Additional Protocol to the Europe Agreement on trade in textile products between the European Economic Community and Romania - Agreed Minutes - Note verbale - Exchange of notes Unofficial translation
Official Journal L 123 , 17/05/1994 P. 0476 - 0527
Finnish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 31 P. 0478
Swedish special edition: Chapter 11 Volume 31 P. 0478
ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE EUROPE AGREEMENT on trade in textile products between the European Economic Community and Romania
of the one part, and
of the other part,
DESIRING to promote, with a view to permanent cooperation and in conditions providing the utmost security for trade, the mutual expansion and orderly and equitable development of trade in textile products between the European Economic Community (hereinafter the 'Community') and Romania (hereinafter 'Romania'),
RESOLVED to take the fullest possible account of the serious economic and social problems at present affecting the textile industry in both importing and exporting countries, in particular in order to eliminate the real dangers of damage to both the Community and Romanian markets for textile products,
BEARING IN MIND the objectives of the Europe Agreement between the Community and Romania signed in Brussels on 1 February 1993 and, in particular, those referred to in Article 1 thereof,
HAVING REGARD to the Europe Agreement and in particular Article 15 thereof,
HAVING REGARD to the Interim Agreement between the Community and Romania signed in Brussels on 1 February 1993 and in particular to Article 9 thereof,
HAVING REGARD to Protocol 1 on textile and clothing products to the Europe Agreement and to the Interim Agreement, and in particular to Article 3 thereof,
HAVE DECIDED, to conclude this Protocol and to this end have designated as their plenipotentiaries:
Article 1
1. The further development of trade and industrial cooperation between the textile and clothing industries in the Community and in Romania is an underlying principle of this Protocol which establishes the quantitative arrangements applicable to trade in textile and clothing products (hereinafter 'textile products') originating in Romania and in the Community, which are listed in Annex I to this Protocol.
2. Under the terms of this Protocol, all quantitative restrictions and measures of equivalent effect on imports in both Parties on textile products originating in the other Party, shall be eliminated at the end of the period referred to in Agreed Minute No 5 at the latest.
3. Consultations will be held during the third year of application of this Protocol on the global situation and progress towards final liberalization.
Article 2
1. The classification of the products covered by this Protocol is based on the tariff and statistical nomenclature of the Community (hereinafter called the 'combined nomenclature' or, in abbreviated form, 'CN') and any amendments thereof.
2. The Parties agree that the introduction of changes, such as changes in practices, rules, procedures and categorization of textile products, including those changes relating to the Harmonized System and the combined nomenclature, in the implementation or administration of those restrictions applied under this Protocol, should not affect the balance of rights and obligations between the Parties under this Protocol; adversely affect the access available to a Party; impede the full utilization of such access; or disrupt trade under this Protocol. The Party initiating any such changes shall inform the other Party before their entry into force.
The procedures for implementation of classification changes are set out in Appendix A.
3. The origin of the products covered by this Protocol shall be determined in accordance with the rules of origin in force in the Community.