Positive Displacement Pump Dilution System
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The positive displacement pump (PDP) full flow dilution system satisfies the requirements of this Annex by metering the flow of gas through the pump at constant temperature and pressure. The total volume is measured by counting the revolutions made by the calibrated positive displacement pump. The proportional sample is achieved by sampling with pump, flow-meter and flow control valve at a constant flow rate. The collecting equipment consists of:
A filter (DAF) for the dilution air, which can be preheated if necessary. This filter shall consist of the following filters in sequence: an optional activated charcoal filter (inlet side), and a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter (outlet side). It is recommended that an additional coarse particle filter is situated before the HEPA filter and after the charcoal filter, if used. The purpose of the charcoal filter is to reduce and stabilise the hydrocarbon concentrations of ambient emissions in the dilution air;
A transfer tube (TT) by which vehicle exhaust is admitted into a dilution tunnel (DT) in which the exhaust gas and dilution air are mixed homogeneously;
The positive displacement pump (PDP), producing a constant-volume flow of the air/exhaust-gas mixture. The PDP revolutions, together with associated temperature and pressure measurement are used to determine the flowrate;
A heat exchanger (HE) of a capacity sufficient to ensure that throughout the test the temperature of the air/exhaust-gas mixture measured at a point immediately upstream of the positive displacement pump is within 6 K of the average operating temperature during the test. This device shall not affect the pollutant concentrations of diluted gases taken off after for analysis;
A mixing chamber (MC) in which exhaust gas and air are mixed homogeneously, and which may be located close to the vehicle so that the length of the transfer tube (TT) is minimised.
1.4.2. Full Flow Dilution System with Critical Flow Venturi
Figure 7
Critical-Flow Venturi Dilution System
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The use of a critical-flow venturi (CFV) for the full-flow dilution system is based on the principles of flow mechanics for critical flow. The variable mixture flow rate of dilution and exhaust gas is maintained at sonic velocity which is directly proportional to the square root of the gas temperature. Flow is continually monitored, computed and integrated throughout the test.
The use of an additional critical-flow sampling venturi ensures the proportionality of the gas samples taken from the dilution tunnel. As both pressure and temperature are equal at the two venturi inlets the volume of the gas flow diverted for sampling is proportional to the total volume of diluted exhaust-gas mixture produced, and thus the requirements of this Annex are met. The collecting equipment consists of:
A filter (DAF) for the dilution air, which can be preheated if necessary. This filter shall consist of the following filters in sequence: an optional activated charcoal filter (inlet side), and a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter (outlet side). It is recommended that an additional coarse particle filter is situated before the HEPA filter and after the charcoal filter, if used. The purpose of the charcoal filter is to reduce and stabilise the hydrocarbon concentrations of ambient emissions in the dilution air;