3. The National Supervisory Authorities Cooperation Board shall be composed of a representative and an alternate from the national supervisory authority of each Member State, both of whom shall be nominated by the national supervisory authority. The National Supervisory Authorities Cooperation Board shall elect a Chairperson and a Deputy-Chairperson from among its members. The National Supervisory Authorities Cooperation Board shall adopt its decisions by simple majority of its members. The Commission may attend the meetings of the National Supervisory Authorities Cooperation Board, without voting rights. The PRB may be invited to those meetings, on an ad hoc basis, without voting rights. Third countries may be invited to those meetings, on an ad hoc basis, without voting rights subject to the consensual agreement of the members of the National Supervisory Authorities Cooperation Board.
4. The Secretariat referred to in Article 17 shall provide the necessary administrative and technical support to the National Supervisory Authorities Cooperation Board.
Article 19
Financing of the PRB
The costs related to the Performance Review Board, the secretariat and the National Supervisory Authorities Cooperation Board shall be financed from the budget of the Union.
Article 20
Implementing acts on the PRB
The Commission shall adopt implementing acts laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Articles 13 to 19, including on:
(a) the tasks and the functioning of the PRB;
(b) the selection procedure of the members of the PRB, including the Chair;
(c) rules preventing conflicts of interest and preserving the independence of the PRB.
Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 48(2).
Article 21
Performance scheme
1. To improve the performance of air navigation services and network management in the Single European Sky, a performance scheme for air navigation services and network management shall apply in accordance with this Article and Articles 22 to 28.
2. This Article and Articles 22 to 28 shall not apply to terminal air navigation services provided at airports, located in the territory of the Member States to which the Treaty applies, with less than 80 000 IFR air transport movements per year. However, a Member State may decide that such terminal air navigation services are subject to those Articles.
3. The performance scheme shall be implemented over reference periods, which shall be a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years. The performance scheme shall include:
(a) key performance areas of climate and environment, capacity and cost-efficiency;
(b) Union-wide performance targets for en route air navigation services in the key performance areas mentioned in point (a) for each reference period;
(c) performance plans including, for each reference period:
(i) binding performance targets and where applicable, incentive schemes, for en route air navigation services, in the key performance areas mentioned in point (a);
(ii) binding performance targets and where applicable, incentive schemes, for terminal air navigation services in the key performance areas of cost-efficiency and capacity; and