on rules on the reimbursement of staff of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community for travel and relocation costs upon taking up duties and termination of service (2023/561)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the Transport Community, and in particular Articles 30 and 35 thereof,
Article 1
The rules on the reimbursement of staff of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community for travel and relocation costs upon taking up duties and termination of service, set out in the Annex, are hereby adopted.
Upon their adoption, the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community shall publish the rules on the website of the Transport Community.
Article 2
This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.
Done in Sarajevo, on June 7 th 2021.
For the Regional Steering Committee
The Chairman
1. Scope
These rules cover:
the reimbursement of travel expenses of staff of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community (‘Permanent Secretariat’) subject to the Staff Regulations of the Transport Community (‘staff’), their spouses, and dependent children between the ages of 2 and 18 years actually living in their households, upon taking up duties and termination of service;
the reimbursement of removal and storage costs of staff, upon taking up duties and termination of service; and
the payment of an installation allowance to staff upon taking up duties.
2. Travel expenses
2.1. The following travel expenses shall be reimbursed:
travel expenses upon taking up duties, from the place of recruitment to the place of employment;
travel expenses upon termination of service, from the place of employment to the place of origin, provided that the transfer involves a change in the main residence and is carried out within one year of the date of termination.
In general, the means of transport shall be second-class rail travel for journeys of less than 400 km (one way, according to official distance by rail) and economy class air travel for distances of 400 km or more.
2.2. Each eligible traveller shall be entitled to the reimbursement of the costs of excess baggage up to 10 kg.
2.3. Travel expenses shall be reimbursed only on the presentation of original supporting documents.
2.4. When air or rail transport is not available or is not cost-effective, travel by bus or car shall be authorised.
2.5. The cost of travel by private vehicle shall be reimbursed at the rate of EUR 0,22 per km.
2.6. Taxi fares shall not be reimbursed.
3. Removal Expenses
3.1. Subject to the prior authorisation of the Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community (‘Director’), expenses incurred in respect of removal of furniture and personal effects, including the cost of insurance against ordinary risks (breakages, theft, fire etc.), shall be reimbursed upon:
taking up duties, up to not more than one year after the end of the probationary period, for a removal from the place of recruitment to the place of employment; expenses incurred in respect of a removal effected prior to the entry into service of a member of staff shall not be reimbursed;
termination of service, for a removal from the place of employment to the place of origin, or to a place which is at the same or at a shorter distance, provided that the removal is carried out within one year of the date of termination of service;
3.2. The costs to be reimbursed shall be a lump sum removal allowance or the expenses actually incurred.
3.3. A lump sum removal allowance shall be 30 percent of the basic salary of the member of staff, with a maximum ceiling of EUR 1 500.
3.4. The expenses actually incurred, including the cost of storage for a maximum of 60 days and insurance against ordinary risks, shall be reimbursed up to a ceiling of EUR 6 000 and subject to the following volume limits, as relevant:
8 000 kg or 40 m 3 for eligible members of staff accompanied to the duty station or joined there by at least one member of their family travelling at the expense of the Permanent Secretariat;
4 000 kg or 30 m 3 for eligible members of staff not accompanied by any member of their family travelling at the expense of the Permanent Secretariat.
3.5. Transportation of furniture and personal effects shall be by land or sea or the most economical means as determined by the Director, taking into account costs related to packaging, crating, cartage, unpacking, uncrating and customs duties, if any.
3.6. Staff shall submit offers from at least three removal companies to the Permanent Secretariat for approval.
4. Installation allowance
4.1. Upon appointment, members of staff who come to the duty station and are not accompanied by and are not joined there by at least one member of their family and travelling at the expense of the Permanent Secretariat shall be entitled to receive an installation allowance equal to the amount of one monthly salary.
4.2. Upon appointment, members of staff who come to the duty station accompanied by or joined there by at least one member of their family and travelling at the expense of the Permanent Secretariat shall be entitled to receive an installation allowance equal to the amount of two monthly salaries. The Permanent Secretariat shall pay that amount to the member of staff as a single lump sum.
5. Administrative and final provisions
5.1. Members of staff shall inform the Permanent Secretariat if their travel and removal expenses or, if applicable, those of their family members are partially or totally covered by a third party (e.g. governmental authorities, inviting entity, spouse’s employer, other employer), in which case the Permanent Secretariat shall reimburse or cover only the portion of the expenses not covered by the third party.
5.2. The Director is responsible for the proper implementation of these rules.
5.3. The Permanent Secretariat shall retain the records, documents and evidence related to the reimbursement of removal and travel expenses and the payment of installation allowances for a period of five years.
5.4. These rules shall apply from the day following that of adoption.
5.5. Members of staff who took up duties before the adoption of these rules shall be entitled to the reimbursement of the travel and removal expenses and the payment of an installation allowance in line with these rules, upon presentation of supporting documentation on the expenses actually incurred and subject to the limits set out in rules 2 to 4.
5.6. Depending on the development of prices, the Director may propose to the Regional Steering Committee to review these rules.