve aggressive tax planning and should have established sound business reasons (other than tax reasons) for a given structure, not taking advantage of the technicalities of a tax system or of mismatches between two or more tax systems to reduce tax liability. The list of ‘hallmarks’ in Directive 2018/822/EU of 25 May 2018 (‘DAC6’) facilitates the identification of transactions that may include features of tax avoidance or abuse and could be used as a reference by the assessors. When assessing if the entity's ex ante due diligence assessment procedures and rules are sufficiently comprehensive to allow it to meet the requirements of this pillar, the following elements should also be taken into account:
In undertaking their assessment the assessors should take into account relevant guidance published by the Commission, such as Commission Communication on new requirements against tax avoidance in EU legislation governing in particular financing and investment operations (C(2018) 1756 final) and subsequent updates. |
6b.1 |
Do the rules of the organisation under which financial instruments supported by EU funds are selected/implemented contain an explicit reference to the assessment of tax avoidance risks and to prohibitions in relation to non-cooperative jurisdictions (NCJs) for tax purposes, capturing the following standards:
6b.2 |
With regard to controls related to tax avoidance, what rules and procedures does the entity have in place so that financial instruments supported by EU funds do not support actions that contribute to tax avoidance? |
6b.2.1 |
Are the entity's ex ante due diligence assessment procedures and rules sufficiently comprehensive in scope to cover the relevant entities involved in the financial flows of the project? |
6b.2.2 |
Does the entity's ex ante tax due diligence assessment allow it to assess if need be up to the ultimate beneficial owner whether:
6b.2.3 |
Does the entity's ex ante tax due diligence assessment consider the presence of jurisdictions committed to addressing deficiencies identified by the EU in the relevant entities(22) as a possible tax avoidance risk, e.g. in relation to (i) transparency; (ii) fair taxation; and (iii) base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), taking into account the Council conclusions establishing the criteria for the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes? In the affirmative, does the entity's tax due diligence assessment identify possible supervisory measures to address such deficiencies? |
6b.3 |
With regard to NCJs, do the entity's rules and procedures ensure that when implementing financial instruments supported by EU funds, the entity:
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity implement in the selection/implementation of financial instruments/budgetary guarantees, standards equivalent to applicable EU legislation and agreed international and EU standards? Does it therefore: a) not support actions contributing to money laundering and terrorism financing; and b) not enter into new or renewed operations with entities incorporated or established in jurisdictions identified by the EU as high-risk third countries? Guidance on anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing (AML/CTF) Standards on AML/CTF aim broadly at preventing the misuse of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing by applying preventative measures.
An examination of the entity's rules and procedures would look at:
6c.1 |
With regard to anti-money laundering (AML) and countering-terrorism financing (CFT), does the entity have appropriate policies, controls and procedures in place to ensure that EU-funded actions do not contribute to money laundering or terrorist financing? |
6c.1.1 |
Does the entity have appropriate policies, controls and procedures in place to identify and assess the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing, taking into account risk factors including those relating to their customers, countries or geographic areas, products, services, transactions or delivery channels? |
6c.1.2 |
When providing EU funds to third parties, does the entity apply customer due diligence measures comprising:
When applying those Customer Due Diligence measures, does the entity apply enhanced customer due diligence requirements, in particular when dealing with:
6c.2 |
For jurisdictions identified as high-risk third countries, taking into account Directive (EU) 2015/849, does the entity — when implementing an EU-financed project:
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Auditor comments |
Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures for excluding third parties from access to funding through procurement, grants and/or financial instruments (27) ? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity have a clear legal and regulatory framework for exclusion from funding? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Are the following exclusion criteria integrated in the procedures and rules for the award of procurement contracts, grants and/or financial instruments(28)? |
2.1 |
Are third parties excluded from funding if they or a person having powers of representation, decision-making or control over them or a member of their administrative, management or supervisory body have been the subject of a final judgment or of a final administrative decision for one of the following reasons(29)
Are there any derogations to the above based on justified grounds, such as:
2.2 |
Is proportionality taken into account when deciding on exclusion from funding? |
2.3 |
Is the right of defence taken into account when deciding on exclusion from funding? |
2.4 |
Is the assessment of remedial measures, put in place by the entity to demonstrate its reliability, taken into account when deciding on exclusion from funding? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for exclusion (in the provision of grants/procurement/financial instruments, as appropriate) based on the requirements mentioned under 2? |
3.1 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for exclusion in the provision of grants? |
3.2 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for exclusion in the procurement process? |
3.3 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for exclusion under financial instruments? |
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Auditor comments |
Does the entity make public the information on fund recipients in an appropriate and timely manner? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity have a clear legal and regulatory framework for publication of recipients, covering: (i) adequate publication elements of beneficiaries; (ii) a reference to a common international standard ensuring protection of fundamental rights and commercial interests; and (iii) regular publication updates? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2) Are the following requirements integrated in the procedures and rules for publication? |
2.1 |
As a general rule, does the entity publish information on the recipients of funds containing at least the following elements: name, locality, nature and purpose and amount? Without prejudice to the rules and procedures on data protection addressed under the data protection pillar, are there any exemptions for justified grounds such as:
2.2 |
Does the entity publish the information regularly (for example: at least once a year)? |
2.3 |
Does the entity publish the information adequately based on common international standards? Which ones (for example: IATI, OECD)? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for publication (in the provision of grants/procurement/financial instruments, as appropriate) based on the requirements mentioned under 2? |
3.1 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for publication in the provision of grants? |
3.2 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for publication in the procurement process? |
3.3 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for publication under financial instruments? |
KEY QUESTION (level 1) |
Auditor comments |
Does the entity ensure protection of personal data equivalent to that referred to in Article 5 of the Financial Regulation (31)? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity have a clear legal and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data? |
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Are the following requirements integrated in procedures and rules for the protection of personal data? |
2.1 |
As a general rule, are personal data:
2.2 |
Do procedures and rules encompass the following principles:
Entity comments |
Auditor comments |
Key question (level 2): Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures (e.g. appropriate technical and organisational measures) for the protection of personal data (in the provision of grants/procurement/financial instruments, as appropriate) based on the requirements mentioned under 2? |
3.1 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for the protection of personal data in the provision of grants? |
3.2 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for the protection of personal data in the procurement process? |
3.3 |
Does the entity effectively apply rules and procedures for the protection of personal data under financial instruments? |
Annex 3
Assessment documentation and evidence
Assessment documentation (working papers)
Retention of assessment documentation (working papers)
Access to the entity’s records and documents
Preparatory meeting with the entity
Planning activities, assessment plan and assessment work programmes
Obtaining evidence on the design of systems, controls, procedures and rules
Tests of systems, controls and procedures
Sampling and other means of selecting items for testing
Using the work of internal auditors
Written representations
Debriefing memorandum (‘aide mémoire’)
Closing meeting
Basic reporting requirements and language
Date of the assessment report
Procedure for the consultation and submission of the draft report
The contracting authority can adapt this part as it sees fit as the proposed text is based on Commission procedures.
: parts where the Commission is consulted/informed must be maintained
Procedure for the consultation and submission of the final report
The contracting authority can adapt this part as it sees fit as the proposed text is based on Commission procedures.
: parts where the Commission is consulted/informed must be maintained
Annex 4
for the final report this is the date on which the final independent auditor's report is signed; for a draft or pre-final report this is the date on which these reports are sent for consultation
Entity subject to assessment: |
[Entity name] |
Country: |
[Country where the entity is established] |
Auditor: |
[Audit firm and office responsible for the assessment] |
Period subject to assessment: |
[date] to [date] [this should normally be the year (12-month period) ending on the day of the start of the field work (on-site procedures) of the assessment] |
Dates of assessment fieldwork: |
[date] to [date] |
Pillar assessment
Respective responsibilities of the entity's management and the auditor
Scope of work for all pillars
Distribution and use
Has the entity set up and ensured the functioning in all material respects of an effective, efficient and economical internal control system and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Does the entity use an accounting system that provides in all material respects accurate, complete, reliable and prompt information that is in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Is the entity subject to an independent external audit, required to be performed in all material respects in accordance with internationally accepted auditing standards by an audit service functionally independent of the entity and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures for providing financing from EU funds through grants and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures in all material respects for providing financing from EU funds through procurement and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? |
Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures in all material respects for providing financing from EU funds through financial instruments and in accordance with the criteria set by the European Commission? In particular, does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures with reference to: |
Credit risk management system and use of an internal risk rating system? |
Tax avoidance and non-cooperative jurisdictions? |
Anti-money laundering and countering terrorism financing? |
Does the entity apply appropriate rules and procedures for excluding third parties from access to funding through procurement, grants and/or financial instruments? |
Does the entity make public information on the recipients of funds appropriately and within a reasonable timeframe? |
Does the entity ensure protection of personal data equivalent to that referred to in Article 5 of the Financial Regulation(3)? |
Summary of findings and recommendations
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 3.3.1 respectively Section 3.3.2. |
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 4.3.1 respectively Section 4.3.2. |
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 5.3.1 respectively Section 5.3.2. |
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 6.3.1 respectively Section 6.4.2. |
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 7.3.1 respectively Section 7.3.2. |
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 8.3.1 respectively Section 8.3.2. |
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 9.3.1 respectively Section 9.3.2. |
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 10.3.1 respectively Section 10.3.2. |
Main findings/critical recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Other findings/other recommendations |
No |
Description of the finding/recommendation |
1 |
Finding: |
Recommendation: |
2 |
3 |
Etc. |
Note: The number and description of the finding/recommendation must correspond with the detailed finding/recommendation in Section 11.3.1 respectively Section 11.3.2. |
Description of the entity subject to the assessment
Criteria used for the assessment and materiality
Level 1 (Financial Regulation)
Level 2 (Pillar key components)
Level 3 (Assessment questionnaire with blocks of questions)
Description of the internal control system
Summary of work performed and criteria used for the assessment
Findings and recommendations
Main findings and critical recommendations
Finding/Rec. No: [number] |
Title: [short description of the finding and recommendation] |
Description of the finding: [describe the finding in detail, covering facts, criteria, cause and impact] |
Description of the recommendation: [describe the recommendation in detail] |
Comments from the entity: [state whether the entity agrees or disagrees with the finding/recommendation and describe the entity's comments] |
Comments from the Commission: [Describe the Commission comments] |
Further comments of the auditor: [complete only if the entity does not agree with the auditor's finding/recommendation despite the auditor still believing that the finding/recommendation is valid. In that case, the auditor should rebut the entity's comments here and justify why the finding is maintained] |
Other findings and recommendations
Finding/Rec. No: [number] |
Title: [short description of the finding and recommendation] |
Description of the finding: [describe the finding in detail, covering facts, criteria, cause and impact] |
Description of the recommendation: [describe the recommendation in detail] |
Comments from the entity: [state whether the entity agrees or disagrees with the finding/recommendation and describe the entity's comments] |
Comments from the Commission: [Describe the Commission's comments] |
Further comments of the auditor: [complete only if the entity does not agree with the auditor's finding/recommendation despite the auditor still believing that the finding/recommendation is valid. In that case, the auditor should rebut the entity's comments here and justify why the finding is maintained] |
Description of the accounting system
Summary of work performed and criteria used for the assessment
Findings and recommendations
Annex 1
People contacted or involved in the assessment
The auditor — [name of the audit firm] |
[Name 1] |
[indicate position/title of the person in the audit firm who is ultimately responsible for the engagement and its performance, and for the report that is issued on behalf of the firm, e.g. partner, director or equivalent] |
[Name 2; optional] |
[optional (if not in conflict with the practices and human resources policies of the audit firm). Indicate the position/title of the person in the audit firm who has been managing the audit, e.g. senior manager] |
The entity subject to assessment — [name of the entity] |
[Name 1] |
[indicate position/title in the entity, e.g. director, finance manager, accountant, programme manager] |
[Name 2] |
[as 1] |
[Name 3, etc.] |
[as 1] |
Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development/Other Directorate-General |
[Name 1] |
[indicate position/title and unit in the Commission, e.g. head of finance, contracts and audit] |
[Name 2] |
[as 1] |
[Name 3, etc.] |
[as 1] |
Delegation of the European Union in [country] |
[Name 1] |
[indicate position in the EU Delegation, e.g. head of finance and contracts, programme officer, contracts officer, finance officer, etc.] |
[Name 2] |
[as 1] |
[Name 3, etc.] |
[as 1] |
[Name 1] |
[indicate position/title in the organisation] |
[Name 2, etc.] |
[as 1] |