— Cooperate with the Republic of Moldova in developing and implementing a long-term low greenhouse gas emissions policy document reflecting the economy-wide approach of the European Green Deal.
— Continue cooperating with and assisting the Republic of Moldova in the process of taking over the objectives of the European Green Deal.
— Work with civil society, the youth and local stakeholders for mainstreaming to enhance awareness of climate change impacts so to trigger positive behavioural changes.
— Continue legislative approximation with the EU legislation related to climate action contained in the Association Agreement and within the context of the Energy Community.
— Cooperate in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
— Within the post-COVID-19 green recovery measures strive to make economy climate resilient and greener and achieve environmental and climate targets.
— within 7 years :
— Cooperate with the Republic of Moldova in developing an Emissions Trading System or other carbon pricing mechanisms.
— Work with the Republic of Moldova to reach climate neutrality of its economy by 2050.
2. Environment
The Parties will work together with a view to:
— within 3-4 years:
— Continue approximation to the EU laws on environment in terms of relevant policy documents, laws and secondary legislation, in particular on waste management, waste water treatment, sustainable water management, industrial pollution, chemicals, nature protection, forest development and management, air quality and climate change.
— Complete the institutional reform in the sector in order to build a sound environmental administration, which disposes of the necessary budget allocations and staff to implement and enforce the EU environmental acquis . Develop and implement economic instruments in the field of environment.
— Cooperate with the Republic of Moldova on development of green and circular economy and ensuring sustainable management of natural resources thus contributing to the goals of the European Green Deal.
— Initiate the process of promoting the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in the view of encouraging organisations and public institutions to improve their environmental and sustainable development performance.
— Cooperate on implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements to which EU and the Republic of Moldova are Parties.
— Cooperate in such specific areas as acceleration of reforestation/afforestation and sustainable forestry, protection of biodiversity and appropriate management of protected areas.
— Cooperate with a view to strengthen the Republic of Moldova’s water resources management in a transboundary context, by taking the best practices at EU level.
— Cooperate on implementation of policies aimed at ensuring sustainable management of the Nistru river water resources, at river basin level when relevant.
— Enable an effective civil society network on environmental issues, with strong capacities to participate effectively in the decision-making process.
— Ensure an efficient enforcement of environmental legislation.
— within 7 years:
— Cooperate with the Republic of Moldova in further advancing towards establishing a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy in line with the principles of circular economy low emissions development and targets of the European Green Deal including by integration of environmental concerns in all sectors of economy.